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海峡两岸经济合作与交流,农业是一个重要组成部分。两岸共同开展农业技术合作交流,实现优势互补,联合发展,开拓农产品国际市场,有利于促进海峡两岸经济合作关系的良性互动。厦门市创办经济特区以来,厦台农业合作交流从民间到商业企  相似文献   

战后日台投资关系,表现为日对台的单向投资关系,而且日对台投资不断扩大。如果说日台贸易关系从流通领域反映日台的从属经济关系,那末,日本通过对台直接投资和技术合作,深入到台湾生产领域内部,更使日台经济关系成为从属的经济关系。这种日台从属经济关系,从台湾经济目前的发展趋势看,很难有根本的改变。  相似文献   

9月3日,云南省政府与广西壮族自治区政府在南宁签署深化经济合作框架协议,充分发挥双方的优势和特色,积极推进区域合作,拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,形成合作互动、优势互补、互利共赢、共同发展的格局,推动桥头堡战略与北部湾战略联合联动、七彩云  相似文献   

在两岸同胞的共同努力下,两岸经贸交流日益密切,互惠互利的经济合作格局已经形成,贸易额屡创新高,台商投资平稳增长,形成了以台商投资为主线,加工贸易为主要方式,投资带动贸易,贸易促进投资的两岸经贸交流发展格局。海峡两岸同胞血脉相连,休戚与共,两岸经济各具优势,优势互补。  相似文献   

桂台经济合作的现状、前景与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张燕东 《桂海论丛》2001,17(3):86-88
改革开放以来 ,桂台经济合作呈现良好的发展势头 ,目前已有了长足的发展。从前景看 ,广西的独特区位优势、丰富的资源优势及人缘优势 ,与台湾先进的技术、营销管理水平及资金实力具有明显的互补性 ,发展前景广阔。广西要抓住机遇 ,改善环境 ,拓宽桂台经济合作的路子。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯6月10日至16日,"中原情一家亲"河南参访团赴台经贸文化交流活动成功举办。市长程志明带领我市代表团参加并取得丰硕成果:签约3个合同项目,达成5个合作意向,进一步宣传推介了南阳的发展优势和良好投资环境,生化宛台合作。  相似文献   

“昆台经济合作研讨会” 召开 10月22日-23日,江苏省昆山市政府、昆山市台办与清华大学台湾研究所联合组织了“昆台经济合作研讨会”,全国人大常委会常委朱丽兰及海峡两岸的100多位专家学者参加了研讨会。会上,有关专家学者就进一步改善昆山市的投资环境、昆台经济合作的未来发展方向等问题进行了深入研讨,并提出了很多操作性强的建议,这将使昆台经济合作迈上一个新的台阶。 本刊记者李启龙  相似文献   

地方动态湖南省台办调研湘台农业交流与合作3月7日,湖南省台办主任佘友文一行就“湘台农业交流与合作情况”到长沙县展开调研,听取了长沙县人民政府副县长周辉斌关于长台农业交流与合作情况汇报,与长沙县台办、农办、农业局、商务局有关负责人以及长沙市台湾同胞投资企业协会长沙县分会会长何国庆先生就长台农业交流与合作进行座谈,并到长沙县青山铺镇、黄兴镇实地考察台商投资的农业项目。  相似文献   

漳州市作为台湾同胞的主要祖籍地和台商投资密集区,有着独特的对台交流合作优势。为切实贯彻落实好中央推出的一系列惠台措施,漳州市于2018年发布了《关于促进漳台经济社会文化交流合作的实施意见》(简称58条实施意见),积极推动在漳台胞享受与大陆居民同等待遇落地落实。  相似文献   

海峡两岸跨世纪农业科技合作之探析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近20年来,海峡两岸农业科技合作取得了长足进步,但同时也存在一些问题。面对21世纪,未来两岸应在优势互补,科技先导,坚持高起点、高效益,合理布局,优化配置,突出重点,双向互动的原则下,把握好合作的重点领域,进一步完善对台农业科技合作政策体系;切实办好对台农业和农业科技合作园区(或实验区);加强对台农业高新技术引进与合作以共同推动两岸农业科技的发展。  相似文献   

