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论完善我国公民政策参与的意义及其路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策参与是公民通过合法的途径和方式直接或间接参与和影响公共政策 ,表达自身利益要求和意愿的一般公民政治行为及过程 ;是公民参与公共政策过程表达和实现自身利益的最直接、最有效而且最明显的政治参与形式。公民政策参与对于实现公共政策决策的科学化、民主化 ,保证公共政策公共利益方向以及维护政策体系合法性方面具有重要的作用。在社会转型期推进和完善公共政策参与必须从发展政策参与的物质基础、建立参与型政治文化以及政策参与制度化等三方面来加以推进。  相似文献   

随着我国政治和经济的发展,国家治理结构的转型,促进了公民生活水平的提高和自我意识的觉醒,催生了以维护公民利益和社会公共利益为己任,有别于政府和企业的“第三部门”组织,其产生将对政府职能的转变和公共政策的制定与执行带来影响。本文就此从我国政策制定主体——政府、政策制定、政策客体和政策执行四个方面分析了“第三部门”对公共政策的影响,并对其负面影响和改进措施作了分析。  相似文献   

论公共政策执行中的公民政治参与   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共政策执行中的公民政治参与是社会主义国家民主政治的基本内涵 ,是公民享有参与管理国家和社会各项事务的权利体现 ,是公共政策执行民主化的必然要求。公共政策执行中的公民政治参与要求公民参与政策执行计划、沟通、监督、评估等基本过程之中 ,以人事行政参与、行政合同参与、社区自治参与和政务公开参与为实现途径 ,确保公共政策执行民主化的真正实现和公民政治参与的具体落实  相似文献   

对我国公共政策参与中存在的问题及对策的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国社会利益结构的重大变化和社会结构的转型,使公共政策参与问题的研究显得更为迫切和重要。目前,我国公共政策参与中面临公共政策主体不完备、公共政策参与的组织化程度较低和政策参与渠道不广泛、参与不平衡等问题。促进我国公共政策参与方式的完善,除代议制和公民投票外,还应从三个方面着手,即:界定公共政策主体的职能,增强民间主体特别是弱势群体的参与地位;拓展政策参与渠道,将社会讨论引入政策过程之中;大力发挥社会团体在政治生活中的积极作用。  相似文献   

吴太胜 《行政论坛》2010,17(5):40-45
公民公共政策参与是公民表达和实现自身利益的最直接、最有效的政治活动形式,体现着公民与政策体系关系的民主性质。改革开放以来,浙江经济持续稳定的发展使社会财富急剧增加,由此引发了社会阶层结构、利益结构的根本性变化。随着基层民主政治的不断创新和发展,公民参与政策过程的积极性不断提升,政策参与的方式、途径也发生了重大转变,主要呈现四个趋向:公共政策从个体参与到组织化参与,从个别环节的参与到公共政策的全程参与。从部分领域的政策参与到公共政策的广泛参与,从传统参与方式到多元参与模式的创新。而决定了公民公共政策参与方式的转变,不仅有外部力量的牵引,更是自身因素的推动,即经济发展和多元化利益格局的形成使公共政策参与主体的参与愿望不断增强;NGO的成长和公民社会的发育推进了公共政策参与主体的组织化进程;基层民主政治的创新与发展为公民公共政策参与创造了宽松的政治环境;网络与信息技术的普及为公民公共政策参与提供了良好的物质技术条件;公民政策素质的提高为公民政策参与方式的转变提供了智力条件。  相似文献   

理性与激情的平衡——论公共政策制定中的公民适度参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国政治民主化程度日益提高,关于公民参与公共政策制定的问题也成为学界的热点.在计划经济时期,我国公共政策制定过程中的公民参与度非常低,这会导致政策合法性的缺失、公共政策的失误、公共政策执行的困难和公共权力的异化等问题.而公民的过度参与则极易引发政治动乱,不利于国家稳定,会极大地影响政策制定的效率,给政府和公民带来极高的参与成本;会影响公共政策的质量,导致公共政策的扭曲.因而,公民适度参与既可避免支持者对公民参与抱有的单纯激情,又可避免批判者对公民参与持深度的怀疑态度.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的深入发展和政策体制改革的不断完善,第三部门开始在我国发展壮大,逐渐参与公共政策的制定与实施当中,彻底改变了原来由政府领导的单一的、自上而下的权利运行体制,促使自下而上的草根参与意识不断增强。但是由于第三部门的政策参与仍存在参与机制短缺、参与秩序混乱、现行法律滞后、政治文化缺失等问题,针对这些问题我国必须做出以下一些改变:政府应转变自身观念,准确定位;加强第三部门自身的参与能力;健全立法,完善参与机制。我国政府部门如能做到以上这些改变,第三部门将会在公共政策参与中发挥更加重要的作用,公共政策的制定也将更加的科学化和民主化。  相似文献   

