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美国金融改革方案对金融监管模式与机构的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这场金融危机发生前,美国金融监管体制是以"双线多头"监管为最大特色的伞形金融监管模式.美国总结这场金融危机教训,在联邦层面对金融监管模式与机构设置的改革主要是:扩大美联储的权力,特别是由其对一级金融控股公司实行并表监管;由现有和增设的职能监管机构对各自职能领域实行职能监管;增设消费者金融保护局,对金融消费者实行定向保护监管;由金融服务监督委员会进行协调和监督.美国这次金融改革的一些方面,特别是对金融控股公司实行实质并表监管值得我国借鉴.  相似文献   

我国台湾地区金融消费者保护制度的最新发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年6月我国台湾地区通过了金融消费者保护法,这是台湾地区金融消费者权益保护的重大突破,其也作为三次金改的重要举措予以推进。我国台湾地区金融消费者保护法主要规范了金融消费者的法律概念,设置财团法人性质的争端解决机构,构架了法制化的金融纠纷解决机制。这些对金融消费者保护框架欠缺的祖国大陆具有多方借鉴意义,为祖国大陆构建完善的消费者保护法律、明确监管机构的保护职能与设置纠纷解决机制提供了参考与启示。  相似文献   

投资者到金融消费者的角色嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈洁 《法学研究》2011,(5):84-95
金融产品的日益抽象化、复杂化和金融交易模式的日益综合化、专业化,导致金融市场投资者群体的身份转化与角色嬗变。非专业投资者或者大众投资者逐渐与消费者融合,成为一类新的市场主体即金融消费者。金融消费者是为满足非营业性的个体金融需要而购买或使用金融商品或者享受金融服务的自然人。对于金融消费者存在其中的法律关系,需要建构体现特殊宗旨或调整方法的法律规范。我国可以在保留现有证券、银行、保险、信托分业监管和分业立法的格局下,建构以保护金融消费者权益为核心的金融服务法或金融消费者权益保护法。  相似文献   

万玲 《行政与法》2012,(12):87-90
伴随我国金融业的高速发展,消费者在金融交易关系中的个人隐私权受到威胁,当私法救济无法提供有效保障时,公权干预体现为国家相关公权力部门通过立法和监管提供政府救济。本文认为,应借鉴欧美法治国家的经验,立足于我国的实际情况,设立专门的金融消费者保护机构承担金融消费者保护职责,制定金融隐私权保护法律规范,同时可通过行政法规的形式制定《个人信息保护条例》,以法定程序制约公权干预。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,金融全球化浪潮兴起,全球金融体系呈现出了从过去严格的分业经营向混业经营转变的趋势,金融控股公司成为实现这一转变的重要组织形态。本文分析了在目前分业监管的体制下,我国金融控股公司在监管中存在的监管法律缺失、监管体制和模式落后等问题,并就如何完善监管提出了建议。  相似文献   

2010年7月21日美国出台了金融监管改革法案对金融消费者进行专门保护,本文对美国金融改革法案中对金融消费者保护的内容,金融危机和美国消费者保护制度的保护背景和对金融消费者的保护原因进行分析,结合我国的金融业现状,金融消费者权益的立法、执法和组织保护以及司法保护现状进行分析,寻找我国同美国在金融消费者保护方面的相似点和不同点,最后得出启示,对我国金融消费者权益保护制度提出建议。  相似文献   

美国政府应对金融危机的监管改革方案及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2009年6月18日,美国政府发布题为"金融规制改革:新基石"的金融改革方案,2009年7月22日,美国政府向美国国会递交"2009年美国金融监管改革法案"的议案,对前者进行补充和完善.美国金融监管改革方案包括的主要内容有:改革美国金融监管体制,加强对金融机构的并表监管,建立金融市场的全面监管体系,加强金融消费者和投资者的保护,提高国际监管标准和加强国际合作.美国的金融改革方案对我国银行监管、金融市场监管、金融创新及消费者保护等方面均有重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

