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Geoffrey Aung 《亚洲研究》2019,51(2):198-209

This commentary examines how futurity has been imagined across politics and political economy in Burma/Myanmar. Three areas are discussed: the revolutionary horizons of anti-colonialists, who combined Buddhist and Marxist ideas of historical progress; the developmental socialism of the early independence area, with its industrial telos and modernist commitments; and a contemporary development project in southern Myanmar, where processes of dispossession are troubling earlier temporal imaginaries. I suggest that a vision of postcolonial transformation coheres across anti-colonial and early independence claims to futurity. This temporal imaginary, which I call postcolonial futurism, promises transitions from farm to factory, peasant to the proletariat, and precapital to capital. This imaginary resonated widely. Today, however, scholars of South and Southeast Asia argue that modernist promises of transition now lack empirical and political purchase amid ongoing dispossession and trends towards low-wage, informal labour. Yet in the wake of postcolonial futurism, responses to dispossession are creating novel political possibilities. Responding to Kuan-Hsing Chen’s call to rework Bandung internationalism in the present, I consider how struggles over dispossession today indicate both openings and limits for the making of new political futures. Integrating Glen Coulthard’s work on colonialism and dispossession, I argue that decolonizing subjectivity is central to this process.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical comparison of the ongoing peace processes in the southern Philippines and Myanmar (Burma). It does so by examining two key armed groups: the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on Mindanao, and the Karen National Union (KNU) in Myanmar. We identify common elements that help to explain the relative – albeit incomplete – success of these two groups in navigating their respective peace processes. The MILF and KNU are ethnonationalist armed groups struggling for self-determination against states that are experienced by ethnic minority communities as culturally alien, and economically and politically dominant. Both conflict actors are characterized by complex combinations of “greed” and “grievance” factors but nevertheless enjoy significant (albeit contested) political legitimacy among the communities they seek to represent. We explore the complex relationships between armed ethnic groups, conflict-affected communities, and civil society actors. We argue that engagement with civil society is a key element of success in the Mindanao peace process, which could be replicated in Myanmar. We examine the roles and changing nature of the state in the Philippines and Myanmar, and contrast the degrees of international involvement, as key variables in these peace processes. We observe that negotiations of comprehensive peace settlements are threatened by “the tyranny of elections” in Myanmar (2015) and the Philippines (2016), and observe the importance of including national parliaments in peace processes in a timely manner. The peace process between Manila and the MILF represents a rare example of a Muslim minority pursuing its political objectives through structured dialogue. The article focuses on the challenges faced by armed groups moving from insurgency to reinvent themselves as credible political actors and governance authorities. Our analysis draws on peace-building literature, specifically the phenomenon of “rebel governance.”  相似文献   

The English-language text of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, the accord conceding Puerto Rico to the United States, misspelled the island's name as Porto Rico. The treaty's ratification entrenched the error in US law and prompted a decades-long campaign to restore the territory's original name. More than a comedy of errors, this incident exposes conflicting interpretations of US citizenship and the worthiness of different sets of citizens. Puerto Ricans discovered that the statutory citizenship they acquired was attenuated by their perceived worthiness: a status limited by their membership of the so-called Spanish race.  相似文献   

缅甸的佛教及其发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
佛教是缅甸的国教 ,在缅甸已有上千年的传播历史。作为一种意识形态 ,佛教影响到了缅甸文化的方方面面 ,成为缅甸民族文化的核心。佛教随着时代的变迁 ,经历了一个由小到大、由点到面的发展过程。它在缅甸的发展壮大与统治阶级的扶值、崇信密不可分。统治者对佛教的态度也在一定程度上决定了缅甸佛教的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文主要概述缅甸华人的历史和现状,分析缅甸华人问题的特点和原因.  相似文献   

Burma has been ruled by a military government since 1962. A steady deterioration in public health standards has accompanied such rule, with a particularly marked decline following the crushing of the pro-democracy movement in that country in 1988. This article draws attention to a number of aspects of this decline and the growing precariousness of the overall public health system. As it will be suggested, primary responsibility for this state of decay should be borne by the military regime. Through several policies and practices, the military has severely compromised the functioning of the public health system and perverted it in ways that fulfill its narrow political interests, rather than those of the nation as a whole. The article concludes by emphasizing the urgent need for a reinstatement of democratic norms and institutions in Burma, so that the nation's public health needs may be meaningfully addressed and a looming humanitarian disaster averted.  相似文献   

A History of the Crusades. Vol. III. By Steven Runciman. Cambridge University Press. 1954. Pp. 530; 15 plates, 5 maps and genealogical table. 35s.

The Persian Gulf. By Sir Arnold T. Wilson, with a foreword by the Rt. Hon. L. S. Amery. George Allen and Unwin. London. 1954. Pp. x + 313. 25s.

The Men who Ruled India (the Guardians). By Philip Woodruff. London: Jonathan Cape. Pp. 385, including bibliographical and source notes, appendices, index, 5 maps and 8 illustrations. 8½” × 5½”. 25s.

