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This paper re-examines the status quo of China’s territorial sovereignty security from a strategic perspective.Territory is the most basic physical where-about for a country to express national sovereignty.It is the territory that the national sovereignty derives its physical basis from.In the context of globalization,however, the traditional national territorial sovereignty space is continually squeezed and constrained,but the national territorial sovereignty is still the cornerstone of the international relations.And the inviolability of national territorial sovereignty is still the most important principle of modern international law.In this regard,the primary goal of Chinese national security today remains as a goal to safeguard the unification,integrity and security of China’s territorial sovereignty.At present,the integrity,unification and security of Chinese national territorial sovereignty have yet to be achieved on the strategic level.As one of China’s basic national conditions,it should be taken seriously and paid adequate strategic attentions.  相似文献   

In recent years,with the debate over rights in the Arctic regions among coastal and world’s major countries,the Arctic issue has rapidly become a hot spot of global concern.The East Asian countries should also give active responses towards this issue.Given that the Arctic Council,as an intergovernmental organization consisting of eight Arctic countries,plays a significant leading role in Arctic affairs, by providing an overview of the work and developing trend of the Arctic Council, this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility for East Asian countries(mainly referring to China,South Korea and Japan)of their participation in the Council and also proposes the suggestions on this basis to promote these countries’position and their role in Arctic affairs.  相似文献   

In the past one or two years most developing countries have implemented various types of anti-crisis measures. These measures are quite effective, but they should not be regarded as efforts to abandon the current models. Taking into consideration of today’s global financial crisis and also the past experience and lessons of the developing countries in pursuing economic and social progress, developing countries should pay more attention to the following points when they adjust and improve their development models in the post-crisis era: take a positive attitude towards globalization; deal properly the relationship between government intervention and market mechanism; adhere to outward orientation; encourage financial innovation; seek a "green recovery"; never neglect the imperative need of promoting social development.  相似文献   

Started from 1956,China’s aid to Africa has been playing a very significant role for strengthening Sino-African ties as a whole.Generally speaking,take "the reform and opening-up" policy started from late 1970s as a line of demarcation,China’s aid policy to Africa can be divided into two periods in the half century.The driving force of China’s aid policy before the line was to strengthen the diplomatic and political ties with African countries.The focus of China’s aid policy after the line is to seek mutual economic cooperation and common development.Comparing with the Western approaches,the major characteristics of China’s aid policy to Africa are mainly three:the aid is provided with no strings attached,and emphasizing on bilateral aid projects rather than multilateral system,strong focus on "hardware projects" such as physical infrastructure construction rather than "software projects" like research and capacity building.In general,China’s aid to Africa has generated effective results and helped a lot for China’s involvement in Africa.However,it is also facing new challenges at the moment and future.  相似文献   

The September 11 terrorist attacks and America’s military intervention in Iraq have catalyzed major changes in the Middle East and had far-reaching implications for Asia. This paper seeks to examine India’s readjustment on the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and explain how Indians perceive and respond on the Iraq war, and what lessons India has learned or obsorbed from the war.  相似文献   

India’s economic reform started from the realm of finance, which is within the category of soft power of a country. The wax and wane of the overall power of a country is largely determined by the interplay of hard and soft pwers in question. India’s soft power has its own characteristics and advantages, which chiefly manifest in its culture, parliamentary democracy, education and finance. In the 21st century, these advantages will continue to have significant play.  相似文献   

Evolutions and readjustment permeate China’s diplomatic policy in the six decades’ history of PRC, thanks to the tremendous changes happened to both the world and PRC. Enormous opportunities and challenges to China coincide in the present world. China and EU are rising with bigger role to play in the world, though daunting challenges to bilateral relations beckon.  相似文献   

