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As jails have moved to professionalize their staffs the role of the correctional officer has become broader in scope and now encompasses both service and security functions. However, some research suggests that female correctional staff may have more of a “service” orientation than males. In our analysis of one dataset from exclusively women's jail facilities we investigate correctional officer preferences for training (service v. security) to see if they differ by gender. We find that both male and female correctional officers generally rank service type training over security and that they differ little in their overall assessment of initial training provided and usefulness of in-service training. We also find that minority officers may be more likely to value service training than their nonminority counterparts.  相似文献   

<正>社会保障制度作为社会主义市场经济不可或缺的制度安排,涉及到每个社会成员、家庭和单位的切身利益,成为社会关注的热点。我国正处于社会转型时期,利益呈现错综复杂、重叠碰撞的多元格局,由于社会保障行政领域与民生直接相关,其表现出的利益冲突的激烈程度也不同于一般的行政争议。行政审判作为化解行政争议的主要渠道之一,理应发挥重要作用。2008年4月,最高人民法院《关于充分发挥  相似文献   

The Court's decision in Schleier leaves the taxation of recoveries arising out of employment disputes, as well as many other types of disputes, in a state of confusion. To be sure, employers and employees now know with certainty that recoveries under the ADEA are not excludable from income under Section 104(a)(2). Recoveries under other statutes, however, including the Fair Labor Standards Act and the 1991 version of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, are altogether unclear after Schleier. In the absence of further guidance, employers should consider adopting a more conservative approach to employment dispute settlements by treating settlement payments as taxable income, subject to withholding and employment taxes.  相似文献   

叶桃金 《政法学刊》2002,19(3):85-87
就业制度的改革对公安院校的毕业生就业制度产生了较为深刻的影响。在新形势下,公安院校大学生在择业目标、价值观、道德、心理等方面有着特定的取向。只有转变观念,改进工作方法,建立健全就业指导队伍,拓宽与用人单位的联系机制,才能更好地搞好大学生的就业工作。  相似文献   

从权力来源角度并不能充分证明中国足协具有行政诉讼被告资格 ,这是形式主义地理解《行政诉讼法》第 2 5条第 4款和《若干问题的解释》第 1条第 1款所致。借鉴英国司法审查的理论 ,从公共职能角度重析中国足协的被告资格 ,结论是人民法院未必不能对中国足协的行为予以司法审查 ,北京市二中院的裁决或许是错误的  相似文献   

If not modified or overturned on appeal, the Dal Cielo decision will very likely have a significant negative impact on the ability of California's organized peer review bodies to conduct frank, candid, and confidential peer review. Dal Cielo appears to permit the Board to subpoena committee minutes, physician credentials files, and live testimony whenever it determines that a physician should be investigated. Further, the impetus for the Board's investigation might be little more than a complaint from a single patient or even a disgruntled former employee of the physician or hospital. Regardless of current and future decisions, however, peer review bodies in California and other states operating under similar court decisions still retain at least some limited means to protect the confidentiality of their evaluative work. If, for example, a peer review body can establish that an investigatory subpoena seeks irrelevant information, is based upon little more than unsubstantiated rumor, or that the medical board has made no efforts to obtain information from other available, non-privileged sources, it may be able to convince a court that the subpoena is not supported by good cause. Peer review organizations should thus consider challenging medical board subpoenas in court to narrow their scope or establish that there is sufficient need for them. If any peer review body is served with an investigatory subpoena by a medical board requesting production of peer review information, it should carefully assess applicable state confidentiality protections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

何锦前 《北方法学》2013,(2):143-152
在现代化转型的大背景下,农民就业成为涉及全局的大问题,也是相关立法必须解决的难题。如果立法中的规定强调政府主导而不注重权利保护,就可能导致法律父爱主义的倾向。《就业促进法》浓厚的法律父爱主义色彩埋下了政府裁量权过大、农民就业权受侵蚀等隐患。为此,应彰显农民的就业权利和自由,以理性、确定和比例三原则来规制政府行为,淡化甚至褪去立法的父爱主义色彩,走出价值悖论的迷宫,使该法善始善终,最终实现其促进就业的目的。  相似文献   

胡洪 《科技与法律》2014,(5):884-901
FRAND原则来源于标准化组织的知识产权政策,意指标准必要专利权人“公平、合理、无歧视”地将自己所属的必要专利授权给所有技术标;位的其他专利权人和实施方。然而,由于FRAND原则自身语言的模糊性和概括性以及为“中立地位”所限的标准化组织在FRAND原则解释与判断方面的“不作为”,法院不得不成为解释和使用FRAND原则的主要平台。中国法院也对如何适用FRAND原则确定标准必要专利许可费有了一个相对清晰的导向。然而,对于FRAND原则的释明,法院可以更进一步确认和完善标准必要专利权人的违反FRAND义务的责任承担问题,以从源头上减少此类案件的发生。  相似文献   

备受关注的FG Hemisphere Associates LLC诉刚果民主共和国及其他人案在经历了一系列审判后,由香港终审法院做出终局裁决。香港终审法院根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的释法,判定香港特别行政区应与中央政府的国家豁免规则保持一致,因而香港法院对刚果民主共和国无司法管辖权。本案将"一国两制"制度下国家豁免规则的适用问题以及中国的国家豁免立法问题提上了议程,并为国家豁免立法及其区际适用问题提供了一定的解决路径和实践经验。显然,目前中国坚持绝对豁免立场,且适用于香港特别行政区。然而,考虑到中国已经签署《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》,且采取限制豁免并不必然对中国不利,因此中国可以考虑适时转变态度。  相似文献   

陆海娜 《时代法学》2005,3(6):78-84
就业保障权是我国宪法保护的工作权的衍生权利。国际法对此权利的丰富内涵已有明确的标准。以这些国际标准为基准,分析我国现行劳动法对就业保障权的保护程度,并分别从反对任意解雇,限制固定期限合同,提高就业能力三方面对劳动法条文及其实践进行了考察。  相似文献   

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