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DefiningSuccessinaDongVillageBystaffreporterSIRIAMITCHELLChinaisrushingaheadintothenextcentury,tossingasideoldtraditionsandva...  相似文献   

Q IANDONGNAN in southeastern Guizhou Province is an autono- mous prefecture for the Miao and Dong ethnic minorities. Life on the remote plateau is about as close to nature as you can get these days, and it is one of the world’s 18 preserves of ethnic culture. People of the 2,500-year-old Dong ethnic minority make up 31.5 percent of the local population. Known for hav- ing “Tang Dynasty hairstyles, Song Dy- nasty dress sense, and Ming and Qing Dynasty houses,” the region has been de…  相似文献   

IN1996,archaeologistsmadenewdiscoveriesinZigong,apopularexcavaionsiteinSichuanProvince.Earlyintheyear,awell-preserveddinosaurskeletonwasunearthednearaconstructionsite.ResearchlatershowedthistobeacreatureoftheLateJurassic,whichindicatedthatithadbeenburiedinthePmplishsandstoneoftheregionforabout150allonyears.Anerreconstruction,thedinosaurwasseentobe20meterslong,3.5met-ershighfromthegroundtoitsspine,anditsheadoverthreestorieshigh.In0ctoberthatsameyear,over200dinosaurfootyrintswerefoundonrocksa…  相似文献   

Beiji Village is the highest geographical point in China by latitude.With an annual mean temperature of -4.29 °C, the region is only just warm enough to avoid continuous permafrost.  相似文献   

SWORD-MAKER GaoQingmin first dreamt ofmaking swords whenstanding by his father atthe furnace. As a teenag-er, he was apprenticed to hisblacksmith father Gao Xikun, andschooled in stories of master iron-smiths Ou Yezi and Gan Jiang,both famous for forging high-quality Tangxi swords. In the 1930s, Gao Xikunworked at a German machine fac-tory in Tianjin, where he learnedmetallurgical techniques. Afterthe founding of new China, he  相似文献   

AVisittoaCozyHomeByYANGLI&XUMLNGANCIENTBEIJINGhaspreservedalargequantityofimperialpalacesandbuildings,amongthemthebestworksin...  相似文献   

L AST November the firstCPAFFC delegation led byits president Han Xu paid a visitto Israel. Our hosts, Mr. T.Kaufman, president of Israel-China Friendship Society and hiscolleagues showed us round theprosperous and lively Tel Aviv,the ancient and solemn Jerusalemand the colourful and maganifi-cent Haifa. They specially tookus to see the scenery outside the  相似文献   

MYSTICAL mountains tower on both sides of the narrow gorge, whose clear waters run thunderously ahead over century-smoothed stones, dashing against rocks the size of small dwellings. Above this tributary of the Minjiang River hangs a suspension bridge constructed out of bam- boo. A winding path leads from it to the mountain village of Taoping. Taoping Village has nearly 500 residents in 98 households. It is in Lixian County of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province. This 2,000-year-old Qiang settlement is the oldest and best preserved of its kind in China. Its antiquity and well-maintained architecture  相似文献   

AVisittoaChineseLaserSpecialist¥HOURUILI;ZHAOSHITIANLasertechnologyisstillrelativelynewtothemedicalfieldinChina.Themovenowist...  相似文献   

The delegation of the Chinese People's Asso-ciation for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) headed by its president Qi Huaiyuanpaid a visit to three tropical countries in Africa--Cameroon, Zaire and the Congo last October andthe visit was a great success. The delegation met  相似文献   

In Yunnan Provnce,by theJinsha River 120 kilometers fromthe seat of Lijiang County,stands a monolith 200 metershigh covering 0.5 square kilome-ters.Built on it is a Village,known as Baoshan Stone City,site of 108 Naxi ethnic house-holdS.  相似文献   

JIDONG and Hulin areunder the jurisdiction ofJixi City in southeastHeilongjiang Province.Having a mining history of 100years, Jixi is known as the "CoalCity", and is the site of China'sfirst power station fueled bygangue. Since the 1980s, Jidongand Hulin have exploited rich coalresources and achieved synchro-nized development of industryand environmental protection.They have thus become the mod-els for a new development style.Jidong-Developing the"Non-Coal Economy"Jidong County is 3,2…  相似文献   

CHINESE President Hu Jin-tao traveled to Japan on May 6 for a five-day visit, the first state visit by a Chinese president to Japan in 10 years, signaling a historic warming of relations between the two countries. During the trip President Hu held discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, was welcomed by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and also met separately with leaders and representatives of Japan's major political parties.  相似文献   

ON the night of August 8, 2008, an audience of over 91,000, including more than 80 foreign leaders,enjoyed the opening ceremonies of the XXIX Olympic Games in the National Stadium (Bird's Nest) in Beijing, along with another four billion watching via television worldwide. The stunning displays and vigorous performances presented a superb visual and aural feast for the world.  相似文献   

AFTER a year of conflict and unrest,the situation in Syria remains serious and its people continue to suffer gravely.The country commands the attention of the entire international community,but different parties have different opinions on  相似文献   

TheHometownofXuanzang-NotesofaVisittoYanshiBystaffreporterHUOJIANYINGFOURYEARSago,attheinvitationofafriendwholivedthere,Iwent...  相似文献   

Time to Learn     
IN January 2002, representatives from the Development and Re-search Center of the State Coun-cil, John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG) of Harvard  相似文献   

RECENTLY a list of bestsellers of the last ten years aroused heated discussions. From celebrities' biographies a decade ago. to contemporary titles on how to live healthily, the changing nature of bcstscllers reflects the shifts Chinese life.  相似文献   

It is those on the other sideof the Pacifi c that treat fengshui as the scientif ic subject that Professor Larry Sang believes it is.THE theory of fengshui may have originated in ancient China, but when most Chinese hear the word to-day, they associate it with superstition.  相似文献   

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