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《突发事件应对法》的公布和施行是我国法制建设中的一件大事,其标志着突发事件应对工作已全面纳入法制化轨道。具有极其重要的意义。《突发事件应对法》构建了我国应急管理的制度框架,对我国传统的应急管理体制在三个方面实现了突破与制度创新。在应对各类突发事件中发挥了重要作用。但《突发事件应时法》在实施过程中也出现了一系列问题。对此。应根据突发事件预防和应急处置中出现的新情况和新问题,进一步完善《突发事件应对法》。  相似文献   

中国针对突发事件制定了《突发事件应对法》和相应的行政法规、行政规章和应急预案等。行政应急制度虽然比以往有了显著的进步,但是还没有完全理顺其流程,在运作过程中暴露出很多问题,需要在应急机制上进一步完善。  相似文献   

孟卧杰 《行政与法》2009,(11):44-47
为应对不断出现的危机局势、非常状态,国家和政府将寻求有效手段以实现应急管理的目标。行政指导以其所特有的非强制性、示范引导性、方法多样性、选择接受性、可协商性和易沟通性等特征,已经成为我国应急管理中应对突发事件的有力手段;从已有应对非常规状态的实践来看,已经发挥了特殊的调节作用。然而,由于受到主客观因素的影响,应急管理中的行政指导尚存在诸多问题。因此,有必要充分认识应急管理中行政指导的功能以及存在的问题,以完善和促进应急管理的健康发展,更好地保障人民的生命安全和财产权益。  相似文献   

司海燕 《法制与社会》2012,(21):192-193
突发事件应急管理的法制建设是现代政府应对突发事件的重要组成部分,为了实现科学高效的应急管理,必须要完善应急法律规范,实现应急管理的法制化。本文首先介绍了突发事件应急管理法律的概念和渊源,然后指出突发事件应急管理法律存在的问题,最后针对这些问题进行分析,并在此基础上提出了完善的对策。  相似文献   

突发事件应对中的行政征用补偿制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党雷 《法治研究》2010,(2):65-69
突发事件应对中的行政征用补偿制度发生于突发事件的预防、监测、应急处置和恢复重建过程.是突发事件应对中单位和个人财产权克减与保障的集中体现。本文着重分析突发事件应对中的行政征用补偿制度的特征,我国《突发事件应对法》关于行政征用补偿制度的规定及不足,提出应当理顺行政征用与征收的关系,制定统一的行政征用(征收)法,调整征用补偿原则,明确行政征用补偿标准,完善行政征用补偿法律程序,将行政征用补偿纠纷纳入司法审查范围。  相似文献   

突发事件应急机制初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江乃兵 《行政与法》2003,(10):84-86
非典、地震等突发事件令人深思,国家建立突发事件应急机制非常必要,通过对应急机制原则和任务的探讨,有利于我们更深入认识突发事件,有利于行政机构与人员转变观念并为应急机制的建立积极准备,从而有效处理突发事件。  相似文献   

关键词:卫生应急,《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》2007年8月30日,中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过了《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》。该法由总则、预防与应急准备、监测与预警、应急处置与救援、事后恢复与重建、法律责任和附则七个章节构成,并将于2007年11月1日起施行。发布本法的目的是预防和减少突发事件的发生,控制、减轻和消除突发事件引起的严重社会危害,规范突发事件应对活动,保护人民生命财产安全,维护国家安全、公共安全、环境安全和社会秩序。  相似文献   

监狱在突发事件应急处置时,必须加强新闻媒体的管理与疏导,应建立“发言人”制度、完善新闻发布机制,这样才有利于突发事件的处置;对维护监狱形象起着重要的作用。通过分析监狱建立和完善新闻发布机制在处理突发事件中的重要性和必要性,提出监狱新闻发布过程中应遵循的原则,总结了监狱应急处置中新闻管理与发布工作存在的问题及注意事项。  相似文献   

面对近年来全球范围内公共危机频发和重发的态势,科学地构建法制化、系统化应急体制,已成为各国政府管理的当务之急。虽然南方雪灾、汶川地震等多次突发事件中的具体应急管理工作表明,我国的应急法制建设已取得了一定成效,但法治缺位、经验缺乏以及机制不健全等也是不争之实事。基于应对突发事件的实践需求,如何架构应急法制的理论体系已成为完善其制度设计的首要问题,而探究应急管理应遵循的基本精神与原则更是奠定其理论体系的理念基石。  相似文献   

《突发事件应对法》将预防为主确立为突发事件应对工作的原则。但是,切实地预防突发事件却需要依赖于常态下风险规制体系的完善。依全国人大常委会的执法检查报告,梳理现行风险规制法律制度,发现有规制动力不足、管理体制欠缺和规制措施不完善等问题。应该重申政府安全保障职能、强化规制机构的负责性与完善规制措施,以寻求风险规制活动的法治化。  相似文献   

Sheriff’s offices are an integral component of the public health emergency preparedness and response system in the USA. During a public health emergency or disaster, sheriff’s offices need to communicate with people affected by the event. Sheriff’s office websites are logical sources for information about disaster preparedness and response efforts. No prior research evaluates emergency preparedness and response resources available through sheriff’s office websites. The current research is a national study of sheriff’s office websites to assess the availability of information relating to emergency preparedness and response. A content analysis of 2590 sheriff’s office website homepages was conducted to determine the presence or absence of nine communications elements important to people seeking information during an emergency or disaster. We found that 71.9% of sheriff’s office website homepages include links to agency services and programs, but only 6.5% provide links to emergency preparedness information. The findings of the study are useful to assess emergency preparedness and the amount of response information available, as well as to identify opportunities to improve sheriff’s office website homepages.  相似文献   

