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Former studies [Nature (1997) 387, Electrophoresis 20 (1999) 2870, P. Van Renterghem, D. Leonard, C. De Greef, Progress in Forensic Genetics, Vol. 8, 2000, p. 501, J. Forensic Sci. 45 (3) (2000) 687] have shown that even a single skin contact, documented by a latent fingerprint, can transfer enough DNA for a genetic analysis. It was proven in these studies that it is possible to swab fingerprints from surfaces [Nature (1997) 387, Electrophoresis 20 (1999) 2870, P. Van Renterghem, D. Leonard, C. De Greef, Progress in Forensic Genetics, Vol. 8, 2000, p. 501] and use them as a DNA source. Usually, however, discovered fingerprints are removed with scotch tape and placed on evidence cards for further investigation.In this study, we tried to assess the potential use of latent fingerprints as a DNA source for STR typing. The materials (magnetic powder, soot powder and scotch tape) used for visualization and archiving fingerprints in Germany were tested for their PCR inhibitory characteristics. Then, fingerprints were placed on clean glass surfaces, visualized and tested for their usefulness as a DNA source.Obtained DNA was quantified and tested in an STR system. Partly it proved possible to type fingerprints taken directly from the surface as well as fingerprints removed from the surface with scotch tape.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte peptidase A (Pep A) displays a genetic polymorphism in blacks. Its occurrence in human semen was examined for its possible use as a semen typing system. Studies by starch gel electrophoresis, in which the Pep A was located by an improved method, were carried out on semen, semen stains, and vaginal swabs taken at known times after intercourse. In addition, a large number of vaginal swabs, negative for semen, were taken from females throughout their menstrual cycles and examined for Pep A activity. The results indicated that Pep A typing could be carried out on semen and semen stains. However, it was possible to determine the Pep A type on vaginal swabs only when they had been taken within about 3 h after intercourse.  相似文献   

Forensic criminal casework often involves DNA profiling of human postmortem tissues, whereas degradational processes can affect PCR-based Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis. Degradation of DNA is observed to vary among different tissues and with time. Therefore, the stability of DNA in Achilles tendon samples is compared to that in muscle and kidney specimens with a variety of postmortem histories. Tissue samples from 28 autopsy cases, including 15 decomposed corpses and a control group of 13 nondecayed corpses were analysed. DNA was isolated using the All-tissue DNA Kit (GEN-IAL, Troisdorf, Germany), quantified by spectrophotometric measurement, amplified by the multiplex PCR genRES MPX-2 (Serac, Bad Homburg, Germany), and analysed on the ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Darmstadt, Germany). Quantitative analysis of nondecomposed tissues revealed that the recovery of DNA was highest in kidney followed by muscle, whereas Achilles tendon tissue was the poorest source of isolated DNA. Only small amounts of DNA were present in both kidney and muscle samples from decomposed corpses. However, from decayed Achilles tendon samples twice as much DNA as from nondecayed samples could be isolated on average. These results suggest DNA to be better protected in Achilles tendons. Moreover, postmortem changes in Achilles tendons may even improve DNA isolation.  相似文献   

Former studies have shown that even a single skin contact, resulting in a latent fingerprint, can transfer enough DNA for genetic analysis. However, up to now latent fingerprints have usually not been used for DNA typing. In the present case the smeared trace of a hand was found in the suspect's car and archived. As it could not be evaluated in a classical manner, the evidence had to be examined by molecular genetic methods. DNA was extracted and typed in five different STR loci. Based on the yielded results, the significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

目的研究一次性使用牙刷上脱落细胞的DNA提取和STR分型。方法对一次性使用牙刷的采集方法、采集部位、DNA提取方法、存放时间对STR分型的影响进行比对研究。结果割取法可获得较高浓度的DNA,30例中检出9个以上基因座达27例,与擦拭法存在统计学差异(P〈0.05)。Chelex-100法、DNA IQTM法检出9个以上基因座分别为26例、24例,STR分型结果无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。提取牙刷的前、后部三束刷毛检出9个以上基因座分别达27例、28例,STR分型结果无统计学意义(P〉0.05);放置1天、1周、1个月、3个月、6个月的时间后检出9个以上基因座分别为28例、27例、22例、12例、7例。结论割取法提取一次性牙刷上的脱落细胞进行STR分型效果良好;放置时间越长的牙刷,检出率越低。  相似文献   

