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A search was conducted to find evidence of possible incestuous unions between the biologic parents of children involved in 2500 paternity cases. Suspicion was raised when either (1) a mother and her child possessed identical HLA phenotypes, or (2) the child appeared to be possibly homozygous for one maternal haplotype (i.e., one of the child's HLA haplotypes was a blank). These mother-child HLA-haplotype dualisms (MHDs) occurred in 5% of all cases. Frequency of exclusion of the accused men in cases demonstrating MHD, was compared with the remaining paternity cases.No significant difference was found in overall exclusion rates between MHD cases and controls when exclusion produced by HLA and red cell antigen systems were observed. However, there was a greater rate of exclusion in MHD cases when comparing exclusions produced by red cell antigen systems regardless of whether HLA tests excluded paternity (p < 0.025). MHD cases involving teenaged mothers differed from control cases in frequency of exclusion of paternity only on the basis of red cell antigen phenotyping (p < 0.005).The HLA system's usefulness in paternity testing is diminished when there is MHD; multiple, independently-inherited systems are relatively more useful in these circumstances.The search method detects only half of potential incest cases; proof of incest requires more extensive testing for homozygosity among other polymorphisms. Since calculations of likelihood of paternity are inappropriate in cases involving close consanguinity, detection and follow up studies are important.Data suggest that one-fifth of MHD cases may involve first degree consanguinity and that the incest rate among paternity cases may be as high as 2%.  相似文献   

Genome "dactyloscopy" (DNA fingerprinting) is a principally new way of personal identification based on analysis of human genetic material (DNA); the difference in DNA structure of different subjects is the scientific basis of this method. This ensures opportunity to estimate biological relationship of persons positively. The authors were the first to demonstrate using certain expert material the adequacy and potentials of DNA fingerprinting by M 13 probe for medicolegal expert practice in most complicated cases of relationship determination requiring positive identification of paternity and maternity.  相似文献   

Six erythrocyte antigen systems and the HLA system were evaluated to establish their practical value in 500 cases of disputed paternity. The actual results were very close to predicted values. HLA testing is expected to detect 92% and red cell testing is expected to detect 67% of men falsely accused in paternity suits. The findings of this study show that HLA detected 94% and red cell testing detected 69% of 107 men falsely accused in 500 paternity cases. In order of sensitivity, Rh, MNSs, and ABO were the most useful erythrocyte marker systems. There were six out of 107 cases in which exclusions would have been undetected if red cell typing had not been performed. Five of the six cases involved "common" HLA haplotypes.  相似文献   

In disputed paternity cases where the putative father is unavailable DNA from one or more of his relatives could be used. However, interpreting results is often difficult, because of the partial information regarding the parental genotype obtained from his relatives. We analyzed results obtained in 300 real paternity cases performed through close relatives of the real father (sib, half-sibs, one grandparent and/or uncle). DNA was typed with PowerPlex (Promega) and the LR estimated with the Software BDGen. As expected the higher LR values were achieved with sibs and half-sibs (in such cases where his/her mother was available for testing). The LR values were tight related to the number of uninformative loci, which varied between 0 and 13. In 10% of the reviewed cases, 10 or more non-informative loci were observed; all of them associated LR values below 0.01. Thus, providing evidence in favor of no relatedness.  相似文献   

We present a development and discussion of the biostatistical evaluation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe evidence in forensic science cases of disputed paternity and identity. We restrict ourselves to single-locus codominant systems (highly analogous to more conventional systems) which have the apparently novel complication of an experimentally continuous allele frequency distribution. This complication necessitates reformulations of standard biostatistical summaries of the evidence (the paternity index (PI) and the phenotype frequency, respectively). These reformulations, rather than representing a unique case, have applicability to the evaluation of evidence obtained in standard genetic systems now in widespread use.  相似文献   

随着《医疗事故处理条例》及《医疗事故技术鉴定暂行办法》的实施,各种医疗纠纷的处理也越来越规范,通过司法途径解决医疗纠纷的案例越来越多,然而,在具体案件的处理过程中,尤其是在鉴定过程中,往往要涉及病历资料真实性认定的问题。病历资料是否真实,是医患双方关注的焦点之一,是医疗事故技术鉴定能否进行的重要根据,所以对病历资料的真实性认定必须引起足够的重视。在实际工作中,医患双方对病历真实性的争议给医鉴工作带来了很大的困难。如何正确对待病历,如何处理争议病历,已成为医鉴过程中经常遇到的问题。一、重视病历的接收根据《医疗…  相似文献   

施庆喜  姜立学  杨曼曼  祝音飞 《证据科学》2006,13(4):F0002-F0002,291
随着《医疗事故处理条例》及《医疗事故技术鉴定暂行办法》的实施,各种医疗纠纷的处理也越来越规范,通过司法途径解决医疗纠纷的案例越来越多,然而.在具体案件的处理过程中,尤其是在鉴定过程中,往往要涉及病历资料真实性认定的问题。病历资料是否真实.是医患双方关注的焦点之一,是医疗事故技术鉴定能否进行的重要根据,所以对病历资料的真实性认定必须引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

Motherless case in paternity testing   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In paternity test using the DNA evidence, the analysis of the deficient case that the DNA profiles of mother or alleged father are not available is different from that of the trio case analyzed routinely. However, the motherless case that the genotypes of mother is not available has been requested and analyzed like the trio case. In this paper, we compared the motherless case and the trio case through the mean exclusion chance describing the probability of exclusion for a genetic marker system and the distribution of the probability of paternity calculated using the three current methods. We have also shown a case which can be falsely discriminated if it were requested in the analysis of the motherless case, and conclude that the analysis of the motherless case should be carefully conducted and the level for the discrimination should be different from that of the trio case.  相似文献   

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