我国公民参与政策制定的社会背景分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张宇 《理论探讨》2007,(5):161-163
公民参与政策制定是中国在社会转型中的必然。社会的转型带来了一连串的社会背景的变迁,从各个层面上呼吁公民参与到政策制定中去,并在全社会营造一种建立在公开讨论协商和公民、社会与政府共同参与政策制定的民主氛围。对于推进我国公民参与政策制定的具体社会背景的分析,将有助于我们寻找一条适合中国国情的公共政策制定模式,从而推动公共政策制定的民主和科学。  相似文献   

在我国社会发展变革的新时期,提升政府公共政策公信力是提高政策效率、降低政策执行成本、巩固政治稳定和实现政府职能的重要途径。当前,提升政府公共政策公信力,需要从提高公共政策的质量、明确公共政策公共价值取向、强化政府公信力、建立公共政策责任追究制度、建立公共政策绩效评估制度、提高公民参与政策能力等方面入手。  相似文献   

公众参与政策过程:价值、困境及走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐志君 《理论探索》2007,(2):124-127
公众参与公共政策过程作为公民政治参与的一种重要形式,是公共行政的公共性与公民民主权利相契合、确保公共政策对民意的有效回应性和科学性、实现社会资源公平分配的重要途径。由于各方原因,当前我国公众参与政策过程面临诸多困境,其出路是建立开放性政策制定模式,加强公众参与的制度化、程序化建设,确立公民的政策主体地位,营造宽容—妥协—合作的政治文化氛围,同时形成一套有效的维护机制。  相似文献   

前些年,不少学者热衷于介绍和研究西方昙花一现的政治理论,自去年以来,这种追风的现象已经趋冷。2010年的政治学研究主要关注了国家理论、政党理论、政治思潮、民主问题、政治学学科和方法论。由此可以看出,中国的政治学研究进一步向传统的研究主题回归,进一步趋向理性。  相似文献   

案卷排他性原则是现代听证制度的核心。我国目前的价格决策听证制度并没有确立案卷排他性原则,致使政府价格决策听证常常流于形式。案卷排他性原则在我国政府价格决策听证中的确立,不仅具有必要性.而且具有可行性。  相似文献   


This article explores how resilience as a concept is being increasingly mobilised within the Education in Emergencies (EiE) community. Using content and a close textual analysis, it identifies the concept's growth in prominence within key EiE documents arguing it has been employed to serve a range of different purposes. It contends, however, that dominant conceptualisations of resilience within the EiE community are reflective of a number of shifts around the problem, subjects and purposes of education provision in such conflict-affected contexts. This serves to limit the transformative potential of resilience, particularly in regards to contributing to positive peace.  相似文献   

Local councils in Bangladesh have been provided with several sources of revenue that can be utilized for the maintenance of the councils, as well as the initiation of developmental projects. The union and upazila level councils have fared miserably in collection of such revenue. An examination of twelve upazilas during 1986–90 demonstrates that their performance has been affected by a lack of administrative support for the task, a dearth of adequate knowledge and skills on the part of local leaders and a failure to plan carefully on the part of the government. The Ordinances through which they have been established did not identify realistic sources of revenue nor did they provide guidelines on their utilization. Consequently, collection of revenue is done in an arbitrary and disorganized manner. It is recommended that adequate and appropriate administrative structures are developed and that proper training is provided to enhance the knowledge and skills of local leaders and to enable the councils to perform the task of revenue collection efficiently. Some suggestions are presented to utilize properly the market facilities, which appear to be highly potent sources for the generation of revenue.  相似文献   