最近通过的我国《企业国有资产法》对金融国有资本的监管未作具体规定,实践中金融国有资本的出资人职能由多个部门分割行使,存在出资人职能和公共管理职能不分、缺乏统一的履行出资人职能的机构等突出问题。建议选择国有金融资本运营公司的模式,以汇金公司作为履行金融国有资本出资人职能的机构。  相似文献   

在证券交易中接受金融服务的个人投资者具有投资者和金融消费者的双重属性。但是由于公共利益理念的缺失,现行民事规则和证券监管法律却无暇顾及个人投资者的金融消费者属性,使得个人投资者保护几成困局。因此,寻求公共利益理念的回归,还原个人投资者的金融消费者地位、赋予其相应的金融消费者权利、并建立专门的个人投资者保护机构就成为个人投资者保护的关键。  相似文献   

互联网金融是最近一年兴起的新生事物。虽然其本质并未脱离金融的概念,但是在对其进行监管时,"金融特许制"和"强制信息披露"这两大传统的监管工具却可能因为"着力点"不准,而无法发挥有效的作用。此外,互联网金融引发市场竞争格局的变化,以及对金融产品的重新整合和创新,将导致现行的"分业监管"体制出现结构错位的问题,削弱监管的统一性和协调性。有鉴于此,针对互联网金融的特征,应当对当前监管机制进行必要的改革。  相似文献   

刘迎霜 《现代法学》2011,33(3):91-98
金融消费者保护成为我国金融市场中一个应该关注的问题。美国金融危机后的金融监管改革将金融消费者保护提到前所未有的高度,其对金融消费者保护的改革措施值得我国借鉴。我们应准确界定我国"金融消费者"的范畴。我国金融消费者保护路径应当是:将金融消费者保护确立为金融监管的基本职责,以《消费者权益保护法》为基本法,但更倚重于金融法律法规。  相似文献   

The recent death of teenager Jesse Gelsinger in a drug therapy trial has drawn attention to how financial conflicts of interest may compromise patient protection. While research institutions throughout the world have instituted a variety of conflict of interest guidelines, the potential conflicts associated with investigators receiving direct payment from private companies for both the recruitment of patients and the running of clinical trials in pharmaceutical research remains a relatively unexplored area. Clinical researchers undoubtedly deserve to be reasonably compensated for their participation. But these incentive mechanisms also have the potential to create conflicts of interest--both real and perceived.  相似文献   

TONI WILLIAMS 《Law & policy》2007,29(2):226-256
Financial regulators in many states recently have obtained statutory mandates to enhance consumer financial literacy. This paper investigates the development of policy pursuant to such mandates in the UK and Canada to identify how national regulators represent the role of the literate consumer in the financial market place. It finds that regulators in both countries represent financial education as empowering consumers but that each embeds in its policy an implicit normative ordering of responsible consumer behavior. The paper relates the tension between empowerment and responsibilization aspects of literacy enhancement to policy goals of expanding financial markets and assisting financial regulators to manage consumers' expectations of protection. It raises questions about regulators' use of consumer education to responsibilize consumption of financial products and calls for further research on the international growth of financial literacy education as a regulatory project.  相似文献   

The anti-money laundering laws of the US are the most powerful in the world. Their broad provisions and extra-territorial reach pose risks to financial institutions around the world. Although they are not widely understood, recent cases demonstrate how these laws operate. In this paper I briefly describe Macau, the new gambling capital of the world; analyze the alleged role of Banco Delta Asia (BDA), a small, family-owned bank in Macau, in money laundering on behalf of North Korea; and offer some observations on the controversial use of Section 311 of the USA Patriot Act.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来的美国对外贸易政策,应当引起特别关注。作为WTO的重要成员和当今世界上惟一的超级大国,美国的贸易政策的演变对未来多边贸易体制的发展将产生不可低估的影响,对美国贸易政策与其国内法律的关联性进行剖析,无疑对廓清当前及今后较长时期内的美国经贸政策演进的趋势是一种有益的探索,特别是为我国应对新一轮国际经济与贸易发展提供一定的借鉴,也有助于我国经贸法律制度的进一步完善。  相似文献   