Laser-induced detection of fluorescent labeled PCR products and multi-wavelength detection (i.e., multicolor analysis) enables rapid generation of mtDNA sequencing profiles. Traditionally, polyacrylamide slab gels have been used as the electrophoretic medium for mtDNA sequencing in forensic analyses. Replacement of slab gel electrophoresis with capillary electrophoresis (CE) can facilitate automation of the analytical process. Automation and high throughput can be further enhanced by using multicapillary electrophoretic systems. The use of the ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer (ABI 3100, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) as well as the ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer (ABI 310, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) were evaluated for mtDNA sequencing capabilities and compared with sequencing results obtained on the platform currently in use in the FBI Laboratory (the ABI Prism 377 DNA Sequencer, ABI 377, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Various studies were performed to assess the utility of the ABI 3100, as well as the ABI 310 for mtDNA sequencing. The tests included: comparisons of results obtained among the ABI 3100, the ABI 310 and the ABI 377 instruments; comparisons of results obtained within and between capillary arrays; evaluation of capillary length; evaluation of sample injection time; evaluation of the resolution of mixtures/heteroplasmic samples; and evaluation of the sensitivity of detection of a minor component with reduced template on the ABI 3100. In addition, other studies were performed to improve sample preparation; these included: comparison of template suppression reagent (TSR, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) versus formamide; the use of Performa DTR Gel Filtration Cartridges (Edge BioSystems Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) versus Centri-Sep Spin Columns (Princeton Separations, Adelphia, NJ) for product purification after cycle sequencing; and sample stability after denaturation. The data support that valid and reliable results can be obtained using either capillary electrophoresis instrument, and the quality of sequencing results are comparable to or better than those obtained from the ABI 377 instrument.  相似文献   

Teeth and bones are frequently the only sources of DNA available for identification of degraded or fragmented human remains. The unique composition of teeth and their location in the jawbone provide additional protection to DNA compared to bones making them a preferred source of DNA in many cases. Despite this, post-mortem changes in the structure and composition of teeth, and the location and diagenesis of DNA within them are poorly understood. This review summarises current knowledge of tooth morphology with respect to DNA content and preservation, and discusses the way in which post-mortem changes will affect the recovery of DNA from teeth under a range of commonly used extraction protocols. We highlight the benefits and pitfalls of using specific tooth tissues for DNA extraction and make recommendations for tooth selection and sampling that will maximise DNA typing success. A comprehensive understanding of tooth structure and an appreciation of the relationship between DNA and mineralized tissues in post-mortem teeth are critical for optimal sample selection. More informed sampling methods that target specific tooth tissues will increase the likelihood of successful genetic analysis and allow for efficient and timely missing persons case work and disaster victim identification response.  相似文献   

法医DNA检验在实际工作中发挥了重要作用,其中针对Y染色体进行的DNA检验,可以开展家系排查和辅助父系亲缘鉴定,为案件侦查提供重要线索。本文针对Y染色体DNA检验,讨论完整利用染色体具有的信息,制定整体检验策略,以期为相关研究和试剂盒开发研制提供参考。  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR was developed for the analysis of the sex-determining gene Amelogenin, four conventional STR (short tandem repeat; THO1, D18S51, D21S11 and FGA) loci with a reduced amplicon size and four miniSTR loci (D1S1677, D2S441, D10S1248 and D22S1045). A concordance study in a population of 198 Belgians revealed no differences for the conventional STR loci while a sensitivity study showed a reproducible DNA profile with as low as 30 pg of input DNA.  相似文献   

DNA typing in a cattle stealing case.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA profiling was used as probative evidence in a cattle stealing case. The carcasses of the dead animals were found from a report and a farmer recognized the remains as those corresponding to the stolen animals by the farm mark on the coat. Those remains were collected as reference samples. Meat pieces were sequestered from a butchery and then sent to our Laboratory by the Justice Department of Buenos Aires (Argentine) to perform a DNA comparative analysis with the reference. Matches were found between the evidences and the references, supporting the hypothesis that the meat pieces had been obtained from the stolen animals. The butcher was suspected of stealing animals but no direct incrimination had been made yet.  相似文献   

To this day process of identification of missing persons from skeletonized human remains with help of forensic genetics proves to be complex and challenging. The success rate of genetic identification in bones strongly depends on a combination of various factors, most importantly environmental factors and post-mortem interval. Furthermore, there are individual-specific factors that affect DNA preservation, such as race, gender, age and type of skeletal elements. The goal of our study was to optimize sampling process through determining which skeletal elements are superior in their preservation of DNA in 70-yearold skeletons belonging to victims of Second World War. We sampled different types of bones and teeth from three such skeletons found in Slovenian hidden mass grave Huda jama, 56 elements from each respective skeleton, together 168 elements. With the help of parameters, such as quantity of DNA, degradation rate and typing success, we tried to find the best types of elements to identify the victims. Prior to powdering bones and teeth, we removed contaminants. We decalcified 0.5 g bone and tooth powder followed by extraction and purification of DNA using Biorobot EZ1 (Qiagen). Quantification of obtained nuclear DNA was carried out using PowerQuant kit (Promega) and autosomal STR typing using ESSplex SE QS kit (Qiagen). Best parameters to assess skeletal elements that are superior in their DNA preservation were quantity of DNA and number of successfully typed STR loci. Metacarpal and metatarsal bones proved to be the best, followed by intermediate cuneiform, first distal foot phalanx, talus, petrous bone and tibia. We also created elimination database for persons involved in exhumation, anthropological and genetic analyses and exclude potential contamination.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):332-338
Identification of incinerated human remains may rely on genetic analysis of burned bone which can prove far more challenging than fresh tissues. Severe thermal insult results in the destruction or denaturation of DNA in soft tissues, however genetic material may be preserved in the skeletal tissues. Considerations for DNA retrieval from these samples include low levels of exogenous DNA, the dense, mineralised nature of bone, and the presence of contamination, and qPCR inhibitors. This review collates current knowledge in three areas relating to optimising DNA recovery from burned bone: 1) impact of burning on bone and subsequent effects on sample collection, 2) difficulties of preparing burned samples for DNA extraction, and 3) protocols for bone decalcification and DNA extraction. Bone decalcification and various DNA extraction protocols have been tested and optimised for ancient bone, suggesting that prolonged EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) demineralisation followed by solid-phased silica-based extraction techniques provide the greatest DNA yield. However, there is significantly less literature exploring the optimal protocol for incinerated bones. Although burned bone, like ancient and diagenetic bone, can be considered “low-copy”, the taphonomic processes occurring are likely different. As techniques developed for ancient samples are tailored to deal with bone that has been altered in a particular way, it is important to understand if burned bone undergoes similar or different changes. Currently the effects of burning on bone and the DNA within it is not fully understood. Future research should focus on increasing our understanding of the effects of heat on bone and on comparing the outcome of various DNA extraction protocols for these tissues.  相似文献   

