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郭建 《政府法制》2008,(15):9-11
志愿服务潮涌中国 汶川大地震发生后,几乎是瞬间凝聚起来的来自全国各地的数百万无私奉献的志愿者成为一道靓丽的风景,作为一支重要的救援重建力量,他们的热情和爱心在救灾活动中发挥了巨大的作用,受到灾区人民和社会各界的广泛赞誉。然而在突发性的巨大地震灾难面前,由于缺乏有效的组织和相应的规范,一些志愿者的行为呈现自发、分散和无序的状态,在很大程度上影响了志愿服务发挥作用。越来越多的有识之士和志愿者逐渐形成共识。  相似文献   

近3年来,近800名律师和大学生志愿者投身于法律援助"1+1"行动。截至2012年8月,法律援助"1+1"行动覆盖了西藏、新疆、青海等19个省(区、市)的300个县,受援人数近百万人。法律援助志愿者律师和大学生深入贫困地区,努力满足困难群众法律援助需求,3年共办理法律援助案件2.3万多件,为近百万人提供了优质法律服务,协助当地政府化解群体性纠纷近4000件,开展法制讲座近2000场次,解答法律咨询近千万人次。3年来,"1+1"志愿者队伍中走出了5位全国优秀律师、68位省级优秀律师、65位二等功臣,获得其他表彰和荣誉的多达几百人次。  相似文献   

民众在自然灾害中作为应急志愿者而在救灾过程中发挥了积极作用,但由于缺乏组织性、有序性和专业性,一定程度上也加重救灾负担,同时也给自身安全增加风险。日本的志愿者救灾活动有比较长的历史,也建立了比较规范的管理体制,国家对社会自发形成的应急志愿者在组织、协调、管理方面具有丰富的经验。结合我国国情和应急志愿者服务现状,借鉴日本应急志愿服务的优秀经验,为完善我国应急志愿者服务提出合理的管理和立法建议。  相似文献   

关于志愿者遇险的不幸事件频频发生,让人揪心,也引发人们理性参与救灾的呼声。由于灾区道路拥堵严重,为珍惜宝贵的“黄金72小时”,有关方面已要求非紧急救援人员、志愿者,目前尽量不要自行前往灾区。毋庸置疑,这是科学理性的救灾态度,也是“救人是第一位的任务”之必须。  相似文献   

2003年6月下旬至7月中旬,安徽淮河流域发生了自1954年以来最大的洪水。百万受灾群众的安置和受灾地区的重建牵动着中央政府领导的心。洪水刚刚退去,中央救灾资金就源源不断地下拨到灾区,至2004年2月,中央下达的救灾总额已超过23亿元。 然而,这些被当地干部、群众称为“高压线”、“砍头钱”的中央救灾资金,在一群“蛀虫”的眼里却成了“唐僧肉”,随着资金的下拨,他们也  相似文献   

一起受贿多达百万余元的受贿案,只因对被告人主体身份适用法律的不同,对其量刑可能就有天壤之别。若定国家工作人员受贿罪,最高可判处无期徒刑,直至死刑;但若定公司企业人员受贿罪,最高刑也  相似文献   

秋枫 《检察风云》2010,(22):22-25
江西省公路局温沙管理处原处长陈文伟,在任职期间,包养情人多达两位数,疯狂敛财千万,并将大量现金设立"马甲"账户存进银行,被称为"马甲贪官"。陈文伟的妻子、同样身为正处级官员的陈雪飞,也因贪污受贿近百万落马。  相似文献   

方圆 《公民与法治》2011,(15):48-48
众所周知.红十字会是一慈善救助组织.主要依靠募捐而来的资金在重大自然灾害时进行救灾和捐款。每当遇到大的自然灾害.都会出现红十字会的标志及其成员和志愿者忙碌的身影——开展社会募捐活动、为灾区筹集并发放赈济物资。以及派出医疗队到灾区服务——无不受到公众尊敬和称赞。  相似文献   

重大自然灾害的救助仅仅依靠政府的力量是不够的,还应该充分发挥非政府组织的作用。非政府组织在救灾工作中,还存在志愿者权益缺乏保障,救援活动管理混乱,社会影响力较弱等问题。阻碍非政府组织发挥作用主要是制度方面因素,因此,应该通过制度重构的方法来合理引导非政府组织参与灾害救助。  相似文献   

