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柴忠东  张子源 《国际展望》2013,(1):117-135,150
近些年来,新兴市场跨国企业对外直接投资日趋活跃,与发达国家"先行者"跨国公司相比,这些"后来者"在缺乏必要的垄断优势前提下,凭借组织、战略创新更早、更快地开展国际化经营,通过海外"绿地"投资与跨国并购巩固全球市场份额、获取母国稀缺的战略性资源,将"加速的国际化"作为迅速增强自身竞争实力,规避母国制度与市场限制,赶超先进竞争对手的一种战略手段,其独特的跨越式发展路径呈现出一系列与传统型跨国公司截然不同的新特征、新趋势。  相似文献   

经济全球化与蒙古的应对战略措施 蒙古在上个世纪90年代初,伴随苏联东欧剧变后,选择了东欧型激进改革模式,进入了向"西方式民主制度"和市场经济体制"全面过渡"的转型时期.  相似文献   

人类的经济活动从社会化向国际化和全球化演进,是历史发展的必然趋势和不以人们意志为转移的客观进程。随着世界经济国际化程度的不断提高和必要条件的出现,20世纪90年代以来,世界经济进入全球化发展的新阶段。 经济全球化发展的新特点 经济全球化作为世界经济发展的新阶段还处在初期,具有不同于此前阶段的新特点。 第一,市场经济成为全球性经济体制,世界统一的市场体系形成和发展。所谓市场经济,是指在经济运行中,资源的配置主要由市场导向。20世纪80年代以来,越来越多的国家放弃传统的计划经济或内向型民族保护主义经济模式,采用市场经济模式并以此为本国经济与世界经济对接  相似文献   

Globalization studies are not really global. Rather, globalization research mainly centres on, and emanates from, the OECD countries. To begin to change the balance, it is important to pose a set of pertinent and penetrating research questions. Animated by theoretical and empirical research undertaken largely in southeast Asia, these questions call for painstaking analyses of dominant moral codes, various actors' attempts to turn the globalization scenario to advantage, cultural and political struggles to assert some control over market forces, and tensions within a framework based on neoliberal values and policies. The act of capturing establishes a hierarchy between the captor and the captive. This hierarchy is not a dichotomy, but an ordering of power and a division of labour. The captors of course seek to remain on top, and the captured attempt to ascend from the bottom of the heap. Such structural and dynamic relationships must be contextualized and, today, are integral to the epochal transformation known as globalization.  相似文献   

Naota Kan, known as Japan's Tony blair, is the leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, the main opposition to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Last year, the DPJ won a majority in the upper house of the Japanese Diet.
Naoto Kan spoke with NPQ Japan correspondent Shun Daichi and editor Nathan Gardels in his Tokyo office in November.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on the nature of informal employment in developing economies. Drawing on the model with essential heterogeneity, it offers a list of scenarios describing the behavioural patterns which informal workers follow. The list nests not only classical patterns of a rationed formal sector versus an integrated labour market, but also different patterns of rationing. Using non-parametric techniques and data from a few African economies with different levels of development, the paper proposes empirical case studies fitting various informality schemes. Developing economies show disparate patterns of allocation of workers and various patterns of rationing.  相似文献   


Historically, small economies, especially resource-rich ones, underperformed on average relative to their larger counterparts. Small island economies appear still more disadvantaged due to remoteness from both markets and agglomeration economies. Yet a comparison of two small island economies with similar initial conditions other than their mineral endowment suggests that policy outweighs size, isolation and resource endowment in determining economic performance. Resource-poor Mauritius adopted an unfashionable policy of export manufacturing that systematically eliminated surplus labour, which drove economic diversification that sustained rapid GDP growth and political maturation. Like most resource-rich economies, Trinidad and Tobago pursued policies that absorbed rent too rapidly, which impeded diversification and created an illusory prosperity vulnerable to collapse.  相似文献   

关于全球化与社会主义的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球化的实质不是资本主义化,但现实中的全球化是在资本主义国家主导下进行的.社会主义作为全球化发展到一定阶段的产物,作为一种在本质上高于资本主义的社会制度,必将在新一轮全球化进程中走向发展壮大.  相似文献   

This study represents the first enterprise level analysis of the determinants of exporting in transitional economies, and focuses on privatised manufacturing firms in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Employing models developed from the existing literature on enterprise-level trade, results derived from longitudinal data suggest that the most important influences on a firm's decision to export are company size and the non-monotonic, curvilinear influence of managerial ownership and control. Comparisons are made with studies of less developed countries.  相似文献   


This paper investigates effects of interpersonal links with bureaucrats on SME access to formal finance. A survey of 502 SMEs in post-communist Uzbekistan shows fewer SMEs with government connections express a need for external finance, but success rates of applications are higher than for SMEs without connections. Econometric models show government-connected SMEs receive more formal credit than their counterparts. The small share of SME credit available is thus distributed in favour of those capitalising on bureaucratic links, with consequent resource misallocation. Findings imply that greater SME credit flows need supplementing with capacity building that improves bank transparency and efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on the nutrition-related outcomes of cash crop adoption by using a model with essential heterogeneity and a semi-parametric estimation technique. The model explicitly frames non-separability between production and consumption decisions of farming households providing an original test of separability. The empirical application is run using Malawian data. The results imply rational anticipations and decision process of agrarian households relative to the crop portfolio choice, disparate strength of market barriers faced by the farmers, non-separability between production and consumption decisions and a weak transmission from agricultural incomes to higher food expenditures and better diet.  相似文献   

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