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LIN TIAN 《人权》2009,(4):30-33
After riots that occurred on March 14, 2008 in Lhasa, Tibet, the China Central Television Station broadcast a documentary film titled Tibet's Past shot years ago by the Central Newsreel & Documentary Film Studio about the miserable life of serfs under Tibet's feudal serf system before a democratic reform was carried out in the region. The documentary stunned many people. It helps people see through the reactionary and corrupt nature of the Dalai clique.  相似文献   

Beijing Review: How do you remember the international situation at the time of the Shanghai Communiqué? Stapleton Roy: I was serving in Moscow when Dr. Henry Kissinger showed up in Beijing in July 1971. The Kissinger visit was the first manifestation that there had been a breakthrough in China-U.S. relations. The culmination of that breakthrough, of course, was the president's visit to Beijing in February 1972. It was really the turning point in the Cold War.  相似文献   

Development vision unveiled in annual legislativesession amidst lingering challenges In Zhu Guiyan's memory,two snow-fall days stand out vividly.One was decades ago,when she was exhausted from a hard day's work as a road cleaner clearing unusually heavy snow.The other was in 2018,when she was once again sweeping snow when the news came that she had been elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC),the top legislature.  相似文献   

<正>Recreational vehicles impact travel and lifestyle choices in China The idea of buying a recreational vehicle(RV) was born when Dong Qifei was quarantined in a hotel together with his wife and daughter.Back then,the family from Zhejiang Province was traveling around Hunan Province in the summer of 2021 when another guest in their hotel tested positive for COVID-19,throwing the whole place into lockdown.  相似文献   

ZHOU YUAN 《人权》2009,(4):27-29
Fifty years ago, on March 28, 1959, Zhou Enlai, Premier of the State Council of the People's Repubfic of China, promulgated a decree of the State Council, declanng the Tibet local government controlled by Tibet's feudal aristocrats and upperstratum clergy dissolved on that day and resolving that the powers of the Tibet local government be exercised by the Preparatory Committee for the Founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region from that day on. This decision of great historic significance sounded the death knell of the feudal serf system in old Tibet, a theocratic system that was reactionary, corrupt and dark. The change of government cleared obstacles and created conditions for development and progress in Tibet. After that a broad democratic reform movement swept the plateau region. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the one million serfs in Tibet buried the feudal serf system and won their emancipation,  相似文献   

The establishment of the spokesperson system is seen as a mark of social progress in China. From 1983, when the first spokesperson was named at the Chinese Foreign Ministry, to 2003, when the system was spread to all levels of government nationwide, there had  相似文献   

It was cold winter in China when CPAFFCdelegation was invited to visit Coted'Ivoire. There, the rainy season was just over,ushering in the dry spell with temperature run-ning around 30 degrees Celsius. The people ofCote d'Ivoire received the friendship envoysfrom China with such great warmth commensu-rate with the weather.  相似文献   

正REFORMS to China’s state-owned enterprise(SOE)have gone through three stages.The first was that leading up to the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee in 1993,when power was decentralized and interests compromised.The second stage was from the  相似文献   

All-Seeing AI     
正Artificial intelligence is poised to revolutionizehealthcare in China There was a long queue at the diagnostic laboratory in Shanghai's famed art and tourist destination West Bund Art Center.But strangely,the people in the line did not look tense and anxious as they are wont to when awaiting a diagnostic test.The reason for this became clear when one looked harder.The Future Diagnostic Lab  相似文献   

Tremendous changes have takenplace in Tibet under the state policy of reform andopening up to the outside world, especially over thepast 14 years since the Fourth Plenary Session of the13th Central Committee of the Chinese CommunistParty. Unprecedented are the development of the localeconomy, and so are the changes in the outlook ofcities and countryside in the region, and life of ethnicTibetan has kept improving.Raidi, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee ofthe National People's Congress (NPC), is a mostqualified eyewitness to these changes. He was born intoa serf's family before the Democratic Reform in thelate 1950s, and had worked on various leading posts inTibet before he was elected to NPC, China's highestlegislature. In July 1990, Jiang Zemin, then generalsecretary of the CPC Central Committee, cited Raidi asan example when speaking on the question of humanrights during an inspection tour of Lhasa. Said he,"What do human rights mean? Comrade Raidi, aformer serf, now works as the second most se  相似文献   

IN an excavated pit at the side of an expressway in Shandong's Linzi are visible 2,000-year-old remains of horses and wooden carriages. The horse skeletons are on their side, in an attitude of motion. The pit was discovered in the late 20th century, when the expressway was being built. These early ancestors of modern transport, no longer "road-worthy," are now protected historic artifacts.  相似文献   

Lines of Life     
My first experience of standing in a line for public medical care was when I was a baby in my mother's arm. So it was actually she who stood in the line so that I could get the free vaccination for measles and some other diseases. I remember it even after decades because it was painful. The medical worker made two incisions on the arm and a lot of the kids started bawling in shocked protest.  相似文献   

正Grand CelebrationDancers perform at an event marking Serfs’Emancipation Day in Lhasa,Tibet Autonomous Region,on March 28.In 2009,March 28 was designated as the day to mark the freeing of 1 million people,or 90 percent of the region’s population at that time,from the feudal serf system in 1959.  相似文献   

The color red dominates Chinese life and now growing interest in red wine maintains that trend and ushers in a new fashionable addition to local culture There was a time when trying to find a good red wine in China was a difficult affair. But as with all the rapid changes in this advancing country, that is no longer the case. The nectar of the gods is today an integral part of China's trendy social world. In lounges,  相似文献   

TODAY,the idea of gazing atone’s reflection in a pot ofwater when applying cos-metics seems ludicrous.but3,000 years ago there was noalternative.The vessel used tohold “mirror” water was a jian,and the character for it symbol-ized a person looking down into abasin of water.The jian was firstmade of clay,and later of bronze.  相似文献   

The U.S. tourism industry was thrilled about the arrival of the first organized group of Chinese visitors when Americans in the manufacturing sector cried out, 'The Chinese are coming," some years  相似文献   

SUO QIONG 《人权》2008,(1):35-37
The hero of this story is Xiaochuan Ouzhu, male, of Tibetan ethnic group. He was bom in 1946 in Meishe Cuoba, a town in the upper reaches of the Xiangquan River in Ngari-Prefecture, Tibet. His father was called Dawa Duojie, who was bom of a rich herdsman's family. His grandfather was once a low-rank tribal chief. Ouzhu's mother, Qu Ni, lost her parents when she was still a baby and was brought up by others.  相似文献   

The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in Chinese society Computer giant Dell got into big Ctrouble in China this year when a storm erupted on the Internet over the company’s mislabeling of one of its laptop models.The scandal was ignit…  相似文献   

ZHANG WEI 《人权》2009,(4):37-37
With the arrival of the 50th anniversary of the putting down of a rebellion and democratic reforms in Tibet,China Society for Human Rights Studies launched a Tibet human fights website www.tibet 328.cn on March 30, 2009. This is China's first website with human rights in Tibet as its theme. The website has Chinese, English, French and German versions and covers more than 10 sections, respectively human fights conditions in Tibet, truths and facts, Tibetans, basic facts about Tibet, history and the serf system, literature, photos, videos, books and commentaries. The website, themed on "Human Rights in Tibet--from Serfs to Modern Citizens," gives an account of Tibet's history, culture and serf system, narrates great changes in Tibet's human fights field, publishes facts and statistics about the history and existing conditions of human rights in Tibet and tells Tibet human rights stories.  相似文献   

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