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王薇 《河北法学》2001,19(3):9-12
香港特别行政区行政长官是“一国两制”伟大构想的产物 ,是地方政权建设史上呈现出的新生事物 ,在世界单一制国家的地方政权建设史上 ,没有任何一位地方首长的法律地位可以和香港特别行政区行政长官相比拟 (澳门特别行政区行政长官除外 )。香港特别行政区行政长官崇高的法律地位决定行政长官的产生有其特殊的程序  相似文献   

聂洪勇 《中国司法》2008,(11):37-41
对一项制度提出质疑并非是为了从根本上颠覆此项制度,更无意去否定或贬损此项制度的构建者和实施者当初所期求的此项制度实施后可能产生的积极效果。只有充分认识一项制度存在的弊端及其在实践中产生的消极影响,才有可能更好地改进此项制度,充分发挥制度的创建者和实施者所追求的理想功效,为实现社会公平正义服务。审判长选任制度就是人民法院司法改革中充满争议的一项制度。  相似文献   

In EC—Tariff Preferences, the Appellate Body held thatthe WTO Enabling Clause permitted developed countries to grantbetter tariff treatment to some developing countries than toothers, subject to certain conditions. It held further thatthese conditions were not met by the EU's so-called ‘drugsarrangement’, a system of additional preferences (normallyduty free treatment) for certain countries which the EU haddetermined were in need of special tariff preferences, thanksto their involvement in combating the production and traffickingof narcotics. In response to this ruling, when the EU renewedits GSP programme in 2005, it replaced its drugs arrangementand two similar, though less generous, labour and environmentarrangements with a new arrangement popularly known as the ‘GSP+arrangement’. Under this arrangement, additional tariffpreferences (normally duty free treatment), were made availableto developing countries committing to ratify and implement alist of human rights and good governance conventions. Accordingto the EU, the GSP+ arrangement complies with the AppellateBody's interpretation of the Enabling Clause. This article arguesthat it does not. This is primarily because of the substantivecriteria chosen by the EU to select GSP+ beneficiaries, whichdo not meet the Appellate Body's criteria for differential tarifftreatment of developing countries. Second, it is because theEU's requirement that would-be beneficiaries must have appliedby a certain date, replicates the problem of the ‘closedlist’ of beneficiaries that was fatal to the earlier incarnationof the EU's GSP program. The article concludes with some suggestionsfor designing a GSP+ arrangement more likely to meet the AppellateBody's conditions than the EU's present arrangement.  相似文献   

退休年龄的确定关涉到劳动者劳动权和社会保障权的实现。目前我国退休年龄的规定存在男女退休年龄差距过大、退休年龄存在身份差别、退休年龄低于世界平均水平、养老金受领时长过长等问题,这些问题也导致了法律适用上的困惑。退休应当是劳动者的一项权利而非义务,退休与劳动权之间不应当有必然的排斥关系,劳动者劳动权不应因退休而受限制或者被剥夺,男女不同龄退休会导致女性社会保障权利的减损和对女性发展权的限制。退休年龄的科学确定,应当考虑政治因素、经济因素和社会因素等。我国未来立法应采取渐进式的方式合理延迟退休年龄,适当区分不同的人群适用不同的退休年龄制度,逐渐拉近男女退休年龄的差异,实行弹性退休制度作为对法定退休年龄的补充,以及实行更加开放的退休制度,从强制退休逐渐过渡到灵活退休。  相似文献   

莫然  黄勇 《政法学刊》2016,(4):30-39
在司法改革的大环境之下,我国侦查模式也经历着从口供本位向物证本位转型的关键时刻。2014年公安部为进一步推动侦查模式之转型,出台了一长四必现场勘验新机制,并迅速在全国侦查机关中予以实施。从该机制之内容与推行方式可见我国侦查模式改革依然延续着以往运动式改革之路径。以广州市两基层公安机关在2012年至2015年现场勘验情况为样本,考察现场勘验新机制的实施效果并进而分析现有改革路径的正确性。调查结果显示:一长四必现场勘验新机制虽然短期效果显著却不利于物证本位侦查模式的构建和发展,有必要在保留其优势的同时做出调整,改变对短期效应的过分追求,重视侦查队伍的专业化建设,赋予侦查人员凭借专业知识做出判断的权力,同时完善侦查取证的配套法律法规,为侦查活动提供规范与指引。  相似文献   

