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THE opening ceremony of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo was held on the evening of April 30, featuring dazzling indoor performances as well as a lavish display of fireworks and lights at the riverside. Chinese President Hu Jintao presided and Jean-Pierre Lafon, president of International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) delivered a speech to mark the event. The following morning, Mr. Lafon and Jia Qinglin, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee,  相似文献   

On Septem ber 1, 20-year-old Tenzin Chonyi decided to cele b rate her graduation by dancing with her friends in Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China. Her nimble steps showed no signs that she had gone through three major operations for a severe congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

WANG Yucheng,a volunteer psychologist, encouraged a newcomer to join the crowd of children around him. "Louder, louder, please. Toll us your name," he said to the shy little boy hovering at the edge of the group. His gentle, fatherly tone quickly dispelled the child's unease, and before long he was just another ord nary eight-year-old, laughing merrily and joining in the games his new friends were playing. The Sound of laughter and fun that erupted from time to time outside the Jiuzhou Gymnasium, in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, was in stark contrast to the desperate cries for help these same children heard in the aftermath of the May 12 earthquake that destrOyed their town and killed many of their friends and family.  相似文献   

WU JIANMIN is an experienced diplomat who served as China's Ambassador to the Netherlands and to France, and a former president of China Foreign Affairs University. He was elected chairman of the International Exhibition Bureau in 2003 and vice president of the European Academy of Sciences in 2007.  相似文献   

This year, China has been hit by abnormal weather-spring seems re-luctant to arrive as north China is plagued by low temperatures and strong winds and the south is drenched in lasting rainfall. In spite of the climate, the pulse of spring is vibrant at the Expo site.  相似文献   

THE maiden flight on March 14, 2006 of an airplane bearing the 2010 Shanghai World Expo emblem from Beijing Capital International Airport signaled the onset of preparations for this major event. Since China won its bid to hold the Expo, Shanghai Municipality has expedited detailed plans to ensure that everything goes ahead smoothly.  相似文献   

WHAT does it mean to visit the Shanghai Expo? Every person will give you a different answer.  相似文献   

正When the China International Import Expo(CIIE),the first expo of its kind in the country,opens in Shanghai on November 5,the spotlight will be on hi-tech products and new technology.From industrial robots and aviation electronics to machine tools and radiation therapy equipment.overseas firms are rushing to bring their latest technology to the CIUE to tap into an expanding market amid  相似文献   

PUBLIC sculptures are powerful symbols of a city's culture, embodying its distinct spirit. At the ongoing 2010 World Expo,the sculptures commissioned for the Park not only embellish the Expo Zone and intensify Shanghai's cultural sophistication, but also explicitly echo the theme of Better City, Better Life.  相似文献   

THE 2010 Shanghai Expo is expected to attract 70 million visitors, many from around the world. A home stay program, dubbed the "Expo Family," has been set up to allow loc',ds to open their home to foreign visitors. It serves as a solution to temporary massive shortage of accommodation that this influx of visitors will face, and also gives overseas guests a chance to interact and experience local living.  相似文献   

温家宝 《北京周报(英文版)》2010,53(1):后插4-后插8
President Jean-Pierre Lafon,Secretary General Vicente Gonzales Loscertales,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It is truly a pleasure for me to attend the Seventh World Expo International Forum. On behalf of the Chinese Government, I warmly welcome all the guests to the forum and sincerely wish the forum a complete success. The series of World Expo International Forums are important events to promote the ideal of the World Expo and expand its influence. Participants to this forum will have extensive and in-depthdiscussions under the theme of shaping urban future with global wisdom. This is of major importance in substantiating the content of theWorld Expo 2010 in Shanghai and making it a big success.  相似文献   

A good variety of industrial, agricultural and handicraft products from China appeared at the first World Expo in London in 1851. Silk sent by a Guangdong merchant Living in Shanghai won both the gold and silver prizes. The man. Xu Rongcun. got news of the expo from British diplomats and businesspeople in Shanghai, and shipped 12 packages of Yung Kee silk from his store. Due to the coarse packaging, the fine material was neglected for several months, but was immediately loved once opened. The queen personally handed the gold and silver medals and certificates to Xu Rongeun. Orders from both home and abroad soon flooded into his store.  相似文献   

73m The Shanghai World Expo drew 246 countries and international organizations,and attracted more than 73 million visitors,a record high in Expo history.  相似文献   

上海世博会"环沪护城河"安保工作,任务艰巨。嘉善县作为浙江省与上海陆上接壤的两个县市之一,承担着我省陆上和内河水域一半的通道查缉安保任务。这对嘉善县公安机关是一次全新的考验。针对社会面管控、卡点查缉和安保队伍建设等重点工作,要坚持合作理念,全力构建世博安保的"安全带";严格卡点缉查,切实担当"环沪护城河"的"过滤器";坚持从严治警,努力打造胜任世博安保工作的"铁队伍",切实构筑起一道坚不可摧的环沪屏障。  相似文献   

<正>Tapping into New Energy at Expo 2010 Shanghai For the longest time,the occupational trajectories of national minority peoples in China have been generally viewed as residing in the field of primary animal husbandry and farming, or in traditional trade and commerce.However,the new era has presented new endeavors to China's minority communities.In recent years,the world's environment has seen increasing  相似文献   

The virtual Shanghai World Expo will be distinguished by the fact it will be a 3-D space, in which visitors can enter any of the exhibition halls with the click of a mouse and view the full range of items on display.  相似文献   

世博会不仅是现代科技展示的盛会,也是现代文明交流与沟通的国际舞台.2010年世博会将成为上海城市社会发展的重要契机,集中表现为城市服务和管理水平的促进,区域经济、社会融合度的提高,更体现在社会动员的推动以及市民素质的提升.  相似文献   

After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people are looking forward to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo with the same fervency.The World Expo, started in London in 1851, is the world’s top-level ex-position, known as the "Olympics of human intelligence." For one and a half centuries, the World Expo has recorded every bit of progress made in science and technology, and explored major issues faced by humankind.The 2010 Shanghai World Expo is the fi rst such event held in China and in a developing country...  相似文献   

2010年在上海举办的世博会,为展示上海城市空间和城市文明带来了巨大的机遇,当然也带来了许多有待认识的新课题.从上海民俗文化的现状而言,民俗文化研究和文化发展的明显缺位和无序,是亟待引起重视的问题.如何彰显上海本地的民俗文化,凸显上海民俗文化产业的原创性内涵与特色,成为当下最为紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

THE World Expo this year will be held in Milan,Italy,from May to October.Expo Milano2015 will present the new technologies,new concepts and new achievements of over 150participating countries and international organizations in the fields of food and the environment.More than 25 million visitors are expected to attend the Expo,among which more than one million will be from China.  相似文献   

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