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武文莉 《行政与法》2007,(10):41-43
随着公共财政体制的逐步建立,我国财政在公共服务项目的投入力度上不断加大,但在公共财政建立的过程中,仍然存在公共财政支出结构"越位"与"缺位"、公共收入制度不健全以及公共预算粗放等问题.因此,建立健全公共财政体制,提高公共服务质量是政府在经济建设和社会发展新阶段工作的主要内容.本文在分析公共支出结构不合理因素的基础上,指出了公共收入不健全的环节以及公共预算粗放的原因,并对此提出了解决的办法.  相似文献   

公共服务型政府与公共服务的有效供给   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国公共服务型政府是指在遵从宪政民主秩序大框架下,以公民本位、社会本位理念为指导,通过法定程序,按照公民意志组建起来,以为公民服务为宗旨,实现着规制与服务功能的政府。有效公共服务供给的十二大模式为:政府服务、政府出售、政府间协议、特许经营、政府合同外包、政府内部市场、补助、凭单、用者付费制、自由市场、志愿服务、自我服务。实现有效公共服务供给的六大前提是:宪政、行政区划重构、利益集团的培育、独立的司法体系、完善的产权保护制度、取消户籍制度。  相似文献   

2005年,国家人事部下发了《关于在全国公务员中开展公共管理核心内容培训的通知》,决定在全国公务员中开展公共管理核心内容培训。2006年,国家人事部又下发了《公务员公共管理核心内容培训大纲》,进一步明确了公务员公共管理核心内容培训的具体内容和任务。可见,公务员公共管理核心内容培训已经成为当前公务员培训的重要内容之一。各级人事部门要按照国家人事部的统一要求,切实履行好部门职责,认真抓好公务员公共管理核心内容培训,促进公务员队伍能力素质的全面提高。一、要充分认识在广大公务员中开展公共管理核心内容学习培训的现实意义公…  相似文献   

公共政策的公共性是公共政策的应然属性,公共政策的非公共性则表现为公共政策的实然属性。公共政策的非公共性主要表现为公共政策主体的垄断性和自利性、公共政策问题的主观性、公共政策目标的非公平性、公共政策信息的非共享性等。公共政策的非公共性为公共政策研究提供了一个新视角,对其研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper proposes to deal with the eternal dilemma of melding systems response and public expectations and issues relative to that fusion. Public Safety is defined by the writer as, “Those activities of government which promote the health, safety, and welfare of the people through regulatory policies which attempt to eliminate hazards.” Acting on behalf of the people as a whole, is a never ending concern of government and usually consumes a major portion of a municipality’s budget. The author attempts to illustrate the fact that there are ways of delivering the necessary services efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

Research Summary Attention to gang issues has dramatically increased in the last several decades, both in the scholarly literature and in law enforcement. Despite widespread attention to the gang problem, researchers, police officers, and lawmakers have yet to agree on definitions used to characterize and understand the problem. This article summarizes the existing literature concerning the importance of accurately defining and classifying gang members, documents and analyzes state and federal gang legislation in the United States, and provides a detailed analysis of one state's system that might serve as a useful model for other states. Policy Implications Serious risks to public safety and civil liberties are associated with Type 1 and Type 2 classification errors regarding gang membership. The wide variation in state statutory definitions of “gang member” and in the construction and administration of gang databases presents major challenges for policymakers and academic researchers. This article addresses these challenges and argues that a more rigorous and unified system, based on one state's existing model, might be possible and could offer significant advantages in our efforts to address the delinquent and criminal behavior of gangs throughout the United States.  相似文献   

As scientific understandings of genetics advance, researchers require increasingly rich datasets that combine genomic data from large numbers of individuals with medical and other personal information. Linking individuals' genetic data and personal information precludes anonymity and produces medically significant information--a result not contemplated by the established legal and ethical conventions governing human genomic research. To pursue the next generation of human genomic research and commerce in a responsible fashion, scientists, lawyers, and regulators must address substantial new issues, including researchers' duties with respect to clinically significant data, the challenges to privacy presented by genomic data, the boundary between genomic research and commerce, and the practice of medicine. This Article presents a new model for understanding and addressing these new challenges--a "public genomics" premised on the idea that ethically, legally, and socially responsible genomics research requires openness, not privacy, as its organizing principle. Responsible public genomics combines the data contributed by informed and fully consenting information altruists and the research potential of rich datasets in a genomic commons that is freely and globally available. This Article examines the risks and benefits of this public genomics model in the context of an ambitious genetic research project currently under way--the Personal Genome Project. This Article also (i) demonstrates that large-scale genomic projects are desirable, (ii) evaluates the risks and challenges presented by public genomics research, and (iii) determines that the current legal and regulatory regimes restrict beneficial and responsible scientific inquiry while failing to adequately protect participants. The Article concludes by proposing a modified normative and legal framework that embraces and enables a future of responsible public genomics.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(142):39763-39765
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has developed a proposed rulemaking for a comprehensive revision of its regulations governing the medical use of byproduct material in 10 CFR Part 35, "Medical Use of Byproduct Material," and a proposed revision of its 1979 Medical Use Policy Statement (MPS). Throughout the development of the proposed rule and MPS, the Commission solicited input from the various interests that may be affected by these proposed revisions. The Commission now plans to solicit comments on the proposed rule and MPS through two mechanisms--publishing the documents in the Federal Register for public comment (scheduled for August 1998); and convening three facilitated public meetings, during the public comment period, to discuss the Commission's proposed resolution of the major issues. The public meetings will be held in San Francisco, California, on August 19-20, 1998; in Kansas City, Missouri, on September 16-17, 1998; and in Rockville, Maryland, on October 21-22, 1998. All meetings will be open to the public. Francis X. Cameron, Special Counsel for Public Liaison, in the Commission's Office of the General Counsel, will be the convener and facilitator for the meetings.  相似文献   

Ethics dilemmas have been present throughout the history of public health, and bioethics has devoted considerable attention to issues relevant to public health. Only recently, however, has public health ethics emerged as a recognized subfield of bioethics. Public health ethics requires that public health improvement come through just and respectful means. Bioethics in the future not only will take on more issues of public ethics, but will apply it extensive scholarship in distributive justice to questions of global public health.  相似文献   

This paper analyses behavioural additionality of subsidies by regional and EU framework programme public funding granted to business enterprises in terms of the ??instalment?? of research cooperation between industry and science. Acknowledging their specificities in terms of research orientation, research scale, and management of research, the science component is divided in universities and public research centres. Drawing on firm level data provided by the OECD bi-annual business R&D surveys of 2004 and 2006 for Belgium, the main result is that funding by regional governments fosters the instalment of industry-science research cooperation. However, this positive effect is limited to the case of cooperation with public research centres (and not with universities). The prerequisite of commercialisation of research in the case of funding by regional governments could explain this. Public funding provided by the EU framework programme did not exert an impact on the instalment of industry-science cooperation, neither with universities nor with public research centres. This could be due the fact that EU funding is targeted at firms that are already cooperating and does not favour the set-up of new cooperation.  相似文献   

To many, genomics is merely exploitable technology for the leviathan of biotechnology. This is both shallow and short sighted. Genomics is applied knowledge based on profound and evolving science about how living things develop, how healthy or sick we are, and what our future will be like. In health care, genomics technologies are disruptive yet potentially cost-effective because they enable primary prevention, the antidote to runaway costs and declining productivity. The challenges to integration are great, however, and many bioethical and social-policy implications are alarming. Because it is poorly understood today, we must debate genomics vigorously if we are to act wisely. Public policy must lead.  相似文献   

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