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中国宪法面临着多元化的文化土壤,但占主导地位的是以具有集体主义倾向的传统文化和以集体主义为原则的社会主义文化。文化土壤的集体主义价值取向决定了中国宪法区别于西方自由主义文化背景下的个体主义宪法。中国宪法的集体主义品格首先体现在国家目标方面,中国宪法所确立的国家目标是以国家富强、民族复兴为核心的集体主义色彩浓厚的“中国梦”;其次体现在权利观念上,中国宪法在权利来源、权利范围和权利位阶上均持集体优位的价值立场;最后体现在权力结构上,中国宪法对权力的配置也基本遵循“局部服从整体、小集体服从大集体”的集体主义价值取向。  相似文献   

"用户满意度"包括产品功能、质量、服务、响应速度等,甚至包括对企业品牌、公司文化及管理制度的认可,直接关系到公司盈利状况.用户满意度反映的是用户的认可程度,体现了用户在消费产品或服务时所产生的感知效果与期望之间的关系:感知效果低于期望,用户则不满意;感知效果与期望相匹配,用户自然满意;感知效果超过期望,用户就会非常满意.长期看,用户满意度与品牌忠诚度和知名度关系密切.  相似文献   

周玉春 《法制与社会》2010,(30):250-250
中国传统文化追求和谐统一的价值取向,与西方文化强调个体、差异的价值取向有所不同。中国哲学的和谐辩证法思想所代表的价值观,对于中学哲学教育的改革,对于学生极端个人主义的人生态度化解、中正和谐的人生品性培养等,都有重要价值。  相似文献   

汤唯  刘涛 《法学论坛》2008,23(3):113-119
在科学发展观指导下,建设指导型、服务型、责任型政府,是建构和谐农村的的重大问题.而分析行政权力的价值取向和运行规律,对完善以政府为轴心的纠纷化解机制举足轻重.为此,须采取原理阐释与实证分析相结合的方法,揭示基层政权在解决农村纠纷中的特殊功用,从而为农村纠纷的行政解决途径提供学理支撑.  相似文献   

论民间文学艺术版权主体制度之构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
民间文学艺术是集体创造物,以浪漫主义为基础的个人作者观被认为是构建民间文学艺术版权保护制度的最大障碍。版权作者观经历了从普通工匠到创作天才、从个人主义到集体主义与个人主义相结合的演变过程。民间文学艺术来源群体和以自然人为主的传承人享有民间文学艺术版权,这与现代版权制度中个人与集体相结合的二元主体结构具有契合性。运用法定代理制度可以解决因民间文学艺术来源群体民事行为能力欠缺带来的权利主体虚位的世界性难题。  相似文献   

个人主义在人类文明的进程中起着重要的推动作用.爱默生的超验主义个人主义学说,不仅代表了美国19世纪中期的主流价值观,更揭示了个人主义的核心价值,具有超越时代和具体文化的启迪意义.孔子对个人主义基本元素的思考,是儒学思想的重要组成部分.在全球化语境中讨论儒学中具有普世意义的价值,对确立现代中国人的个人文化身份意义重大.  相似文献   

两种价值观对组织公民行为的预测及调节作用探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以188名企业员工及其主管和同事为被试,运用问卷调查法和分层回归分析的统计方法考察了个人主义/集体主义(I/C)独立于组织公平感,对组织公民行为的预测作用,及I/C对公平感与组织公民行为之间关系的调节作用。结果发现:I/C对主管和同事评价的OCB都具有独立于公平感的预测作用,同时还可以调节程序公平与同事评价OCB之间的关系,集体主义价值观越强,则程序公平感与同事评价OCB之间的相关越弱。  相似文献   

行政价值作为行政组织文化的核心,具有整合和引领、凝聚和辐射、协调和控制的功能。我国正处于转型期,行政价值观的失范在理论上表现为行政主导价值观的旁落和公共行政价值客体的异化,其在现实中表现为行政价值的理念庸俗化、行政价值取向的利己化、行政价值选择功利化的倾向。要克服这几种倾向,须从加强政治体制建设、深化经济体制改革、构建新型政府理念、推进行政文化创新和提高行政人员自我修养等方面作出努力。  相似文献   

