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China-EU Law Journal - This paper analyzes the Japanese legal responses to COVID-19. Japan did not declare the state of emergency on the constitutional level. In addition, it did not enact a new...  相似文献   

Official demographic and offense history data (n = 362) and confidential self-report data on paraphilic interests and behavior (n = 221) obtained on adult males convicted of sexual offenses against children were analyzed. Considerable criminal diversity was observed, with all standard categories of offenses represented in offenders' criminal histories. Most (86%) of the offenders' previous convictions were for nonsexual offenses, and most (92%) of the recidivist offenders had previously been convicted of at least one nonsexual offense. The prevalence of diagnosable paraphilias was low, with only 5% meeting formal diagnostic criteria for multiple (two or more) paraphilias other than pedophilia. Sexual offenders' paraphilic interests were unrelated to the extent of their sexual offense convictions but were significantly related to the extent of their nonsexual offense convictions. The results are better explained by a general theory of crime than by traditional clinical conceptions linking sexual offenses specifically with sexual psychopathology.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK), a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS), co-exists in a large portion of A10 dopamine neurons to exert some effect on dopamine behavior. The aim of this study was to determine whether any association exists between the genotype of CCK gene promoter regions (-45C/T and -196G/A) and suicidal behavior. Genotypes and allele frequencies of CCK -45C/T and -196G/A were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis on the genomic DNA from selected suicide victims (N=154) and from control subjects (N=328). Statistical analysis was performed using the Mantel-Haesnzel chi2-test and multiple logistic regression analysis with distinction of gender. An association between CCK -196G/A polymorphism and suicidal behavior in Japanese males was confirmed by statistical analysis (Odds ratio: 3.462, 95% CI: 1.128-10.626, P=0.038 by multiple logistic regression analysis). However, a significant association between CCK -196G/A polymorphism and suicidal behavior was not discovered in females. The polymorphism of the CCK gene promoter region was found to represent a susceptibility factor for suicidal behavior in Japanese males.  相似文献   

林海 《检察风云》2014,(22):56-57
2014年9月18日,日本首相安倍晋三表示,年内将在经济指标等慎重考虑基础上,决定启动“消费税增税法案”,将消费税上涨至10%。这一法案是在2012年6月26日在日本众议院全体会议上以363票赞成、96票反对的表决结果通过的。可以说,这一法案作为安倍政府增税的法律依据,在其经济政策的实施中发挥了至关重要的作用,也引来了在野党和其他政见者的强烈抨击。  相似文献   

法医尸体解剖在解决民事、刑事案件中所涉及的死亡原因、死亡方式等问题中发挥重要作用,法医作为尸体检验工作的承担者,其在尸检过程中自身常面临多种危害因素,本文对法医实践中常见的职业性危害因素以及其可能危害机制进行总结分析,以期提高法医的自我保护意识并引起相关部门的重视.  相似文献   

The long-term stability of drugs and metabolites of forensic interest in urine, and preventive measures against their decomposition have been investigated, with special attention to filtration sterilization. An aseptic urine collection kit, which was recently developed based on filtration sterilization, was utilized for the aseptic collection and storage of urine samples. For evaluating preservation measures, methamphetamine (MA), amphetamine (AP), nitrazepam (NZ), estazolam (EZ), 7-aminoflunitrazepam (7AF), cocaine (COC), and 6-acetylmorphine (6AM) were spiked into urine at 500 ng/mL each, and were monitored for 6 months at 25, 4, and -20 degrees C, after the addition of NaN(3) and/or filtration sterilization using the aseptic collection kit. In severely contaminated urine with bacteria, there were significant losses of 7AF and NZ, and slight decomposition of MA and AP at 25 degrees C. However, such degradation was successfully suppressed by the use of the kit, though the use of the kit and NaN(3) were preferred for 7AF. The kit was also effective in preventing the hydrolyses of COC and 6AM, while it was suggested that the common preservative NaN(3) can accelerate the hydrolysis of such ester-type drugs and metabolites.  相似文献   


