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The purpose of the study was to identify the insecure adult attachment style associated with childhood physical abuse. Five hundred fifty-two female and 294 male university students completed questionnaires on their child abuse history, adult attachment style, and other variables. Regression analyses were completed. A history of physical abuse was associated with attachment avoidance while controlling for other forms of childhood abuse. Some support was also found for an association between physical abuse and attachment anxiety. Social support, as a control variable, was found to be an important predictor of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety. A history of childhood physical abuse has important and specific impacts on intimate adult relationships with social support acting as a possible protective factor.  相似文献   

权力行使类型之间的逻辑关系体现为一对基本类型和依不同标准而划分的三对"子类型"的结构。"本质的、功能的、深层的、活动的研究"方法,叙事与论理相结合的方法,是权力行使类型理论得以构建的前提,也是具有普遍启发意义的方法。纵向权力的"不定数"特性和不同的人性论预设,构成了权力行使类型理论有效性的内在根据;中国传统文化熏染的官吏群体和稳定、成熟的制度环境,是权力行使类型理论有效性的外在条件。近代以来中国的文化危机和制度变迁,深刻改变了权力行使类型理论发生作用的条件,然而传统文化是活的文化,正在走向复兴的现代中国,有条件积极利用权力行使类型理论这一珍贵的传统资源,营造讲究为官之道的现代"官文化",促进和谐行政,提高行政效率。  相似文献   

This article explores the realization of the right to access in France, based on biographical interviews with people with mobility or visual impairments. I lay out an original theoretical framework for studying rights realization at the individual level. Although rights activation is the horizon of most rights consciousness research, I argue that rights do not necessarily need to be activated in order to be made real. This realization may also derive from effective policy implementation. In France, however, disabled individuals are very active in realizing their right to access, in a context of insufficient implementation. Moreover, although there is limited collective mobilization, several types of policy feedbacks fuel rights activation and the emergence of grievances regarding the lack of accessibility. Studying the realization of the right to access thus opens up promising perspectives for sociolegal research.  相似文献   


This article briefly describes the development of international cougar management guidelines for use in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Release of the guidelines in mid-2005 is intended as the prelude to a further round of redrafting and revision, based on the experience of managers in the field, new scientific developments, and comments from various stakeholders. The guidelines are notable as the outcome of extensive scientific collaboration and careful consultation with wildlife agency administrators. The guidelines draw on the work and experience of cougar specialists in western North America through the regular meetings of the Mountain Lion Workshop.  相似文献   

马臣文 《行政与法》2021,(3):104-112
罪犯危险性评估可以为监狱管理和罪犯矫正工作提供一定的科学依据.因此,有必要通过归纳和概括评估目的、评估方法、评估工具等,全面理清由入监评估、中期评估、出监评估和即时评估构成的我国罪犯危险性评估实施过程,以期促进罪犯危险性评估从技术到管理层面的规范化和系统化.  相似文献   

当代国际法仍然由西方文明主导的现实,使得在中国国际法学界存在着是否必要、是否可能建立起国际法中国观念的疑问。对历史事实进行分析可以看出,国际法虽然具有很强的西方文化烙印,但并不局限于西方文化,其既有的发展轨迹上已经有了非西方文化的印记。在未来变革的进程中,国际法有可能受到积极参与者的立场和观念的影响,呈现出新的格局和趋势。因而,非西方的国际法理论既具有客观上的必要性,也具有现实的可行性。倡导并建构国际法的中国观念,在方法上意味着要更充分注重定性研究和规范分析,在路径上要求通过观念的批判和建构,在元理论方面提出国际法认知和运行的新概念、新因素、新论断,从而有利于在具体规则和外交策略上提升中国的形象、维护中国的利益。  相似文献   

During the Beiyang period of the early Republic of China, the re-trial system覆判 referred to the practice where cases considered by the county magistrate had to be sent to the provincial high court for re-trial to ensure that the case facts were true, the law was correctly applied, and the penalties were appropriate. The scope of the re-trial cases continuously expanded from 1912 to 1922 and, finally, the Amendment to the Statutes on the Re-trial System in 1922 stipulated that all cases under the jurisdiction of the district courts where county magistrates tried, whether through appeal or re-trial, had to be re-tried by the high court or its branches. The adjustment of the scope of the re-trial cases was closely related to the extent to which the county magistrates’ judicial discretion was restricted. During the Beiyang period, due to the failure to establish formal courts of the first instance in counties throughout the country, the county magistrates concurrently handled judicial affairs, which inevitably caused the magistrates’ judicial discretion. The re-trial system was originally designed to compensate for the drawbacks of county magistrates managing judicial affairs and to facilitate the transition within the judicial system. However, the interpretation of the role of the re-trial system should not be limited to reconciliation and adaptation of the old and new judicial systems in the Beiyang period but also to compensate for the deficiencies of county magistrates’ judgments by continuously improving the re-trial procedure and to ensure the fairness of justice through restrictions on the judicial discretion of county magistrates, the enjoyment of equality of procedures, and the establishment of supervision procedures.  相似文献   

