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高职院校数字化校园的建设及应用研究是目前我国高等职业教育发展的一大热点问题。完整的安全体系保障方案包括:数字化校园建设的目标,数字化校园结构体系,基于支持单点登入的高性能统一身份认证平台设计,以及数据中心的主要功能及其功能的实现等。  相似文献   

我国经济发展处于新旧动能交替期,一方面以大数据、信息技术和人工智能为动能的数字经济持续上行,另一方面以劳动力和资源要素为驱动的传统经济缓慢下行。而我国新增就业数量还依然有所上升。即使存在统计性问题,这一现象仍说明技术进步对就业的影响已经发生转变,这种转变可能来自数字经济发展缓冲了传统经济下行期的失业风险,也可能来自未来的工作内容与工作方式的转变。为此,本文沿着相关文献的路径,结合此次数字化特征对技术进步影响工作岗位的机制进行分析,探究数字经济与未来工作的可能,在此基础上提出未来劳动力市场可能面临的风险,并提出包容性治理的政策建议。  相似文献   

Digitally mediated communication technologies have fundamentally changed the problem of child sexual abuse. Sexually explicit images of young people that can be found online range from those documenting offline abuse including adult-to-child and peer-on-peer violence, to self-generated images including those taken within the context of a coercive relationship or those that are shared online beyond the taker's control. Online availability of these images can have serious effects on victims. It is vital to identify what victims need, how youngsters are at risk online, how self-generated images may be shared online beyond the taker's control, and how children who have been traumatized by experiences of sexual abuse (offline as well as online) can be taught to stay safe online. This article summarizes the results of four different studies exploring these issues.  相似文献   

面对数字图书馆建设的热潮,应从我国国情出发,分析研究数字图书馆在网络环境、资金、技术、标准化、数据库建设、信息保存等方面存在的问题,并提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

发展我国数字图书馆的几个关键问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字图书馆是下一代互联网网上信息资源的管理模式 ,可从根本上改变目前网上信息分散、不便使用的现状。实现图书馆国际化已成为必然趋势 ,我国的数字图书馆工程已在积极运作之中。  相似文献   


This article discusses the large-scale and world-encompassing aspirations of digital humanities and world literature and their methodological accordance with the analysis of literature in smaller languages and of texts understood in social, transnational, and gendered contexts. Are Digital Humanities and World Literature establishing themselves as fields utilizing analytical tools that are at odds with the aims and perspectives of feminist literary history and reception history as a part of literary history? We argue that gender research and theory is insufficiently developed in both computational literary history and World Literature. An unproblematic understanding of translations, canonization, English as a global language, and the use of large-scale computational methods and formalized interpretive models is in many cases not beneficial for the understanding of texts by women writers or from feminist perspectives. Drawing on feminist criticism of computational methods and arguments for specialized rather than generalized knowledge about literary history, we propose that digitization in some form, be it a bibliographical database or digitization of a corpus of texts, may be thought of as part of the research process in projects oriented towards gender and cultural exchange.  相似文献   


As the fashion scene becomes progressively digitalised, new dynamics emerge between consumers, content, and fashion professionals. Reflecting on forms of online interaction, this article explores contemporary audience engagement in the context of mainstream androgynous fashion. First, I consider the effects of the digitalisation of fashion communication in terms of the particular role played by sentiments and emotions. Due to the brevity, immediacy and informality of online communication, I argue, affect emerges as an increasingly crucial component of the fashion discourse. I then turn to an assessment of both the dangerous implications and the positive potential of such phenomenon. On the one hand, I explore cases where members of the public interact directly with fashion intermediaries on social media and highlight how direct engagement leads audiences to internalise the scrutiny of professionals and make emotional investments in their implicit promises. On the other, I examine Tumblr blogs as an example of forms of indirect audience engagement with fashion. In this context, acquiring a distance from fashion mediation, consumers are able to engage in practices of creativity and semantic alterations of the dominant aesthetics.  相似文献   

数字经济范式与工作关系变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
数字经济的发展带来了自工业革命以来最深刻的社会变革。它对传统雇佣关系或工作关系产生了重大影响,使得岗位职责和技能更精确,工作场所不再受限,工作时间也更自由。同时,数字技术的应用,也不断推动各领域进行组织管理变革,使得劳动关系发生分化。为了更好地应对数字技术和数字经济的发展,政府应该适应技术创新与商业创新,并遵循既定的目标与原则进行制度创新。  相似文献   

