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中美关系不仅受到各自国内因素的制约,而且也受到外部因素的制约,包括受到俄罗斯的影响。本文分析了当前中美关系中俄罗斯因素的现实,并从文化的视角阐述了俄罗斯因素的长远影响,最后得出四点结论。  相似文献   

中美关系中的第三方因素对两国关系的稳定与发展有着特殊的影响,在相互依存度日益紧密和双方力量此消彼长的背景下,两国如何应对双边关系中的第三者,不但直接影响到中美关系,也影响到第三者本身及亚太地区的稳定与和平.两国是否要利用第三者而去抗衡或打压对方则是问题的另一方面.从2009年11月奥巴马访问亚洲后的情况看,美国已明显地调整了对华外交政策,由认为两国应该同舟共济来共同管理世界(G2)到如今利用两国关系中的第三方因素,如在天安舰事件、钓鱼岛、南中国海等问题上来牵制中国,表明美国的亚太政策回归到了均势理论与实践.本文分析第三方因素的存在,追溯其历史演进,指出任何想利用第三方因素来获取本国利益最大化的政策.既不合时宜,也会危及自身.  相似文献   

90年代安全因素对中美关系的影响具有积极和消极的双重性:一方面,中美之间存在着重大的共同安全利益,因而安全因素对中美关系的维系和发展起到了主要作用;另一方面,美国仍沿用冷战思维,视中国为威胁,对中国采取了一些遏制政策,从而使两国关系经常出现摩擦和冲突。今后,这种双重性会继续存在,因此,未来的中美关系将在合作与冲突中不断向前发展  相似文献   

冷战后中俄关系的发展使俄罗斯因素在中美关系中出现并发挥了有利于中国的影响 ,这种影响有可能持续存在 ,但目前作用有限 ,尚有潜力可挖。中俄关系中仍存在不确定因素 ,要想使俄罗斯因素继续在中美关系中产生积极影响 ,应谨慎对待并妥善处理这些问题。俄罗斯因素作用的局限性也说明 ,冷战后大国关系中的合纵连横色彩已趋淡化 ,谋求合作以促进自身利益逐渐成为新趋势 ,从力量平衡的角度出发过分倚重一国抗衡另一国 ,既没有必要也不明智。  相似文献   

在西方基督教会全面离开中国60年后的今天,宗教再度成为中美关系中的重要因素.目前中美宗教交往已进入后传教时代,而且比以往任何时候都更加多样化.中美关系是不断发展的动态关系,即使在一些通常认为是两国关系的问题或结构性分歧的领域,交流和沟通对促进两国关系具有积极作用.  相似文献   

宋楠 《亚非纵横》2014,(6):114-124
中美关系是当代国际关系中最重要、最复杂的双边关系之一,而且这种关系越来越超出双边的范畴而具有世界影响。考察中美两国关系的发展,既与两国所处的历史方位、国际环境密切相关,又与两国各自的内生因素与双边互动紧密相连。本文梳理出影响中美关系的30多种因素,其中有能产生根本性影响的因素,也有一般性因素,有相对稳定的常态因素,也有不断发展变化的动态因素。这些因素决定了中关关系在本质上很难精准定位,两国在政治、军事、经济和文化等领域都同时存在着共同利益和冲突性利益,双方既可能是文化上的朋友,经济上的伙伴,又可能是政治和战略上的对手,军事和安全上的敌人。  相似文献   

回顾中美关系的发展,可以看到一个显著特点,即双方在众多领域有着共同利益,同时又在政治、意识形态方面存在着根本的对立。在中美关系中,互利合作与对立或对抗并存。这反映了中美这两个具有不同社会制度、不同意识形态国家关系的内在矛盾性。中美关系的这一特点将会长期存在,并不以人们的意志为转移。影响未来中美关系发展的因素是多方面的,错综复杂的。但我认为主要是以下四个因素起着主导和决定性作用,即国家安全、经济利益、意识形态和台湾问题,其中前两个因素对中美关系的发展起着推动和促进作用;后两个因素则起着阻碍和制约作…  相似文献   

