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构建服务职工工会工作体系是新时代赋予工会的神圣责任,是工会履行竭诚服务职工基本职责 的时代体现,也是推动职工实现体面劳动、舒心工作、全面发展的有效路径。构建新时代服务职工工会工作体 系必须以习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述为指导思想,以全心全意依靠工人阶级为指导方针, 以坚持党的领导、以职工为中心、一切从实际出发等为原则,具有系统性、层次性、调整性等特征。鉴于此, 本研究认为,构建新时代服务职工工会工作体系要充分彰显该体系的价值性、保障性和激励性,不断提高工会 组织的吸引力、凝聚力和战斗力,工会组织要正确处理服务资源增量和存量之间的辩证关系,坚持客观评价原则, 推动常态构建,加强工会干部队伍专业化建设。  相似文献   

要办好学报 ,提高质量 ,多出精品 ,就需要扎扎实实抓好策划、约稿、登稿、读稿、选稿、审稿、编稿、校对、印刷和发行十个环节 ,并在各环节中 ,注重实效、实用和创新。  相似文献   

市场经济的发展和改革的深化,使企业工会工作也面临着新的挑战.企业党组织必须加强对工会组织的领导,促使工会组织更好地围绕企业的中心工作开展活动,更好地服务于职工.  相似文献   

信息网络技术的快速发展 ,使工会工作实现手段创新成为可能。工会群众工作的网络化实现作为党联系职工群众的一种新手段 ,主要借助于网络技术开展群众工作 ,更能有效地反映民声、维护民权、沟通民意、凝聚人心、集中民智、共谋发展  相似文献   

应激管理是现代管理理论中一个新的科学方法。把应激管理引入企业工会维权工作,提高维权能力和水平,在加强企业民主管理、平等协商、集体合同和扶贫解困工作中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Stress and anger are inevitable responses on the part of a woman entering the men's sanctuary of the University, and will be aggravated by her not recognizing that the University has been from its beginnings a patriarchal institution and is committed to remaining so. She fails to recognize the pollution sanctions that are levelled against her, interpreting them as personal, and thus struggles with imaginary foes. Hope lies not in confronting these mystifying primitive taboos directly, for she can never be admitted to the secret society and may not really want to be, but in drawing on the larger tradition of learning itself to renew the principles of education in general, and in particular her own work.  相似文献   

Despite widespread public attention to cyberbullying, online aggression and victimization have received scant conceptual development. This article focuses on how opportunities for aggression are distinct online from those of offline social contexts. The model developed here is informed by a recent aggression typology, which extends the reactive–proactive distinction by distinguishing aggression based on the affective motive (appetitive vs. reactive) and the recruitment of self-control. This typology informs an analysis of psychological processes linked to individual differences that are relevant to adolescents’ aggressive activities. Processes implicated include hostile schema activation, anger and fatigue effects on self-control, anger rumination, empathic failure, excitation transfer, and thrill-seeking. With these processes established, the proposed model focuses on how features of online social platforms may afford opportunities for distinct types of aggression by engaging these processes in adolescent users. Features of online settings that present distinct opportunities for activation of these processes are reviewed for each process, including social cue ambiguity, temporal lag, cue permanence, anonymity, the continual perception of audience, and the availability of online gaming and online pornography. For each of the conceptually grounded cyber-aggression-relevant processes, implications for innovative research directions on adolescent cyber-aggression are presented.  相似文献   

This article explores the historical development of youth work in Croatia. By drawing from available data and personal experience, we describe three key phases of youth work development in a post-conflict country: (a) the period of the early 1990s as a “direct peace building" youth work; (b) the rise of nonformal education during the mid and late 1990s; and (c) the growth of a networked youth sector and its focus on youth policy advocacy starting in 2000. In addition, we refer to today's context, particularly because of its project-management orientation. Such categorization highlights various practices that we consider to represent youth work in a specific and contested national framework. Work with young people with fewer opportunities is being presented as a case, building on our observation that contemporary youth work continues to be embedded in civil society development and nonformal education, facing challenges of funding-driven discourse and unsystematic support.  相似文献   

和谐社会视野下企业社会工作对工会工作的发展与创新   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
构建和谐企业成为新时代和谐社会建设的重要内容。面对社会转型与劳工问题的历史与现实状况,工会工作发挥了重要的桥梁和纽带作用,同时更需要充实不同的专业知识以实现工会工作的发展与创新。如从企业社会工作发展的角度实现工会工作的理念、方法、服务、角色以及功能的创新。  相似文献   

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