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In this study, observers' abilities to detect lies in children and adults were examined. Adult participants observed videotaped interviews of both children and adults either lying or telling the truth about having been touched by a male research assistant. As hypothesized, observers detected children's lies more accurately than adults' lies; however, adults' truthful statements were detected more accurately than were children's. Further analyses revealed that observers were biased toward judging adults' but not children's statements as truthful. Finally, consistent with the notion that there are stable individual differences in the ability to detect lies, observers who were highly accurate in detecting children's lies were similarly accurate in detecting adults' lies. Implications of these findings for understanding lie-detection accuracy are discussed, as are potential applications to the forensic context.  相似文献   

社会阶层是社会成员按照一定等级标准划分的彼此地位相互区别的社会集团,在同一集团中成员之间具有相类似的态度、行为、价值和心理模式。以往研究大多倾向于低阶层的负面效应,出现典型性消极指标。事实上,低阶层相较于高阶层有许多很少被关注的积极效应。对于系统公正论、社会支配论、局部阶梯效应等理论中对社会阶层的争议进行了分析,指出了未来研究可以从影响阶层感知变量、诱导范式效果,以及启动形式的多样化、认知神经视角、跨文化的差异和干预等方面强化低阶层的优势特性,促进消极心态良性转化。  相似文献   

Using the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative data-set, substance use and mental health needs of released inmates are examined to explore whether there is a positive relationship between pre-release services and behavioral health treatment access at three months post-release. Two weighted hierarchical linear models were run testing the effects of three key pre-release services: pre-release needs assessment, pre-release linkage with inmates’ post-release case managers, and pre-release assistance with accessing post-release health insurance. Results demonstrate that pre-release needs assessment significantly increases the odds of receiving post-release substance abuse treatment, and case management linkage and assistance with accessing health insurance significantly increase the odds of mental health treatment after release. Policy implications for reentry service provision targeting behavioral health needs, and directions for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

时代已进至不保护商品化权就难以合理解决个案纠纷的节点.在立法不可能及时跟进的情况下,对该权利的保护将在很长时间里主要依靠司法对法律的灵活解释和权衡.目前,我国司法中保护商品化权,最合理的法律基础是反误认,而非授予专有财产权.不同客体的商品化权,可依据不同的法律给予法律效果大概相同的救济:真人的商品化权仍可通过灵活解释民法中的人格权制度予以保护;虚构形象和其他形象的商品化权,司法将不得不设立一种“商品化权益”,保护这种民法中没有明确列举,但却必须予以保护的利益.适用不同法源的商品化权,由于保护的是相同的利益,其保护要件基本相同,其中最为本质的,是存在“稳定对应关系”;侵权认定标准也基本相同,都是构成“认可关系”的误认.  相似文献   

时代已进至不保护商品化权就难以合理解决个案纠纷的节点.在立法不可能及时跟进的情况下,对该权利的保护将在很长时间里主要依靠司法对法律的灵活解释和权衡.目前,我国司法中保护商品化权,最合理的法律基础是反误认,而非授予专有财产权.不同客体的商品化权,可依据不同的法律给予法律效果大概相同的救济:真人的商品化权仍可通过灵活解释民法中的人格权制度予以保护;虚构形象和其他形象的商品化权,司法将不得不设立一种“商品化权益”,保护这种民法中没有明确列举,但却必须予以保护的利益.适用不同法源的商品化权,由于保护的是相同的利益,其保护要件基本相同,其中最为本质的,是存在“稳定对应关系”;侵权认定标准也基本相同,都是构成“认可关系”的误认.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The European Court of Justice has persisted in adopting an unduly restrictive interpretation of Article 230(4) EC and that persistence has reached its apogee in the UPA decision, while at the same time it was mirrored in the relevant provisions of the draft Constitution. Therefore, it is surprising to see that in the aftermath of UPA , there can be something positive that can be explored further and that can be tested in order to establish whether any indirect, alas limited, liberalisation of the standing criteria is possible. The Ten Kate case established that, in principle, a Member State could be under an obligation under domestic law to challenge the validity of Community legislation. If the state, in all of its different manifestations, fails to challenge the validity of a Community measure when such an obligation arises under municipal law, then the citizen could be in a position to claim compensation. Therefore, the case introduces the doctrine of state liability and the agency analogy (with the state representing the individual or as parens patriae) as connected paths trying to circumvent the standing restrictions. The advantage is that the proceedings would take place under national law and would be detached from the Plaumann conditions. It is proposed that constitutionally entrenched human rights, like effective judicial protection, combined with the principle of legitimate expectation, could create the legal basis for an obligation of the state under national law to challenge the validity of Community norms. The paradox is that effective judicial protection was the exact argument that the European Court of Justice sidelined in UPA .  相似文献   

