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This Article illuminates the dangers of the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act, which provides a set of model rules designed to clarify and expedite end-of-life health-care decisionmaking for incapacitated patients. The uniform commissioners and many scholars who have commented on the Act have touted the legislation as a model for defending patient autonomy. As this Article will reveal, the impression of autonomy is an illusion. In fact, the Act privileges the perspectives of the able-bodied over those of persons with disabilities, endangers the autonomy of incapacitated patients, and empowers proxy decisionmakers who have incentives to terminate treatment. These risks have become all the more significant with the rise of managed-care programs that create pressures to minimize care. After highlighting the serious risks to vulnerable patients under the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act, the Article offers alternative rules and stronger safeguards to better protect patient autonomy and defend against wrongful health-care decisions. This Article urges states seeking improved end-of-life health-care procedures to codify these or similar protections in order to avoid the lethal shortcomings of the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act.  相似文献   

潘漢典 《中国法律》2009,(2):17-18,70-71
中國政法大學潘漢典教授是《元照英美法詞典》的總審訂人,也是《君主論》、《比較法總論》等多部名著的漢鋒者.通擅英、法、日、德、俄等多種語言。潘先生今已89歲高齡,他早年從東吴大學法學院獲得碩士學位,先後在北京大學、中國社會科學院法學研究所、中國政法大學問學論道,終身與法結绎. 本刊約請潘先生憶往,温故知新。法學舊事,亦豐厚,亦温文。  相似文献   

Studies of Court–Congress relations assume that Congress overrides Court decisions based on legislative preferences, but no empirical evidence supports this claim. Our first goal is to show that Congress is more likely to pass override legislation the further ideologically removed a decision is from pivotal legislative actors. Second, we seek to determine whether Congress rationally anticipates Court rejection of override legislation, avoiding legislation when the current Court is likely to strike it down. Third, most studies argue that Congress only overrides statutory decisions. We contend that Congress has an incentive to override all Court decisions with which it disagrees, regardless of their legal basis. Using data on congressional overrides of Supreme Court decisions between 1946 and 1990, we show that Congress overrides Court decisions with which it ideologically disagrees, is not less likely to override when it anticipates that the Court will reject override legislation, and acts on preferences regardless of the legal basis of a decision. We therefore empirically substantiate a core part of separation‐of‐powers models of Court–Congress relations, as well as speak to the relative power of Congress and the Court on the ultimate content of policy.  相似文献   

Familial responsibilities have been found to significantly reduce the severity of sentencing outcomes of defendants in the criminal court. Additional research also has suggested that this leniency might be contingent on the type of offense, with defendants who commit crimes which imply that they are unfit parents (e.g., drug offenses) not receiving a significant reduction in their likelihood of incarceration. Utilizing familial paternalism as the theoretical basis, the current study examines whether having children influences the sentences of defendants charged with forms of criminal child neglect. The findings indicate that having children does result in significantly reduced odds of incarceration for defendants charged with child neglect. These findings support the arguments set forth by familial paternalism. However, they do not support the inference that defendants convicted of child neglect are presumed to be unfit parents. Implication of these results and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

曹洪林  刘建伟 《证据科学》2009,17(6):754-764
本文主要通过对正常、大声两种说话状态下的普通话中三个单元音[a]、[i]、[u]的声强、时长、基频、谐波振幅差值、共振峰等声学参数的分析,综合比较了各参数的变化规律,发现大声说话时的语音并非正常语音的简单放大,二者不仅在声强上存在差别,同时在频率域上也发生了重要变化。同一人不同状态下发音的频谱特征差异性较大,同种状态下发音的相似性、可比性较强,为此,声纹鉴定中应尽量选取状态相同的语音进行比对。  相似文献   

The article proposes a new way of thinking through truth commissions by discerning the manner in which they usher in new political configurations through voices and vocalizations. It contributes to our understanding of truth commissions by way of proposing a pragmatic ontology of bonds between the body, voice, and testimony by elucidating the central features that make them vocal assemblages, composed of five sub-institutional capacities: (1) they affect and are affected by bodies in a complex topological relation; (2) they are driven by an apology, which itself proffers a non-human body of transformation; (3) they potentiate reconciliation through spontaneous vocalizations; (4) they are ontogenetic openings that reassemble national pasts, presents, and futures; and (5) they are temporally experiential predecessors to political action. While victim testimony is taken as a historical crowning of the edifice for nations seeking to mend their past injustices, I contend that public reparation flourishes only if the state is open to the alternative orientations the voice proffers—that is, following recent observations of transitional justice, truth commissions have the potential to seek out alternative context-specific forms of justice in place of a universal law of reconciliation. By way of a brief discussion of Aboriginal artist K.C. Adams’ diptych series, Perception, the article proposes that voices pose a nuanced figuration of auto-affection as a communicative possibility towards the (re)presentation and (re)invention of the (survivor) self.  相似文献   

本文主要通过对正常、大声两种说话状态下的普通话中三个单元音[a]、[i]、[u]的声强、时长、基频、谐波振幅差值、共振峰等声学参数的分析,综合比较了各参数的变化规律,发现大声说话时的语音并非正常语音的简单放大,二者不仅在声强上存在差别,同时在频率域上也发生了重要变化。同一人不同状态下发音的频谱特征差异性较大,同种状态下发音的相似性、可比性较强,为此,声纹鉴定中应尽量选取状态相同的语音进行比对。  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - While in Western European countries, the end-of-life decisions have become a matter of public policy, this paper provides a detailed analysis of end-of-life decisions in...  相似文献   