Within the Taurus. A Journey in Asiatic Turkey. By Lord Kinross. London: John Murray. Pp. 182; 21 illustrations and sketch‐map. 18s.

In the Shadow of the Mahatma. By G. D. Birla. Longmans, Green. Pp. 331. 10s. 6d.

World Without Mercy. The Story of the Sahara. By René Lecler. London: Werner Laurie. 1954. Pp. 223; 13 illustrations, sketch‐map, bibliography. 15s.

The Middle East. Royal Institute of International Affairs. London. 1954. 2nd Edition. Pp. 590 + xviii; 2 maps, bibliography. 35s.

Middle East Dilemmas. By J. C. Hurewitz. New York: Harper Brothers. 1953. Pp. 273 + viii; endpaper map.

The Arab World. By N. Izzedin. Chicago: H. Regnery Company. 1953. Pp. 412 + xii; 19 illustrations. $6.50.

Call to Greatness. By Adlai E. Stevenson. London: Rupert Hart‐Davis. 1954. Pp. 100. 9s. 6d.

The Upanishads. A second selection, translated by Swami Nikhilananda. London : Ph?nix House. Pp. 381. 4to. 18s.

Moslems on the March. By F. W. Fernau. Translated from the German by E. W. Dickes. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1954. Pp. xi + 312 and index. $5.00.

The Wonder that was India. A Survey of the Culture of the Indian Sub‐Continent before the Coming of the Muslims. By A. L. Basham, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.A.S. Sidgwick and Jackson. Pp. xxi + 586. Illustrated with pictures, line drawings and maps. 45s.

The East India Company and the Economy of Bengal from 1704 to 1740. By Sukumar Bhattacharya. Luzac and Co. Pp. 240. Maps and appendices. 21s. (cloth).

Warren Hastings. By Keith Feiling. Macmillan. 1954. Pp. xi + 420. 8¾” × 6½”. 30s.

Big Tiger and Christian. By Fritz Mühlenweg. Jonathan Cape. Pp. 558. Illustrated. 15s.

Persia is my Heart. By Najmeh Najafi. Gollancz. Pp. 245. Illustrated. 13s. 6d.

A Village in Anatolia. By Mahmut Makal. Translated by Sir Wyndham Deedes. Valentine Mitchell and Co. 1954. Pp. 208. Illustrated. 18s.

No Ten Commandments. Life in the Indian Police. By S. T. Hollins, C.I.E. Hutchinson. 1954. Pp. 304. 8½” × 5¾”. 16s.

Nanga Parbat. By Dr. Karl Herrligkoffer. Elek Books Ltd. London. Pp. 254; 8 colour plates, 55 monochrome plates, 5 sketch maps and diagrams. 9” × 5½”. 25s.

Growing up in an Egyptian Village. By Hamed Ammar, M.A., Ph.D. Rout‐ledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd. 1954. Pp. 299. 28s.

The Temple Tiger and more Maneaters of Kumnon. By Jim Corbett. Oxford Unversity Press. 1954. Pp. 197. 8” × 5¼”. 12s. 6d.

Afghanistan (Ancient Aryana). By A. Rahman Pazhwak, of the Afghan Bureau of Information. Key Press, 194, Portland Road, Hove. 1954. Pp. 81. With coloured portrait of H.M. Zahir Shah, 2 maps and 66 excellent illustrations. 9½” × 7”. No price.  相似文献   

冷战时期,日本与缅甸建立了特殊的历史友好关系,但在1988年以后双边关系较为冷淡。尽管日本之后一再努力,希望恢复昔日对缅影响与特殊的邦交,但收效甚微。日本在对缅关系上,一方面利用援助制裁实行有限的压力政策,另一方面又保持对缅接触,实行制裁和接触政策之间的中间路线。日本在缅甸问题上表现出的两面性,是其在国内各界分歧、日美基轴外交与亚洲独立外交、国家利益与价值观外交之间相互平衡的结果。  相似文献   

Ethnic Conflict and State Building in Burma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Commentaries on contemporary Bangladesh give increasing attention to the role of religion, particularly its more “fundamentalist” forms, in public politics. Here we offer an alternative analysis that explores the significance of religion in people's everyday lives, concentrating on its articulation in community politics. We draw on an important local distinction between dharma understood as a moral foundation for life and dharma understood more narrowly as “religion.” Our empirical analysis suggests that it is the former sense of dharma which has greater relevance for the moral order of the community, and is used to evaluate and structure its social and political institutions, including those identified as “religious.” This perspective furnishes fresh insights into the dynamic relationship between religion, politics and social change in modern Bangladesh.  相似文献   

缅甸当前政治经济观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当前缅甸的政治、经济局势值得深入观察.制订新宪法是缅甸 "民主路线图"七步计划的第一步.经过将近9个月的休会之后,旨在为缅甸新宪法制订架构的新一轮国民大会于2006年10月10日复会,这有力地推动了缅甸民主路线图计划的实施.但是,美国的打压有可能导致缅甸军政府放缓民主改革的进程. 尽管如此,在"先经济,后政治"方针的指引下,缅甸政府凭借丰富的自然资源,借助中国的经验,开展经济改革工作.  相似文献   

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