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正THE launch in 1984 of the Xiangyanghong No.10 marked China’s first Antarctic survey tour.As the ship was not able to break ice,it was a tough start to the country’s Antarctic explorations.But after 30 years of effort,Chinese scientists have successfully sailed from Shanghai to the Southern Hemisphere and beyond to the earth’s southernmost continent.China has since witnessed great achievements in its scientif ic expeditions to the  相似文献   

正Since its introduction of the one-child policy for most Chinese couples in the late 1970s,China has effectively reined in its rampant population growth.Benef iting from the policy,Chinese women have been liberated from the birth burden to a great degree and their education and employment situation has improved dramatically.To promote long-term,balanced development of the population,China is gradually adjusting its family planning policy.On December 23,2013,a bill to allow couples to have two children if either parent is an only child was approved at the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress.The move marks another major adjustment to China’s family planning policy since the country allowed couples to have two children if both parents are only children.  相似文献   

In the run up to and the period after China’s accession to the WTO in 2001, "the wolf is coming" became a catchphrase among business and academic circles, re? ecting people’s fear of the coming global competition. In response to the new market landscape in the mak- ing, Chinese government and enterprises began to study WTO regulations and laws. China’s top leaders including President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji gave lectures to provincial governors on WTO-related topics.  相似文献   

THIS year marks the 10th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Before joining the WTO in 2001,many Chinese were afraid that membership would have a substantial negative impact on some of China’s main industries. At the same time,there were misgivings in some countries about China’s ability to fulfill its commitments and that its WTO membership would affect other countries badly.  相似文献   

YAN’AN on the Loess Plateau is known as the red cradle of the Chinese Revolution. It was here, from 1935 to 1947, that the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Mao Zedong directed the resistance against the Japanese invasion behind enemy lines and fought the Liberation War against the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang, laying a solid foundation for the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a grave chal- lenge facing humanity in the 21st century, and one to which the Chinese government has attached great importance. It is a key strategy and a resolute policy of the government to actively tackle this issue for the sake of China’s economic and social development. China will continue to take action and make positive contributions in the fight against climate change.  相似文献   

TOWARDS the end of last year, a Chinese magazine released a list of the country’s buzzwords of 2006. It was no surprise that  相似文献   

Since the Four Comprehensives concept was unveiled in December 2014,President Xi Jinping has continued to reiterate the theory on a number of occasions.The Four Comprehensives have been a topicon everyone’s lips during the annual sessions of China’s National People’s Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in March. It shows a strong intention of Chinese leaders to design a new political framework that will shape the future of China not only in terms of political strategy, but with implications for monetary policy as well. This leads us to the relevance of the Four Comprehensives to G20 discussions-next year it will be China hosting the meetings,bringing global attention back to Beijing only shortly after last year’s APEC meetings.  相似文献   

正The new Chinese leadership aims to create a favorable international environment for the country's developmentChina’s diplomacy in 2013 was eye-catch ing due to the leadership change in the country and the reinvigoration of reform The spirit of reform and a world vision,which China’s new leadership inherits from their pre decessors,are the soul of Chinese diplomacy today.Today’s world The current situation is quite different from when China’s reform and opening up started in the late 1970s.China’s national strength has grown exponentially since then.As a result,the  相似文献   

In the midst of exceptional scientific advancements, China’s top academic institutions are receiving unprecedented attention for their contributions to the nation’s progress in science and engineering. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, home to the country’s top scientific think tanks, are leading the way to China’s future. Following this issue, Beijing Review will introduce a member from one of the aforementioned academies every three weeks, highlighting their achievements and presenting to readers the hardcore leaders of Chinese science and engineering development.  相似文献   

On March 14, Premier Wen Jiabao gave a press conference to journalists covering the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body, in Beijing. Wen elaborated on the Chinese Government’s stance on a number of hot social and economic issues. Excerpts follow  相似文献   

<正>People’s China:Last year,when talking about China’s supply-side structural reform,you said the Chinese Government has the capability to ensure healthy performance of the economy and insisted that it is unnecessary to worry about the country’s economic growth.As you expected,the Chinese economy maintains a strong uptrend this year.What makes you so confident in the Chinese economy?  相似文献   

In the wake of a series of brutal attacks against children around China, the country tightens its school security Death was the sentence the Taizhou Intermediate People’ s Court handed down to Xu Yuyuan on May 15.  相似文献   

正The Chinese Government recently created the Chinese Farmers’Harvest Festival,making it the fi rst time that a national festival has been set up exclusively for farmers.The festival will be celebrated annual y on the autumnal equinox beginning this year.The action highlights the government’s emphasis on agriculture and rural areas and its people,drawing the whole society’s attention to Chinese farmers,who diligently work to prop up the country’s social and economic development.The government has also expressed  相似文献   

正The XXII Winter Olympic Games opened on February 7 in a spectacular ceremony which was attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the invitation of his Russian counterpart,Vladimir Putin.Xi’s appearance at the Sochi Olympic opening ceremony was the fi rst attendance by a Chinese president at a major overseas sports event,signaling China’s strong support for the Olympics and Russia’s efforts to host the Games.  相似文献   

When Jon Burris dropped in on a Chinese painter’s studio in the early 1990s, he sighed within that the painter was probably unable to create large-scale works since the studio, in a four-story walk-up, was too small for big canvases. Back then, Chinese painters were reluctant to suggest a price for their work to this American art buyer.  相似文献   

Enlisting the EU     
A majority of EU member states led by Germany opposed the European Commission’s proposal to impose punitive duties on imported Chinese solar panels in a survey on May 27,the last day of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s maiden trip to Europe after assuming his new post in March.Beyond doubt,Chinese observers said,Li’s visit was conducive to reducing the trade barriers between the two large markets,even though the problem cannot be resolved entirely.They added that Li’s visit was of great significance in deepening Sino-European economic ties.Notably,the completion of  相似文献   

Gates Wide Open     
<正>China vows to further open up its market to spur international and domestic economic development China’s entry into the WTO 10 years a go was a major step in the country’s reform and opening up. It indicated the "beginning of a new historic stage"in the country’s interaction with the rest of the world, said Chinese President Hu Jintao, at a high-level forum marking the 10th anniversary of China’s accession to the  相似文献   

Chinese Bridge Crosses the Danube Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vui attended the completion ceremony of a new bridge across the Danube River in Belgrade on December 18,2014.The 1.5 km-long bridge is the first to be constructed by a Chinese company in Europe,and also the first to cross the Danube in Serbia in nearly seven decades.Premier Li and Prime Minister Vui cut the ribbon together and unveiled a monument marking the bridge’s completion.Li Keqiang expressed gratitude to all Chinese and Serbian participants in the project.He said that the bridge’s completion will promote the local economy.It is not only a bridge of  相似文献   

<正> Chinese premier’s European trip helps boost the EU’s efforts to cope with the debt crisis Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s recent European tour injected confidence into the EU as it battles a debt crisist hat began 18 months ago,Chinese analysts said." The sovereign debt crisis continues to escalate in the EU,"said Li Weiwei,Deputy Director of the Department for EU Studieso f the China Institute of International Studies(CIIS)."Take Greece for instance.If the crisis goes on,the country may bef orced to declare bankruptcy and withdraw from the euro zone.If a domino effect  相似文献   

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