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Crime victims are a critical component of the criminal justice system. Their evaluations of the police have been studied through victimization and public attitude surveys mainly in the US and the UK. This study, which utilizes data from a large scale community survey conducted in Israel in 2008, finds that victims’ attitudes towards the police are significantly more negative than those of non-victims regarding police treatment, performance, and trust in the police. This study is the first to compare the views of victims and non-victims in Israel, while focusing on a wider array of attitudes than previously examined.  相似文献   

Dutch criminality and its relation to the performance of police and justice have only recently been analyzed at the macro level (e.g., at the level of municipalities or the whole country). This type of approach is a useful supplement to analyses at the micro level (that of individuals), which are more common in Dutch empirical criminological research. The main results of such a macro approach are presented in this article. We conclude that the per capita numbers of youth, divorced people, and unemployed contribute significantly to the crime rate. The police strength and solving rates are important factors as well. Analysis of the production process of the police reveals that detecting one more case of driving under the influence is far more expensive than solving one more other crime or handling one more traffic accident. The results are combined to sketch a cost-benefit approach of different strategies in allocating more resources to the police. Allocating extra resources to solving more cases of vandalism gives the best cost-benefit ratio.  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine whether videos of controversial police interventions shape individual opinion and, consequently, if attitudes towards use of force are malleable in the short-term. Methodology: A self-administered survey was conducted among 248 undergraduate students as part of a larger project on attitudes towards police use of force. Two groups of respondents were asked general questions about the police: one group was shown fictional videos of controversial police interventions just prior to completing the questionnaire; the other was not. Findings: Results strongly suggest that videos of police interventions have significant effects on reported opinions about use of force: the group that watched the videos was more likely to report that the police frequently use force. Implications: The wide distribution of images by police organizations might have unexpected adverse effects on public attitudes.  相似文献   

The MMPI has been used extensively in the selection of law enforcement personnel. Because police officer candidates have been preselected, however, individuals with obvious mental disturbance have been screened out of the candidate pool before evaluation. It is necessary to search for more subtle variables to serve as predictors of unsatisfactory future performance. The L scale is a subtle variable which can suggest potential for problematic behavior. The value of the L scale in the selection process is discussed. Authors' Note: William U. Weiss, Ph.D., is professor of psychology. The University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Av., Evansville, IN 47722. Robert Davis, Ph.D., is executive vice-president and director of science, research, and development, for Matrix, Inc., and Cary Rostow, Ph.D., is president of Matrix, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA. Sarah Kinsman was a psychology major at the University of Evansville at the time this research was conducted.  相似文献   

This article deals with discretionary decisions made by British immigration officers about whether to detain asylum seekers. It takes as its point of departure the remarkable variety of views and practices reported by front line decision-makers interviewed at British ports (Weber and Gelsthorpe 2000; Weber and Landman 2002). The discussion begins by drawing historical parallels between the pre-Holocaust era and the present day hostility towards asylum seekers, which forms the wider context for official decision-making. It notes the failure of structural analyses to account for individual differences in rule-following and draws on theoretical perspectives developed by American social psychologists Kelman and Hamilton (1989) to explore the individual dynamics of conformity and dissent. In the concluding section, theoretical connections are made between the idea of discretionary detention as a crime of obedience, and contemporary discussion about state crime and governmentality. The underlying message of this article is as much a normative as an analytical one. While recognizing the practical limitations of individual conscience, the discussion ends, as it begins, by celebrating the emancipatory potential of dissent in the face of populist policies that sanction harm against targeted groups.  相似文献   

作为犯罪构成要件的罪量要素--立足于中国刑法的探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
一犯罪构成是犯罪成立之条件 ,这已是刑法理论上的共识。然而 ,各国刑法对犯罪成立条件的设置是有所不同的 ,犯罪构成理论对此必须予以足够的关注。在大陆法系国家 ,通行的是“立法定性 ,司法定量”的方法 ,因此根据行为性质区分罪与非罪的界限。任何犯罪都是一种行为 ,这种行为具有特定的性质 ,是否属于刑法规定的某种行为 ,就成为定罪的根据。在这种情况下 ,犯罪构成是行为的质的构成 ,而不涉及行为的量。因此 ,犯罪构成要件是罪质要素。当然 ,日本刑法理论上也有“可罚的违法性说”之倡导 ,主张轻微的法益侵害行为不予处罚。但在犯罪构成…  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - To examine differences in use of force by police patrol and specialized units, and the impact of body-worn cameras (BWCs) on use of force in these groups. We...  相似文献   

In this article a spectrum of financial crime, ranging from Customs violations, EU-fraud, tax evasion, Stock Market fraud, illegal use of intellectual property, electronic and Internet crime, to environmental pollution, illegal trafficking of personal data, and corruption is illustrated by examples from Greece. Needless to say, that the phenomenon of corruption and financial crime is creating problems not only in Greece, but also in other European countries and at higher financial levels.  相似文献   

The majority of police cadets, upon being sworn in and becoming rookie officers, enter their law enforcement organization and actively seek connections that they hope will be fulfilling and meaningful as well as provide a sense of belonging, security, honesty, mutual understanding, and trust. They strive to be the best that they can be. To the extent that healthy relationships form, the individual officer moves closer towards achieving a sense of wellness and a sense of personal wholeness that typically translates into optimum commitment to and performance on the job. However, to the extent that relationships are embedded in a culture of corruption and meta-pathologies such as dishonesty, an officer's sense of well-being will forever fall short of achieving wholeness and less than optimum performance will be achieved. As the culture continues to become increasingly more toxic, the individual's performance will continue to decline (Trott, 1996, Yerly, 2000). The Mink Group  相似文献   

Using Swedish rape statistics as a focus, this article aims to empirically describe the way in which different factors affect official crime statistics produced at the national level. It is argued that cross-national comparisons of crime levels are extremely hazardous when based on official crime statistics, since the construction rules vary widely. International comparisons of crime levels should as a rule be confined to findings of international victim surveys. The example of rape statistics in Sweden - about three times higher when compared to other countries in the European Sourcebook - is used to explain what factors can influence statistics. Statistical, legal and substansive factors are to be taken into account. The author shows that changes in statistical routines, the legal definition of rape and changes over time all influence the statistics in a substansive way. This article indicates the great extent to which crime statistics are a construct, whose appearance is very sensitive to the rules applied in the process of construction. In order to employ statistics appropriately, a thorough knowledge of the principles guiding this process is therefore essential.  相似文献   

Police supervisors play a critical role in preventing unreasonable use of force. Despite their importance, only a few studies have examined the influences of supervisors on their subordinates’ daily practices, especially on their uses of police force. To bridge this gap, the current study explored the relationship between supervisors’ education level and use of force training and subordinate officers’ use of force practices. Using police use of force reports from 2004 to 2007 in a single urban police department, the current study examined how supervisor education and training impact on police use-of-force and found both highly educated and trained supervisors moderate their subordinate officers’ uses of higher levels of force.  相似文献   

We report a case which was processed by the Philadelphia Office of the Medical Examiner in which a person with a previous known suicide attempt clearly provoked the Philadelphia police into shooting him. We believe that this is but one of many such incidents in which the victim provokes another into administering fatal injury. This is a mechanism of suicide which, we believe, is exemplified by the case presented.  相似文献   

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