从历史上看,美国金融史是一部金融危机和金融改革同步、金融改革和金融理论相互联系的历史。2007年金融危机以来,奥巴马政府推出《2010年华尔街改革和消费者保护法》。该法案作为后金融危机时代金融监管的代表性法律,在政府作为社会公共利益代表和金融企业主体社会责任理念指导下,一方面强化美联储的监管地位,另一方面维护消费者合法地位。从金融改革的历史发展看,目前的金融理论和金融改革,主要是西方金融一体化和利益社会化理论共同主导下的一种结局。  相似文献   

Providing legal protection against the 'hacking' of technological locks used to protect copyrighted works recently has been the subject of an international treaty (the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty), a European Community Directive (the Information Society Directive) and major copyright legislation in the USA (the Digital Millennium Copyright Act). By making hacking illegal, these legal protections fortify the technological protections employed by copyright owners to reduce infringement of their works. While copyright owners may use technological protections to compensate for the increased infringement potential in a digital world, technological protections can also be used to obtain far greater protection than the law would otherwise grant the copyright owner. In this article, Professor Loren argues that attention needs to be shifted from providing legal protection for technological protections, to providing legal protections against the overzealous use of these technological protections by content providers. She argues that laws should be enacted, and perhaps even treaties should be signed, that would prohibit the use of technological protections to impermissibly invade certain use rights recognized by a country's copyright laws.  相似文献   

This article draws attention to the systematic and organised criminal acts committed by legitimate enterprises and professionals, focusing on accounting fraud. Firstly, the extent and consequences of false accounting are considered, then a theoretical framework is outlined which focuses on structural issues commonly found in financial scandals around the world. The Gokal/BCCI fraud is summarised as a case study offering insights into the motives and modi operandi of accounting frauds. The analysis centres on theoretical and practical lessons to be learned from this case, which is placed in the context of evidence from other frauds in Europe and the USA. The article points to the importance of strains and pressures perpetrators are subject to, the rationalisations they use, the organisational culture and anomie. The author concludes with an outline of the policy implications.  相似文献   

In the existing global financial system, the US private central bank controls the right to issue international currency, while the rest of the world have to involuntarily leave their destiny to such system. In the current financial crisis, American government evaded and deviated from due regulation. It is virtually a robbery of other countries as well as a serious infringement upon international human rights. In such a situation, other countries should stick to the international community standard and the protection of international human rights to fairly distribute the interest deriving from the right to issue international currency, and establish a monetary exchange mechanism; or abide by the principle of “one world, one currency” and accordingly come up with a common international currency, or form a monetary union to safeguard the economic sovereignties; or enhance the due position, rights and interest of the developing economies in the existing international financial system; or strengthen efforts in reforming and building the regime of international financial regulation to prevent people’s legitimate property, rights and interest from being infringed.  相似文献   

When analysing labour law most lawyers tend to focus on the protection of existing employment relations and neglect the feedback on ex ante incentives, whereas most economists focus on the incentives to create new jobs without knowing the regulations and relevant court decisions in detail. This paper starts with a simple model that discusses some potential ex post and ex ante effects of protection against dismissal and reconsiders the question of rigidity and flexibility with respect to German and US labour law. Special attention is paid to investments in specific human capital. It is shown that the legal protection against dismissal in Germany is in general characterised by relatively high expected dismissal costs with a low variance, although some court decisions have increased uncertainty for the parties to the employment contract. In the USA legal protection against dismissal is in general characterised by relatively low expected dismissal costs with a high variance, i.e. a high degree of uncertainty. This corresponds to the typical differences in employment relations between Germany and the USA with respect to external mobility, internal flexibility, capital intensity, labour productivity and long-term unemployment.  相似文献   

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