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为了探讨精神病人合同能力鉴定的相关理论 ,解决合同能力鉴定中鉴定标准混乱的问题 ,对合同能力鉴定的法律基础、标准、民事行为能力与民事权利能力的区别 ,民事行为能力的广义、狭义区分进行了论述。提出合同能力鉴定的核心问题是意思表示的真实性 ,主张将合同能力分为有、无两级 ,强调合同能力的分级与民事行为能力的等级存在区别。并提出合同能力鉴定的程式为 :首先判定其行为能力 ,有行为能力相应具有合同能力 ,无行为能力即无合同能力 ,限制民事行为者 ,应根据年龄、智力、精神健康状况、生活关联度 ,再分为有合同能力、无合同能力。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼视角下辩护权界说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代刑事诉讼中,被指控人的辩护权是一项贯穿始终的诉讼权利,主要表现为根据事实和法律提出和论证对被指控人有利的材料和理由,在实体上反驳指控,提出证明被指控人无罪、罪轻、应当减轻或免除其刑事责任的材料和意见,以及在程序上主张被指控人所拥有的合法的诉讼权利,防止其受到不公正的待遇和不应有的侵犯。但是由于司法理念和制度的弊端使得我国现实层面的辩护权呈现出与应然状态的脱节与偏离,因此,立足现状,改革与完善我国的刑事辩护权就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

个人发展权探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人发展权的实现以生存权与自由权利为保障、以个人能力的扩展与个性的充分发挥为导向,平等地参与发展及公平地分享发展成果是实现个人发展权的主要手段。发展权的个体性特征既有其理论基础也有其现实意义,个人发展权的实现以集体发展权实现为基础,但集体发展权并不必然带来个人发展权的实现。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1980,45(155):52821-52824
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend the biologics regulations concerning blood and blood components to require the submission of certain error and accident reports to the agency by licensed and unlicensed blood etablishments. These reports of error and accidents are being limited to those related to the issue of hepatitis-reactive blood and blood components and the accidental infusion of the wrong red blood cells to a donor during plasmapheresis. Certain other reports of error and accidents would no longer be required to be submitted to the Director, Bureau of Biologics, by these blood establishments. The agency is also proposing to amend the current good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations for blood and blood components to provide a uniform procedure for reporting and maintaining these records.  相似文献   

刘生荣 《中国法学》2001,(3):108-116
惩治危害社会治安的犯罪 ,是维护社会稳定、保障改革开放深入进行的必要之举 ,也是依法治国的重要内容。当前严重危害社会治安犯罪的主要特征是 :突发性、暴力性、有组织性和内外勾结型。为了有效打击严重危害社会治安的犯罪 ,促进社会治安的根本好转 ,在总结以往经验和不足的基础上 ,确立科学的惩治与预防严重危害社会治安犯罪的对策是非常必要的。这些对策应包括 :坚持依法、公正和效率原则 ,注重保护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权利 ;明确打击重点 ,针对不同性质的犯罪采取不同的措施 ;打击与反腐败相结合 ;化解民事矛盾 ,消除诱发因素 ;打击与预防相结合 ,完善综合治理体系  相似文献   

未成年犯社区矫正分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区矫正在预防和控制未成年人犯罪方面具有十分重要的地位和作用,符合未成年犯的心理特征,有利于克服监禁刑的弊端,有利于和发达国家的刑罚模式接轨。我国社会主义的刑事政策、社会主义的法律体系以及日趋完善的社区和健全的司法行政体系资源为未成年犯罪人适用社区矫正提供了现实可能性。针对我国未成年犯社区矫正工作中存在的问题,笔者认为,更新行刑观念、对社区矫正进行科学定位、建立专门的社区矫正机构、配备专业的矫正人员、建立适合未成年人特点的社区矫正项目以及建立未成年犯社区矫正制度的评估体系是对未成年犯社区矫正制度完善的重要举措。  相似文献   

