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正A TV series reflects Chinese parents’hesitation over whether to send their children to study abroad at a young ageThree couples from different social strata,whose children vary in terms of academic performance,are wrangling over the same question:Whether to send their children  相似文献   

<正>Heavy use of intravenous therapy in China causes concern Shi Zijun, 6, sat in the corridor of the emergency pediatrics department of a hospital in Beijing. He wanted to take  相似文献   

正The EU hesitates over changing China's economic statusThe European Commission(EC)will discuss the issue of granting market economy status(MES)to China throughout 2016.On January 13,the EC had the first orientation debate on whether,and if so how,the European Union(EU)should change their  相似文献   

On March 15,the U.S.Federal Reserve announced it would slash its benchmark interest rate by100 basis points to 0-0.25 percent,marking the return of the zero-interest rate era.The Federal Reserve also launched a quantitative easing scheme worth$700billion.On March 23,the Federal Reserve Board announced plans to remove its cap on the purchase of treasuries and mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the market a policy that equals unlimited quantitative easing.  相似文献   

正THE modification of China’s birth control policy which allows couples where either parent is a single offspring to have a second child came into force at the end of 2013.Although many young couples are indeed eager to have a second child,there are also plenty who are not.For many,whether or not to give birth a second time is a weighty decision.Avoid Only-Child Loneliness Guo Qian,30,formally announced her intention to conceive and give birth to a sibling–with luck a sister–for  相似文献   

ON October 25, 2005 Chi- na's Ministry of Labor and Social Security published its fourth list of new pro- fessions, a list that givesofficial recognition to emerging trades in modern society. One of the 11 to make the recent list in a nation with bal- looning dietary problems was the public nutritionist. Now that the profession is officially recognized, China's nutrition- ists can look forward to professional training, qualification and certification, and a population that's growing in more…  相似文献   

A recent earthquake in Sichuan Province sparks debate over the efficacy of early-warning systems After a 7.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Lushan County in Ya’an City in southwest China’s Sichuan Province on April 20, a man in distant Heze City, Shandong Province, rose to instant Internet fame. He was dubbed "thekingofprophets"afternetizensdiscovered that he successfully predicted the earthquake in Lushan one month before it hit. Unreliable prediction Controversial prediction Alarm system  相似文献   

On August 29 in Shanghai, a debate between Jack Ma, founder of Chinas tech giant Alibaba, and Elon MusK CEO of US. tech firms Tesla and SpaceX, took place at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019 (WAIC), which was described as "Mars hits Earth."  相似文献   

For Real or Not     
<正>Chaos in the art market hinders its development Even a painting with a whopping price tag could be a fake.The Portrait of Lady Jiang Biwei,an oil painting thought to be a masterpiece of renowned Chinese artist Xu Beihong (1895-1953),set a new auction  相似文献   

民间组织并非是一个全新的话题,由于种种原因,在很长一段时间内,我们对民间组织的思考与研究是停滞的、空白的。随着改革开放的深入,民间组织作为一个难以回避的话题,逐渐引起专家学者们的关注,并随着社会向现代化的不断转型、国家与社会的分野、政府职能的转变等而愈来愈凸现其重要性,而成为当下的热门话题。可以说,从它的概念、内涵到具体的组织形态、社会职能以及发展方向等方面,研究探讨者众多,洋洋大观,众说纷纭,有共识,也有争论,更有来自不同层面的反馈意见与建议。日前,上海市社会科学界联合会就这一话题展开了深度探讨。我刊在此基础上,于本期编发这组笔谈以及李友梅教授等的文章,并将继续关注这一话题,目的就是希望能从纷纭的众家之说中找寻更多的共识。  相似文献   

依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家是我们党和国家的基本方略。目前 ,“依法办事、依法治理”蔚然成风 ,全国上下法治意识日渐增强。但也有一种说法 :“改革可以冲击一切 ,改革具有特权 ,”而无视法律的权威。改革与法律究竟是一个什么关系 ?  相似文献   

China's National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce have jointly issued new measures for security review of foreign investment. Issued on December 19, 2020 under the approval of the State Council, the new measures are set to take effect on January 19.  相似文献   

中国律师:不容忽视的政治资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的执业律师是自由择业知识分子这个新的社会群体的重要组成部分 ,其职业特征和社会职能决定了这个群体的政治参与意识相当强烈。由于这个职业同国家的民主法治进程密切相关 ,在我国发展社会主义民主政治 ,建设社会主义政治文明、全面建设小康社会的历史进程中 ,执业律师是一个重要的不容忽视的政治资源  相似文献   

"Life is hard and we need to give ourselves treats,"Qu Wenting, a 24 -year-old white -collar worker at a media com pany in Beijing, recently posted on social media app WeChat, adding a photo of a new curling iron worth about 3,000 yuan ($421).  相似文献   

猥亵行为罪与非罪的认定应摆脱男性中心视角.在法益的把握上,应剔除性的羞耻心带来的道德影响,坚持保护性的自主决定权,尽量消除性别差异."强制"的核心在于压缩被害人的选择能力,不要求达到使被害人反抗显著困难的程度,突袭式强制、未明示的权力地位形成的精神强制都属于强制猥亵罪的行为手段.强制程度与猥亵程度共同决定猥亵行为是否构...  相似文献   

Changing traditions mean that the Chinese are marrying at a less tender age than before, and that some don't bother at all. THERE was a time in China when a bride, who might have been 16 years old, didn't see her betrothed's face until his anxious hands removed her silken red veil on their wedding night. Back then, all decisions regarding marriage were the parents' preserve.  相似文献   

LIKE other cities in China, Beijing is suffocating under the solid waste its residents pro- duce. After decades of racing to enlarge its trash treatment capacity, it now turns to the root of the problem for a longer term solution - controlling the source of waste in the first place. This April, the municipal government designated every Thursday Garbage Reduction Day to raise awareness and promote participation among local citizenry.  相似文献   

当生存要以丧失自由为前提,而自由则必须用牺牲生命为代价时,生命的价值是什么?当我们认同生命是一个过程时,那么生命在时间里的延续是不是尺度?而当这种延续是评价生命的尺度时,人与这世间的动物仍至所有的生物又有什么样的区别?本文通过安提戈涅的悲剧故事揭示了“生存与死亡”这一命题内所掩藏的一个巨大的吊诡, 并提出在人类自由中思想自由是最重要的观点。  相似文献   

对见危不救行为的法律矫治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
见危而救是现代文明社会的基本道德规范 ,将救助义务上升为法律义务是合理的 ,也是可行的。救助义务的立法是人类理性发展的必然趋势。而法律所调整的见危不救行为应符合存在急需救援的危难、当事人之间不存在特定的法律关系或职务关系以及行为人有条件救助而不救助等特征。  相似文献   

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