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2010年度中国企业家犯罪报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王荣利 《法人》2011,(1):34-41
2010年,前“首富”黄光裕夫妻的案件,经历了一审二审,已经尘埃落定。而作为黄光裕兄长的黄俊钦,虽然与黄光裕同时涉案,却还要继续等待下一个年头,才有可能见分晓。  相似文献   

30年来200多个企业家的犯罪案例不应该遭到忽视,这些身陷囹圄的失败的企业家们不只是避免重蹈覆辙的前车之鉴,更是这个风云激荡的时代无法抹去的组成部分  相似文献   

马丽 《法人》2009,(1):35-36
总结企业家的失败基因——王荣利把这看作是自己义不容辞的责任2008年年底,纪念中国改革开放三十周年的活动达到了高潮,当公众把目光和声音集中在那些为改革开放和经济发展立下汗马功劳的成功企业家的时候,广东立国律师事务所王荣利律师却把注意力放到了落马企业家这个特殊的群体上。  相似文献   

正2014年1月3日,由法制日报《法人》杂志联合中国青年报舆情监测室推出的《2013年中国企业家犯罪(媒体样本)研究报告》(以下简称《报告》)正式发布,这是法制日报社《法人》杂志连续第五年发布同类报告。2013年我国掀起反腐高潮有反腐元年之称,报告调研了涉案被查的357名现任或前任国企管理者、国企及民企企业家。报告一经发布,受到社会各界人士的关注和热议。1月12日,该报告在2013中国公司法务年会上二次发布,再掀舆论高潮。一、《报告》反响(一)舆情总数及平台分布从2014年1月3日至1月16日,中青舆情监测室一共监测到《报告》相关的网  相似文献   

吕斌 《法人》2013,(3):75-78
连续四年发布"中国企业家犯罪报告"——这是《法人》杂志的一种价值追求,也是这个团队甘愿担当的使命2013年1月20日,《2012中国企业家犯罪媒体案例分析报告》发布会暨企业家犯罪预防研讨会在北京召开。对于背后主办方之一的《法人》杂志来说,这已经是第四度发布"企业家犯罪报告"。  相似文献   

肖岳 《法人》2015,(3):18-19,96
民营企业家中,尤其中小企业家群体,在远离犯罪道路、解决其自身经营中所遇到问题时,普法单位、检察院和社会组织应做其企业成长路上的灯塔,把法制教育开展到日常经营中去《法人》杂志2月10日发布的《中国企业家犯罪(媒体样本)研究报告》(以下简称《报告》)显示,国有企业家犯罪案件和民营企业家犯罪案件各占据了总犯罪案件数量的半壁江山,2014年该报告所收集的案件总数为426件,其中国有企业家涉及犯罪案件达245件,占总案件数量的58%,而民营企业家犯罪案件则达181件,占总案件数量的42%。  相似文献   

李斌 《法人》2014,(2):17-20
正企业家犯罪好比生病,病了之后再怎么治也不易康复,对于企业家们来说,锻炼身体、加强保健,保证自己不生病才是更有必要的《中国企业家犯罪年度报告》(下称报告)是《法人》杂志从2009年创立的一个品牌式研究项目,至今刚好五年,按照中国人的习惯,逢五、逢十都是需要纪念一下、梳理一下的,因此笔者很荣幸担任了这个五岁报告的主笔,并利用自己多年从事经济犯罪审查起诉的经验以及从事刑事法律研究的特长,对今年的媒体报道企业家犯罪案例进行了分析。  相似文献   

王荣利 《法人》2009,(6):32-34
如果说市场经济就是法制经济,那么现代企业管理制度也就是法制化管理制度近十多年来,在我国实行社会主义市场经济的过程中,企业家犯罪现象无论在数量上还是在犯罪的危害层面上,都达到了前所未有的程度。企业家犯罪问题,既有主观方面的原因,也有客观方面的原因。有的企业家犯罪被抓,人民群众拍手称快;  相似文献   

吕斌 《法人》2013,(3):80-81
企业家犯罪现象背后是深刻的环境因素,若想有所改变,需同时从外部着手,对市场经济制度层面纵深改革展开深入思考2012年,伴随着国内外经济环境的风起云涌,企业家在企业管理、生产经营中所面临的外部环境,发生了巨大的变化。全球性金融危机的阴霾迟迟未能消散,国内针对部分地区企业家涉黑、民间融资  相似文献   

民营企业家犯罪的十大表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从犯罪构成的主观方面来看,表七所列民营企业家所犯罪名几乎全部是故意犯罪。民营企业家比较典型、多发的犯罪中很少有过失犯罪。即使个别民营企业家存在过失犯罪,如交通肇事罪、重大责任事故罪等,一般对企业或者对个人命运的影响都不太大,所以笔者在此不做过多地研究。  相似文献   

阮加文 《法人》2010,(2):12-14
他们身陷牢狱的厄运或许已无法改变,但那些没有了他们的企业又将何去何从?2009年十大落马企业家和十大企业家犯罪案件都将表明,公司高管犯罪不但会放大对社会的伤害,也让谋求一个法治市场的努力变得异常艰辛。  相似文献   