This study examined relations among stressors, perceived social competence, attributional style, and depressive symptoms in young urban schoolchildren. Data were collected from 85 5- to 11-year-olds, mostly African American, who attended a public elementary school in a low-income urban area. Social competence was examined as a potential mediator, and attributional style was examined as a potential moderator of the relation between stressful life events and depressive symptoms. Separate analyses were conducted by age and gender. For older children and girls, main effects were found for stressful life events as predictors of depressive symptoms. Mediational analyses indicated that perceived peer acceptance served as a mediator of the relation between stressful life events and depressive symptoms for girls. In addition, attributional style moderated the relation between stressors and depressive symptoms in the older children. Together, findings suggest that significant relations exist among stressful life events, social and cognitive processes, and depressive symptoms in young urban children and that these relations are influenced by gender and development.  相似文献   

This paper assesses several assumptions underlying the promotion of democracy and good governance in rural China. We draw on a 1999 survey of 120 villages in four counties, two in Anhui and two in Heilongjiang provinces (sample of 2,997 households, including villagers, cadres and entrepreneurs). First, we look at how institutionalized ‘democratic procedures’, such as secret ballots, multi-candidate elections, public nominations, and village contracts, are in these villages. Then we analyze villager views on economic development and democracy, finding that villagers want more democracy, even if the economy is doing well. Third, we assess their views on the election process; do they see elections as efficacious, fair, and competitive, or do they feel that the local power elite manipulate outcomes? Fourth, we found that the richest people are less supportive of democracy, with the most democratic being middle-income households. Finally, elections have increased local elite turnover, cadres understand this, and therefore, democracy does lead to good governance.  相似文献   

江泽民同志关于坚持讲大局、讲团结、讲稳定的要求,是我们做好各项工作的重要指导原则.坚持这一重要指导原则,就是要求我们在新的发展阶段,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,全面贯彻三个代表的要求,紧密团结在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央周围,认清自己肩负的责任,做好各项工作,努力开创建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新局面,以优异的成绩迎接党的十六大的召开.  相似文献   

朱望 《思想战线》2002,28(1):135-140
长期存在的“教而不会 ,学而不能”现象已成为中国大学英语“教”与“学”的尴尬和怪圈式的困扰。英语教学中的种种问题、盲点与误区既是多年来应试教育之因 ,又是其不良之果 ,英语教学改革势在必行。只有在教学中贯穿了为应用而教学的稳健作风、课堂教学与图书馆教学有机结合、教师指导与学生自我训练有机结合的教学法 ,才能充分有效地实现素质教育。  相似文献   

Is China a rational, peaceful, and defensive‐minded power or an irrational, bellicose, and expansionist state? Are Chinese soldiers more hawkish than Chinese statesmen? Many analysts remark on the growing influence in foreign affairs of the PLA in the post‐Deng era. There is no consensus, however, on what this increasing influence will mean in practice. This article analyzes the attitudes of civilian and military figures toward Beijing's 1950 intervention in Korea and concludes that soldiers are no more hawkish than statesmen and, in many instances, less so. The findings suggest that China's strategic culture does not embody a single tradition and that civil‐military relations exert considerable influence on decisions to initiate war. All this indicates that the growing influence of the military does not necessarily mean a more bellicose China.  相似文献   

龚锐 《思想战线》2002,28(6):57-61
西双版纳特定文化社区中的基诺族、哈尼族、傣族,在节日中形成的族际交往关系和消费文化颇有特色,用文化人类学的视野审视这三个少数民族在节日消费流变过程,可以看出节日消费反映了少数民族文明化和社会化的成果,体现了文化与社会环境对人的教化和塑模作用。  相似文献   

In the wake of repeated crackdowns on the 'three disorders' and 'small treasuries', it is obvious that local governments in China collect substantial amounts of illegal monies. What is not immediately obvious is how illegal monies matter. In this article, I assess both the amount of illegal monies that local governments collect and their significance relative to local autonomy. I find that because illegal monies are not rival to legal monies but rather complementary, although illegal monies may give local governments a greater ability to pursue their own particularistic agendas, they do not fundamentally alter the principalagent structures that link the localities to the center.  相似文献   

论政府科技投入的形式、性质、目标和功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国家财政性科技投入占国内生产总值比例的不断增加,如何科学管理和合理使用这些政府科技投入资金并不断提高其产出效率,便成为国家科技政策必须重点关注的议题。政府科技投入不同于私人科技投入,它以社会福利最大化为目标,是政府干预科技市场失灵,弥补市场缺陷,促进科技创新的重要手段。本文基于以上认识,对政府科技投入的性质、目标和功能作一初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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