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The objective of this study was to review demographic characteristics and drugs detected in carbon monoxide (CO)-related deaths from cases received by the Office of the Cuyahoga County Coroner in Cleveland, Ohio, from 2000-2003. Postmortem reports were reviewed, and decedents for which CO was listed as the cause of death were included. The data were compiled into 3 groups according to the official coroner's verdict as to the manner of death: accident, suicide, and homicide. Included in this study were 122 cases: 84 (69%) accidental, 31 (25%) suicide, and 7 (6%) homicide. Accident decedents were typically white males, aged 40-59 years, residing in Cleveland. Suicide decedents were also middle-aged, white males but residing in the suburbs. Homicide decedents under the age of 6 were characteristically black (N=2), while decedents over the age of 39 were predominately white (N=3). Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels in suicide cases were higher than concentrations measured in accidental deaths. The highest percentage of suicide decedents (36%) had a COHb level>70% saturation, accident decedents (36%) between 50% and 69% saturation, and homicide decedents (71%) below 50% saturation. Ethanol (N=34) was detected in 28% of deaths, and therapeutic and/or abused drugs (N=50) were detected in 41% of deaths. Illicit drugs were detected in 11% of cases (cocaine/metabolites; THC/metabolites), other drug positives were therapeutic medications. The most common drugs detected were antidepressants and antihistamines in suicides and pain medications and antihistamines in accidents.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning as a cause of death is well documented in industrialized countries. The objective of this study was to compare demographic data in deaths due to accidents (in fires) and suicides in the same population between 1988 and 1998. Furthermore, the potential effect of a community wide education effort regarding safety in the home was assessed. Postmortem reports were reviewed for all deaths examined at the Office of the Cuyahoga County Coroner in Cleveland, OH, USA. During the study period, there were 209 accidental deaths due to fires in the home (6.5% of all accidents in the home) and 182 CO deaths by suicide (9.8% of all suicides). Demographic characteristics of the two groups differed: while males represented the majority of cases in both groups (55% of accidents, 70% suicides), race specific death rates were higher for whites than blacks (18/100,000 white, 3/100,000 black) in suicides compared with 29/100,000 deaths for blacks and 11/100,000 for whites in accidental cases. Fire deaths were prevalent in the young (0-9 years) and old (>60) whereas in the suicide group the age specific death rate was highest for those over 70 years. The majority of fire deaths occurred in the city of Cleveland but suicides were prevalent in the suburbs. More fire deaths occurred in December than any other month whereas more suicides occurred in April. In 1992, there was a community wide effort to provide free smoke detectors to residents in Cleveland. In 1992, there were 4.2/100,000 fire deaths in the city. This decreased to 0.6/100,000 in 1996, increased to 1.2/100,000 in 1997 followed by a decrease to 0.8/100,000 in 1998. This suggested that the program may have aided in decreasing these types of deaths. Deaths due to fires in the suburbs were <1/100,000 throughout the study period.  相似文献   

Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) is the only currently established medical therapy for heroin addiction. However, MMT still remains controversial. In Hennepin County, Minnesota, methadone is one of the top ten drugs reported in medical examiner investigated deaths and one of the most commonly diverted pharmaceuticals. This report reviews the role of methadone in medical examiner deaths over a 10-year period, 1992-2002. We compare cause and manner of death (accidental, natural, suicide) and methadone blood concentrations for decedents who were members of MMT programs with illicit users and those prescribed methadone for chronic pain. Findings reveal that 65% of decedents with measurable blood methadone concentrations were not participating in MMT programs. A total of 96 cases were identified, with the majority white (90.5%) and male (76.8%). MMTP program members were the minority (34.7%) of the methadone positive deaths and 39% were illicit users. Fifteen percent were chronic pain patients with almost half of this group dying from overdose. Methadone concentrations of drug caused/related deaths (0.18-3.99 mg/L) overlapped with those of deaths not attributable to methadone (0.18-3.03 mg/L) with no definable lethal level. Interpretation of methadone blood concentrations must be done in the context of the clinical history for determining cause of death, and may be confounded by postmortem redistribution.  相似文献   

The eruption times of permanent teeth and the sequence of tooth eruption were investigated in 952 individuals aged 4 to 24 years. Wisdom teeth were excluded from the evaluation. All individuals were inhabitants of Tehran, Iran. The results were compared to results of international studies on tooth eruption of the 20th century and studies published in recent years. The teeth emerged symmetrically in each jaw. However, teeth erupted earlier in the mandible than in the maxilla, excluding the earlier eruption of maxillary premolars. The sequence of emerging teeth in the maxilla is: first molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, first premolar, second premolar, canine, and second molar. The sequence of tooth eruption of the mandible differs from the maxillary sequence: first molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first premolar, second premolar, second molar. The sequence of all teeth is: lower first molar, lower central incisor, upper first molar, upper central incisor, lower lateral incisor, upper lateral incisor, upper first premolar, lower canine, lower first premolar, upper second premolar, upper canine, lower second premolar, lower second molar, and upper second molar. The results support current theories that the differences in tooth eruption times between humans of different ethnic origin are small.  相似文献   

