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PEI Yuanshun,now 70,taught in a vocational secondary school in Kaifeng,Henan Province before she retired in 1996. Two years later her husband Wu Yingfan retired too.As their grandson was enrolled in an elite high school in Beijing's suburb and far from his downtown home,the couple bought a home close to his campus and moved to Beijing in 2001 to house him while he studied.Two years ago,the boy continued his education abroad and the old couple became empty-nesters.  相似文献   

All-out efforts needed to shield minors from gaming disorder As a doctor in a psychiatric hospital in north Beijing,Liu Huaqing has witnessed how Internet addiction shatters the life of children and their families.One of his patients at the Beijing HuiLongGuan Hospital was a 12-year-old boy who had not been to school since November 2020.Instead,he stayed at home,glued to his smartphone for more than15 hours a day,playing games and watching short videos.He often went to bed at 3 or 4 a.m.and stopped following the most basic daily hygiene routine such as brushing his teeth or taking a shower.  相似文献   

Tide of Change     
Li Zhengde regards the Yangtze River as the highway of his youth.Born in a small town in south China's Hunan Province,Li grew up near the Zijiang River, a tributary of the Yangtze,and in 1976, boats were the major mode of transport there.In the 1990s,he had to take a year off from school due to illness and sailed to nearby Wuhan Province on his cousin's wooden junk,It was his first trip outside Hunan and the one-month sailing experience is etched indelibly in his mind.  相似文献   

Xuer, or "snow," lived in the world for six years. She was daughter of my wife and my best friend. Her father died of lymphoma six monthsbefore she was born, and I became her stepfather a month after her birth. We so named her because she was bom on a day when a sudden heavy snow hit Beijing. I promised my friend before his death to take good care of his wife, whom I loved secretly since I was in high school, and their unborn baby. But the happy days of the three of us lasted less than a yea…  相似文献   

Ship of Scholars     
IN Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region there lives a rural teacher named Shi Lansong. In the past 25 years he has commuted more than 30,000 times between the two banks of Dalong Lake, leaving eight wooden boats in ruins. Students come and go, and the damaged boats were replaced by new ones. While everything else was changing, Shi Lansong kept rowing his boat all year round, conveying his students to school and back home, safe and sound.  相似文献   

A combination of modern agriculture and tourism creates wonders in disadvantaged areas One day in 1969, a 15-year-old middle school student waved goodbye to his family in Beijing and headed for a desolate county in the northwest.In the late 1960s and 1970s, large numbers of educated urban youths were sent to the countryside to work and the teen was one of many. His name is Xi Jinping.  相似文献   

The topic of"dreams" reminds me of a text by the late Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng who was paralyzed when he was 21, in whichhe elaborated on his devotion to sports. He loved track and field the most, more than writing, and his favorite star was Carl Lewis whom, with a strong body and super speed, he regarded as the luckiest man on earth. Shi once thought that he would do anything to have Lewis' physique and vigor in another life, if there were one. But observ- ing the athlete's rise and fall after a doping scandal, he gained fresh understanding of success, happiness and life in general. He said his dream was to have a healthy body, a beautiful soul and life wisdom. While acknowledging that many think one should not be too greedy or ambitious, Shi's overriding belief was that everyone has the right to dream big, and to look forward to the best in the world.  相似文献   

Wang Ziyi, a 14-year-old middle school student who lives in Yichang,central China's Hubei Province, can hardly conceal his excitement at laying his hand on the forehead of a Chinese sturgeon in a large temporary plastic fi shpond. "It is the first time that I have seen a Chinese sturgeon, and they are gentler and meeker than I originally imagined," said Wang. In spite of his fondness for animals,Wang's parents have consistently refused his appeals to keep one at home due to his tight study schedule.  相似文献   

Though blessed to be born in a peaceful era, Chi Shuai, a 17-year-old high school student in Qiqihar, northeast China's Hei-longjiang Province, was unfortunate to fall victim to the Japanese invasion his grandparents witnessed in the 1930s and 1940s. On August 4, 2003, the boy and 43 others were poisoned by mustard gas leaked from five tanks dug out at a construction site. The five metal tanks were later proved to be left by Japanese invaders in 1945. Li Guizhen, a rag picker who carried away and incised the tanks, died despite all the medical efforts to save his life. The youngest victim in this incident was only eight years old.  相似文献   