The present government of Bangladesh has extensively reformed the administrative system and upgraded the previous thana to upazila (sub-district) to serve as the focal point of development administration. A new tier of local government called Upazila Parishad (UZP) has been created and a large number of functions have been devolved to this institution along with the placement of central government employees at its disposal. The reformers argue that the present system will remove the inadequacies of the previous administrative system and will bring about an improvement in the co-ordination of field services at the upazila level. However, the actual situation represents a totally different picture. The desired integration— both vertical and horizontal—and co-ordination in local level planning is non-existent due to the absence of any clear direction from the central government. Proper co-ordination among the field services in the upazila administration does not exist due to the anomalous relation between the upazila and the national government, including excessive central control; the involvement of multiple agencies of the central government in guiding and supervising; ambiguity in government thinking; the absence of clarification from the ministries concerned and agencies on the timing of different development programmes; and conflict over the allocation of resources. There is also conflict between the different tiers of local government in respect of authority and resources. Relations between public representatives and officials at the upazila level are strained because a clear allocation of authority to political executives is lacking; areas for co-operation among different agencies have not been clarified; and public representatives and government officials lack mutual respect.  相似文献   

中国政府全面质量管理系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面质量管理是一门内涵丰富的管理哲学、管理思想,同时也是一种有效的管理技术和管理工具,全面质量管理在企业中的应用取得了重大成效,西方国家将全面质量管理应用于政府部门同样取得了明显的效果.中国同样具有推行政府全面质量管理的基础条件,通过开展政府全面质量管理的基础性工作,树立"顾客导向",建构政府内部持续改进机制,建立政府全面质量管理质量保证体系,将全面质量管理的管理理念和管理方法引入中国政府部门.构建中国政府全面质量管理系统,从而提高政府工作绩效和公众的满意度.  相似文献   

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are often perceived to provide the magic bullet to complex societal problems including alternative approaches that ensure good governance. Fresh new research is therefore needed due to the prevailing paradox of escalating governance challenges in Kenya despite CSOs efforts to address the same. This paper specifically seeks to understand mechanisms that CSOs use as they seek to intervene in governance issues in Kenya. It links persistent poor governance happening at the counties to inadequate mechanisms used by CSOs. It argues that CSOs have not been bold enough to confront poor governance but, instead, have used superficial mechanisms with little outcomes. They have particularly focused on providing trainings and creating awareness and have shied away from more direct engagement with poor governance such as monitoring utilization of public funds. The study methodology involved a survey, focus group discussions, and in-depth face to face interviews. The tools used included a survey questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion guide and In-depth Interview guide. Among the recommendations are that CSOs need to go beyond creating awareness and trainings and engage with governance issues more directly using well-tried mechanisms.  相似文献   

Spanish Local Corporations are playing an increasingly important role in the provision of public services without reducing their function of consolidation and structuring of the current sociopolitical system. This reality implies an increase in their need of financial funds without new compensation resources. Also, there is a certain tendency to loose population in many counties along with a greater organic and territorial dispersion that accelerates their financial weakening. This makes necessary to find management alternatives ensuring the appropriate provision of local public services and thus the Local Corporation reform becomes an alternative. In this context, the present paper approaches the analysis and the results based upon a territorial balance criterion on the population and its distribution, aiming ultimately to design an indicator able to measure the need of the Spanish local government structure according to its population and the size of its municipalities. This indicator might measure the regional impact to any variation both in the distribution of its population and in the number of municipalities.  相似文献   

全球化对我国教育的冲击是深刻的,经典文化教育是应对挑战所必需的选择之一。经典文化具有时代性、开放性和包容性,对成就一个人以及提高整个国民素质都有重要的意义与价值。经典文化教育在学校教育应有所作为。  相似文献   

牛国玲  梁秋艳  籍国莉 《学理论》2012,(21):237-238
文中通过"英语运用度"这一指标对双语教学模式进行了划分,通过对在工科院校双语教学中的实际教学效果对比研究,对制约双语教学中英语应用度的各项因素进行了详细研究分析,阐述了工科教学时开展双语教学工作应解决的重要问题和解决问题的措施,并给出了"英语运用度"的最佳取值范围。  相似文献   

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