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论公共管理的价值根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共管理的本质特征是为公众服务,追求公共利益。宪政的基本价值理念是公民权和民主政治,核心价值理念是限制和制约公共权力和法治。公共管理不能再追随和传承传统公共行政以效率为核心的价值观,其价值根源需要从宪政所要求的人权、民主、限权、法治的价值理念中去寻找。  相似文献   

地方行政区划和府际关系的重构是20世纪以来中国现代国家制度建设工程的重要内容.关系到国家的政治稳定和地方社会经济的可持续发展。建国60年来,中国地方行政区划和府际关系的调整和改革,基本上延续了传统中国的治理逻辑和治理术,即以属地管辖和行政内部发包制为特征、由职权同构和行政分权构成的多层级的地方政府结构为基本治理结构。为适应工业化、市场化和城市化的现实要求,中国地方行政区划和府际关系必须根据法治政府、责任政府和公共服务型政府的制度设计,对既有的地方治理结构进行改革和调整。以民主化和地方自治促进和改善地方治理,使地方行政区划和府际关系以及相应的产权、财税权和人事权等制度走向法治化、制度化和规范化。  相似文献   

基于风险社会的理论视野,单一的官僚制政府治理带来不可避免的公共管理危机。公民参与式治理是有效应对政府治理失灵风险的一种治理工具,其实质是政府与公民的合作共治,也称之为复合治理。其基本价值是:参与式治理可以规避政府失效,达致和谐的政府治理;有利于实现宪政民主,最大限度地规避或化解社会风险,提高公共管理绩效,实现社会善治。实现参与式治理的路径是:新型的转化性领导的出现、确立政府公务员的代表性公民角色、培育公民参与伦理、实现公民参与的制度化。  相似文献   

Abstract: The nature of governance in Canada, both horizontally (between federal departments) and vertically (between federal and provincial governments) is changing. Or is it? Two distinct trends seem to have emerged over the past decade: one towards horizontal coordination and one towards vertical collaboration. These trends are perhaps best exemplified by the Public Health Agency of Canada, which depends very emphatically on integrated relationships both with other federal departments and with provincial and territorial governments. Yet in the past year, severe criticisms have emerged regarding the agency's ability to meet its objectives. To what extent are these problems due to the failure of collaborative governance? On a wider level, have decision-makers been too insouciant about making importunate public policy decisions on an assumption of the viability of collaborative governance? This article argues that problems in vertical collaboration in public health have occurred largely due to failures in horizontal coordination within the national government.  相似文献   

This study compares provincial and territorial approaches re‐organizing the machinery of government to promote efficiency, innovation, and continuous improvement in legalizing recreational cannabis. Based on interviews with government officials from across Canada, our research assesses the effectiveness of various models, which ranged from officials‐level working groups and task teams to cabinet committees and formal secretariats. Findings reveal that, while governments took more integrated, network‐style approaches to policy development, modes of policy implementation and evaluation involved more conventional modes of hierarchy and market‐based organization. This shift will impact governments’ ability to execute and evaluate the legalization process.  相似文献   

In the background of “the rule of law” and the modernization of national governance, the fundamental realities of a multi-ethnic country determine that the solution of ethnic problems depends on the “rule of law”. The response of the constitutional norm is the core of the rule of law. The constitutional norm response to the solution of ethnic problem must be based on the corresponding constitutional principles of the multi-ethnic country. They are specified according to the relevant constitutional principles with the structure of constitutional norms. Finally, a constitutional norms system for solving ethnic problems should conform to the national practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

走进西方宪政的文化历程 ,解悟西方宪政的文化底蕴 ,追寻西方宪政的文化源头 ,对于我们建设社会主义宪政国家无疑具有深远意义。其中 ,基督教的性恶论是西方宪政的文化根基 ,契约自由的政治化是西方宪政文化的逻辑起点 ,人本主义的崛起是西方宪政的文化内核 ,而法治文明的近代转型逐步实现了宪政之理想。  相似文献   

法治是建设富强中国的必经之路,依法治国首先应当是"依宪治国"。宪法是对国家权力的限制和理性化,是自由的政治生活进程的保障,是人权的保障。任何遵守法治原则的政治共同体中,宪法解释都是一项关系万千重的问题。中国正面临司法改革的转折点,宪法的解释是违宪审查的必经环节,构建我国的违宪审查制度首先需要面对的就是宪法解释的问题。  相似文献   

在河南洛阳玉米种子案中,中国现阶段的民主、法治与宪政之间的张力暴露无疑,其实三者之间关系并非只有冲突与抵牾。首先,民主与法治是互为内容与形式的,两者之间有着相互依存、相互促进的关系。其次,法治与宪政之间属于上下位的关系,宪政是对法治缺陷的修正,最后,民主与宪政关系表现在:宪政不仅是对法治的制约,而且也是对民主缺陷的修正,二者是形式上(主观上)的冲突、而实质上(客观上)的相互制约但同时具有彼此促进的关系。  相似文献   

宪政是民主运动的产物,是民主的宪法化。宪政是实现法治的前提和基础,但不等于法治的完成。宪政的实行离不开议会,而议会的顺利运行则有赖于政党。一个国家的议会制度的建立与完善是一个历史过程,是伴随着这个国家的政党的逐渐成熟完成的。  相似文献   