Blind advisor makes proposals online Fuzhou, Jan. 10-Xia Rongqiang, the first blind member of the advisory body to east China's Fujian Province, submitted a proposal via the Internet urging more budget for blind people's education. Xia is a member of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. For the first time online submission of proposals to the committee's upcoming annual session was allowed, and Xia's bill marked the first of such submission. Xia said his election to the committee showed that disabled people in China enjoyed equal rights on discussing political affairs. Xia is principal of a blind school in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, which is affiliated to the Hadley School for the Blind, an institute aiming to help educate the blind internationally. The Hadley School has branches in more than 100 countries and regions all over the world, but Xia's school is the only one in China and Asia.  相似文献   

MOZI (ca.475-395 BC) was one of many philosophers in the volatile Pre-Qin Period (before BC 221 when the State of Qin annexed other six kingdoms and unified China) who were committed to restoring and overhauling the social order.Mozi was a commoner born in the State of Lü (in today’s Shandong Province),but spent most of his life in the State of Song (in present day Henan Province).He studied Confucian theory in his early years,and later established his own school of thought Mohism,which challenges Confucianism on many fronts.Mozi traveled around the states to sell his political ideas to the rulers,who gave him the cold shoulder however.This great thinker never held any high official position in his lifetime.  相似文献   

正A late poet's great granddaughter retraces his footsteps inthe U.S.to find a continued linkWhen Wen Ting walked into the International House in New York City for the first time in 2018,she felt a spiritual connection with her great grandfather Wen Yiduo,who used to live on the ninth floor of the building 95 years ago.Wen Yiduo (1899-1946),one of the prominent poets in early 20th century China,was among the students chosen by the government in 1922 to pursue fine arts and literature in the U.S.He went to Chicago first but his last stop in the U.S.was the Art Students League in New York.a private art school.  相似文献   

Thirteen-year-old Zhou Licheng is a pupil at the Beijing Xicheng Experimental School, and recently won second prize in the "Future Scientist Award" for his invention - a device that prevents smoke from coming down the flue. He won a 10,000-yuan cash prize, and his school was also awarded 40,000 yuan. The "Future Scientist Award" was set up through the joint efforts of the Ministry of Education, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the Hong Kong H. S. Chau Foundation. Its aim is to reward  相似文献   

Paving the Way     
正Shenzhen takes the lead in providing social care for people with disabilities When Li Si was a child,his role model was Zhang Haidi,the writer who has been cal ed China’s Helen Keller for overcoming childhood paraplegia to become an activist for the rights of people with disabilities.One of his primary school books carried Zhang’s photograph and to him,she symbolized the qualities of cherishing life and striving for selfimprovement.  相似文献   

正From b-boys to Olympic athletesWhen they fell in love with breakdancing,or "breaking," these young boys in beanie hats and baggy clothes never could have imagined this fringe cultural offering would one day become a mainstream Olympic sport.Shang Xiaoyu felt star-crossed when breakdancing foot rocked its way into his life.Considered a "bad student" who frequently skipped class and got into fights with other students in junior middle school,this millennial had no idea how his life could,and would,be changed dramatically by a niche dance genre.Shang was 13.It was a regular day at school when he happened to pass through a classroom where a handful of students were practicing their breaking moves.A mere glance of the scene made him stop in his tracks."This looks super cool,"Shang said."I must learn how to do that."  相似文献   

<正>Together with success in Cuba and Iran,is bolstering U.S.-Africa relations intended to be the final component of a foreign relations hat trick?Twenty-eight years after his first visit,U.S.President Barack Obama set foot once more on the soil of Kenya,birthplace of his father and a place which some people believe to be more his hometown than his native Hawaii.On the first visit,Obama was met by a half-sister and an aunt in a battered  相似文献   

On an autumn day in 1964, I stepped into the Foreign AffairsOffice of Shanghai, a short-haired former school teacher,dressed in white blouse and black skirt, apparently with all the verveof a youngster and the nervousness of a student on first enteringcollege. One of the leading officials in the room said to his colleagues:"She is now the youngest among us." This was the scene how I joinedthe staff there.  相似文献   

MAO Kuai joined the CPC in 2007 when he was in senior high school.Four years have passed but Mao still clearly remembers he handwrote an application of 20-odd-pages to join the Party and officially became a Party member in a ceremony held in his hometown's municipal hall on June 29.Mao,with other new recruits,sang the Internationale as part of the induction process,and in the drama of the moment was so excited he couldn't help bursting into tears.  相似文献   

Head waiter Liu Hui used to think he would never become a labourer like his neighbour, until recently when the medium-sizedrestaurant in Beijing where Liu works established a union branch and began signing labour contracts with its employees.When he was a school boy in the early 1980s, Liu dreamed of becoming a labourer once he'd grown up.  相似文献   

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