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王彬  胡峻梅  李宝花  胡泽卿  林勇 《证据科学》2007,14(1):I0024-I0028
目的 探讨法医精神病学鉴定中精神障碍患者涉嫌暴力犯罪的犯罪学和人口学特征.方法 采用自编法医精神病学鉴定案例登记表,对符合标准的206例被鉴定者进行犯罪学特征和人口学资料的收集.根据鉴定诊断分为精神障碍组(167例,81%)、无精神病组(39例,19%),对两组的犯罪学特征和一般人口学资料进行对比分析.结果 精神障碍暴力犯罪者男性为154例(92.2%),女性13例(7.8%),40岁以下者133例(79.6%),小学文化水平以下者93例(57.7%),农民和无业者133例(79.6%),未婚者和婚姻家庭不健全者104例(62.3%),并且与无精神病组相比在人口学资料上的差别无统计学意义.精神障碍组与无精神病组比较分析发现作案预谋(χ^2=40.22,p<0.01)、目标确定(χ^2=32.843,p<0.01)、作案后表现(χ^2=36.979,p<0.01)、作案动机(χ^2=82.333,p<0.01)、与被害人的关系(χ^2=23.138,p<0.01)、自称遗忘(χ^2=36.229,p<0.01)方面差异有统计学意义.结论 精神障碍患者的暴力犯罪多为突发性,常无预谋,目标多为临时确定,多无动机或动机不明确,缺乏自我保护意识,作案后多无反侦查表现.无论有无精神障碍,暴力犯罪者多为40岁以下未婚青壮年男性,且文化水平大多较低,农民和无业人员居多.  相似文献   

涉嫌暴力犯罪精神障碍患者的犯罪学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨法医精神病学鉴定中精神障碍患者涉嫌暴力犯罪的犯罪学和人口学特征。方法采用自编法医精神病学鉴定案例登记表,对符合标准的206例被鉴定者进行犯罪学特征和人口学资料的收集。根据鉴定诊断分为精神障碍组(167例,81%)、无精神病组(39例,19%),对两组的犯罪学特征和一般人口学资料进行对比分析。结果精神障碍暴力犯罪者男性为154例(92.2%),女性13例(7.8%),40岁以下者133例(79.6%),小学文化水平以下者93例(57.7%),农民和无业者133例(79.6%),未婚者和婚姻家庭不健全者104例(62.3%),并且与无精神病组相比在人口学资料上的差别无统计学意义。精神障碍组与无精神病组比较分析发现作案预谋(2χ=40.22,p<0.01)、目标确定(2χ=32.843,p<0.01)、作案后表现(2χ=36.979,p<0.01)、作案动机(2χ=82.333,p<0.01)、与被害人的关系(2χ=23.138,p<0.01)、自称遗忘(2χ=36.229,p<0.01)方面差异有统计学意义。结论精神障碍患者的暴力犯罪多为突发性,常无预谋,目标多为临时确定,多无动机或动机不明确,缺乏自我保护意识,作案后多无反侦查表现。无论有无精神障碍,暴力犯罪者多为40岁以下未婚青壮年男性,且文化水平大多较低,农民和无业人员居多。  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者的犯罪学特征与刑事责任能力的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨精神分裂症患者的犯罪学特征与刑事责任能力的关系。方法采用自行编制的司法精神病学鉴定案例登记量表,对133例精神分裂症涉嫌犯罪者的资料进行收集、整理、归纳。然后对其犯罪学特征与责任能力的关系做相关分析。结果精神分裂症患者涉嫌犯罪案件类型中,以暴力案件为主,依次为凶杀68例(51.1%)、伤害38例(28.6%)、纵火9例(6.8%)、抢劫4例(3.0%)、性犯罪3例(2.3%)。不同责任能力与犯罪相关因素的统计分析发现:诱发事件(χ2=91.779,P=0.000)、双方关系(χ2=76.449,P=0.000)、作案动机(χ2=11.9,P=0.001)、作案前准备(χ2=110.623,P=0.000)、自称遗忘(χ2=34.274,P=0.000)、作案后反应(χ2=110.923,P=0.000)、案件类型(χ2=38.638,P=0.000)有显著性差异。结论无责任能力的分裂症患者作案具有动机不明、无预谋、不分对象、不分场合、突发性、盲目性、残忍性等特点。无责任能力组和部分责任能力组的犯罪学因素中诱发事件、双方关系、作案动机、作案前准备、自称遗忘、作案后反应、案件类型有显著性差异,可作为责任能力评定的参考因素。  相似文献   

证券犯罪特征的犯罪学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵晓光 《河北法学》2004,22(11):56-57
证券犯罪是在证券发行与交易的各个必要环节中发生的违法行为 ,同时证券犯罪还具有法定犯罪、白领犯罪、共同犯罪、贪利犯罪等特征 ,对此深入分析可以使我们在预防和惩治证券犯罪时更加具有针对性。  相似文献   

