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The authors of this paper outline one approach to crime prevention which has recently become available - participation by police agencies in the environmental planning process. Two environmental management devices, the environmental impact assessment process and the general plan, are described and opportunities for police agency involvement are detailed. The contribution of public safety personnel to environmental management is seen as residing in two areas: precicting the effects of a project on the demand for police services, and suggesting ways in which a project may be designed with a view to the prevention of crime. In the latter context, the literature in environmental design and environmental psychology is reviewed for findings relevant to the creation of a safe environment.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(81):18901
This notice provides the population figures the Department will use when it determines the amount of grants to State Health Planning and Development Agencies (State Agencies).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1980,45(37):12174-12185
This Notice sets forth advance information regarding amendments to the regulations governing certificate of need reviews by health systems agencies and State health planning and development agencies. This Notice is intended to provide early guidance to States prior to publication of interim final regulations implementing the amendments to certificate of need provisions of the Public Health Service Act made by the Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1979 (Pub. L 96-79). This early guidance will assist the States in beginning to revise their certificate of need laws. Under the amended provisions of the Public Health Service Act, the planning agencies are required to review and determine the need for proposed capital expenditures, institutional health services and major medical equipment. The Secretary intends to publish these interim final regulations within a few weeks. Following consideration of comments which will be solicited with regard to the interim regulations, the Secretary will publish an analysis of the comments and will revise those regulations as appropriate.  相似文献   

The Belgian healthcare system consists of a complex of more or less autonomous groups of healthcare providers. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that the fundamental right to qualitative healthcare is secured through the services they provide. In Belgium, the regulatory powers in healthcare are divided between the federal state and the three communities. Both levels, within their area of competence, monitor the quality of healthcare services. Unique to the Belgian healthcare system is that the government that providers are accountable to is not always the same as the government that is competent to set the criteria. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the main mechanisms that are used by the federal government and the government of the Flemish community to monitor healthcare quality in hospitals. The Flemish community is Belgian's largest community (6.2 million inhabitants). The overview is followed by a critical analysis of the dual system of quality monitoring.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1984,49(87):18899
This notice provides necessary information for each State which chooses to adjust the capital expenditure and annual operating cost expenditure minimums that are used to determine whether proposals are subject to review under a State's certificate of need program. The notice also provides guidance to assist a State Health Planning and Development Agency (State Agency) in determining the exact minimum dollar figure it will use and in seeking further information.  相似文献   

Federal legislation provided an opportunity for health planning to "catch up" with the expanding citizen participation movements of recent years. Although the literature on health planning is mounting, there as yet has been no comprehensive, systematic effort to inventory the status of participation on a national scale. This note reports on a national study of Health Systems Agencies designed to inventory the participation objectives and methods in use, identify major participants and obstacles, and analyze impacts and factors influencing practice in the field. Among the findings are that agencies have favored "safe" participation methods that satisfy minimum federal requirements and provide information and public relations without transfer of power to consumers; and have broadened the base of participation in planning without mobilizing consumers or reducing the dominance of providers, who remain the most active, organized, and influential participants.  相似文献   

For a long time, governments have delegated their regulatory powers to independent regulatory agencies (IRAs). The aim is to reduce transaction costs and to ensure a credible commitment in the regulatory institutional structure. This paper discusses transition to IRAs in Turkey in terms of independence and accountability. To this aim, we firstly analyze the institutional foundations of transition to IRAs in Turkey from a political economy perspective and then measure their formal independence levels. We find that the pragmatic policies of the incumbent government regarding IRAs negatively influence their independence. This injures the credibility of regulatory commitment and increases the political transaction costs of regulatory process in Turkey.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1985,50(68):14027
This notice provides necessary information for each State which chooses to adjust the capital expenditure and annual operating cost expenditure minimums that are used to determine whether proposals are subject to review under a State's certificate of need program. The notice also provides guidance to assist a State Health Planning and Development Agency (State Agency) in determining the exact minimum dollar figure it will use and in seeking further information.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - This paper documents the importance of foreign patents for the technology transfer of inventions created in the laboratories of the U.S. federal agencies....  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(61):13414-13415
This notice provides necessary information for each State which chooses to adjust the capital expenditure and annual operating cost expenditure minimums that are used to determine whether proposals are subject to review under a State's certificate of need program. The notice also provides guidance to assist a State Health Planning and Development Agency (State Agency) in determining the exact minimum dollar figure it will use and in seeking further information.  相似文献   

The authors examine and analyze the burgeoning merger activity in the hospital arena, as well as the nonfederal attempts made to regulate that activity. They conclude that the present, ad hoc, system of state regulation is sorely wanting and that it would be preferable if stronger antitrust enforcement and judical decisions prevented competition reducing mergers. If a merger results in a true monopoly (and nonetheless passes antitrust scrutiny), its regulation should be the responsibility of the pertinent state public utility board which, unlike the courts and state attorneys general, has sufficient expertise to adequately regulate the merged entities. Otherwise, the faults of the present system, which is easily manipulated by hospitals seeking political and legal cover for their activities, are likely to be perpetuated.  相似文献   

Too many middle and upper middle-class Americans are finding that their "executive" salaries are no match for inflation. Here are some solid solutions that compensation and benefit people can recommend to managements that want to restore their employees' motivation while easing their financial situation.  相似文献   

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