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大陆与台湾之间的金融合作步伐正在加快,这为海峡两岸的投资者提供了无限商机。大陆投资者如能够采取"投资台湾银行,返航登陆"的"两步走"策略,必将获取可观的商业价值与利润。本文基于律师实务的视角,探讨了大陆投资者投资台湾银行并返投资于大陆的可行性,及两岸金融合作给律师界带来的机遇。  相似文献   

金融全球化呼唤金融监管国际合作,而金融监管国际合作需要国际金融监管组织。鉴于目前的国际社会结构,国际金融监管组织只能是国家间组织,而非超国家组织。由于现有的国际金融组织都不足以担当金融监管国际合作的历史使命,国际社会需要创建一个全新的国际金融监管组织。这一全新的国际金融监管组织应该具有以下组织形态特征:第一,它应该是一个全球性的、开放性的、专门性的、政府间的金融监管组织;第二,它应该是一个能够凸显国际关系民主化的金融监管组织;第三,它应该是一个具有横向综合监管职能的金融监管组织。  相似文献   

蔺捷 《河北法学》2008,26(6):171-175
东亚金融货币合作的三大基本元素分别是流动性支持、区域监测监控以及汇率协调。流动性支持是互助救援机制的概括表现。目前有货币互换机制和亚洲债券基金两类形式。区域监测监控存在于东亚金融货币合作的各个阶段。目前已形成的机制有马尼拉框架组、东盟监督机制以及东盟 3监督机制。三大基本元素中较高层次的当属汇率协调。东亚汇率协调是一个循序渐进的进程。东亚各国需认清形势,将汇率协调的目标分为短期目标和长期目标,在推进短期目标实现的同时逐步过渡到长期目标的阶段性实施。  相似文献   

The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) held in Evans v Information Commissioner that certain correspondence between Prince Charles and government officials must be disclosed under freedom of information legislation. Much of the judgment was devoted to a discussion of the constitutional conventions applicable to Prince Charles, and the case provides a useful example of how conventions and laws can interact. In this note, I argue that the Upper Tribunal misunderstood how conventions are distinguished from one another, and misapplied the test for the identification of conventions.  相似文献   

I discuss six issues that may cut against the majoritarian grain. They are: (1) The U. S. Supreme Court's view of children; (2) the American Psychological Association's view of people with mental retardation; (3) the dilution of autonomy in favor of beneficence; (4) Tarasoff's undermining of fidelity to therapy clients; (5) the misuse of the PCL-R in death penalty litigation; and (6) the criminal law's rejection of determination.  相似文献   

汤宗舜 《知识产权》2007,17(2):3-10
知识产权的保护各国都订有法律加以规范,但各国给予的保护只在本国境内有效,而知识产权法所保护的客体,即发明、商标、作品等是无形的,很容易依附于各种载体而流往国外,因此也还需要在国外获得保护。为了便利本国国民在外国获得对其发明、商标、作品等的保护,一些国际条约先后签订,规定参加条约的国家互相给予其他缔约国国民以本国国民的待遇。我国已经加入了部分条约,也兼顾了本国法律与国际条约的衔接,但从我国目前的知识产权法律现状看,两者间还存在一些问题。对我国的这些法律与国际条约的关系予以探讨,达到二者间的平衡与完善十分必要。  相似文献   

In November 1998, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) authored a 'privacy letter' to be sent from a subscriber to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) addressing concerns over privacy of communications through a UK ISP. The letter was drafted from the consumers' perspective and raises important issues in relation to ISP privacy policies. The 'privacy letter' was partly developed as a response to the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the ISPs and the Government Forum's initiatives in relation to developing 'good practice guidelines' between Law Enforcement Agencies and the Internet Service Providers' Industry. These guidelines describe what information can lawfully and reasonably be provided to Law Enforcement Agencies, under what circumstances such information can be provided, and the procedures to be followed in such cases. The process initiated by the ACPO Forum has so far excluded the views of concerned citizens and civil liberties organizations. This article will provide an insight into the activities of the ACPO/ISPs/Government Forum and will argue that procedures can only be properly designed within a legal context that takes due account of individual rights and liberties.  相似文献   

