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Motherless case in paternity testing   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In paternity test using the DNA evidence, the analysis of the deficient case that the DNA profiles of mother or alleged father are not available is different from that of the trio case analyzed routinely. However, the motherless case that the genotypes of mother is not available has been requested and analyzed like the trio case. In this paper, we compared the motherless case and the trio case through the mean exclusion chance describing the probability of exclusion for a genetic marker system and the distribution of the probability of paternity calculated using the three current methods. We have also shown a case which can be falsely discriminated if it were requested in the analysis of the motherless case, and conclude that the analysis of the motherless case should be carefully conducted and the level for the discrimination should be different from that of the trio case.  相似文献   

We report a case where an alleged father (AF) attempted to substitute someone else's saliva sample for his reference sample in a paternity analysis. Buccal cells were collected from the AF and the child, and DNA analysis was performed using an autosomal STR loci (Identifiler). The profile from the AF showed extra peaks in some loci, as well as a much higher "X" allele peak relative to the "Y" allele peak at the amelogenin locus. After conducting reanalysis by another technician with another set of positive and negative controls, it was concluded that the only source of the mixed profile was by intentional introduction by the AF, at the time of sampling, of some foreign human biological material, most likely saliva from a woman. Owing to the inconclusive results, when the AF was called back to the lab and the peculiar results were explained to him, he admitted that he had introduced into his mouth saliva from another person in an attempt to be excluded as the father of the child. Although tampering with DNA reference samples is not common, some individuals may attempt to contaminate or otherwise adulterate specimens before DNA tests. Personnel responsible for sampling should be aware of this possibility and should try to establish procedures to avoid the problem.  相似文献   

Yu Q  Li Q  Gao S  Su Y  Deng Z 《Journal of forensic sciences》2011,56(5):1346-1348
Human chimerism is the presence of ≥ 2 cell populations in one person that contain genetic material from more than one zygote. Chimerism may be either acquired by transfusion or transplantation of donor cells, or congenital arising from embryo fusion or dizygotic twin-twin transfusion. We encountered a 4-year-old boy with developmental hip dysplasia whose preoperative (serologic) blood group was AB, but whose red cell agglutination was atypical ("mixed field") and caused us to study the patient's parents' ABO blood groups. Parental blood groups (AB and O) suggested possible nonparentage. An alternative explanation of the findings was that the child was chimeric or mosaic. Molecular cloning and genotyping of his ABO locus in leukocytes revealed two heterozygous genotypes: A102/O01 and B101/O01. Other loci, each of which possessed three distinct alleles, unambiguously showed transmission of two alleles from either the child's mother (e.g., HLA-A) or two alleles from the child's father (e.g., D8S1179). Findings indicate that the child is a tetragametic chimera.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art technology can play a significant role in solving forensic and parentage problem cases if an expert scientist is employed in the analysis and interpretation of test results. As presented in this paper, there are differences of opinion among witnesses examining the same evidence, therefore illustrating the need for careful examination of evidence even by the expert.  相似文献   

An STR null allele is an allele at a microsatellite locus that fails to amplify. A possible cause is poor primer annealing due to nucleotide sequence divergence in the flanking primers. In this study, a woman (ZAM) wanted to know whether a man (PGAF) was the father of her child (ZGC). During the court settlement, PGAF died. PGAF’s parents refused to undergo DNA investigation and denied the access to biological fragments from their dead son. Although, DNA specimens were obtained from buccal swabs of ZAM, ZGC and PGAF’s paternal sister (PTFS). Initially, only autosomal profiles were studied, and kinship assignment was inconclusive. Following our requests, PGAF’s parents (PRGF and LLGM) led us to obtain their DNA specimens. Only with the PTFS genetic profile, we were not able to demonstrate a kinship assignment. PTFS showed a homozygosis at D8S1179 locus. Then, merely comparing PTFS, LLGM and ZGC autosomal genetic profiles it was possible to underline that they were three different homozygous at D8S1179 locus. Hence, comparing the peak heights in different loci and according to literature, they had to carry a null allele at this locus. Parental studies were completed by Y haplotype analysis.  相似文献   

This study reports a paternity case analyzed by the AmpFlSTR Identifiler Kit (AB) in which father and daughter shared three rare alleles for D19S433, D18S51 and TH01 microsatellites. The case also showed an apparent exclusion, due to a mutation at the D3S 1358 microsatellite. Sequencing analysis was performed to assess the size of the rare alleles and to establish their structure, which revealed some molecular variations in regions flanking the motif repeats.  相似文献   

Minisatellite variant repeat (MVR) mapping using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to a paternity case lacking a mother to evaluate the paternity probability. After three flanking polymorphic sites at each of MS31A and MS32 loci were investigated from the child and alleged father, allele-specific MVR-PCR was performed using genomic DNA. It was confirmed that one allele in the child was identical to that in the alleged father at both loci. Mapped allele codes were compared with allele structures established from population surveys. No perfect matches were found although some motifs were shared with other Japanese alleles. The paternity index and probability of paternity exclusion at these two MVR loci were then estimated, establishing the power of MVR-PCR even in paternity cases lacking a mother.  相似文献   

This report describes a simple approach to multilocus paternity analysis for cases where the child's sample may be inadequate leading to a partial profile. A specimen calculation is given. A previous paper described how the various band sharing configurations in the DNA multilocus profiles of a mother-child-putative father trio could be combined in a comprehensive mathematical analysis to give an overall Bayesian likelihood ratio. In that paper, it was assumed that all three members of the trio gave full DNA profiles. In some cases that assumption may not be valid but it is possible to extend the analysis to allow for partial profiles. This paper demonstrates how this may be done by considering the case where the child's profile may be partial for one reason or another. A specimen calculation is given.  相似文献   