To evaluate the utility of DNA polymorphism typing of urine stains in forensic investigations, the amplifiable amount of DNA was estimated in 20 urine specimens obtained from 10 male and 10 female volunteers using a DNA purification kit following dialfiltration. DNA obtained from both urine and urine stains was amplified with the AmpflSTR Profiler PCR Amplification Kit, and was analyzed by capillary electrophoresis using the Genetic Analyzer. The amount of male and female urine necessary for obtaining a complete DNA profile was 0.2 mL and 0.08 mL, respectively. When 0.2 mL of male urine were used to create urine stains, complete DNA profiles could be obtained from just some of the stains. However, when only 0.1 mL of female urine was used, complete profiles could be successfully obtained from all of the stains. DNA on bleached cotton remained amplifiable for 3-6 weeks. This method using a DNA purification kit following dialfiltration can be recommended for the genotyping of urine stains.  相似文献   

The stability of DNA in human bloodstains and various post mortem tissues has been investigated. High molecular weight (HMW) DNA was usually recovered from dried bloodstains, even those up to a few years old, but very rapid degradation was found to occur post mortem in the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidney. Other tissues such as the heart, thyroid and skeletal muscle were found to give a reasonable yield of HMW DNA during the first few days after death. The feasibility of using DNA extracted from forensic bloodstain specimens for the detection of DNA polymorphisms was explored using a human haptoglobin (Hp) alpha chain specific probe. Using HindIII and XbaI digests the Hp genotypes Hp2, Hp1F and Hp1S were distinguished by Southern blot analysis in DNA prepared from 1 cm2 bloodstains up to 15-18 months old.  相似文献   

A recent ruling in the Crown Court of Northern Ireland, R v. Hoey, [R v Sean Hoey. 2007, Crown Court of Northern Ireland] has raised questions about the validity of one variant of DNA analysis, often termed LCN. The ruling and subsequent discussion also raises questions about what constitutes validation of a technique.This paper examines what can be achieved in a laboratory based validation study against the Daubert standard and against guidance given in the UK. There is a significant discrepancy between what can be achieved and the Daubert standard but much less of a discrepancy against the UK guidance. Much of the difference relates to differences in word usage, definitional difficulties, and a lack of mutual understanding and communication between the judiciary and forensic scientists. This highlights a gap that needs attention.  相似文献   

目的探讨手套类检材进行法医DNA分型时的最佳取材部位。方法构建手套模型,对手套内表面分区取样,常规chelex-100法提取DNA,选取常用法医学STR基因座进行PCR扩增,PAGE检测条带,Quantity One和SPSS软件识别并分析条带。结果手套内表面不同部位的D1S1656和D12S1064基因座扩增条带光密度存在显著的组间差异(P〈0.05),来自右手掌指关节和左手小鱼际对应部位的扩增条带光密度差异显著性最大。结论选取与手掌指关节、小鱼际相对应的手套内表面部位,有可能获得更多的DNA以利于分型,这一判断可直接用于指导法医实践。  相似文献   

Material recovered from 374 fingerprints left by eleven laboratory workers on three different substrates (glass, wood, metal) at a standard pressure time of 30 s, with and without preliminary handwashing, was submitted to morphological, quantitative, and type analysis. Morphological and agarose-gel electrophoresis analysis showed that a non-negligible amount of epidermal corneal cells presented apoptotic alterations. The quantity of DNA recovered from fingerprints ranged between 0.04 to 0.2 ng, and in a significant number of experiments no DNA was detected. Handwashing reduced the amount of DNA recovered from fingerprints. The "shedder status" of the donor was a very important factor, causing inter-individual variations in the amount of DNA left by fingerprints. Spurious alleles from laboratory-based and secondary transfer contamination, stutters, and other artifacts described when analyzing low-copy-number DNA and capable of affecting correct profiles were observed.  相似文献   

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