人格障碍的犯罪学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人格障碍是由于教养、环境、生活经历而造成人格异常的病理性极端变异 ,表现出性格上、嗜好上的怪癖。人格特征发展的偏离 ,形成特有的行为模式 ,这种异常的人格发展颇具危害性 ,与犯罪行为有较密切的关系 ,故为各相关学科所广泛研究。本文对人格障碍者在司法鉴定过程中所表现出的犯罪心理和行为特点进行分析 ,探讨与犯罪相关的问题。1 对象与方法1 1 对象取自北京市安康医院 1988~ 2 0 0 2年司法精神病鉴定中诊断为人格障碍的涉及刑事犯罪案件者 90例。诊断标准依据《中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准》第二版[1] 。所纳入的 90例包括六…  相似文献   

精神发育迟滞患者的犯罪学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shang QJ  Hu ZQ  Cai WX  Yu XD  Gu Y  Jiang MJ 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):58-60,69
目的探讨司法精神病学鉴定中精神发育迟滞(MR)患者的犯罪学特征。方法采用自编的司法精神病学鉴定案例登记量表,对83例MR患者的犯罪学特征进行分析,并对轻度MR与中重度MR的犯罪学特征进行比较。结果MR涉嫌犯罪者中轻度MR占62.7%,中度MR占22.9%。性犯罪占37.3%,凶杀占34.7%,财产犯罪等占28.0%。犯罪动机明确者占96.1%。有犯罪史者占34.7%。轻度MR与中重度MR两组间作案预谋(χ2=11.9,P=0.001)、作案目标确定(χ2=7.531,P=0.006)、作案动机(χ2=7.920,P=0.019)、作案类型(χ2=7.855,P=0.02)有显著性差异。结论MR涉嫌犯罪者以轻度居多,犯罪类型以性犯罪及凶杀犯罪占比例较大,大多数犯罪动机明确。轻度MR组有作案预谋、作案前确定目标者明显高于中重度MR组。中重度MR作案动机为性满足者明显高于轻度MR。  相似文献   

犯罪学研究的对象是犯罪学的生命,他决定了犯罪学学科的性质和地位,从而决定了犯罪学的发展方向。犯罪学理论体系的确定,关系到犯罪学的学术价值和实践意义。犯罪学是以法学、社会学、心理学为基础,融合各种有关学科知识的综合性学科。对其深入研究在司法、立法、科学决策、预防犯罪以及社会、经济等方面有着重要意义。  相似文献   

姚建龙 《现代法学》2007,29(6):183-191
中国近代犯罪学是在学习和译介西方犯罪学经典著作的基础之上起步的。可贵的是,近代犯罪学先驱们对于西方犯罪学的译介保持了一种理性的态度,并没有忽视对中国本土犯罪问题的关注。相对而言,近代中国的犯罪学研究可谓"相当兴旺发达",近代学者的不懈努力为中国犯罪学的发展奠定了良好基础。但是,当代中国犯罪学的起步基本上抛弃了近代犯罪学所创造的学术基础,对近代犯罪学的了解和评价充满了误解,这种状况亟需改变。  相似文献   

二十世纪的中国犯罪学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
<正> 以犯罪为研究对象的犯罪学,与刑法学、刑事侦查学、刑事诉讼法学,监狱法学等学科一样,是刑事法学的重要组成部分之一。在20世纪即将拉上帷幕之时,对中国犯罪学的百年历程进行回顾,总结经验,廓清症结,对于21世纪中国犯罪学的学科建设与学术发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对当代西方各种犯罪学理论的审视,作者提出,犯罪生态学将是全球犯罪学走出危机的希望.这种生态学与犯罪学的交叉边缘学科,其基本思想是,在"自然--社会--人"这一由三个基本要素构成的生态系统中,人类必然自我克制,以防止过度滥用他们的主体功能和为所欲为地去发挥其实践功能.这一理论可以克服犯罪学"人本学派"与"科技学派"的局限性,为减少犯罪找到新的出路.  相似文献   

司法精神病学鉴定为无精神病刑事案例的智力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hu JM  Li Y  Huo KJ  Liu XH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):105-107
目的研究司法精神病学鉴定中被鉴定为无精神病刑事案件者的智力水平。方法对88例被鉴定为无精神病的刑事案例及89例被鉴定为精神分裂症的刑事案例的智力测验结果进行对比分析。结果无精神病组与精神分裂症组的性别、年龄、文化、职业、婚姻及案件类型的构成差异无统计学意义;无精神病组的智力测验成绩显著优于精神分裂症组但低于正常水平(常模);自称有精神病或否认有精神病案例间智商的差异无统计学意义。结论无精神病案例的智力测验结果反映这类被鉴定人的智力有轻微受损。  相似文献   

Respect for justice has traditionally been an essential principle of health care ethics. However, many bioethical accounts of justice focus only on distributive justice, and how resources for health care should be allocated. In this article, I will argue that the practice of forensic mental health care requires clinicians to engage with justice in three additional and different ways: justice as liberty and fairness; retributive justice and protection of the vulnerable; and justice as the promotion of virtue. I will argue that British forensic psychiatry favours retributive and protective justice; in contrast to a libertarian approach to forensic practice in the United States. I discuss how respect for justice as support for virtue complements therapeutic work with offenders, which aims at the development of pro‐social character. I will conclude that without respect for justice as virtue, there is a danger that clinical forensic psychiatry risks doing harm to patients and bringing the profession into disrepute.  相似文献   