彭珺 《法庭内外》2009,(8):51-53
小路,一个典型的北方帅小伙,高大的个头,端正的五官,爱笑的他走到哪儿,都能带来一缕阳光。只有23岁的他,是社会公益事业的热心参加者。他,曾在"5·12"地震后借债前往四川灾区做救灾志愿者;曾经以志愿者的身份参加了"门头沟袭警案"的搜山;还参加过对北京五中失踪教师任铁生的搜救……可也就是这样一位"热心公益"的年轻人,抗震救灾回京后因未找到工作,无力偿还去灾区时借下的1500元路费,为急于还债而卷入盗窃团伙、走上了犯罪的道路。  相似文献   

J. S. WORMITH 《犯罪学》1984,22(4):595-618
Fifty offenders incarcerated in a minimum security provincial institution participated in a variety of group programs with community volunteers. Inmates were randomly assigned to one of four treatment regimes or to a control group condition. The experiment subjects participated in community group discussions with either trained or untrained volunteers, and a concurrent activity, either a self-control program or a recreational group. A test battery was administered in a pre/post fashion and follow-up recidivism was monitored. Two-by-two factorial analyses of the treatment programs revealed a significant interaction between activities. Inmates who had participated in discussion groups with trained volunteers and in a self-control program showed the most improvement on the test battery variables. This treatment effect generalized to inmates'institutional behavior, as measured by staff ratings and disciplinary offences. However, program participation was not related to postrelease success. Nonetheless, correlations between attitude change during the period of incarceration and recidivism were found. Among offenders who increased in their identification with the delinquent subculture, those who also increased in self-esteem experienced less follow-up success than those who decreased in self-esteem. These results are discussed in terms of the complex relation between client characteristics, treatment, and other program services that must be considered in evaluating correctional programs.  相似文献   

李敏 《行政与法》2008,(4):80-83
自1981年中国政府代表与“联合国志愿人员组织”(UNV)代表在北京签约决定互派联合国志愿人员以来,中国与境外的志愿服务交流不断加强。2008年奥运会为我国志愿服务事业的深入发展提供了良好契机,越来越多的中国志愿者将走出国门从事志愿服务活动,但中国志愿者出境从事志愿服务所涉及的相关法律问题并未引起学者尤其是法学者的足够重视。本文在考察我国地方和国外立法实践的基础上,分别从中国志愿者出境问题和相关法律冲突解决的角度进行分析,并提出具体的立法建议,以推动境外志愿服务活动沿着规范化方向发展。  相似文献   

Even though the anti-rape movement began more than 30 years ago and there is greater awareness of sexual violence, are rape crisis centers or programs financially secure? Data from interviews with 63 rape crisis workers and volunteers from 6 rape crisis centers or programs located in 4 East Coast states indicate not only that rape crisis centers/programs continue to struggle financially but also that lack of funding continues to present challenges. When rape crisis centers/programs experience reductions in funding, staff positions are eliminated, remaining staff and volunteers are overworked, efforts to recruit and train volunteers are compromised, services for victims are reduced, and education and outreach to the communities become less available. Lack of funding negatively affects rape crisis centers/programs and jeopardizes their future.  相似文献   

The Office of Personnel Management is issuing a final regulation to allow Peace Corps volunteers who are FEHB Program enrolled annuitants, survivors, and former spouses to suspend their FEHB enrollments and then return to the FEHB Program during the Open Season, or return to FEHB coverage immediately, if they involuntarily lose health benefits coverage under the Peace Corps. The intent of this final rule is to allow these beneficiaries to avoid the expense of continuing to pay FEHB Program premiums while they have other health coverage as Peace Corps volunteers, without endangering their ability to return to the FEHB Program in the future.  相似文献   