European and U.S. Responses to China's Rise: Theory, Strategy, and Interaction
ZHAO Huaipu & WANG Zhenling
In recent years, whether China can rise peacefully has been a central topic in the policy-making circles and academia of Europe and the United States. IR theorists of different schools have analyzed this topic through their respective paradigmatic prisms, and offered their suggestions on how to respond to China's rise. Theoretical debates have influenced and even guided the formulation of EU and American strategies on China's rise, as the elements of power, institution, culture and international community are all embedded in their specific strategies and policy responses. However, due to differences in their behavior, values, and soft and hard powers, they differ in the combination of theoretical elements in their strategies. As a result, even though the U.S. and the EU have similar goals regarding China's rise, their approaches are very different. With new changes in the international situation in the past few years, the EU and the U.S. have strengthened their interaction and coordination in their responses to China's rise. But because of insufficient hard power on the part of the EU and the differences in transatlantic Asia strategies, cooperation on their China strategies is still limited. China should support and push for stronger trilateral interaction and coordination, as this will help lessen joint pressure from the two and enhance China's influence in the international system.  相似文献   

<正>Nowadays,multilateral consultative mechanism is gradually becoming a mainstream approach in the contemporary international system.As one of the most important international collective player,the European Union(EU) has been engaging in multilateral cooperation and consultation since its inception.It has also been promoting a plural world through advocacy and action.The EU and the Latin America/Caribbean(LAC) Countries summits are considered a stability mechanism for promoting bi-regional dialogues.Nevertheless,after 10 years of bi-regional strategic partnership construction,the EU and LAC relations are currently experiencing a difficult phase,suggesting it is time to reform.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the advantages as well as the challenges to EU-LAC relations from the perspective of bi-regional summits,and to assess the short-term trend of their relations in the near future  相似文献   

Strategic Adjustment of China's Diplomacy at a New Starting Point YANG Jiemian For more than one year after taking office, China's new leadership has largely inherited and continued the diplomatic strategy of its predecessor. On the other hand, given China's growing comprehensive national strength, increasing international challenges, and change of governments in the world including China, it has adjusted and enriched the substance of the strategy in a distinctive way. For example, the new leadership has specified strategic self-identification, updated strategic thinking, kept strategic composure, strengthened strategic initiative and planning, and developed strategic theories. China's diplomatic strategy requires further adjustment for the next decade to enhance theoretical innovation and execution, China's diplomacy will be conducted in a more active, pragmatic, and effective way and will thrive in meeting challenges and overcoming difficulties. China's strategic diplomacy needs to reflect the vision and logic of a rising global power, strengthen strategic construction based on practice and experience by further adjusting strategic objectives, building strategic cooperation networks, and deepening strategic theoretic studies. China's diplomatic strategy requires perspectives that are all-dimensional, diversified, and transcends space and time. It needs to take into account the changing and interacting internal and external environments to further consolidate and deepen domestic support. Finally, academic circles of IR and diplomatic studies should be driven by an acute and urgent sense of calling to construct and develop China's strategies within the diplomatic theoretical system with Chinese characteristics to enrich the variety of public goods provided by China to the international community.  相似文献   

China’s foreign strategy and foreign policy have changed tremendously. China began to build up soft-power of national culture and embark on public diplomacy, which aimed at: 1, increasingly exposing China to the world in terms of the state of affairs, policies and values, 2, creating a more objective and amicable milieu of opinions and 3, enhancing China’s international image. The author offers her personal perspectives on how to handle relations between pursuing public relations and building up national soft-power, how to advance national soft-power by public relations and the need to obviate ideological barriers.  相似文献   

Global Review is a bilingual(Chinese and English) bimonthly in IR category,the first of the kind in China,published by SIIS and the co-publisher Shanghai Association of International Relations.We invite contributions submitted by Chinese as well as foreign scholars and practitioners that bearing on the subjects of building Chinese IR theories and policy proposals for China’s  相似文献   

<正>Introduction I am honored to have this opportunity to address the distinguished experts of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,SIIS on the issue of Asia in the Era of Globalization and Prospect for Japan-China Relations.I wish to thank Dr.Yang Jiemian,President  相似文献   