Buprenorphine, commonly known by the trademark Temgesic, is one of the most popular drugs of abuse among the opioid-addicted young individuals in Iran. Temgesic, Bungesic, etc. are the most popular and important illicit opioid drugs in Tehran's illicit drugs black market, and are now among the most widely abused by opioid addicts. Because of this, counterfeiting of this drug has increased in Tehran. In this study, the qualitative analysis of counterfeit buprenorphine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) demonstrates the presence of diacetylmorphine, acetylcodeine and pheniramine, as well as the absence of buprenorphine. In conclusion, due to the absence of quality control and difficulties in differentiating counterfeit buprenorphine from genuine products, the use of counterfeit buprenorphine leads the opioid abusers to health risks.  相似文献   

Alcohol is one of the main causes of traffic accidents worldwide. Its use decreases significantly the driving ability of an individual increasing in this way the possibilities of their involvement in motor-vehicle accidents. The above possibilities are increased when a psychoactive substance has been taken in combination with alcohol due to their synergistic effect. The Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the University of Athens is authorized to perform the toxicological investigation of traffic accidents that happen in the southern part of Greece. The objective of the present study was to identify the prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances among drivers involved in road traffic accidents in Greece during the period 1998-2004. Alcohol was detected in the blood of about 37% of the drivers involved in traffic accident during the years 1998-2000. The detection of alcohol was lower (29%) in the years 2001-2004. Cannabis, benzodiazepines, opiates, and cocaine were found in 4%, 4%, 4% and 1% of the total number of cases, respectively. The above values were compared with those of a previous study concerning the period 1995-1997 and the reasons for the reduction of the number of alcohol-related traffic accidents during the last years are discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria is the world's most important parasitic disease, accounting for an estimated 300 to 500 million new cases and between 1.5 and 2.7 deaths annually. The majority of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is endemic and are the result of infection with Plasmodium falciparum. The number of deaths in the United States due to malaria is comparably much lower and involves so-called "imported" cases in which U.S. travelers acquire the infection upon travel to endemic areas and subsequently return to the United States or in which infected foreign citizens travel to the United States. There were a total of 118 deaths due to malaria in the United States between 1979 and 1998 with an average of 5.9 deaths per year. Specific epidemiological data provided by the CDC regarding the 40 deaths that occurred between 1992 and 1998 yielded the following results. Deaths occurred in patients ranging from 9 months to 89 years of age (median, 53 years). Thirty-eight (95%) of these were due to P. falciparum and two (5%) due to P. vivax. Anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis was taken in 40% of cases, not taken in 45% of cases, and unknown in 15% of cases. Twenty-four (60%) of the cases involved U.S. travelers to endemic areas, of whom 59% traveled to Africa, 25% to South America, 8% to India, 4% to Haiti, and 4% to unspecified areas. The remaining cases included eleven foreign travelers to the U.S. (27.5%), three induced cases (7.5%), and two undetermined cases (5%). Thirty-nine (98%) of the cases were diagnosed antemortem and only one case was known to have come to the attention of the medical examiner/coroner. An illustrative case report demonstrates many of the features associated with fatal malaria infections in the United States. The case involves a U.S. student who was studying in Africa and who, by report, had not taken antimalarial chemoprophylaxis. Despite seeking medical attention, the patient was not diagnosed with P. falciparum infection and cerebral malaria until the time of medico-legal autopsy, where the classic gross and microscopic features of cerebral malaria were identified. This case represents one of the few cases of P. falciparum infection in the United States not diagnosed antemortem. Given the worldwide prevalence of the disease, increasing international travel, and rapidly developing drug resistance, malaria will continue to be an important disease and should be considered in cases of sudden, unexplained deaths. By reviewing the major epidemiological features of malaria-related deaths in the United States and by presenting the major gross and microscopic features of cerebral malaria, an attempt is made at raising the awareness of the forensic community to the potential of malaria-related deaths.  相似文献   

The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) in pregnant women and to explore relationships of self-esteem and social support (SS) relating to DV. Six hundred young mothers were investigated. 28.2 % reported that they experienced some type of DV during pregnancy. The occurrence of physical abuse was not related to self-esteem or SS. When verbal violence was reported, satisfaction with SS was lower and self-esteem was lower by trend. Self-esteem was substantially lower when sexual violence was indicated. The number of people available for support did not provide a substantial buffering effect, but the perceived quality of SS did. Higher education in the mother and husband, and women’s employment represented protective conditions against the occurrence of DV.  相似文献   