Four X-chromosome markers (DXS101, HPRTB, DXS8377, and STRX-1) were typed in a population sample from Tuscany, Italy, using a single amplification reaction. Resolution of a deficiency paternity case involving two women (either they were half-sisters or non-relatives) was made possible by typing these marker in addition to 16 conventional autosomal markers.  相似文献   

双亲皆疑亲子鉴定STR分型亲权指数计算方法探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
计算标准三联体亲子鉴定的PI值及探讨双亲皆疑亲子鉴定PI值计算的可靠方法 ,对常规STR分型鉴定结果 ,根据Eseen M ller计算理论 ,总结出标准三联体亲子鉴定计算PI值的 4个公式 :1/ p ,1/ ( 2 p) ,1/ (p +q) ,1/ ( 2p +2 q)。提出适用于双亲皆疑亲子鉴定的一种新的PI值计算方法 ,并与其他方法进行比较。认为该方法取值Y时 ,既考虑随机男女生孩子的可能性 ,也考虑假设父 (或假设母 )与随机个体生孩子的可能性 ,更符合随机原则。  相似文献   

Abstract: A sexual assault case resulted in a pregnancy, which was subsequently aborted. The alleged father of the fetus was unknown. Maternal and fetal types were obtained using the 11‐locus AmpF?STR® SGM Plus® kit. The national DNA database was searched for the paternal obligatory alleles and detected two suspects who could not be excluded as father of the male fetus. Additional typing using the AmpF?STR® Minifiler? kit, containing three additional autosomal loci, was not sufficient to exclude either suspect. Subsequent typing using the PowerPlex® 16, containing four additional loci, and Y‐Filer? kits resulted in excluding one suspect. Searching a database for paternal obligatory alleles can be fruitful, but is fraught with possible false positive results so that finding a match must be taken as only preliminary evidence.  相似文献   

The introduction of a standardized paternity index (PI) for the statistical evaluation of blood group findings in cases of disputed paternity is proposed and explained. By using the PI XY as parameter, it is not necessary to give the information of the probability of paternity in percent. The PI includes the full information of the blood group findings. In addition to that, by using the suggested standardization based on the probabilities of error according to Schulte Mönting and Walter the test volume is also taken into account. The interpretation of the mathematical result is given by verbal predicates, the limitations of which are orientated by the verbal predicates for the probabilities of error according to Schulte Mönting and Walter, published by us elsewhere. Besides the essential fact that the test volume is taken into account, the most important advantage of this procedure is that the mathematical result is involved in the court decision only by the PI (which is free of any valuation) and its verbal predicate and not by sometimes relatively high percentages, which may be misunderstood by laymen.  相似文献   

Recently, the use of DNA markers has provided a more accurate method of identifying individuals and verifying parentage. In this report, we describe foal assignment in a farm bred jumping horses (Silla argentino). Ten mares were freely served by two stallions, resulting in nine foals. Weaning occurred without registration of the mare of each offspring, resulting in a failure to identify either the mare or the sire of each foal. Animals were typed using 12 microsatellite systems and four biochemical polymorphisms in order to determine the paternity/maternity of each foal. We used the CERVUS program to evaluate the parentage of each offspring. It was possible to determine maternity in eight cases, and paternity in all of them. We concluded that this set of codominant markers analyzed following a likelihood-based approach included in the CERVUS package, are useful tools to solve parentage assignments in domestic horses.  相似文献   

Pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH) is a very rare congenital (autosomal recessive) condition with fetal onset. Only a few cases have been published on the basis of both clinical data (symptoms/neuroradiological imaging) and autopsy results. This paper reports on such a case involving a 1.5-year-old male infant. The child suffered from severe psychomotor delay, extrapyramidal dyskinesia and epileptic seizures, but did not exhibit signs of spinal muscular atrophy as related to PCH type 1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the age of 6 months demonstrated olivo-pontine and bilateral cerebellar hypoplasia. The boy was unexpectedly found dead. Autopsy disclosed a severe aspiration of gastric contents as the final cause of death. The neuropathological examination confirmed PCH type 2 (according to Barth [Brain Dev., 15 (1993) 411-422]) with marked microcephaly and olivopontocerebellar hypoplasia. Histologically, decreased density of olivo-pontine neurons, reduction of granular and Purkinje's cell layers of the cerebellum, slight astroglial proliferation and fragmented appearance of the dentate nuclei were observed. The immunohistochemical expression pattern was determined using antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein, synaptophysin and neurofilament protein. Summarizing, typical features of PCH type 2 were present and proved by clinical course, MRI and autopsy. Despite severe symptoms due to a natural disease this rare neurogenetic entity can become of forensic interest, when sudden unexpected death occurs.  相似文献   

A paternity test is presented in which a father and his two children possessed an extremely rare amorphic gene R-29 (r,---). One of the children was determined to be illegitimate at the first trial as her Rh phenotype was R2R2(ccDEE) and the father's phenotype was R1R1(CCDee). At the Court of Appeal, however, the rare Rh gene r(---) was shown to be inherited from the father to the appellant child through extended tests including her brother whose phenotype was also R2R2(ccDEE). She was acknowledged to be legitimate.  相似文献   

Two Cape Coloured persons of mixed White, Khoikhoi, Malay, Black parentage in Cape Town whose red cells were found to be S—s—U— establish that the rare Su allele is present in this population group. The most likely source of the Su allele in them is the non-indigenous Black slaves who were brought to the Cape in the early years of White settlement there. In two paternity suits involving Cape Coloured persons, maternal and paternal exclusions were present unless the inheritance of an MSu or an NSu chromosome was postulated, and MS, NS and Ns chromosomes were seen to accompany He+ alleles in them.  相似文献   

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