本文在回顾中美军事交流历史的基础上分析了这一交流的特点和动因,并试图揭示它在两国关系中的地位与作用.笔者认为,两军交流取决于不同战略背景下两国关系的本质."9·11"事件并未改变冷战结束以来两国关系的本质,维持和推动这种交流对于两国关系以及地区乃至世界和平来说仍然是不可或缺的有利因素.  相似文献   

价值观一直是中美关系中具有冲突性、矛盾性的话题,同时也由于其易与意识形态相混淆,具有高度敏感性。随着中美共同利益范围的扩大和程度的不断深化,中美双边关系需要突破当前瓶颈,实现长期、稳定发展。共同价值观的讨论与寻求,应该成为打破中美关系发展瓶颈的重要一环。在经贸、政治、安全等传统议题之外开辟中美关系认知层面的议题,以理性辨析引导中美双边交往与合作,有助于打开中美关系新局面。  相似文献   

中美战略经济对话与中美关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中美战略经济对话机制是中美建交以来规格最高的经贸交流机制,同时也是唯一一个被美国冠以"战略"两字的中美之间的双边对话.本文试图探讨中美战略经济对话的动因和缘起,回顾以往所进行的两次战略经济对话,对中美战略经济对话进行定位,并分析中美战略经济对话的未来发展.  相似文献   

Sino-U. S. economic and trade relations as the most important and dynamic component of bilateral ties have evolved into the stabilizer, pillar and driving force for cementing the linkage between the two capitals. Their furtherance along the designated line of treating a "stake holder" and handling a "constructive partnership" will carry an ever-ballooning strategic significance even in diplomatic and security terms. Nevertheless the general trend looks set to be incessant progress amidst reciprocal accommodation in disregard of occasional twists and turns.  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place in China-U.S. economic and trade relations after the world entered the 21^st Century. China's reform and opening-up are proceeding in depth with sustained, rapid economic growth and rising leverage in world affairs.As noted by Vice Premier Wu Yi recently, "Today China-U.S. economic and trade relations are growing on an unprecedented scale and in a broadening range of areas with profound interest at stake for both countries as never seen before."  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, China-U.S. economic and trade relations have been growing rapidly along with vigorous economic development of China in the course of its reform and opening-up. Economic exchanges and trade between the two countries virtually started from scratch, but now China and the United States have become two of the world's largest economies and trading partners. The two economies are more interdependent than ever before, each being the other's major partner: China is America's second largest trading partner, third largest export market, second largest source of import and largest holder of its treasury bonds; the United States is China's largest trading partner, largest export market and third largest outlet for foreign direct investment (FDI).  相似文献   

In recent years, the U.S. administration is, out of its capability and interests, more and more inclined to accept, to a greater extent and from a long-term perspective, a realistic trend that China is rising to one of the world leading powers in a peaceful way. Accordingly, it is continuing its military containment against China, increasing its trade protectionism toward China and stepping up its diplomatic rivalry with China.  相似文献   

In the quarter-century since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former Soviet Union's disintegration in 1991 and the end of the Cold War,China-U.S. relations have supported the trend of development. The two countries extensively and intensively have engaged in dialogue, close personnel exchanges, unprecedented economic and trade relations, and bilateral coordination on intemational and regional issues. The bilateral relationship has profound influence over the two countries and the world but, while total confrontation and crisis is not on the horizon, there is no guarantee that their future disagreements will not become serious or intractable. In this past quarter-century, the U.S. has repeatedly used and threatened to use force against China, a sign that military conflict between them, even a local or relatively large-scale war, is not out of the question. The U.S. global strategy has not changed, the basic content and goals of the U.S. strategy towards China have not changed, and the nature of the China-U.S. relationship is yet to be defined.  相似文献   

Aheated debate arose on the nature of China-U. S. relations among scholars inthe two countries. Are the two "strategic partners"? "Competitors"? "Neitherfriends nor enemies"? Or even "Potential enemies"? But largely since 1997, alongwith the establishment of the framework for "a constructive strategic partnership",the definition seems to has been accepted by the mainstream in the Chinese academ-ic circle. By contrast, Governor George. W. Bush, the Republican presidential  相似文献   

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