This essay considers how the current compulsion to digital reproduction – the urge to digitize, network, and online previously not-online materials – offers researchers of and within queer circuits the opportunity to defamiliarize and denaturalize our participation in academic systems of exploitation and to reorient our work towards decolonizing research economies, habits, protocols, and relationships. It takes the Cabaret Commons, the authors’ speculative digital archive of and for trans- feminist and queer (TFQ) grassroots performance scenes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States, as its point of departure. The authors frame TFQ performance and party scenes as negotiated intimacies, cultivating ethics of vulnerability and risk, which operate within and as networked intimate publics. Reading across decolonial, queer, feminist, and trans- ethics and methods, this essay revisits the value of ephemerality, of strategic evaporation, non-storage, and forgetting in online research contexts.  相似文献   

伴随着数字智能技术的发展,数字劳动已在西方资本主义国家呈现出新的异化表征,主要表现 为资本家对数字劳动产品的无偿占有、数字劳动过程的非自我的加速与规训 、数字劳动主体类本质的异化以及 数字劳动关系的异化四个维度。这是多种成因共同作用的结果,数字生产资料的私人占有是根本原因,数字资 本的逐利本性是动力原因,数字智能技术资本化是技术原因,市场监管与劳动保障的缺失是外部原因。由于中 西方数字劳动问题存在本质差异,中国在新时代数字建设中,通过积极推进数字生产资料的共有共享、完善数 据生产要素参与的分配制度、加强数字智能技术治理、完善数字劳动治理体系等多方位举措,有效防范并化解 了数字劳动问题,为西方资本主义国家摆脱数字劳动异化困境、构建和谐数字劳动关系提供了中国智慧。  相似文献   

利用信息化技术,建设数字化工会,是工会工作的发展方向。在劳动关系发生复杂变化的情况下,工会加强信息化建设,通过数字化平台,有利于提高维权的针对性和有效性。农垦建三江创业农场工会在实现工会维权数字化方面,进行了有益的探索,形成了具有自己特色的数字化维权模式。  相似文献   

随着网络文学平台的兴起,依托于平台的网络文学写作逐步发展成为一种新型职业形态。网文公司出现,并嵌入到网络文学生产过程中,重构了网络文学的生产逻辑。受雇于网络文学公司的续写作者,类似于传统工厂外包的数字“代工”,他们的劳动实践存在“概念”与“执行”和“作家”与“作品”的双重分离,正是这种另类的劳动实践使得续写作者成为网络文学生产过程中的“幽灵劳工”。网络写作的灵活性、工作自由的乌托邦幻象和劳动公平交易的表征,使得网络文学写手甘愿加入努力码字的续写作者队伍中。但是这一切并不能掩盖续写作者付出与回报的不对等,且处于权益受损和向上流动受阻的双重困境之中。  相似文献   

Journal of Youth and Adolescence - Most existing research assumes “phone use during face-to-face interactions” to be psychosocially detrimental. Drawing on the digital social...  相似文献   

数字平台创造了新型的灵活用工模式,但同时也突破了传统劳动法律体系的限制,使在平台下谋生的网约工失去了法律的保护.平台惩戒规则作为数字泰勒主义的成文表现,是平台借助数字技术对网约工进行劳动控制的重要工具.然而这种规则在民事契约下的形式平等中消解了网约工的权益,其所产生的压迫问题已经引起舆论关注.研究认为,以古典契约理论建...  相似文献   

工会干部教育培训中利用好政府数字化转型的成果,打造网络教育平台是大势所趋。网络教育培训具有传统教育培训形式所不具备的优势,本文从开展工会干部网络教育培训的理论依据入手,探索培训实施中建立功能完善的学习平台、建立健全的课程资源、建设有效运转的学习服务和管理机制等,尤其对工会干部网络教育培训主题设置科学化、培训制度规范化、培训课程精品化等方面进行了一定程度的研究。  相似文献   

对新发展阶段中国式现代化的理解,必须密切结合全球数字经济发展这一大的历史背景,以及 数字经济对现代化发展模式和发展动力的深刻影响。本研究从理论上分析了数字经济背景下中国式现代化的发 展模式和发展动力,提出中国式现代化的战略内涵是发展高质量的数字经济。研究认为,中国式现代化建设必 须以发展数字经济为抓手,全面夯实实体经济基础,加快提升政府治理效能,全面提升中国式现代化的普惠水平, 并为积极构建全球网络命运共同体贡献中国智慧。  相似文献   

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