政府应急征用作为弥补政府储备不足的重要手段广泛应用于政府应急管理。我国虽然已经建立从法律至各级各类预案的层级完备的政府应急征用法律规范体系,但是由于现有规定中的条文抄袭现象比较严重和缺乏全国性专门立法等情况,仍然存在征用主体和被征用人权力(利)义务不清晰、征用和补偿程序缺失、征用补偿标准模糊等问题,直接影响政府应对突发事件的能力和效果,需要从制度上进一步明晰征用主体以及被征用人的权(力)利义务,建立征用和补偿程序,完善公平合理的补偿标准。  相似文献   

We report the results of a study designed to assess and evaluate how the law shapes the public health system's preparedness activities. Based on 144 qualitative interviews conducted in nine states, we used a model that compared the objective legal environment with how practitioners perceived the laws. Most local public health and emergency management professionals relied on what they perceived the legal environment to be rather than on an adequate understanding of the objective legal requirements. Major reasons for the gap include the lack of legal training for local practitioners and the difficulty of obtaining clarification and consistent legal advice regarding public health preparedness. Narrowing the gap would most likely improve preparedness outcomes. We conclude that there are serious deficiencies in legal preparedness that can undermine effective responses to public health emergencies. Correcting the lack of legal knowledge, coupled with eliminating delays in resolving legal issues and questions during public health emergencies, could have measurable consequences on reducing morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):77-106
The present study examined the effects of institutional pressures on homeland security preparedness among law enforcement agencies in Illinois. The data come from the Illinois Homeland Security Survey (IHSS). Specifically, the study employed three theories to explain homeland security preparedness: contingency theory, resource dependence theory, and institutional theory. We hypothesized that institutional pressures will lead to isomorphism as agencies attempt to conform to institutional expectations about appropriate activities in a homeland security era. To evaluate these theories and their impact on homeland security practices, the authors used confirmatory factor analysis. The IHSS data lend strong support to the application of organizational theory as a lens through which homeland security preparedness can be understood. Institutional pressures, such as professional and government publications, training, professional associations, and the actions of peer agencies, significantly influenced municipal and county agencies in Illinois. Funding, while often thought important to encourage preparedness, was not a significant predictor. The results of this analysis advance our understanding of homeland security preparedness via institutional theory by suggesting that the larger environment is salient.  相似文献   

突发事件应对措施的设定和实施,特别是在以公开劫持人质事件处置为例的社会安全事件处置中,面临着谨守最小侵害原则或强调最大保护原则的选择难题。《突发事件应对法》第11条第1款所规定的最大保护原则是在谨守最小侵害原则无法回应实践需求的情况下,对措施妥当性提出的更高标准。突发事件应对措施本身的实质合法性调低对侵害性的要求,遵循侵害与危害相适应的原则。但是,最小侵害原则仍然在特定的情境下适用。突发事件应对中对最大保护原则的适用需要受到动态评估和检视,同时需要与最小侵害原则、侵害相当原则结合评价措施本身的实质合法性,此外还应受到均衡原则的平衡和制约。这一原则,规范突发事件应对措施的具体实施,在制定应急处置预案或者设定具体措施及其裁量基准时也应得到遵循。  相似文献   

关于城市事故应急救援预案的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文从城市公共安全的角度出发,分析了城市中事故的特点,阐述了事故应急救援的基本任务和编制城市事故应急救援预案的原则,详细说明了应急预案的文件体系和制定步骤,以及应急救援预案中的行动程序,最后提出通过建立城市的应急救援指挥系统来保证应急预案的有效性。  相似文献   

Recent events have illustrated the reciprocal nature of the relationship between emergency management actors and law enforcement agencies. Emergency management and disaster studies, as fields of practice and academic scholarship are inherently interdisciplinary. Primary among the fields impacting their development is criminal justice. This relationship is confirmed as criminal justice departments continue to include specialized Homeland Security curriculum. However, even as universities and colleges around the country are integrating emergency management into traditional criminal justice programs, there remain gaps in recognition of the unique practical skills and perspectives disaster scholars bring to criminal justice programs. In many ways, disaster scholarship complements existing law enforcement-focused programs by expanding the breadth of what is considered public or community safety. During each phase of the disaster management cycle (preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation), emergency management research highlights the assistance of volunteer community disaster response organizations that are utilized to assist victims and survivors, and to distribute necessary aid and information. This essay provides a discussion of the linkages between emergency management, disaster studies, and criminal justice, and supports a call for a broadened, integrative approach to human security that fully recognizes the role of each.  相似文献   

论公民的社会保障权与突发事件中的国家救助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宪法上所确认的社会保障权,要求国家在公民因突发事件的打击而陷入困顿时承担主要救助义务,以维持其相当水准的生活。我国目前以自然灾害赈济为中心的应急救助体系存在规范残缺、范围狭小、主体缺位、标准偏低等明显不足,亟待完善。而构建国家应急救助制度的重点,在救助依据的确立、救助主体的确定、救助对象的界定、救助程序的设计、救助标准的衡量和救助资金的筹集等方面。  相似文献   

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