专利代理服务作为知识产权服务业的重要组成部分,对保障专利制度的有效运转,推动我国知识产权强国和创新型国家建设具有重要作用.我国现行专利代理服务无论是在主体资质、服务能力、市场监管,还是在服务质量方面都存在许多不足.较之域外相关立法和经验,我国专利代理服务制度有必要从服务标准层面对服务机构、服务人员、服务行为、服务管理、服务评价等方面予以完善,最大限度地发挥专利代理服务在我国经济建设过程中的功能和价值.  相似文献   

吕炳斌 《法学研究》2022,44(1):153-170
美国在知识产权全球治理中呈现出一味强化权利保护的价值倾向。受其影响,知识产权保护的国际规则呈现不断强化之势。但是,美国在国内法中存在对知识产权强化保护的平衡机制,有别于其对外片面输出强化保护规则。一味强化保护的知识产权制度会走向偏颇。我国在知识产权国际博弈和对话中需要提出自己的话语和话语体系,其前提是明确本国话语的价值取向。相比历史、文化取向而言,话语构造的价值取向路径具有优越性。在国际博弈中,我国宜秉持并提倡知识产权法的二元价值取向。二元价值取向契合知识产权法基本原理,体现了世界共同价值,其核心作用在于纠偏,我国应坚持和发扬这一价值取向。  相似文献   


This article provides a new conceptual framework based on the Strategy Tripod to understand challenges and orientation that affect performance evaluation in the organizations of cultural and creative industries (CCI). The analysis is built on a quantitative study carried out in Estonia. Multinomial logistic regression was performed to assess the ability of different variables to predict performance evaluation. The new conceptual framework provides a holistic understanding of the uncertain environment and its impact on strategic management in “evaluation-friendly” organizations in CCIs. It adds new insight into theoretical and managerial discussions on how and why strategic management in CCIs is practiced.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to demonstrate the need to bridge the gap between the economic and culture-based approaches to two issues which are fundamental to the debate over the relationship between legal reform and economic development: (a) the relative importance which economic actors around the world place on the legal system and (b) the core components of an effective legal system, as defined by those economic actors. It first outlines the major tenets of current economic legal reform policy, focusing on its underlying assumption that the perceptions and expectations of economic actors around the world do not vary significantly. Data from Geert Hofstede's study of variance in cultural values are then analysed in order to demonstrate how cultural values might affect private sector perceptions and expectations of legal systems as supporters of material progress. It concludes that there is a clear need for a more interdisciplinary approach to the debate over the relationship between legal reform and economic development, and the potential variance in private sector perceptions and expectations of legal systems in particular. Such an approach might be initiated through a systematic integration of existing data and theory from each discipline, reinforced by a new multi-country survey.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how cost‐benefit calculation influences compliance with pesticide regulation by Chinese farmers. Building on a study including 150 farmers and experts, it studies how operational costs and benefits and deterrence affect compliance. Moreover, it studies what variation in cost‐benefit perceptions there are with different types of rules, farms, and villages. It finds that, in this context, cost‐benefit calculation matters for compliance; with operational costs and benefits being more clearly related to compliant behavior than deterrence. It highlights that perceptions about costs and benefits are situational and vary along the type of legal rule and the type of regulated actor. It also shows that such perceptions are individually subjective, as even with similar rules and similar types of actors, perceptions vary. The paper concludes by stating expectations on how the situational and subjective nature of cost‐benefit calculation can inform regulators seeking to enhance compliance.  相似文献   

Regulatory scholars have increasingly observed that it is not only public regulatory agencies and official enforcement action that motivate and enforce businesses' compliance with the law; in many situations, certain third parties may have greater capacity and power to motivate and enforce compliance with the law than do official regulatory agencies. This paper examines the extent to which businesses' worries about, and perceptions of pressure from, various third parties influence their internal compliance management activities and moral commitment in relation to complying with the objectives of competition and consumer protection law. Using data from a survey of 999 large Australian businesses, we find that businesses worry a lot about the reactions of a range of third parties including customers, shareholders, employees, and business partners to non-compliance. We find little evidence that these worries have much impact on what businesses actually do. However, perceptions of risk of complaints do influence what they do.  相似文献   