We use the NLSY97 dataset to examine the parenting‐delinquency relationship and how it is conditioned by parents’ gender, controlling for youths’ gender. Generally, neglectful and authoritarian parenting styles were associated with the highest levels of delinquency in youths. When the sample was split by parent gender, authoritarianism held up across both groups, but permissive and neglectful parenting was only significant for fathers. Independent of parenting style, boys have higher delinquency levels than girls. The strength and magnitude of this relationship is nearly identical in separate equations for mothers and fathers. Parental attachment was not a significant protective factor against delinquency for either mothers or fathers.  相似文献   

法律效果和社会效果是司法公信力的建构基础,而形式法治主义理念往往强调“法律效果至上”而忽视了其社会效果.作为传统中国重要司法裁判方法的“司法原情”,其对依法裁判当中“情理”因素和法律因素的综合考量,至今仍然具有重要的司法实践价值,以积极回应社会对实质法治主义的相关诉求,建构司法的权威性和公信力.  相似文献   

李巍涛  郭燕红 《法学家》2006,(6):98-100
在现代法制建设中,以及在国家政治生活的方方面面,传统越来越为人们所重视,而传统也应该得到人们的重视.但重视并不代表真正地认识和理解,如果对传统文化的研究和关注乃是随风潮而起,或者成为一种时尚,那就可能加重人们对传统(法律)文化的误解,削弱甚至破坏传统法律文化在现代法制建设中应该发挥的作用,从而为我们再一次背弃传统埋下祸根.所以当下最紧要的课题乃是清楚、公正地认识传统、发掘传统、弘扬传统法律文化的优秀精神,从中寻找力量,寻找超越的途径.  相似文献   

我国高校突发事件频发的一个重要的制度缺陷是,高校与国家行政机关间的应急管理职能出现模糊、交叉和混乱等失范现象。此类失范现象体现在《突发事件应对法》、教育系统应急预案,以及其他法律规范之中。优化高校与国家行政机关间应急管理职能配置制度,需要遵循相对自主性原则和依法行政原则。而法律制度设计之总体思路则包括救助性应急职能配置制度之优化、限制性应急职能配置制度之优化、保护性应急职能配置制度之优化,以及保障性应急职能配置制度之优化。  相似文献   

追求和谐:传统与现代的链接——以传统法律文化为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐,是传统中国所竭力追求的目标,也同样是现代中国孜孜以求和维护的目标。从法律文化的视角言之,古今中国不仅在追求和谐的终极目标上具有一致性,而且在实现和谐目标的手段上也具有契合性。社会主义和谐社会的宏伟蓝图只有在继承传统并超越传统的基础上才能实现。  相似文献   

陈民 《金陵法律评论》2005,5(4):144-148
卡夫卡的<变形记>中主人公格里高尔经历了两次死亡:在梦醒时分,他的人形肉体已经消亡,灵魂在他人的观照下寄存于甲虫体中;继而在被忘记、被抛弃的状态下彻底死亡.死亡是主人公被迫、也是主动的选择.卡夫卡在小说中表现出自我在不断与社会、与他人和解的企图中加剧对生的恐惧.格里高尔消灭自己的意愿和行动被理解为具有耶稣救赎精神,然而他的精神并未得到认同,甚至连他的尸体都未得到起码的尊重.上帝死了,英雄死了,人也死了.卡夫卡在这一层面上表现出的现代人的孤独、绝望和恐惧以及异化的状态,恐怕是无人企及的.  相似文献   

审判规律是审判活动各要素之间必然、本质、稳定和反复出现的联系。审判是第一位的,管理是第二位的,二者是主从关系,因此,审判管理必须尊重审判规律,使审判管理各项工作机制和管理的方式方法充分考虑审判工作的特点,符合审判工作实际。  相似文献   

Robert Kagan 《Law & policy》2000,22(3&4):225-244
The articles in this issue generally reinforce conventional images of American regulation as often adversarial and legalistic and of Japanese regulation as more informal and cooperative. They also suggest that, in regulating pollution and occupational safety in larger firms, Japan's regulatory style is equally effective and more economically efficient than the American approach. But Japan's style appears less effective when regulation requires changes in elite attitudes, as in the realm of workplace equality for women. Moreover, developments in Japan's financial sector reveal ways in which informal regulation can result in undue deference to business and political interests.  相似文献   

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