Paper presents a research study on specific forms of human trafficking in Slovenia. The research indicates that the vulnerability of migrant workers in Slovenia results from their social vulnerability and deteriorating social conditions in the countries of origin. Employers are aware of these conditions and take advantage of the situation, which results in planned recruitment of workers in countries of origin. Furthermore, cases of human trafficking for the purpose of forced criminality and forced begging, as well as trafficking in children, are also indicated in the research. However, in the time period under review the Slovene police detected only a few underage victims of crimes that can be considered as trafficking. No evidence of trafficking in human organs, tissues and blood was found, but the research unveiled some cases indicating illegal intercountry adoptions. The research results and recommendations can guide further action and the planning of preventive activities.  相似文献   

We describe three unusual cases of suicide committed by health care workers. The aim of this paper was to analyze and evaluate the evidence of general diagnostic elements of poisoning in these cases.  相似文献   

论述海事行政主管部门实施强制清污应具备的法定条件,分析清污费用法律属性,介评清污费用实现方式的几种主要观点,并对清污费用所涉及的有关法律问题进行分析。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between psychopathology and outcome measures of degree of victim violence and history of violence. The best predictor of degree of victim violence was an interaction between hopelessness and perception of external control, suggesting the importance of comorbidity in predicting violence severity. Contrary to many studies, an inverse relationship was found, indicating that those with greater psychopathology inflict less violence on their victims.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和人口的增多,地铁作为人们出行的交通工具的重要性越来越被人们所重视。但是,地铁火灾的发生率及严重的损失同样令人担忧。本文分析了地铁火灾的特点,并提出了预防地铁火灾的措施及对策。  相似文献   

The correlates and predictors of suicidal behaviors among 900 young offenders in detention centers in South Australia are investigated. That young offenders are a high-risk population is confirmed, with a quarter of the youths reporting recent suicidal ideation and more than a quarter reporting having made a suicide attempt. Past suicide attempts are significantly predictive of future suicide attempts. Other variables both concurrently and prospectively associated with suicidal behaviors (even after controlling for prior suicide attempt status) are substance use, prolonged dysphoric mood, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder signs, and having a bad temper. These variables not only have predictive value but should also be considered as appropriate targets when intervening to reduce suicide risk. It is suggested that impulsiveness is an underlying common factor.  相似文献   

从法律意义上说,海难救助作业与污染预防措施是两种不同性质的法律行为,分别属于海难救助与油污损害赔偿两种不同法律规范的调整范畴.鉴于《最高人民法院关于审理船舶油污损害赔偿纠纷案件若干问题的规定》第11条涉及同一清污作业过程中可能产生的上述两种不同性质法律行为的认定,继而牵及预防措施费用与救助作业费用两类不同性质费用的划分,法律关系比较复杂.从分析制定《最高人民法院关于审理船舶油污损害赔偿纠纷案件若干问题的规定》第11条的主旨、起因与依据入手,剖析了海难救助作业与污染预防措施之间的区别,并在此基础上,重点阐释了在同一清污作业过程中认定与划分救助作业费用与预防措施费用的原则.  相似文献   


Policymakers, school officials and the law enforcement community have expanded legal tools and other strategies to address bullying in recent years. This has resulted in a larger and more challenging role for law enforcement officers working in school settings. The present study seeks to understand the ways in which local law enforcement officers interpret this new role and their efforts to prevent and respond to bullying. We draw upon Routine Activities Theory as a lens to view officer perceptions of promoting guardianship and reducing target suitability of young people most at-risk for bullying victimization. Data collected from qualitative interviews of law enforcement officers working with local schools, suggest that officers see a role for law enforcement in promoting guardianship around this health and safety concern, but recognize the limitations of using arrest authority. They emphasize promoting trust and building relationship in efforts to support potential and current bullying victims.  相似文献   

为探讨基层医疗机构产生医疗纠纷的原因及防范措施。对我区医学会2002年9月至2006年1月鉴定的53例案件进行分析。产生医疗纠纷的原因主要是工作责任心不强、法律意识薄弱、技术水平不高、医疗告知不当、医院管理不善。防范医疗纠纷应做到:增强法律意识、规范病案书写、加强技术培训、密切医患关系、强化医院管理。  相似文献   

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