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On the basis of quantitative data from household surveys in three Bosnian-Herzegovinian cities, I construct a revised model of the religious field according to Weber’s, Yinger’s and especially Bourdieu’s theories of religion, in order to analyze various religious organizations sociotopologically according to the criteria of credibility (Glaubwürdigkeit) and complexity (Organisiertheit). The purpose of the model is to determine religious power structures within a given regional context—especially in post-conflict situations, transitional states, and under conditions of precarious governance in general—taxonomically, and to provide grounds for in-depth qualitative research.  相似文献   

王若翰 《新民周刊》2012,(23):74-76
如果没有医患对立的社会背景,吴光禹醉酒殴打医生仅是治安事件,可能不会引起那么多人的关注。如果吴光禹没有成为街谈巷议的对象,母亲司永珍也许不会选择跳楼。那么,悲剧究竟该归罪于谁?可怜之人必有可恨之处,可恨之人必有可悲之苦。  相似文献   

孟静 《新民周刊》2012,(15):87-87
我们的骄傲与自卑混杂着,他们的自卑与骄傲混杂着,我们的经济没有阔绰到像美国人那样令他们臣服,他们的文化没有强大如好莱坞那般令我们闭嘴,双方实力相当,方有审视与较量。两名演员关于"到底谁在耍大牌"的话题新鲜吗?不新鲜。这是太阳底下每天都在发生的事。一场单打独斗变成群架、混战、殃及池鱼,必然要有这个话题的可延展性和普适性...  相似文献   

王若翰 《新民周刊》2012,(28):52-53
"目前,国内公民献血意识很淡薄,宣传献血达人,也是迫不得已。"2011年的"郭美美"事件,使社会上积蓄已久的信任危机全面爆发,面对公众向中国红十字会发出的排山倒海式的质疑,我国的献血事业,无疑成为了在这场事件中被殃及的池鱼。日前,就公众对我国血液管理部门内部普遍存在的一些质疑,《新民周刊》记者专程赶赴上海市血液管理办...  相似文献   

思郁 《新民周刊》2012,(6):90-90
我们之所以如此惧怕革命,渴望告别革命,不是恐惧革命的过程,而是它带来的一系列不可控制的结果。这是革命的吊诡之处,从复辟到暴力革命,从希望到绝望,从自由到暴政,革命这个词汇已经足够复杂,乃至我们谈虎色变,谈革命必然会害怕对我们还算安逸生活的摧毁。  相似文献   

The new attention for (long time ??invisible??) social classes is related to an increase in the inequalities between rich and poor. Especially in Germany it seemed that (reinforced by sociological theories) the class structures were replaced by a ??middle-class society?? (Helmut Schelsky), by individualized social positions (Ulrich Beck) or by varying milieus. However, the class structures are also made invisible statistically. The structural role of the persisting dominant (even if often not experienced directly)??the distribution of the ownership of means of production??is manifested in the economic growth imperative, in the increasing concentration of capital, in the application of capitalist principles in other social contexts and in limited agency of non-economic fields, especially in politics. The existence of classes??contrary to popular perceptions??requires neither a collective class consciousness or class struggles, nor is it explained by the mere fact of social inequalities. A theoretical socio-economic analysis of the production and appropriation of values as a basic theory of social inequality is still missing.  相似文献   

王若翰 《新民周刊》2012,(46):58-60
整容后生下丑女被丈夫诉离婚、要赔偿。如此劲爆的新闻有炒作之嫌,但也透露出社会对待整容的微妙心态,同时还提出了一个法律问题:婚姻中的当事人是否有责任告知对方自己的整容史?在各种离婚传闻以娱乐新闻的姿态被舆论津津乐道之时,一条"整容后生下丑女竟也能成为丈夫要求离婚的理由?"的八卦消息,竟然登上了国内各大知名新闻网站的页面...  相似文献   

毕会成 《新民周刊》2022,(30):62-65
<正>随着时代的推移和王朝的更替,主语“中国”不断地向谓语“中国”转化,中原之外,江南、岭南、满蒙回藏以至台湾、澎湖等附属岛屿也都被“中国”了,都成为中华文明多元统一的政治—文化共同体的牢不可分的一部分。荷马史诗《奥德赛》的主人公奥德修斯在从特洛伊的归国途中,被说唱艺人对自己往事的咏唱感动得热泪涕零。这些往事都是奥德修斯的亲身经历,但经历只有在被建构成一个故事时才能获得为人所理解的意义,并带来与现实的和解。没有谁是自身行动的主宰者,  相似文献   

朱宇伦 《新民周刊》2015,(22):52-55
如今,塞西政府要做的,是如何不重蹈穆尔西之覆辙,以及如何不让穆尔西的问题成为一颗未来埃及社会的定时炸弹。新闻学中有一个术语叫做"breaking news",意即突发新闻。从字面上就可以看出,这个名词指的是那些令人始料未及的新闻事件。而对于埃及前总统穆罕默德·穆尔西来说,开罗刑事法院下达的死刑判决,无疑正是一则"breaking news"。  相似文献   