According to the importation model, individual attributes such as gender and race influence correctional orientation. In contrast, the work/role model contends that differences in correctional orientation are due to work experiences and environment. The purpose of the present study was to explore whether individual attributes, work-related experiences, and perceptions of one's own cultural competency and juveniles' social supports predicted rehabilitation orientation for one hundred juvenile probation officers working within an organization framework that favored a balanced approach to juvenile justice. Multiple regression results indicated that the importation variables were not predictive of rehabilitation orientation, either as a set or individually. The work/role model and the perception variable sets predicted rehabilitation orientation. Employment type and perceptions of social support were most strongly related to rehabilitation orientation. The study's unique contribution stems from its use of unordered sets analyses to examine the relative validity of theoretical grounded sets of variables.  相似文献   

党的十八大报告把中国特色社会主义文化建设推向了一个新的高度。"扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设"思想凝结着中国共产党文化建设思想的智慧,体现了建构中国特色社会主义文化话语体系理论特色的价值逻辑。其蕴含的新观点、新精髓、新思路、新提法,丰富了建构社会主义文化话语体系的先进特色、民族特色、和谐特色、时代特色的重要理论内涵。新观点体现了建构中国特色社会主义文化话语体系先进特色的价值目标。新精髓形成了建构中国特色社会主义文化话语体系民族特色的理论核心。新思路体现了建构中国特色社会主义文化话语体系和谐特色的发展导向。新提法体现了建构中国特色社会主义文化话语体系时代特色的实践创新。  相似文献   

司法权威的文化建构机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种文化现象,司法权威取决于人们对司法主体的文化定位、司法过程的文化认同和司法结果的文化支持。司法主体权威的内:函、能量和界限取决于司法角色的文化定位、司法功能的文化期待和司法管辖范围的文化选择;司法活动是寻找事实和寻求法律的文化认识、文化评价和文化选择的过程,其权威根源于文化认同,来自于文化共识,立基于文化解释。司法裁判的权威深受人们诉讼观念的影响,尊重司法结果的文化意识是司法权威确立的前提,认同司法结果的文化取向是司法权威的基础,支持司法最终解决的文化理念是司法权威的支撑。只有给法官能够独立思考和判断的空间,只要对司法机关作出的事实判断、法律解释、司法立法给予足够的尊重、理解和支持,法官才能摆脱外在的各种压力,真正走向自治和自强,从而不断地提升司法的权威性。  相似文献   

The impact and effectiveness of organizational justice efforts vary across cultures. Previous justice research has focused on such themes as outcome allocation, process criteria, allocation control, and decision justification largely from a Western point of view. This paper analyzes organizational justice perceptions from a cross-cultural perspective. More specifically, using the Hofstede cultural dimensions (individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, and power distance), key justice areas are examined. Further, predictions as to the general salience of key justice areas are offered relative to a national culture's overall organizational justice preferences and tendencies.  相似文献   

徐琳 《行政与法》2014,(5):88-92
在新一轮城镇化建设过程中,公共服务再次成为社会各界关注的焦点,这也是我国各级政府部门面临的首要问题之一.提供怎样的公共服务以满足城镇居民日益增长的需求和期望,借鉴法国公共服务法在立法和实施中的经验可以发现我国公共服务领域中存在的相关的法律和社会问题,基于此,本文尝试提出与我国公共服务立法相关的建议,以期为我国公共服务立法的前期准备工作提供必要的参考.  相似文献   

In recent years, comparative corruption analysis has been fuelled by the growth of international survey data on related perceptions. Taking issue with the typological vein of such analysis, this article questions both the treatment of perceptions indices and the validity and pertinence of variables used to explain them. It is argued that perceptions are conflated with practice, whilst explanatory variables appear ungrounded in empirical reality. These limitations serve to reinforce expectations that corruption is a menace to be associated primarily with societies of the global periphery. Drawing on the supposedly paradigmatic case of Britain, the article suggests that the problem of bias in comparative scholarship is compounded by three factors: the failure of comparative and domestic-focused literatures to engage with one another in sufficient depth; the relative lack of qualitative research into corruption within core Western states; and the neglect of power in the study of perceptions and practices at comparative and domestic-focused levels of analysis.  相似文献   

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