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论政府法制管理创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛明 《行政与法》2005,2(12):18-21
政府法制管理是一个新的政府管理模式,它包括政府的法制化和政府依法实行管理两大方面。政府法制管理创新是实现政府法制管理和政府科学管理的有效整合,以形成一个科学、合理、高效、协调的法制政府系统。政府法制管理创新不仅会提高政府管理工作的效率,而且会促进社会发展的长期的整体的效益。实现政府法制管理创新必须解决好政府官员及专家与人民群众的素质整合、政府法制管理与执政党领导的整合、政府权力与公民权利的整合、政府管理效率与社会效益的整合等问题。  相似文献   

论法治与德治的相辅相成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为当我们认识到法治的重要性的时候 ,不能片面地认为法律本身是万能的 ,也要注意加强德治建设 ,以达到法治与德治相辅相成、互相促进的目标。  相似文献   

马云  傅义 《行政与法》2004,(7):48-50
我们应从简单的规则主义法治观转变为复调的法治观。复调的法治观,以规则主义法治观为主旋律,以 法律家之治作为必要的伴奏乐。恰当的法律家之治可以弥补规则主义法治观的局限与不足。  相似文献   

陈雪云 《政法学刊》2002,19(2):19-20
“德治”作为一种治国方略,在不同时代被统治阶级赋予了不同的内容。从西汉起成为封建统治阶级立法和司法指导思想的儒家“德治”学说,主张“德主刑辅”。建设社会主义法治国家,要把以法治国与以德治国紧密结合起来,“法治”与“德治”并举。加强公民道德建设,建立与发展社会主义市场经济相适应的社会主义道德体系,应倡导体现时代要求的新的道德观念。  相似文献   

依法治国是党领导人民治理国家的基本方略.实施依法治国必须要贯彻依法行政.依法行政是法治的重要原则,也是依法治国的关键,并且在很大程度上对依法治国基本方略的实现具有决定性的作用.  相似文献   

薛军 《法学研究》2011,(1):58-67
传统民法对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫采取区分式的立法模式。在第三人欺诈情形,排除意思表示人针对善意相对人撤销其意思表示的权利;在第三人胁迫情形,则赋予意思表示人以无限制的撤销其意思表示的权利。区分模式忽视对交易安全的保障,造成法律制度内部的冲突。对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫设立统一规则的模式具有诸多优点,在最近的民法理论中得到越来越多的支持。在未来中国民法典的编纂中,应对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫采纳统一的规则模式,承认在无信赖利益保护需求时,被欺诈人与被胁迫人享有撤销权。  相似文献   

全国行政法学第20届年会,今天在海南召开。这是促进我省依法行政、加强学习和理性思考的极好机会。在此,我首先代表中共海南省委、海南省政府并以我个人名义向大会表示热烈祝贺,对各位专家、学者和嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!  相似文献   

我国目前在刑事被害人国家补偿实施机构的选择上,主要有法院主导、专门机构主导、检察机关主导、司法行政机关主导、民政机关主导、多机关共同主导等六种模式.上述六种模式各有自身的优劣,但相对而言,检察机关主导模式有较多的优点,其可能出现的问题也是可控的.因此.我国以检察机关作为刑事被害人国家补偿机构是较好的选择.  相似文献   

在新一轮司法改革的过程中,优化检察机关技术侦查权的配置是检察工作科学发展的一个重要内容.当前职务犯罪的新变化以及司法改革的大趋势使得给检察机关配置技术侦查权具有相当的必要性和正当性,但同时也应当对其有所规制.  相似文献   

以股抵债需要法律规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对以股抵债施行中存在的问题和争议,分析了以股抵债法律规制的必要性,阐述了以股抵债法律规制的内容及其法律后果。  相似文献   

A semi-skeletted water-lodged corpse was supposed to be an 82-year-old missed man. Fifteen years ago this person underwent an operation of a trimalleolar fracture of the left ankle joint. Conventional X-ray photograms of the left ankle joint of the water-lodged corpse showed no evidence of an operation. A T-1 weighted spin-echo sequence revealed the entire aspect of the osteosynthesis as documented in the previously performed post-operative X-ray photograms.  相似文献   

Death by lightning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deaths from lightning injuries are infrequent, amounting to 0.2-0.8 per million people per year, and are associated with climatologic conditions. The victims are mostly young, active people who are struck during various outdoor activities during the summer months. Even though many people can be struck by the same bolt of lightning, multiple casualties are uncommon. Among the fatalities, various types of skin burns are regularly present, often at an entry site on or near the head, and at an inferiorly located exit site. These skin injuries often consist of superficial burns and singed hair; deep burns and charring are uncommon. Arborescent skin marks seem to occur less frequently. Internal findings at autopsy are nonspecific.  相似文献   

We report an unusual suicide, committed with a common pencil. A 72-year-old male inflicted himself a penetrating thoracic wound while being hospitalized for a hip prosthesis operation. Although the patient was immediately operated, the cardiac injury appeared to be fatal. Cases of suicidal penetrating wounds of the anterior chest wall are rare and they are mostly inflicted by knives, glass fragments, or other sharp instruments. The potential danger of a pencil should be taken into consideration, especially in psychiatric hospitals and imprisonment facilities. We examined the legislation in Italy and Finland concerning the regulation of privacy in special care institutions.  相似文献   

Homicide by fire     
A study of homicide perpetrated by fire was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, during the years from 1977 until 1984. A total of 26 cases were collected and analyzed as to age, race, sex, and the cause of death of the victim along with the blood alcohol content, the drugs detected at autopsy, and the blood carboxyhemoglobin level. Additionally noted were the geographic location of the terminal incident, the scene circumstances, how the fire started, who started the fire, and the reason for the fire. The most common victim was a 31-50-year-old white man who died from smoke inhalation while sober. Commonly, drugs detected were negative, and the carboxyhemoglobin levels were elevated. The fire occurred at "home" while the victim was sleeping. Usually, a flammable liquid was poured and ignited by a drifter who was a brief acquaintance and earlier involved in an argument with the victim.  相似文献   

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