邵乐韵 《新民周刊》2012,(30):26-29
我们必须明白,日本自古以来就是个有武士道传统的民族,是个"崇尚实力"的民族。光同它讲理是根本没用的,因此必须"有力",这个"力"是力量的力,即提高自身实力,加强军备,让日本人懂得,中国自古就有"犯我汉者,虽远必诛"的气概,人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必犯人。  相似文献   

詹小洪 《新民周刊》2012,(28):23-23
家庭债务迅速增加,将成为韩国发展放缓甚至停滞的重要因素。韩国作为深受儒教伦理影响的东方国家,素以节俭、重视储蓄而闻名于世,家庭储蓄曾是韩国经济起飞时资本形成的重要源泉。上世纪六七十年代,经济一跃成为亚洲四小龙之一。然而不曾想到的是,1997年金融危机后,韩国强调储蓄的社会气氛完全消失,导致家庭负债急剧增加。据韩国银行...  相似文献   

黄祺 《新民周刊》2012,(16):37-39
一轮又一轮食品安全危机以后,消费者脑子里留下的,是对食品强烈的不信任感,如果要把这种不信任感具象到某一个目标身上,这个目标多半是"食品添加剂"。但若仔细分析,食品添加剂在中国食品安全危机的过程中,常常扮演"冤大头"的角色。  相似文献   

应琛 《新民周刊》2012,(41):58-59
说到补钙,人们最先想到的就是牛奶。但近期,这一印象似乎要被大大颠覆。日前,美国医师医药责任协会(PCRM)发布了一份向美国农业部的呼吁书。他们称,是时候从孩子的"学校午餐计划"中剔除牛奶这个食物,并表示:"关于牛奶有助于强健儿童骨骼的宣传语,事实上是无效的安慰剂。"尽管这一场"牛奶战争"暂没有定论,但有专家表示,已有...  相似文献   

The following is the edited text of the presentations at the September 30, 1999, meeting of the Sadat Forum at Brookings, cohosted by Richard Haass, vice-president and director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, and Shibley Telhami, the Anwar Sadat Chairfor Peace and Development at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

这个问题逐日变得越来越引起最不同的政治力量,其中不少是反对派政治力量的兴趣。数百万共产党员完全有权想参加到为之献出自己一生中最美好东西的党的队伍中来。原来党的领导者,今天已失去事业,他们当然不会反对“摆脱羁绊”,返回自己原有的领导者宝座和一切与此有关的东西。与此同时,现今尚未资产阶级化的某些阶层,被天塌和危机所吓坏,希望在自己即使是暂时的同盟中仍有虽非万物有灵的苏联共产党,以帮助他们减轻命运的打击,钝化国内反复辟运动的尖锐性。决非偶然在三星期的被迫沉默之后。叶利钦本人在《真理报》上居然建议要采取“不管怎样,但总是民主的政策方针”,看来,俄罗斯总统可能也要来  相似文献   

匈牙利国防部干部局局长科瓦奇少将不久前接受一家周刊记者的采访,透露了匈牙利人民军目前服役的将军人数及生活待遇等情况。科瓦奇少将说,匈牙利人民军目前服役的将军有61人,占军队总人数的0.058%。其中最年轻的将军48岁,两位年纪最老的将军——一个是总眼科医师,一个是总内科医师——都是65岁。匈军在战时情  相似文献   

马世新 《新民周刊》2012,(37):92-92
实体购物中心面临着日益成长壮大的电子商务巨头的挑战,市场供求也可能发生变化。自2008年金融危机以来,美洲、亚洲和欧洲的世界主要经济体无一幸免。然而,从公开的经济数据看,美国经济已处在复苏的前夜,世界最大的人口经济体亚洲和拉美的经济复苏势头开始加速。新一轮经济增长在即,经历了这次经济危机伤害而没有倒下的商人们,开始寻...  相似文献   

The degree of ethnic educational inequality varies across countries, as international educational surveys have shown. Previous studies suggest that institutional and societal characteristics of destination countries partly account for this variance. The article builds upon these recent findings and upon hypotheses with regard to the relationship between welfare states and immigration and integration processes. It is assumed that two different societal dimensions, namely egality and diversity of the destination countries structure educational decisions of immigrants. Thus, at least partly, the individual control has its educational success revoked. This is why this article speaks of a process of cognitive exclusion. With data from PISA 2003 and 2006 we examine the effects of welfare state institutions and diversity of host countries on individual educational success by applying multilevel regressions. The results show that strong welfare states reduce the individual risk of cognitive exclusion, contradicting common ??moral hazard?? assumptions.  相似文献   

Although the attitudes towards homosexuality have become more liberal especially in industrialized Western countries, there is still a huge variance in terms of the levels of homonegativity worldwide. This article seeks to explain this variance by means of a multi-level-analysis of 79 countries. The data stem from the last two waves of the World Values Survey. On the basis of this data, the article focuses on the power of the religious denomination of a person and her religiousness in order to explain her attitude towards homosexuality; for both variables a strong influence can be detected. In addition, the article indicates that, on the individual level, socio-demographic variables??e.g. age, gender, education, marital status or profession??are highly interconnected with the intensity of homonegativity. On the country-level, however, the main explanatory factors are both the economic development and the communist heritage. The article further highlights significant conditional relationships by introducing cross-level interactions and interaction terms on the individual level. The final model explains about 60% of the variance on the aggregate level and 30% on the individual level.  相似文献   

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