Uniformed presence is commonly thought to create feelings of safety in people. However, do differently uniformed people contribute to an equal amount of safety and are there situation-dependent differences? The present study examined the association between various types of uniformed presence and people’s feelings of safety through a questionnaire among 352 respondents (18–86 years) (49.1 % women). The questionnaire contained pictures of situations perceived as relatively safe and unsafe with or without uniformed presence. The respondents estimated how safe they thought they would feel in these situations with no uniformed presence, two police officers, six police officers, a police vehicle, two security guards, or two police volunteers. Results showed that uniformed presence did not increase feelings of safety in a situation perceived as relatively safe, making patrol unnecessary. In situations perceived as relatively unsafe however, all types of uniformed presence increased feelings of safety. Foot patrolling police contributed to the greatest increase in feelings of safety. Security guards and police volunteers created similar amounts of feelings of safety making police volunteers a cost-effective alternative. All types of foot patrol were better than vehicle patrol, making non-police groups an alternative to vehicle patrol. Some situational, gender, and age differences were found.  相似文献   

目的评估等速技术对健康青年志愿者配合及伪装膝关节运动的重测可靠性。方法 30名健康青年志愿者在30°/s角速度下间隔45min执行2次向心全力配合及半力、随机力量伪装膝关节屈伸运动,对2次测试的峰力矩(peak torque,PT)值进行统计学分析。结果全力测试的相对可靠性ICC值(0.892~0.956)大于半力和随机力量的ICC值(0.246~0.481),并且全力的绝对可靠性各参数数值均小于半力和随机力量。结论在配合条件下,等速技术对健康青年膝关节PT的检测具有良好的可靠性,并高于伪装条件下的可靠性。  相似文献   

志愿者赈灾救助立法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周影  叶锋 《中国卫生法制》2012,(5):46-48,53
我国蓬勃发展的志愿者服务事业在强烈呼唤着志愿者服务立法的完善。本文作者首先阐述了志愿者服务立法的历史渊源,继而分析我国当前志愿者服务立法现状及存在问题,主要包括:志愿者立法级别低;对志愿者的权利保障规定还不够完善;缺乏与突发事件有关的志愿者立法等。因此,为进一步促进志愿者服务事业的发展,建议建立全国范围内的志愿者统一立法,并在统一立法中要建立志愿者奖励机制,加强对志愿者权益的保障,实行志愿者分类管理,完善NGO登记管理制度,加强与国际志愿者的合作,同时还要加强与突发事件有关的志愿者立法。  相似文献   

Many government organizations utilize volunteers to enhance services, and volunteers have been used in law enforcement agencies for a variety of functions. However, volunteers in American policing are a largely under-studied part of the criminal justice system. This current paper examines the utilization of volunteer reserves, auxiliaries, and special deputies in the office of the American sheriff. The article also examines the perceived organizational characteristics of those agencies that treat volunteers the same as regular full-time sworn deputies by allowing them full power of arrest and the authority to carry a weapon on and off duty. The results generally show that volunteer deputies that are treated the same as their full-time counterparts in regard to authority and responsibility are generally more satisfied with their role within the organization and report greater satisfaction with the organization in terms of communication, leadership, and professionalism.  相似文献   

Traditional notions of the employment relationship between a hospital and its volunteers, residents, interns, and physicians having staff privileges are not decisive in determining whether the worker is protected from unlawful employment discrimination. Instead, hospital executives and attorneys must look to the totality of the circumstances of the work relationship in order to make this determination. Hospital volunteers are usually not protected by Title VII, but under some circumstances they may be; residents and interns are probably always protected; and physicians seeking staff privileges probably are protected, if the denial of staff privileges interferes with the physician's employment relationship with his or her direct employer, or if the granting of staff privileges to those who served in the hospital's residency program is a well-established routine practice, regularly followed by the hospital.  相似文献   

This final rule provides a special enrollment period (SEP) for Medicare Part B and premium Part A for certain individuals who are sponsored by prescribed organizations as volunteers outside of the United States and who have health insurance that covers them while outside the United States. Under the SEP provision, qualifying volunteers can delay enrollment in Part B and premium Part A, or terminate such coverage, for the period of service outside of the United States and reenroll without incurring a premium surcharge for late enrollment or reenrollment. This final rule also codifies provisions that require certain beneficiaries to pay an income-related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA) in addition to the standard Medicare Part B premium, plus any applicable increase for late enrollment or reenrollment. The income-related monthly adjustment amount is to be paid by beneficiaries who have a modified adjusted gross income that exceeds certain threshold amounts. It also represents the amount of decreases in the Medicare Part B premium subsidy, that is, the amount of the Federal government's contribution to the Federal Supplementary Medicare Insurance (SMI) Trust Fund.  相似文献   

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