政府绩效评估制度安排的现实困境及其消解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府绩效评估制度的本质就是以评估来促进政府行为的规范,加强对政府监督,强化政府的责任,提高政府的效率.然而当下中国,政府绩效评估的制度安排遇到了现实困境:政府绩效评估价值扭曲带来制度安排困境,政府绩效评估客体与主体失衡带来制度安排偏差,绩效评估系统内部运行阻滞带来制度安排障碍.消解政府绩效评估制度安排困境,从价值层面必须考虑社会公平、宽容合作;从运作体系必须考虑目标系统、比较系统、测定系统的制度安排要符合系统之间的逻辑关联.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of bills of exchange and promissory notes in England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It will be argued that the early law of negotiability was founded on a principled interpretation of the common law and that parliament's eventual rejection of this law resulted in a half-century of confusion. This time period, however, was fundamental in the development of the modern principle of negotiability as the courts struggled to create a workable framework for the transfer of written instruments. This paper examines the early conceptual difficulty of transferring written instruments and studies why bills of exchange were capable of transfer, despite the common law's bar on the assignment of choses in action, whereas promissory notes were not considered transferable at common law prior to the eighteenth century. The most important figure for the development of this area was Chief Justice Holt, whose legal interpretation of the transferability of bills of exchange was based on clearly defined and long-standing principles of common law. This interpretation of the common law was viewed as a hindrance to trade, and in response to Holt CJ's decisions, parliament passed the Statute of Anne 1704, allowing promissory notes to be transferable in the same manner as bills of exchange. This began to collapse the distinction between bills of exchange and promissory notes, which created numerous conceptual difficulties in the law of negotiable instruments. It was not until the case of Grant v Vaughan, heard in 1764, that the courts fully developed a new framework for the negotiability of written instruments. This early law displays the difficulty that courts had in developing the underlying principles of the assignment of written instruments, and deciphering its development is fundamental in understanding the modern principle of negotiability.  相似文献   

我国自“82”宪法第一次修正案时起 ,1 5年来事实上一直没有确定原文与修正案的正式组合方式。组合方式无定制对现实生活的负面影响反映在宪法文本杂乱造成的结果中。应以下次修宪为契机 ,选定一种组合方式 ,决定和公布宪法正式文本 ;可以现有的宪法修订文本为基础 ,做必要加工、修饰 ,形成宪法正式文本 ;若将来出现需要废除宪法某条、某节的情况时 ,为保持宪法其他条和节的稳定 ,在删除全部过时文字的同时 ,可用保留所欲废除的条或节的顺序号及其相对位置的办法来处置 ;宪法若增加条或节 ,应当用增加副条、副节或副章的办法保持宪法原有的基本格局条文原有的顺序号不变  相似文献   

首要分子与主犯关系新论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石经海 《现代法学》2000,22(6):122-125
笔者在考察首要分子与主犯的关系所赖以建立的基础之上 ,认为集团犯罪的首要分子并非都是主犯 ,而聚众犯罪的首要分子则一定不是主犯。  相似文献   

主编制作品中的主编并不全是实际创作者,但却都将作品认定为自己的学术成果,这种现象十分泛滥,却未能引起重视.这对知识产权保护和营造良好的学术氛围极为有害,必须予以根治.  相似文献   

卢超 《北方法学》2015,(4):113-119
新《行政诉讼法》修订颁布之后,行政首长出庭应诉制度正式成为一项带有鲜明中国特色的司法运作机制。从制度变迁的角度来看,行政首长出庭应诉制度经历了一个从地方政策试验到中央立法吸纳的过程。从各地关于行政首长出庭应诉制度的政策文本出发,不难发现社会稳定压力与地方法制竞争的外部因素影响,而且行政首长出庭应诉制度的实践运作,也主要依赖于数字考核的指标控制而非行政法治的自我拘束。从中国行政诉讼模式变迁的大背景下观察,行政首长出庭应诉与行政诉讼协调和解、行政诉讼司法建议制度根源自相同的法理,均旨在实现纠纷的实质性化解,而不再将合法性判断视为行政诉讼的核心议题。  相似文献   

王薇 《河北法学》2003,21(1):63-69
香港特别行政区行政长官的法律地位和职权是世界各国地方政权建设史上所没有的 ,其独特作用也是世界各国地方政权建设史上所没有的。  相似文献   

管理人选任制度的反思与重塑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理人在破产程序中承载着管理、协调与监督的职能,其职责的行使牵涉多方利益。因此,保证管理人身份上的独立、中立以及专业性显得至关重要。现有的中介机构可以分担管理人职责,应当设立管理人协会,负责管理人名册的编制、管理等工作。管理人的法律地位应为法定机构,由人民法院指定并决定其报酬,债权人会议享有异议权。对于"无产可破"的案件,建议设立专项基金作为支付管理人报酬的来源。  相似文献   

论诽谤罪的价值抉择与检验逻辑——以彭水诗案为发端   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
诽谤罪的具体建构体现了现代社会面对人格尊严与言论自由的二难境地,正义天平倾斜的方向及角度都是社会价值观的体现和引导.虽然各国社会经济文化背景不尽相同,但是向言论自由的保护进行倾斜的普遍司法实践还是略透端倪.检验诽谤罪的逻辑重点应先区别事实与意见,再鉴别名誉毁损程度,然后要区分事实内容是否关乎公益,是否出于真正恶意,才能有利于诽谤罪的正确认定.  相似文献   

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