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劳动人事专家提醒,若大学生供给超过社会需求就需要及时调整教育结构,为年轻人就业创造好的氛围。又是一年毕业季。据中新网报道,教育部副部长杜玉波曾表示,中国今年将有680万高校毕业生,当前乃至今后相  相似文献   

一直阅读我们杂志的读者可能还记得,前不久我们对苹果刚刚发布搭载M1 Pro和M1 Max芯片的MacBook Pro进行了详细的介绍。诚然它们确实代表了目前笔记本电脑性能的顶峰,但是在综合考虑价格和使用场景后,它们并不适合所有人。笔记本电脑的选择,适合才是最好的。抛开其他品牌不说,就从Mac笔记本电脑阵营来看,目前可以选择的不同配置和型号也足以让人眼花缭乱了。也许你要问,为什么要抛开其他品牌不说呢?这个问题,对于尚未接触Mac,或者使用笔记本电脑仅仅是用来玩游戏的人来说可能难以理解,但是如果你使用笔记本电脑更多是偏向于工作和创作目的,那么当你使用一段时间Mac后,你会发现你再也回不去了。  相似文献   

一直阅读我们杂志的读者可能还记得,前不久我们对苹果刚刚发布搭载M1 Pro和M1 Max芯片的MacBook Pro进行了详细的介绍。诚然它们确实代表了目前笔记本电脑性能的顶峰,但是在综合考虑价格和使用场景后,它们并不适合所有人。笔记本电脑的选择,适合才是最好的。抛开其他品牌不说,就从Mac笔记本电脑阵营来看,目前可以选择的不同配置和型号也足以让人眼花缭乱了。也许你要问,为什么要抛开其他品牌不说呢?这个问题,对于尚未接触Mac,或者使用笔记本电脑仅仅是用来玩游戏的人来说可能难以理解,但是如果你使用笔记本电脑更多是偏向于工作和创作目的,那么当你使用一段时间Mac后,你会发现你再也回不去了。  相似文献   

The history of early 20th century humanitarianism has been a neglected field in the context of a period of wars, dictatorships and apparent regression to barbarism. Nevertheless, humanitarianism, defined as response to the desperate need of strangers, has also been a significant aspect of 20th-century history. The rediscovery of more than a 150 mostly forgotten British women who were heroic in their different fields of humane rescue restores an inspiring birthright and raises the question of ethical choice in the selection of subjects for historical research.  相似文献   

我是穷人,穷人怕什么? 不怕偷。富人家里防盗门防盗网层层把关步步设防,夜里睡觉还提心吊胆惊魂不安。我家里就一扇木门,夏天还打开门睡觉,一夜呼呼睡到天亮。不怕热。富人家里有空调,外面烈日如火,里面四季如春,享受完了空调,再去洗桑拿。我家里没有空调,夏天像蒸笼,进去一身汗,老婆怨我,我安慰她:天天免费洗桑拿。不怕累。富人出门开小车,我上班骑单车。富人回来踩跑步器减肥,我在上下班的路上就完成了这道工序,我看富人比我还累。  相似文献   

In 2001, the first major study of the extent of men's violence against women in Sweden reported that almost every other woman had been exposed to male violence. This article investigates how this feminist-based survey was negotiated by the press and in national politics. The legitimacy of the investigation was undermined in a number of ways, both in the media and in politics. The report was defined as partial and not as reliable as ‘conventional’ criminological research. The resistance provoked by the investigation is here interpreted as a way of producing nationalistic notions, where ‘Swedishness’ is recreated as being woman-friendly, just and equal.  相似文献   

Worlds Apart?     
《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(2):235-242
Research and clinical practice in professional child and youth care ate often depicted as two dissimilar "worlds" within the profession. This paper argues that such perceived dissimilarity is principally a function of focusing on dissimilar aspects of the two undertakings: research product and clinical process. It is further argued that if one focuses on certain fundamental processes of child and youth care research and the processes of child and youth care practice, the two become quite similar and highly complementary. Indeed, skills in the one enhance abilities in the other.  相似文献   

一直以来,Gigi一直声言不再以玉女歌手形象示人,而即将推出的新国语专辑,《魔幻季节》,以秋冬季最流行的幻彩化妆,配合魔幻裙,刻意营造魔幻感,难道这回Gigi打算做魔女?  相似文献   