<正>With the approaching of Sudan's very first election in nearly two decades in April 2010,Sudan,the biggest country in Africa and also the country that faced most complicated development environment both domestically and internationally,is once again becoming the focus of the world.And the ongoing conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan,about one fifth of the total area and with more than 17%of total population,plus the controversy policy taken by the Sudan government as well as China's growing economic engagement in the country,particularly in the energy field,has put China's Africa policy in the spot light.Since China and Sudan have had a long tradition of friendship and close political and economic ties,there has been an unreasonable high expectation from the international community that China alone can influence the position of the Sudanese government on this sensitive matter.The international controversy over Darfur has brought a fundamental challenge to China's long-held foreign policy of 'non-interference'.The author argued in the paper,the principle of"non-interference"should not be interpreted as non willingness to take the"responsibility to protect".As a matter of fact,in recent years,China's Darfur policy has shown more and more flexibility and the"non-interference"policy itself is also undergoing changes.Given the complexity of the Darfur issue and the volatile North/South relation in Sudan,the"engagement approach"endorsed and pushed by China is more constructive than"sanction initiative"for maintaining the stability and peace in Sudan.  相似文献   

The redefinition of the U.S.policy toward China since Barack Obama’s election has been based on a compromise between elements of hard power(military,economy) and soft power(influence,dialogue,persuasion).This new posture has been defined by several experts and policymakers as a"smart policy".However,considering the rise of China and its implications both at economic and political levels,what is the real margin of Washington in its relation with Beijing,and what are the long term implications of the smart policy? If the China policy is a priority for the Obama administration,the challenges for Washington are particularly sensitive, considering the consequences of a failure in implementing comprehensive China-U.S.relations.  相似文献   

该文指出,发达工业民主国家正面临一场施政能力危机,全球化正在不断扩大选民需求与政府施政能力之间的鸿沟,除非主要民主国家能够恢复其政治与经济偿付能力,否则它们所代表的模式将失去吸引力。文章改编自作者于2012年出版的专著《无人称霸的世界:西方、其他新兴国家与未来的全球转折点》(No One’s World:The West,the Rising Rest,and the Coming Global Turn)。  相似文献   

The new developments in global politics exert three systemic impacts on international relations. Global issues, vital to the survival of mankind, rise to the top agenda of national governments. The epicenter of global power is shifting from U.S. and Europe to the rest of the regions. The global "political excitement and zeal" is rolling on. All exact more on the competence of global governance. The current international multilateral mechanisms are in "competence deficit", worsening either in terms of adequacy, validity or legitimacy. The call for the reform of it is ever soaring. China by the way is at once engaging in the multilateral diplomacy transforming the international system and facing the growing pressure of assuming "leadership" and "international responsibility". China needs to continuously adapt to the changed national identity in the multilateral diplomacy, to reconcile the multilateral mechanisms that deal with regions and domains in China’s strategic planning and laying-out, to organically associate the short-term and long-term goals and to upgrade the concept of harmonious world in the practice of multilateral diplomacy.  相似文献   

The author discusses the subject in both ecological and political perspectives based on a most comprehensive,authoritative and updated bibliography.Hence,Latin America and the Caribbean(LAC) is as much diversified as there are sub-regions and regional organizations in geopolitical and geo-economical terms and often dialectic regarding energy security,climate change and LAC ties with Europeans and China and so is the tripartite relations with the rest of the world so far as energy security and climate cha...  相似文献   

Seize and Exploit the Important Strategic Opportunity of China's, Development
The period of the "12th Five Year Plan" is key to China's effort to build the all-round well-off society, to deepen reform and opening-up, and to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development. By analyzing the new changes of the situation home and abroad, the CPC Central Committee has made two judgments: "China is still dwelling in the period of important strategic opportunity" and "China is facing both precious historic opportunities and challenges both predictable and unpredictable".  相似文献   

}粼戴那到料酒专第{哭黔乡万箱,川、阮二爪_一丫穿‘这;妇卜改等弃可、拿侧戴豹铃理由{琳八讨依斌该s’’现在乙有一石指过┌────┬─────────────┐│}漏少, │节墩团盘铸一 ││ │公’ ││ │急‘男只。,气‘,,沙’日│└────┼─────────────┤ │娇 │ └─────────────┘戴草包——保证三包@陈树斌~~  相似文献   

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