Allele and haplotype frequencies of seven Y-chromosome STR loci, DYS 19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391 and DYS392, were determined from 109 unrelated males in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, sample population.  相似文献   

新自由主义、金融危机与金融监管体制之变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨松  张永亮 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):26-32
新自由主义理念支配下的华尔街金融创新日新月异,金融市场"高度繁荣"。受此影响,监管领域出现了反监管思潮,其逻辑后果便是市场与政府(监管)出现双重失灵,金融危机爆发并蔓延。美国金融监管权力配置的欠缺导致监管冲突与监管真空;监管成本与监管收益不匹配;监管部门组成人员配置不合理。在全球金融体制风云变幻的今天,汲取美国教训、完善我国金融监管体制应重点关注:信守保护投资者和消费者之市场永恒价值真谛;建立宏观审慎监管体制以应对系统性风险;通过内部控制与外部监管,完善金融机构治理;构建对监管者之"监管"制度;重点监管民间金融和影子银行系统。  相似文献   

论刑法的常识、常情、常理化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑法的常识、常情、常理化具有必然性和道德性,并有机构成刑法的应有理性,而这将在根本上促进刑法保障人权和保护社会的两个基本价值或机能的实现.刑法的常识、常情、常理化可在刑法立法、刑法司法和刑罚执行环节得到动态性的实现.  相似文献   

针对“专利相对于病人”的问题,WTO先后通过了《多哈宣言》与“穷国购药决议”,并在此基础上对TRIPS协定进行修订,在TRIPS体制内确立了专利利益与公共卫生之间的平衡点。但是TRIPS协定修订在某种程度上是利益平衡的产物,其所提供的灵活性实际上很有限,不可能真正提供决关于医药可得性问题的“永久解决方案”。知识产权制度在发展中国家推动下受到人道关怀的制衡但总体上仍在不断扩展。  相似文献   

Digitalization is increasing across family justice systems around the world. What are the benefits? What will be the impact on professional practice and legal representation? What are the concerns for those who may be digitally disadvantaged? How much can justice itself become digital?  相似文献   

It is common in the legal academy to describe judicial decisiontrends leading to new common law rules as resulting from consciousjudicial effort. Evolutionary models of litigation, in contrast,treat common law as resulting from pressure applied by litigants.One apparent difficulty in the theory of litigation is explaininghow trends in judicial decisions favoring one litigant, andbiasing the legal standard, could occur. This article presentsa model in which an apparent bias in the legal standard canoccur in the absence of any effort toward this end on the partof judges. Trends can develop favoring the better-informed litigantwhose case is also meritorious. Although the model does notsuggest an unambiguous trend toward efficient legal rules, itdoes show how private information from litigants becomes embodiedin common law, an important part of the theory of efficientlegal rules.  相似文献   

“欧盟—中国知识产权保护合作 项目——回顾、现状及展望”国 际研讨会于10月23-24日在京召开。会议讨论的主题有:加入世界贸易组织对中国知识产权保护的意义、新时代的专利制度、版权保护、品牌与商标保护、知识产权保护执法与司法、遗传资源、传统知识和民间文艺的知识产权保护等。其中,涉及到中国和欧洲共同关心的知识产权保护的热点问题,值得关注。  相似文献   

现代大型金融和市场专业机构中无可避免地存在着利益冲突问题,中国墙制度是解决此问题的一个重要途径.中国墙制度旨在努力平衡商业现实与公众信心之间的冲突;基于对此衡平状态的不同把握,各国对于中国墙制度的态度也相应地有所不同.但是,目前的中国墙制度远非完美,难以有效地保护投资者利益,因此,中国墙制度的设计和加强任重道远,仍需要发展更多的补充机制和执行机制.  相似文献   

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