那天看贾平凹的新书,终于看到一句语不惊人死不休的句子,我认为这是贾平凹所写过的最精彩的一句话,他说,恋爱时谁还要脸? 我喜欢。想起大学者沈从文,一生都是温文尔雅的学者形象,让我们陶醉在湘西小城的风情里,但他年轻的时候爱上了一个女子,那个女子是他的学生,于是这个近乎腼腆的人上演了非常精彩的一幕,在别人看来已经足够不要脸了,最后托出了胡适,终于成就一段美满姻缘。  相似文献   

孟维东 《时代风采》2012,(10):22-24
为了保护治理抚仙湖,政府"封矿"、"禁船"、"退田还湖"……"蓝宝石"焕发出了昔日的光芒。在旅游地产"狂飙式"的席卷下,美丽如画的抚仙湖畔亦未能幸免。  相似文献   

张惠妹,去年经历了国歌事件在大陆遭禁唱的风波,今年转换新东家之后,又走向更国际化的路线,张惠妹的星运如何?塔罗牌中可看出端倪。  相似文献   

越是发展市场经济,就越是离不开实事求是,这是已经被事实证明了的真理。在中国发展市场经济首要的问题是解放思想,更新观念。这既是对数千年轻商意识留下痼疾的医治,也是对几十年极“左”倾向造成的恶果的根除。我认为解放思想,更新观念的真正含义是要求我们跳出过去  相似文献   

昨夜你又捎梦过来,说了很多禅意,结婚时那身灰西服穿起来依然笔挺,你说来取遗忘在床头的那只口琴,我不明白你为什么执意要走——天堂好吗? “别哭,我最爱的人,今夜我如昙花绽放,在最美的一刹那凋落,你的泪也挽不回的枯萎。别哭,我最爱的人,可知我将不会再醒,在最美的夜空中眨眼,我的眸是最灿烂的星光。是否记得我骄傲地说,这世界我曾经来过,不  相似文献   

尹成荣 《工友》2013,(10):46-46
记者:你幸福吗?鲤鱼:我很幸福!最幸福的时刻就是纵身跃过龙门的那一瞬间。记者:未来十年内,你最大的愿望是什么?鲤鱼:我想出本自传体的游记小说,书名就叫《游鲤走遍天下》。记者:你幸福吗?母鸡:我很幸福!每隔一天下一只蛋,还没有计生委的人说我超生。  相似文献   

Building on Penelope Deutscher's analysis of the biopolitical implications of abortion being regulated by a framework of exceptionalism, this article explores discursive constructions of abortion as an exceptional choice that is only justifiable in ‘worthy’ cases. In so doing, it extends our understanding of exceptionalism and neo-liberalism as ways for thinking about abortion. Through an analysis of interviews with New Zealand women about their views on abortion, I contend that exceptionalism operates not only as a dominant framework for talking about abortion but that it structures a hierarchy of worthiness in abortion discourse. I argue that the exceptionalism framework both obscures the ways that abortion is an ordinary and common part of many women's reproductive experiences and raises questions for how challenges to prevailing legislative regimes might be organised.  相似文献   

‘Why Queer Diaspora?’ intervenes at the intersection of queer theory and diaspora studies to ask how the conditions of geographical mobility produce new experiences and understandings of sexuality and gender identity. More particularly, this essay argues against a prevalent critical slippage between queer and diaspora, through which the queer is read as a mobile category that, like diaspora, disrupts the stability of fixed identity categories and thus represents a liberatory position within the material and geographical displacements of globalization. Instead, I posit that the work of ‘queering’ diaspora must be to examine the new articulations of normative and queer as they emerge in the transformations of the late twentieth century. To this end, the essay looks to two contemporary documentaries, Remote Sensing (Ursula Biemann, 2001) and Mariposas en el Andamio/Butterflies on the Scaffold (Margaret Gilpin and Luis Felipe Bernaza, 1996), as models of alternative articulations of the queer and the diasporic. Ultimately, I argue, it is a focus on the labour through which the seemingly natural categories of gender and sexuality are produced, that a queer diasporic criticism might offer.  相似文献   

NO.17 档案双阳,男,38岁,某商贸公司总经理;情感自述:朋友们说,我是世上最幸福的男人。因为我有十岁的女儿,二十岁的红粉知己,三十岁的情人,四十岁的妻子,六十岁的老母亲,但我并不快乐。采访实录:江城子  相似文献   

每个女人都渴望在有声有色的花样年华里浪漫一把。全世界的女人都爱浪漫,只是鱼有鱼的乐趣,花有花的浪漫罢了。可惜中国女人很难在现实中浪漫起来,中国女人很难在现实中寻找到心目中的浪漫男人和浪漫的氛围。浪漫,无疑是中国女人可望而不可及的!  相似文献   

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