积极互惠行为是个体亲社会性的一种重要表现,关于留守幼儿亲社会行为和情绪问题的关系一直都是研究者的关注热点。道德情绪被认为能够促进幼儿亲社会行为,培养道德情绪能否促进留守幼儿积极互惠行为是值得探讨的问题。本研究采用情境实验法对比60名4岁(M=48.23,SD=2.56)留守幼儿在道德情绪培养前后积极互惠行为的差异,探讨道德情绪培养对留守幼儿积极互惠行为的促进作用。研究结果表明:(1) 4岁留守幼儿积极互惠行为较少。(2)道德情绪培养实验效果显著,能够有效促进4岁留守幼儿积极互惠行为。由此可知,道德情绪训练是能够作为促进幼儿积极互惠行为的一种有效途径,家长和学前儿童教育者应注重培养留守幼儿的道德情绪,从而促进其亲社会性的发展。  相似文献   

国际仲裁是解决跨国商事纠纷的主要方式。《纽约公约》使外国仲裁裁决在几乎全球范围内获得承认及执行。中国是《纽约公约》的成员国,中国法院在判断是否应拒绝承认和执行某一外国仲裁裁决时,主要是以《纽约公约》作为法律依据。结合《纽约公约》的规定和司法实践,本文分析了中国对外国仲裁裁决的界定标准,并系统地论述了中国拒绝承认与执行外国仲裁裁决的理由。  相似文献   

李阳 《政法学刊》2002,19(6):82-84
上海市公安局“轮训轮值”机制在教育培训制度、管理体制、培训科目、警衔晋升机制、教官队伍建设等方面颇具特色,广东省的公安教育培训应结合实际,学习、借鉴上海市公安局公安教育培训的先进经验,创建具有广东特色的公安教育培训体制,以促进广东省公安教育培训的改革与发展。  相似文献   


A recent British Prison Service initiative has focused on providing sex offender programmes facilitated by multi-disciplinary teams of staff. A three week long training programme was designed to provide staff with the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to facilitate these structured treatment groups. Following the training, staff indicated they were more confident in their ability to provide treatment and showed a greater belief that treatment could be successful. In addition, they showed significantly more positive attitudes towards sexual offenders and to offenders in general. However, participants did not indicate undue concern about working in a sensitive treatment area. This pattern continued at six month follow-up, indicating that the training changed attitudes as expected, and that the training was seen by participants as adequately preparing them to undertake provision of a structured sex offender treatment programme in a secure setting.  相似文献   

This paper explored methodological issues in examining the impact of maltreatment characteristics on behavioral adjustment in a sample of maltreated school-age children. Different approaches to assessing the effects of maltreatment type were used to determine whether maltreatment characteristics differed by type of maltreatment and whether relationships between maltreatment characteristics and child behavioral functioning differed according to type of maltreatment. Results revealed several differences among the three types of maltreatment subgroups (physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse) on characteristics of maltreatment experiences. Correlations between maltreatment characteristics and outcome measures for the sample as a whole obscured findings that relationships were often specific to particular types of maltreatment. Developing generic definitions for maltreatment characteristics applicable to all forms of maltreatment is difficult because of differences in meaning across maltreatment types. Findings suggest that the role of maltreatment characteristics in children's behavioral functioning should be examined separately for each form of maltreatment.  相似文献   

With the aim of enabling students and teachers to work together in multinational groups in order to gain new perspectives on a specific topic being studied and so benefit from special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution, the European Commission funds international Intensive Programmes under the ambit of Erasmus mobility. An Intensive Programme culminates in a short programme of study, lasting from 10 continuous full days to six weeks, which brings together at one of the partner institutions students and teaching staff from higher education institutions of at least three countries who have spent the preceding semester studying the topic under consideration at their home institutions. The purpose of the present paper is to explore the nature of Erasmus Intensive Programmes and their value for law students by sharing the experience of London South Bank University's engagement in such a programme with four partner institutions from across the EU. The programme constitutes an option module for final year LLB students and LLM students on a relevant LLM programme. The paper considers the parameters within which such programmes operate, their aims and objectives and the extent to which such aims and objectives are made out. It is suggested that such programmes may fulfil a particularly useful function in enabling students on qualifying law degrees in the UK to enhance their employability by participating in an international collaborative project without the need to extend their degree length.  相似文献   

