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The term "Turkistan" appeared in Arabic geographical works in the Middle Ages. It meant "the region of the Turks" and referred to the areas north of the Sir River in Central Asia and the adjoining areas to the east of the river. With the evolution of history, the modem ethnic groups in Central Asia were established one after another. By the 18th century, the geographical concept of "Turkistan" was already very vague,  相似文献   

IF the sheer number of deals the American National Basketball Association (NBA) has with Chinese television stations around the country is anything to go by, basketball is big business in China these days. In addition to arrangements with 51 local and regional broadcasters in China, the NBA has concluded marketing contracts with 20 major Chinese companies. Millions of Chinese watch NBA games, and 30 percent of the traffic to NBA.com originates in China.  相似文献   

The scene was the 31st World Table Tennis Championships held in Nagoya.Japan from March 28 to April 7,1971.On the afternon following the lounch of the competition,American player Glenn Cowan missed his team's bus after practice,and stood at a loss in the training area.At that moment the Chinese team offered his a litt to the competition venue.During this shuttle bus run,Chinese player Zhuang Zedong greeted his,presenting him with a small giff.This friendly gesture won the attention of the international media.  相似文献   

THE winter of 2010 was the cold-est for 50 years in Beijing, and the unyielding chill delayed the flowering of peaches in Pinggu District by one or two weeks. But the peach farmers still managed to achieve an unprecedented bumper harvest, with output of 280 million kilograms and sales revenues of RMB 944.7 million, an admirable year-on-year increase of 2.84 percent and 26.56 percent respectively.For three decades now Pinggu, in the  相似文献   

THEY used to call me Private Enterprise Li (Li Minying), but I would rather be known as "Three F Li" (Li Sannong). It was by accident that I became an economist. At the very beginning of China's economic reform, I presented the concept of transforming China's economy through shareholding, and suggested that the private sector and the state-owned sector enjoy equal status in the economy. As a participant in economic policymaking in China I have witnessed a lot of changes to the People's Republic.  相似文献   

THE first program of the "Cultural Gateway to China" opened to the public in the Beijing Capital Intemational Airport last April, with the "Brilliance of Hebei", an exhibition and performance staged at the Beijing Capital International Airport, turning out to be more than just a nice distraction for travellers, The full-scale production was an unqualified hit. a real draw for admiring passengers who turned the airport lounge into a kind of temporary club.  相似文献   

TONGRENTANG (TRT), the leading brand of traditional Chinese medicine, realized sales revenues of RMB10 billion in 2009. The export volume reached US $25.44 million, with a year-on-year growth of over 10 percent, allowing the company to continue to hold the title of largest exporter of Chinese patent drugs.  相似文献   

On February 21, 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon started a weeklong official visit to China, the first by an American leader to the People's Republic. Nixon later called it "The week that changed the world." At the end of his trip the two countries released the Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (also known as Shanghai Communique), in which both expressed a desire to normalize relations and stressed common ground on several key issues. The frosty ties between two of the world's biggest countries began to thaw. On December 16, 1978, China and the U.S. signed the Joint Communiqu6 on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, officially recognizing each other and establishing diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. On March 1 the same year they exchanged ambassadors and embassies, and Sino-U.S. relationships entered a new epoch.  相似文献   

W HEN Zhang Tian saw the term “com- pany night owl” on the Internet it struck him as a f itting epi- thet for him and his work colleagues. Zhang Tian works for a private adver- tising company in Guangzhou specializ- ing in computer graphic design. His boss angles for advertisement design orders and passes them on to his staff of six, of whom Zhang Tian is one. Zhang and his colleagues work all hours in order to keep ahead of a continuous stream of work.“I created a record by not leaving…  相似文献   

The Xishuangbanna Dai-Language News Website, the first ever website in the Dai language has gone online in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Communities of Dai, one of the 15 ethnic groups unique to Yunnan are concentrated mainly in places such as Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, and Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture. They are also distributed around most of Yunnan.  相似文献   

一个国家和民族,如果失去了诚信,就意味着失去了未来。政府作为国家政策、制度的制定者、执行者、监督者和示范者,在诚信建设中居于核心地位,起着主导作用。政务诚信一旦缺失,势必误导、诱发、膨胀商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信的缺失。政务失信加大了国家的政治成本、管理成本、社会成本和道德成本,加据了信任危机、降低了行政效率、影响了社会和谐、导致了道德滑坡。所以,要切实解决我国社会诚信缺失和道德失范问题,必须从加强政务诚信建设入手,这本身既是一种诚信的表现,同时也抓住了解决问题的根本。  相似文献   

案件理论是由律师运用的一种包含着赢得法官或陪审团确信、让对方当事人及其律师接受、令自己的委托人满意的三重预期而在庭审中使胜诉机会最大化的案件准备理论。循着从外延属性反观内在本质和从概念区分到意见统合的分析路径,可以揭示出案件理论具有逻辑预设的似真性、主题发展的暂时性、叙事解释的可期待性、要素粘合的凝聚性以及情境定格的最佳性等内涵特点。案件理论下的案情叙述、程序推进、主体互动、证据取舍以及证明责任分配都是以意见作为贯穿其中的内核,因此,分析案件理论有助于加深理解"意见裁判主义"的概念。  相似文献   