"保护伞"研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄立 《河北法学》2005,23(8):91-94
黑社会性质组织往往通过金钱贿赂、感情联络、跑官要官、美色引诱和威逼就范等途径寻找"保护伞";"保护伞"则采取消极放任、袒护包庇、避重就轻、相互勾结、滥施影响和鼓励放纵等形式,对黑社会性质组织进行保护.虽然面临发现线索、执法、取证和结案处理等多方面的困难,但我们可以从坚持"三个彻底"、实行党政一把手负总责、相关部门密切配合、运用多种侦查谋略和严格把握法律界限等五个方面着手,彻底打击"保护伞".  相似文献   

赵建文 《法学研究》2005,27(5):133-148
《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第14条确立了国际社会公认的公正审判权的一般国际标准。公正审判权适用于刑事诉讼,同时也适用于民事诉讼、行政诉讼及其他可能的实际上的“诉讼案”。为实现公正审判权,人人都应享有在法庭前的平等权利、由独立和无偏倚的法庭进行审判的权利、被无罪推定的权利、在刑事审判过程中享有最低限度程序保证的权利、上诉或复审的权利、被终审误判时获得赔偿的权利和不因同一罪行受双重处罚的权利等。  相似文献   

比喻是司法裁判中一种重要的技艺,它能够弥补逻辑推理的不足、增加裁判的说服力和可接受性,但它的适用必须特别审慎。比喻在美国联邦法院推定隐私权的过程中起到了重大作用,但这种适用有得有失。其"得"体现在经由比喻推导出了隐私权;其"失"体现在论证过程的不甚严谨且造成高昂的机会成本。在司法裁判中运用比喻时,至少应考量历史与传统、现实与社会、远景与近景等因素,以期能够达成一个有效而合理地衔接过去与现在,既能满足现实需求,又有利于社会长期发展的开放性裁判。  相似文献   

Over the course of my career, I have navigated a research agenda that moves between scholarly and policy‐oriented research. Building on this experience, I argue that it is time for law and society scholars to take seriously a commitment to engaged scholarship that speaks to a wider audience of stakeholders and policymakers. Three themes frame my proposal to get back in the game of advocacy and policy. First, I consider why we need to rekindle this commitment at this historical moment: inequalities in wealth, income, and social mobility and the rise of mass incarceration and its collateral consequences diminish the foundation required for effective democratic governance to thrive. Second, what our scholarship has to say is key to the framing of pragmatic policy: law and society's focus on law in action and the culture of law are key to understanding the ways in which most policies tend to deliver unintended consequences. Finally, we need to consider how to go about the next step to make our work visible to a wider audience of stakeholders?  相似文献   

欧爱民 《河北法学》2006,24(3):54-57
说话权利的保护程度表征着一个国家的民主、开放和宽容.综观人类在说话方面的权利及其法律原则,我们可以将其归结为:可以说话的权利与事先限制之禁止原则;说真话的权利与真实抗辩原则;说真实谎言的权利与真正的恶意原则;说意见性言论的权利与合理评论原则;不说话的权利与精神自由原则;要求说话的权利与媒体接近原则;用行为说话的权利与背景限制原则.  相似文献   

修改《政府信息公开条例》要处理好《政府信息公开条例》与其他行政公开立法的分工,重大行政决策过程公开、行政执法公开等为行政行为中的公开机制,可在行政程序立法中予以规定。修法应当回归《政府信息公开条例》作为权利法的法律属性,实现知情权法定,确立公开原则,扩展公开范围,取消限制公民知情权实现的相关机制。修法还应回应互联网时代对开放政府数据提出的立法需求,完善政府数据开放的内部与外部机制。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(44):11174-11177
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend its regulations on notice of certification of invalidity or noninfringement of a patent to provide additional methods for new drug and abbreviated new drug applicants to provide notice to patent owners and new drug application (NDA) holders, without removing the existing means. These proposed amendments reflect current business practices and are intended to ensure that notice is provided to patent owners and NDA holders in a timely manner. FDA is also proposing to require certain applicants to submit to FDA a copy of the notice of certification.  相似文献   

王衡 《现代法学》2012,(2):138-151
各国日益重视采用服务贸易措施应对气候变化,我国WTO服务承诺亦与气候变化相关。因措施通常视成员是否承担减排义务而给予不同待遇,容易违反非歧视原则,一般例外是判断措施合法性的关键。一般例外适用于气候变化时将面临措施性质认定、必要性测试、发展中成员可否利用引言获得特殊待遇等诸多难题。为确保一般例外适用的可预见性并妥善平衡贸易与气候变化,需强化贸易与气候变化的相互支持,解决一般例外法理的连贯性不足等缺陷,避免僵化解释,力争规则更新修改。  相似文献   