Coding statements of criminal suspects facilitated tests of four hypotheses about differences between behavioral cues to deception and the incriminating potential (IP) of the topic. Information from criminal investigations corroborated the veracity of 337 brief utterances from 28 videotaped confessions. A four-point rating of topic IP measured the degree of potential threat per utterance. Cues discriminating true vs. false comprised word/phrase repeats, speech disfluency spikes, nonverbal overdone, and protracted headshaking. Non-lexical sounds discriminated true vs. false inthe reverse direction. Cues that distinguished IP only comprised speech speed, gesticulation amount, nonverbal animation level, soft weak vocal and “I (or we) just” qualifier. Adding “I don't know” to an answer discriminated both IP and true vs. false. The results supported hypothesis about differentiating deception cues from incriminating potential cues in high-stakes interviews, and suggested that extensive research on distinctions between stress-related cues and cues to deception would improve deception detection.  相似文献   

This paper examines and analyzes primary and secondary data relative to the history and development of criminal justice education and training in North Carolina for six decades. Emphasis is focused on the early attempts to provide education and training for criminal justice personnel from 1920 to 1940, the expansion and improvement in criminal justice education and training from 1940 to 1960, and the establishment of criminal justice education and training programs in two-year community colleges and technical institutes and four-year senior public and private postsecondary education institutions from 1960 to 1980. In addition to discussing the similarities and differences in the methods utilized by institutions to establish criminal justice education and training programs, this paper discusses the curricula, course offerings, and characteristics of the faculties, as well as internal and external conditions, forces, and factors that influenced the history and development of education and training programs for criminal justice personnel. As a result of the impact of these and various influences from within police departments and individual institutions, educational and governmental state agencies, and from demands and needs of criminal justice personnel and society for better protection and safety, criminal justice education and training programs were in force at 15 two-year community colleges, 30 two-year technical institutes, 10 four-year senior, public institutions, and eight four-year, senior, private institutions in North Carolina in 1978.  相似文献   

In recent years positive action to improve women's position in the labour market has risen up the political agenda, with measures ranging from quotas to special training. The legal framework has been slower to change. Initially seeking to eliminate all forms of discrimination, it now reflects a more sophisticated approach, attempting to achieve substantive equality. This may encompass measures which appear to disadvantage men but are aimed at rectifying women's structural, economic or historical disadvantage. We investigate the limits imposed on EU member states' ability to take positive action under Community law, and examine the much narrower provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act. We argue that the time is now ripe, with the ongoing review of equality law, to reappraise domestic law and to use the freedom provided under Community law to expand the scope of positive action under the Sex Discrimination Act.  相似文献   

Involvement in terrorism has traditionally been discussed in relatively simplistic ways with little effort spent on developing a deeper understanding of what involvement actually entails, and how it differs from person to person. In this paper, we present the results of a three‐year project focused on 183 individuals associated with the global jihadist movement who were convicted in the United States, for terrorist offenses, between 1995 and 2012. These data were developed by a large‐scale, open‐source data collection activity that involved a coding dictionary of more than 120 variables. We identify and explore the diversity of behaviors that constitute involvement in terrorism. We also compare lone actors and those who acted as part of a group, finding that lone actors differed from group‐based actors in key demographic attributes and were more likely to be involved in attack execution behaviors. Implications for counterterrorism are then discussed.  相似文献   

We are not likely to find a diagnostic system as “unethical,” per se, but rather find that it creates ethical concerns in its formulation and application. There is an increased risk of misuse and misunderstanding of the DSM-5 particularly when applied to forensic assessment because of documented problems with reliability and validity. For example, when field tested, the American Psychiatric Association reported diagnostic category kappa levels as acceptable that were far below the standard level of acceptability. The DSM-5 does not offer sensitivity and specificity levels and thus psychologists must keep this in mind when using or teaching this manual. Also, especially in light of concerns about diagnostic inflation, we recommend that psychologists exercise caution when using the DSM-5 in forensic assessments, including civil and criminal cases. Alternatives to the DSM-5, such as the International Classification of Diseases and the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual are reviewed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine, by comparing pre- and post-training interview of 18 Korean police officers, whether training in use of the NICHD Protocol improved the quality of investigative interviews of allegedly abused child victims. Results showed that Korean police officers more often followed the Protocol structure -they introduced themselves, explained the ground rules, and conducted episodic memory training-after they had been trained. Moreover, police officers used approximately three times as many desirable prompts (such as invitations and facilitators) and fewer suggestive prompts in interviews conducted after as opposed to before the training. Invitations elicited approximately four to seven times more details on average than the least productive prompts. These results confirmed that the NICHD Protocol is effective when used to interview alleged child abuse victims in East Asia.  相似文献   

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