“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个党永葆生机的源泉”。研究创新思维的哲学链接,就是要把握思维创新中阶段与过程的统一、连续创新与间断创新的统一,遵循事物发展的内在规律,实事求是、解放思想、求真务实、与时俱进, 推动经济、政治和社会全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国共产党走过的100年光辉历程,是不断追求人民至上的价值理念和推进实干为要的奋斗本色双向互嵌的伟大历程。人民至上是中国共产党的核心价值理念,坚持人民至上是中国共产党的性质宗旨和初心使命的集中体现;实干为要是中国共产党始终不渝的奋斗本色,是践行人民至上价值理念的生动写照和品质凝练。作为使命型政党,中国共产党通过有效机制联结,基于人民至上的价值追求,通过理论武装与学习机制、推进工作运行机制、干部担当作为机制、共商共治共享机制,把依靠人民和服务人民有机结合,以实现全体人民美好生活需要为目标,不断推进革命、建设、改革取得辉煌成就;中国共产党人以实干为要为行动准则,坚持调查研究,坚持顶层设计与"摸着石头过河"相结合,坚持问题导向、目标导向与结果导向相结合,推进和保证人民至上的价值理念落到实处,并不断丰富和发展人民至上的时代内涵,赢得了人民的忠心拥护和爱戴。  相似文献   

法定犯时代下,后工业社会中各种风险逐渐升格,古典自由主义刑法理论地位受到动摇,刑法制裁体系相应地吸收了积极刑法观理念,前置刑法干预起点,降低入罪门槛,而社会整体评价体系中却缺乏相应的轻罪或微罪评价模式、犯罪分层意识,从而导致刑法附随法律责任引发实质意义上罪责关系的不协调,违反罪刑法定、罪责刑相适应、责任主义原则等问题。同“以刑制罪”对“从罪到刑”的罪刑关系的反思,在意图限缩刑罚的法益理论逐渐沦为为刑法扩张“背书”的情况下,对犯罪附随法律责任的重视能够促进法益判断标准的实质化,从而有利于促进立法批判机能的实现,也能对保安处分科学化和刑罚“双轨制”发展有所裨益。基于新社会防卫论的论证逻辑也应该对附随后果的逆向论证逻辑以及定位做出限制,同时提出犯罪人处遇重构、引入复权制度等具体举措,以期达到法律体系内部法律责任的协调。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立后的 5 0多年间 ,有关布依族的调查取得了丰硕成果 ,为贯彻落实党的民族政策 ,促进布依族社会经济文化的全面发展 ,为促进布依族研究的深入和布依学学科的建立都起到了积极作用。但调查也存在手段和角度单一 ,缺少纵深感等缺点 ,在当前形势下重新认识布依族调查的重要性和紧迫性 ,在原有基础上充分总结成功经验 ,弥补不足 ,进一步提高布依族调查的质量和水平 ,不仅关系到布依学研究的深入 ,也关系到布依族社会经济的持续、稳定和健康发展。  相似文献   

回顾党执政的历史,以史为鉴,探讨从毛泽东同志到胡锦涛同志所面临的时代任务,寻出历史发展的规律。一个政党执政的有效性在于能够抓住时代的关键任务。以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代领导集体抓住了怎样建立新中国,建立什么样的新中国的时代任务。以邓小平同志为核心的党的第二代领导集体抓住了什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义的时代任务。以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体抓住了建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党的时代任务。以胡锦涛同志为核心的党的新一代领导集体抓住了建设什么样的社会,怎样建设这样的社会的时代任务。  相似文献   

王秀鹏 《桂海论丛》2008,24(3):78-80
培养法律信仰的原因是法治本身的需要;影响法律信仰的培养所面临的障碍是缺失法律信仰的根基、法律信仰的前提、法律的权威性,是法律信仰普遍性的缺失。因此,要将法治精神的建设同市场经济建设结合起来,增强社会公众的权利意识,消融国家优位的理念,树立社会优住的理念,加强对国家公职人员的法律信仰培养,培育国家公职人员现代法治精神。  相似文献   

以公安视角为切入点,探索微博环境下以新技术应对新技术引导舆情面临的挑战以及迅速发展的"官博"在规模与作用、个例与整体间矛盾突出,后继发展乏力的困境。就当前处置网络突发事件和涉警舆论实践中暴露出的引导语言缺位、引导话语无力、引导力量单薄等问题进行分析,并提出突破困境的具体对策:在方针原则层面,坚持群众路线、实事求是和理性包容;在引导策略层面,要及时应对、反客为主,理性平和、坦诚沟通,把控风向,引领舆论,密切协同、合力发声;在方法手段层面,要加强微博平台建设、完善微博舆情监测、创新舆情引导手段、培养引导人才队伍。  相似文献   

我国的律师辩护制度与国际标准相比 ,在辩护律师的角色定位、侦查机关的“迅速告知”义务、辩护律师的讯问在场权、协商交流权、法律援助权、知情权、调查取证权等方面还存在差距。为使我国的律师辩护制度与国际标准进一步协调 ,必须完善法律援助制度 ,确定侦查阶段律师的辩护人地位 ,强化侦查机关的迅速告知义务 ,赋予辩护律师讯问在场权 ,保障辩护律师与被追诉人的协商权 ,完善律师的知情权和调查取证权。  相似文献   

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