Investigation of sudden infant deaths in the State of Maryland (1990-2000)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) has recorded a significant decline in the deaths of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the state of Maryland since 1994. However, infants who died of accidental or non-accidental injuries remained consistent during the same time period. This report focuses on the epidemiological characteristics and scene investigation findings of infant victims who died suddenly and unexpectedly in Maryland between 1990 and 2000. A retrospective study of OCME cases between 1990 and 2000 yielded a total of 1619 infant fatalities. 802 infant deaths were determined to be SIDS, which represented 50% of the total infant deaths in our study population. Five hundred and twenty-three (31.8%) deaths were due to natural diseases, 128 (7.9%) deaths were accidents, and 74 (4.6%) were homicides. The manner of death could not be determined after a thorough scene investigation, review of history and a complete postmortem examination in 92 (5.7%) infants. SIDS deaths most often involved infants who were male and black. The peak incidence of SIDS was between 2 and 4 months of age. The majority of SIDS infants (60%) were found unresponsive on their stomach. Among SIDS infants, 269 (33.4%) were found in bed with another person or persons (bed sharing). Of the bed-sharing SIDS cases, 182 (68%) were African-American. In the past 11 years, 52 infants died of asphyxia due to unsafe sleeping environment, such as defective cribs, ill-fitting mattresses, inappropriate bedding materials. Of the 74 homicide victims, 53 (70%) involved infants less than 6 months of age. Twenty (27%) exhibited the classical abuse syndrome characterized by repeated acts of trauma to the infants.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Our purpose is to highlight novel ocular findings of 102 forensic pediatric cases under 2 years of age who die suddenly. Forensic information, grossing, and microscopic eye protocol was followed. The most common diagnosis was Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (57/102). Novel cytoid bodies were present in the retina of 72/102 cases and they were located predominantly 90% (65/72) at the anterior part of the retina ( p  < 0.001). Of the SIDS cases, 85% (47/57) showed the presence of cytoid bodies, and among all diagnosis, SIDS was the most associated with cytoid bodies ( p  = 0.003). A second observation was extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) identified in 35/102 cases and 22 of the 57 SIDS cases. The most frequent EMH location was the choroids (29/35). This study is the first to demonstrate the presence of cytoid bodies and extramedullary hematopoiesis in the retinas of SIDS cases and children who die suddenly from other causes.  相似文献   

A three-year review of toxicology data from medical examiner autopsies in Pima County, Arizona, has demonstrated that cocaine has rapidly become a leading substance of abuse, second only to alcohol in the frequency of drugs detected by toxicologic analysis of all suspicious deaths, motor vehicle accident fatalities, homicides, and suicides. Gastric contents and urine were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography, and nasal swabs, blood, and urine were tested for the combination of cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine by quantitative radioimmunoassay. A total of seventy-two deaths in Pima County from 1982 to 1984 have involved cocaine. Seventy percent of these have occurred in the last fifteen months. Marked variation in the individual response to cocaine compared to the blood concentration of cocaine/metabolite was noted.  相似文献   

This study analyzes accidental fatalities caused by electricity--at work and during leisure time--to evaluate risk factors, the role of alcohol, and to identify possible preventive strategies. In Sweden, data on fatalities by electrocution from 1975 through 2000 were collected from the National Cause-of-Death Register. Additional cases were found in the archives of The Swedish National Electrical Safety Board. Suicides and deaths by lightning were excluded. Two hundred and eighty-five deaths were found, including occupational (n=132), leisure time (n=151), and unknown (n=2). Most deaths were caused by aerial power lines, and the most common place for an electrical injury was a railway area or residential property. Postmortem blood from 20% (n=47) of the tested cases was found positive for alcohol, and these persons were killed mainly during leisure time. During the study period, the overall incidence of electricity-related fatalities has decreased, in spite of increased use of electricity. This indicates that safety improvements have been successful.  相似文献   

Casino-related deaths in Atlantic City, New Jersey 1982-1986   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first legalized casino-hotel opened in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1978. Annually, more than 30 million people visit the "Gambling Capitol of the East Coast." As a result of this growing influx of people, the Atlantic County Medical Examiner's Office began compiling statistics in 1982 of casino-related deaths. Data on 398 casino-related deaths occurring in 1982-1986 were collected and analyzed: 83% of the total number of fatalities were sudden cardiac deaths. Most of the victims were elderly white retired men who had previously diagnosed medical conditions. Many of the victims' underlying medical problems are of a type known to be associated with compulsive gambling. The majority of deaths occurred during the afternoon hours on weekends in October, January, and May. Of the victims, 86% were from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. For Atlantic City, a gambling community known to have a relatively high rate of crime and drug-trafficking, only 1% of all deaths were homicides. We speculate that the stress of gambling activities may induce sudden cardiac death. We therefore recommend that communities planning to legalize casino gambling mandate that gambling establishments provide emergency health care services for their patrons.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old boy was riding his bicycle when he was struck by a truck. He was dragged over 2 1/2 miles (4 km) before he was deposited on the side of the road. The injuries evident at autopsy revealed the boy died from dragging and not from the initial impact. The scene, and the autopsy findings, will be discussed.  相似文献   

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