Body transportation is defined as moving the body of the victim from the scene of a homicide to another location. We analyzed data on 513 South Korean homicide cases with convictions to compare 104 homicides involving the transportation of victims’ bodies with 409 homicides that did not. Offenders who transported their victims’ bodies were significantly younger and more likely to be related to the victims and were less likely to use sharp instruments and more likely to use blunt instruments or strangle the victims than offenders who did not. Victims of homicide involving body transportation were more likely to suffer injuries to the neck and head and less likely to suffer injuries to the torso. Finally, offenders who transported victims’ bodies were more likely to have planned the offense and destroyed evidence. The present findings have practical implications for police investigations.  相似文献   

The Safe Start demonstration projects, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the first phase of the Safe Start initiative, are primarily designed to influence change at the systems or macrolevels to reduce the incidence of and impact of exposure to violence for children aged birth to 6 years; direct services are also provided to young children and their families who were exposed to violence. The data presented in this article come from 10 communities that submitted data regarding the characteristics of young children exposed to violence to OJJDP. These data represent families who are typically not represented in the databases of state child protective services programs but instead have been identified by domestic violence advocates, early care and education providers, family members, court personnel, police, and other social service personnel as families with young children in need of intervention due to violence exposure.The purpose of this article is to describe the characteristics of young children and their parents who seek help for psychosocial problems related to exposure to family and community violence. Results indicate that one quarter of the children and nearly half of their parents evidenced clinical levels of stress, suggesting the need to intervene at the family level as well as at the individual level when working with young children exposed to violence. The information presented, including the extent of exposure to violence, the multiple types of violence to which children are exposed, the impact of this exposure on young children and their families, and the multiple ways in which families exposed to violence come to the attention of service providers is useful for policy makers and service providers who are interested in breaking the cycle of violence by meeting the needs of the children exposed to violence and their families.  相似文献   

如果将"权利本位"与"right-based"互译是最好的译法,那么中国学术界和英美学术界都存在着某种形式的权利本位论。将英美权利本位论与中国权利本位论进行对照和比较,有利于深化对权利本位论的学术认知,推进权利本位论的理论发展。权利本位论属于权利的价值理论,贯穿于道德哲学、法哲学、政治哲学等学科领域。权利本位论的基本思想可以概括为四个"先于",即权利先于功利、权利先于义务、权利先于权力、权利先于立法。权利本位论可以划分出自由至上主义权利本位论、平等主义权利本位论和马克思主义权利本位论三个分支。中国权利本位论要继续向前发展,必须实现从自说自话到中西对话、从法哲学理论到多学科理论、从理论体系到实践方法论的三大转变。  相似文献   

Given the nature of knowledge and characteristics of the intellectual property rights system, technological transactions tend to be governed by contracts that are costly and not highly profitable. This explains why there are so few technology licensing agreements. However, in some situations, private and specific institutions tend to enable property rights to be more precise, knowledge transfers to be easier, and technology licensing agreements to be less complex to design and to run. This explains why there is a concentration of technology licensing agreements in some industries and in some relational situations. These shed light on the design of firms’ strategies to valorize intellectual assets and of public policies to stimulate innovation and diffusion.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(28):6854-6862
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its regulations pertaining to new drug applications (NDA's) to clearly define in the NDA format and content regulations the requirement to present effectiveness and safety data for important demographic subgroups, specifically gender, age, and racial subgroups. FDA also is amending its regulations pertaining to investigational new drug applications (IND's) to require sponsors to tabulate in their annual reports the numbers of subjects enrolled to date in clinical studies for drug and biological products according to age group, gender, and race. This action is intended to alert sponsors as early as possible to potential demographic deficiencies in enrollment that could lead to avoidable deficiencies later in the NDA submission. This rule does not address the requirements for the conduct of clinical studies and does not require sponsors to conduct additional studies or collect additional data. It also does not require the inclusion of a particular number of individuals from specific subgroups in any study or overall. The rule refers only to the presentation of data already collected.  相似文献   

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