Voluntary programs intended to improve corporate environmental practices have proliferated in recent years. Why some businesses choose to participate in such voluntary programs, while others do not, remains an open question. Recent work suggests that companies' environmental practices, including their decisions to participate in voluntary programs, are shaped by a license to operate comprised of social, regulatory, and economic pressures. Although these external factors do matter, by themselves they only partially explain business decision making, since facilities subject to similar external factors often behave differently. In this article, we draw from organizational theory to explain why we would expect a company's license to operate to be ultimately constructed by internal factors, such as managerial incentives, organizational culture, and organizational identity, as these shape both interpretations of the external pressures and organizational responses to them. Using qualitative data from an exploratory study of matched facilities that reached different decisions about participating in a prominent voluntary environmental program, we then report evidence indicative of the role of these internal factors in shaping facilities' environmental decisions. Finally, we offer suggestions for future research that could further develop understanding of how internal organizational characteristics influence environmental management decisions, including those concerning participation in voluntary programs.  相似文献   

本文在通过分析社会、国家决定和宪法立法的概念,通过德国法学思想区分国家和社会两个概念的历史,在当代德国宪法确立的国家和社会相分离的基础上,讨论了社会行动者对国家立法、行政、司法三方面决定的影响,着重从规范和政治评价的角度,分析了与这些影响密切相关的机会和风险,表明宪法在维持机会和风险之间平衡具有不可或缺的地位。本文作者希望德国的经验对中国建设法治国家有所帮助。  相似文献   

1978年12月,党的十一届三中全会确立了改革开放的国策,这不仅使我国从此走上了国强民富、政治民主的道路,也改变了我的人生轨迹,使我由一名北大物理系教师转变成为知识产权法律的教学研究人员。在这改革开放的三十年,我的后半生亲历了中国知识产权制度的建立、发展和完善,值得  相似文献   

Some federal courts have used a reasonable woman standard rather than the traditional reasonable man or reasonable person standard to determine whether hostile environment sexual harassment has occurred. The current research examined the impact of the reasonable woman standard on federal district court decisions, controlling for other factors found to affect sexual harassment court decisions. Results indicated that there was a weak relationship between whether a case followed a reasonable woman precedent-setting case and the likelihood that the court decision favored the plaintiff. The implications of our findings for individuals and organizations involved in sexual harassment claims are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):522-540
The relationship between neighborhood disorder and fear of crime is well established. According to Wilson and Kelling's broken windows theory, physical and social disorder lead to fear and cause citizens to retreat into their homes. This breaks down informal social control mechanisms and may lead to more serious crime. Insofar as fear is related to quality of life, an implication of broken windows theory is that disorder may impact quality of life, but that relationship has not yet been examined in the research literature. The present study seeks to fill a void in the literature by investigating the relationship between neighborhood disorder and quality of life. Results indicate that disorder is related to quality of life. In particular, physical disorder is negatively associated with quality of life, but social disorder loses significance when controlling for physical disorder. Policy implications of the findings and direction for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

《重大行政程序暂行条例》中规定的目录制度发端于地方,目的在于提供固定化、差别化、动态化的重大行政决策事项,其虽在重大行政决策概念缺陷的弥补上大有助益,但依然存有性质不清、权限分散、标准模糊的问题,因此需要对其予以规范化布置。对此,首先应当将目录界定为行政规范性文件,并以此为基础,从制定《重大行政决策目录管理办法》入手,为制定目录出具总则化规范,提供包括公众参与、说明理由在内的程序性规范、以及明确目录制定主体的实体性规范。其次,应当以《行政诉讼法》第53条为依据,允许行政相对人以目录为对象提起附带性审查,从而督促目录制定者扩大目录容量,提高重大行政决策的民主性和科学性。  相似文献   

<正>导言在国际贸易领域,绝大多数货物是通过提单运输的。〔1〕很早以来就存在相关的海上运输规则用来规范有关的提单运输。〔2〕1924年的《海牙规则》〔3〕确定了承运人对船舶的适航责任,〔4〕同时也规定了承运人的17项免责条款。此外,它确定了承运人赔偿责任的限额。最后,它强调在承运人的责任期间,即从货物装上船时起至卸下船时为止的一段时间,以上的条款是强制适用的。〔5〕  相似文献   

One of the more important decisions made by judges in the criminal justice system is the bail decision. Factors that judges take into consideration when making a bail decision, such as seriousness of the offense, flight risk, and public safety, are typically seen by researchers as the primary determinants of such a decision. However, one aspect that researchers have not studied extensively—rated jail capacity – could play an important role in a judge’s decision. Overcrowding in jails leads to numerous problems, both for the offender and the system itself, so judges may be more willing to release offenders into the community during the pretrial period if the local jails are overcrowded. The current study examines the effect of rated jail capacity on decisions regarding bail amounts, release on recognizance (ROR), financial release, and conditional release in eight Florida counties. Results indicate that rated jail capacity plays a role in judges’ bail decisions, suggesting that judges are concerned about housing more pretrial offenders in crowded jails.  相似文献   

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