In 1965 President Johnson established The Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Its report released earlier this year is highly significant. The recommendations concerning juvenile courts are likely to have strong influence over the next several years and that section of the report follows:  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):84-96
Secret societies have always been endemic to Chinese overseas communities, surviving on fear and corruption and prospering through their involvement in a wide range of legal and illegal businesses. For many years, Hong Kong was seen as the 'capital' of this worldwide Chinese criminal fraternity and, in the 1980s, many outside observers and analysts thought the gangs that were based in the then British colony would leave once it reverted to Chinese rule in 1997. In the end, the reverse turned out to be the case. Not only did the Hong Kong Triads make arrangements with the territory's new overlords, but in Chinatowns all over the world, close links were also forged with mainland Chinese interests. In China itself, where cutthroat capitalism has replaced the old, austere socialist system, new secret societies, both Triad-linked criminal groups and various syncretic sects, are also expanding at a breathtaking pace. An entirely new breed of entrepreneurs is emerging on the fringes of China. The businesslike and well-connected, pinstriped suit-wearing managers of the Sun Yee On Triad have shown where the future lies, while gangsters are breaking new ground in such new frontiers as the Russian Far East, which could have far-reaching consequences for the stability of the entire region.  相似文献   

从已经公开发表的文献来看,到目前为止,国内有关有组织犯罪的实证调查研究为数极少,针对上海地区进行的有组织犯罪调查研究则几乎看不到。通过收集近五年来上海地区公开的有组织犯罪判决书的方式,获得了调查需要的基础材料。以判决书为依托提取相关数据,进行系统考察分析,总结归纳出上海地区有组织犯罪行为人、犯罪组织、受害人、犯罪组织犯罪行为等方面的规律、特点。  相似文献   

This is the second of two articles examining the relationship between British Imperial statutes and Irish law in the early years of the self-governing Irish state. The present article examines the assertion that the Imperial parliament at Westminster enjoyed the right to legislate for the self-governing Irish state in the 1920s and 1930s. Successive governments in the Irish Free State denied the validity of this legislative power. This article examines a number of Imperial statutes passed between 1922 and 1931 that purported to apply to the Irish Free State. These Imperial statutes were seen as serious threats to Irish legislative sovereignty and have never been recognised by the Irish courts as being part of Irish law. This article examines how the controversial power to pass Imperial statutes for the Irish Free State provoked a serious Anglo–Irish dispute at a delicate stage in bringing the Irish Constitution of 1922 into force. It attempts to illustrate the profound consequences of this dispute for the 1922 Constitution. The article also examines the complex relationship between Irish law and the Statute of Westminster as an Imperial statute. The controversies over Imperial statutes and Irish legislative sovereignty are examined in the context of earlier periods of Irish history and also in the context of recent developments in twenty-first-century Ireland. This permits a consideration of wider questions as to how concepts of national identity influence the acceptance or rejection of particular sources of law.  相似文献   

In the 50 years since the U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice under President Johnson issued its report, feminist activism and both feminist and mainstream research have resulted in defining domestic violence (DV) as a social problem. This awareness of the seriousness and expansiveness of DV has spurred the development of unprecedented programs and policies. Although DV policing changes have been significant, so too have been the development of and changes in safehouses, no‐drop court policies, domestic violence courts, community‐coordinated responses, and batterer intervention programs. In this article, we review the nonpolice responses to DV cases and outcomes and provide recommendations. First, research and policies need to more regularly be aimed at addressing victims’ safety and their diverse needs and experiences. Second, assessments should include addressing the processing of these cases through the impact of responses by individual community and criminal legal system actors (e.g., victim advocates, police, prosecutors, and judges) to victims and offenders.  相似文献   

伍洲奇 《法人》2020,(1):54-55,4
2019年12月20日,财经头条2019全球经济学家年会在上海浦东举办。受邀出席活动的胡润,无疑是这场盛典中最活跃的一分子。一来到会场,他便被媒体记者和企业家们围了起来,他兴高采烈地举起赞助方提供的红酒,一边朝着摄像镜头点头微笑,一边和嘉宾们说着地道的中国话。  相似文献   

The Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS) is a computerized investigative aid, developed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which is used to increase information sharing and enable crime linkages in serious crime investigations. The current study examines the reliability of the ViCLAS Crime Report by calculating the level of agreement among two samples of police officers who received one of two fictitious crime scenarios; homicide (= 116) or sexual assault (= 121). Results from this study show that the observed inter-rater reliability among police officers completing the ViCLAS booklet was 79.30% for the homicide scenario, and 87.70% for the sexual assault scenario. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

提供虚假财会报告罪是一种面临特定伦理基础的法定犯,也是国家通过刑法重建市场信用规则 的一种手段。该罪保护的法益(即犯罪客体)是一种超个人的社会法益,即公司的信息公开制度。 因此,提供虚假财会报告罪犯罪构成模式应由结果本位向行为本位转换,同时,在定罪时也要考 虑量的因索,处罚最值得处罚的行为。  相似文献   

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