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In this paper, the author has made a thorough study over the new generation of American China Watchers. Most of the pages are devoted to a detailed comparison between the old generation and the young generation of American China Watchers regarding to their background, education, and views over China. At the end of the paper, the author also gives some policy suggestions for both the Chinese and U.S. government based on the findings in this study.  相似文献   

<正>NGOs are voluntary,non-governmental,non-profit social organizations.In China,NGOs active in ecology and environment protection are generally known as environment NGOs.Tasked with protecting ecological environment,they are selfgoverning organizations with no administrative power which provide environmental public service.In the last 20 years,NGOs have changed profoundly  相似文献   

ChinaDemocraticLeagueChinaDemocraticLeagueisabbreviatedas"Minmeng"inChinese(meaning"democraticleague").ItspredecessorwasChina...  相似文献   

<正>In the Philippines, China is first introduced in grade school history classes. Our country and China have long been trading goods such as porcelain and silk even before we were occupied by the Spaniards, the Japanese, and later on, the North Americans. Trade between our countries has only grown stronger. Today, China is the Philippine’s largest import and export partner.  相似文献   

TrekkingIntoChinaByLeslieKelsay"AsimpressiveastheGreatWall,thepeakexperienceofthetripwasaday'sjourneytoBinXi'ancounty,oneofCh...  相似文献   

<正>I visited China last October at an invitation from the Chinese Association for International Understanding. During that visit I had the priviledge of visiting the minority village of Yi in ChuXiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province. After visiting the said village and staying overnight observing their habits culture etc,  相似文献   

From last year on,a few news media in Japan have reported that China has began anti-Japanese edu-cation among the young people since the middle of 1990s. This biased view does not reflect the fact,for China has never conducted the so-called ″an-ti-Japanese education″.The education conducted in China now is to promote patriotism rather than instigate anti-Japanese sentiment. During my contacts with Japanese friends I have found that lots of Japanese are not familiar with what China's patr…  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 6-member delegation of German Friedrich-Ebert Foundation(FES) headed by Mr. Ernst Kerbusch, Director of the Department for International Cooperation visited China from April 21 to 29. In Beijing, Mr. Li Jinjun, CAFIU adviser and Vice Minister of International Department of CPC, Mr. Li Chengren, Executive Vice President of CAFIU met with the delegation on separate occasions. The delegation participated in the International Conference on Cooperation with Africa in the Context of Globalization cosponsored by CAFIU and FES. The delegation also called on the Central Party School and China Renmin University.  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU,Mr. Roland Schmidt,the Secretary-General of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung of Germany (FES) headed a delegation to visit China on February 3-11,2007. In Beijing,Mr. Zhou Tienong,Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and CAFIU Vice-President,Mr. Zhang Zhijun,Vice-Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and CAFIU Advisor,Mr. Xu Zhenhuan,Vice-Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Union met with the delegation respectively and Mr. Li Chengren,Executive Vice-President of CAFIU had talks with the delegation.  相似文献   

1. China highly values the achievements of Asia-Europe cooperation. Cooperation between Asia and Europe has developed rapidly after the Cold War. In particular, with the initiation of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) the cooperation of mutual benefit and relations between the two continents have undergone positive changes of strategic importance. Up to now, three summit meetings have been held. The multi-level political consultations and dialogues between Asia and Europe have been strengt…  相似文献   

The world situation is experiencing profound and complex changes. With the further deepening of economic globalization, various countries with interwoven interests are becoming increasingly interdependent and interrelated. A large number of big developing countries are rising, adding fresh rich elements to the trend of development toward multi-polarity.  相似文献   

ChinaDisabledPersons'FederationCDPFfound-edinBeijingin1988isanationalorganizationof/forallpersonswithdisabilitiesPWDsofdifferentcategoriesinChina.Mr.DengPufangiscurrentlytheChairman.TheaimofCDPFistoadvocatehumanitarianismprotectthelawfulrightsandinterestsofPWDsanddeveloptheworkondisabilitysoastoensuretheirequalandfullparticipationinsociallifeandtheirshareofmaterialandculturalwealthofsociety.CDPFisanorganizationwiththreefunctionsname-lyrepresentingandprotectingthelawfulrightsandintere…  相似文献   

To enhance global governance has become more urgent with rapid development of globalization in the post-Cold War years. China has benefited from the process of globalization and hence should make greater contribution to the global governance in the future.  相似文献   

Shared ideas wield a decisive influence on a country's external behavior. How China's rise will impact the world is determined by ideas shared by the international community. The identity and role of an emerging China is shaped not merely by its own material factors and subjective efforts. It is also constructed through China's interaction with other countries. The idea of a harmonious culture may eliminate international concerns about China's rise at the root, but this culture needs to be constructed by all the countries in the world.  相似文献   

ChinaZhiGongDangChinaZhiGongDang¥ZhouZhiqingChinaZhiGongDang(pubicinterestParty)isoneofthedemocraticpartiesinChina.Itiscompos...  相似文献   

<正>The strong relationship between China and the Rotary Club of Crows Nest spans a period of nearly 20 years.The friendships that have been forged between Rotary and the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)-remains strong to this day and grows stronger with the  相似文献   

According to the exchange program between the National Strategy Institute(NSI) of the Republic of Korea(ROK) and the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),as a member of the NSI delegation,I had the honor to visit Beijing,Kunming and Guangzhou in China from November 1st to 7th.  相似文献   

Striving for closer bilateral ties has dominated European Union's China policyadjustments since the mid-nineties.Four major decisions of strategic signifi-cance in this regard were made in quick succession from January to April this year.First came the consensus in January to hold an EU-China Summit in the mar-  相似文献   

正英文刊物China International Studies于2005年12月12日正式创刊发行。本刊重点探讨国际政治、世界经济、国际安全与全球战略中的热点问题,追求严肃扎实的学风,反映最新学术研究进展,是学术界、研究机构和政府决策者以及关注国际问题人士的良友。栏目设有:中国外交、国际关系、国际政治、国际经济等专栏。  相似文献   

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