This article examines the alignment of different governance arrangements and alternative accountability mechanisms in international development policy making in Canada and the European Union (EU), with a particular focus on relationships between governments and non‐governmental organizations. The Canadian case illustrates an entrepreneurial mode of governance that aligns with fiscal auditing and performance management mechanisms, while the networked governance model of the EU relies more heavily on accountability instruments of public reporting and deliberation. The article concludes that the European accountability regime likely provides policy makers with more opportunities for social policy learning but would be difficult to implement in Canada given the underlying action logic of the federal government.  相似文献   

宪法诉愿制度有主观的权利保障和客观的宪法秩序维持二重性功能,该制度还有宪法实现、平衡国家与个人关系以及少数保护的功能。宪法诉愿制度与民主有着抗衡专制的共同价值取向,是一对互相促进的共生体。宪法诉愿制度与法治的关系首先体现在制度本身包含了法治原则,宪法诉愿制度的施行对法治理念的传播也起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines the dynamics at play as national non‐government AIDS organizations engage in shared governance with Health Canada, where the allocation of power between them is disproportionate and periodically, where their perspectives are at odds. This study takes a qualitative approach in identifying some of the relations, discourses and institutional processes that shape the informants' experiences. Findings reveal how power disparities are managed in order to affect the distribution of resources and ultimately the governance process. Sommaire : Cet article examine les dynamiques en jeu lorsque les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) nationales de lutte contre le SIDA participent à une gouvernance partagée avec Santé Canada, alors que la distribution de pouvoir entre ces parties est disproportionnée et que périodiquement leurs points de vue sont opposés. Cette étude adopte une approche qualitative pour identifier un certain nombre de relations, de discours et de processus institutionnels qui influencent les expériences des sujets interrogés. Les conclusions révèlent comment les disparités de pouvoir sont gérées afin d'avoir une incidence sur la distribution des ressources et, en bout de ligne, sur le processus de gouvernance.  相似文献   

管理的侧重点在于运行,模式的侧重点在于结构和功能。所以,在中国单一制的国家结构形式下,所谓地方政府管理模式就是与"中央政府"相对称的,设置于各级行政区划范围内的国家行政机关及其派出机关的结构、功能及其运行的三位一体与有效整合的范式。我国地方政府管理模式的价值取向应为民主行政、法治行政、服务行政、有限行政和问责行政。  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite a rich and well‐developed literature on Canadian federalism, multilevel governance, and aboriginal–settler relations, scholars have tended to ignore the variety of inter‐governmental agreements that have emerged between aboriginal and municipal governments in Canada. This article examines ninety‐three such agreements to construct a typology of aboriginal–municipal inter‐governmental partnerships in British Columbia. It finds that over time there has been a shift from mundane, service‐provision agreements towards more collaborative, cooperative and sometimes decolonizing, horizontal and multilevel governance partnerships. As a result, the authors suggest that scholars study these agreements to further explain and understand the evolution of aboriginal–settler relations and multilevel governance in Canada.  相似文献   

This article assesses the performance of Canada's employment policy governance regime post‐1996 by explicitly comparing Canadian approaches to those used in the European Union (EU) through the open method of coordination (OMC). It concludes that Canada has moved so far along the decentralization continuum — with 13 provincial systems as well as a federal‐only system in place — that coordination, coherence, mutual learning and information sharing on a pan‐Canadian basis have been lost. While EU OMC approaches hold promise, to be realized stakeholders would need to become more engaged in the policy domain and provinces, rather than the federal government, must take the initiative for enhanced coordination.  相似文献   

习近平法治思想关于法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设的重要论述,赋予法治社会以崭新的时代内涵并将其作为法治建设的重要任务,具有十分重要的原创性贡献。一体建设法治社会,应准确把握认知当前和未来我国的法治社会建设的重点、突出和关键问题,整体设计、上下结合、全面推进。在推进一体建设法治社会进程中,要推进多层次多领域的依法治理,清除制约法治社会建设的障碍因素;要构建和谐劳动关系,奠定法治社会有利基础;要推进社会治理法治化,促进法治社会建设;要加强社会保障,助力法治社会建设。  相似文献   

Systematic analyses of Canada and the EU as comparable federal systems have been neglected for a variety of methodological reasons. Most importantly, neither body fits the mould of the dominant model of the American federal state. A revised conceptual framework can show, however, that Canada and the EU both provide a similar institutional and procedural environment for policy making: powers are shared rather than divided; policy directions are determined by executive negotiation rather than parliamentary deliberation; unanimity takes precedence over majority rule; and inter‐regional competition is moderated by a commitment to equalization.  相似文献   

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想深刻地阐明了中华优秀传统文化所积淀的治理价值。囿于国家对治理价值系统性、目标性和引领性的期待,新时代中华优秀传统文化的治理价值表现为:践行以人民为中心的发展理念,推进依法治国,促进社会道德治理,实现公民个人全面发展,推动构建人类命运共同体。实现新时代中华优秀传统文化的治理价值,既要继承和信仰中华优秀传统文化,又要对其进行创新与发展,还要重视治理干部和人才的建设问题。  相似文献   

“民族在场”的社会治理强调民族因素在社会治理时空中的展现。中国多民族国家属性构成社会治理诸环节“民族在场”的内在逻辑。“民族在场”的社会治理侧重于追求民族平等、民族团结和民族发展的价值;在治理结构中,党委统筹整合利益,政府切实维护利益,社会自主交换利益;并通过提升民族事务依法治理水平来实现保障。  相似文献   

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