Create an overview of characteristics of patients in long-term forensic psychiatric care (LFPC) with a higher length of stay (LOS) care compared to patients in regular forensic psychiatric care (RFPC) with a shorter LOS. Data were collected from 139 patient records. This study examined whether patients in LFPC differ from patients in RFPC on sociodemographic data, legal data and clinical data and whether those characteristics are able to predict LOS. Patients in LFPC were more often born in a Dutch Caribbean country, less often had a substance abuse disorder, were more often emotionally neglected during childhood, had a higher HCR-20 risk item score, a higher security needs score, a higher (less successful) recovery score, were more often recidivist and had absconded more often than RFPC patients. Certain characteristics were able to distinguish the longer LOS group which might be useful to establish sequel services and enhance treatment efficiency.  相似文献   

Although female forensic patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are generally considered taxing in clinical practice, little is known about their specific characteristics or offences. In this study, 156 female forensic psychiatric patients diagnosed with BPD were compared to 113 diagnosed otherwise. Information on demographic and psychiatric characteristics, victimization, index offences, and incidents during treatment was gathered from patient files. Risk factors for recidivism were assessed using the PCL-R and historical items of the HCR-20, including items from the new Female Additional Manual (FAM). Compared to non-BPD women, BPD women were more likely to have been abused as children and to have a history of outpatient treatment. While less likely to be convicted for (attempted) homicide, a higher percentage of BPD women was convicted for arson. Comorbid substance abuse was more frequent in the BPD group and incidents towards others and themselves were more violent in nature. The PCL-R and the H-scale of the HCR-20/FAM indicated several risk factors especially important for BPD women, such as poor behavioural control, impulsivity, and irresponsibility. The results support the clinical impression that women diagnosed with BPD are a subgroup within the female forensic psychiatric population, with specific focus points for treatment and management.  相似文献   

Relative risks of violence in psychiatric patients are high compared to the general population and existing evidence in non-psychiatric populations may not translate to reductions in violence in psychiatric populations. We searched 10 databases including Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and Scopus, from inception until August 2015 for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of violence prevention interventions in psychiatry. Reviews were included if they used a hard outcome measure (i.e. police or hospital recorded violence, or reincarceration) and contained randomized or non-randomized controlled studies. Five reviews met our inclusion criteria (n = 8876 patients in total), of which four received a GRADE rating of ‘low’ or ‘very low’. Three randomized studies (n = 636) reported that therapeutic community interventions may reduce reincarceration in drug-using offenders with co-occurring mental illness (‘moderate’ GRADE rating). The lack of intervention research in violence prevention in general and forensic psychiatry suggests that interventions from non-psychiatric populations may need to be relied upon.  相似文献   

This study explores the illness perceptions of patients with schizophrenia in forensic settings and contrasts their views with those of a general adult psychiatry sample. It was hypothesised that forensic psychiatric patients would have more negative illness beliefs than general adult patients. A cross-sectional survey was used. Forty forensic patients and 32 general adult patients with schizophrenia were recruited. They completed the Illness Perception Questionnaire for Schizophrenia (IPQS), a valid and reliable measure of illness perceptions in mental health problems. Forensic patients perceived their illness to be less chronic, less cyclical, and had a lower negative emotional response to illness. Our results did not support our original hypothesis and possible reasons are explored. Acknowledging patient’s views when formulating management plans could permit more effective individually tailored treatment.  相似文献   

Zhang GZ  Zheng XD  Ge XF  Liu HX  Huo KJ 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):104-106
目的研究司法精神病学鉴定后各方对结论及处理的看法及社会影响等随访因素。方法作者通过通信函调、电话随访和登门拜访等三种方法,用自编调查表对208例鉴定案例分别向委托机关、被鉴定人本人或家属、受害人本人或家属进行随访。结果被鉴定人受教育年限平均为4.84年,以30岁左右已婚男性农民居多。暴力犯罪(129例占83.77%)远较非暴力犯罪(25例占16.23%)为多,前者又尤以杀人(44例占28.57%)为最常见。本资料再鉴定率为2.93%。被鉴定人及其家属对34例无责任能力的处理意见认为恰当的占76.47%,对判为无罪释放的28例,认为处理恰当的占71.43%,认为不恰当的占10.7%。对就医者几乎全都满意,对判刑或关押的认为恰当与不恰当者各占43.18%。受害人目前现状为死亡7例,残废10例,恢复健康10例。被鉴定人及其家属的意见与司法机关认为案件引起的社会影响似乎无关。被司法机关无罪释放的41例(26.62%)被鉴定人中,再杀人2例(4.87%),放火2例(4.87%),盗窃2例(4.87%),回归社会后有破坏行为但尚未构成犯罪者3例(7.31%)。结论建议政府有关部门尽快建立违法犯罪精神病人的监管和医疗机构。  相似文献   

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