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After the policy on the local autonomy is implemented, the legal protection of the sugar cane farmers has not yet been able to improve wellfare of farmers, due to some factors. First, the regulations have not taken sides to the welfare of the farmers and no synchronization exists, even there has been a disharmony in various regulations on the protection of the sugar cane farmers. Second, the farmers institutions have not been well organized, and this condition makes the bargaining position of the farmers weak when they face external powers, either the government or the capital owners. Third, land availability to plan sugar canes always decreases. The land possession of farmers is reduced among the macro-economic phenomenon. Ironically, at present 49.5% of farmers in Java and 18. 7 % farmers out of Java are not land owners. Therefore, philosophically, the legal protection of the sugar cane farmers in the future should still refer to the rechtides as stated in Pancasila (Five Basic Principles). Sociologically, such a protection should reflect the factual condition, and give benefits for farmer welfare and juridically, synchronization and harmonization of the regulations should be quickly made.  相似文献   

Sutherland's conceptualization of professional crime, while hailed as a milestone in criminology, has been criticized as excessively narrow, and its applicability to modern criminal activity has also been seriously questioned. Using qualitative data developed during an 18-month investigation, this paper demonstrates that modern-day stoopers, who retrieve discarded winning racetrack tickets, manifest criminal behavior that closely resembles Sutherland 's characterization of professional crime. The characteristics of this small group of determined thieves are delineated by using the j v e criteria of professionalism established by Sutherland. This delineation demonstrates that the Sutherland model remains viable and shouId not be relegated to the status of an historical footnote.  相似文献   

In the past, international Evidence law reformers have focused primarily on substantive evidentiary doctrines. However, for reforms to be effective, the courts and legislatures must state the revised doctrines in a form that promotes the overall objectives of the legal system. The basic choice facing reformers is among a creed identifying broad goals, a code stating flexible principles, and a catalogue prescribing detailed rules. In the past, especially in the United States, there was a consensus among Evidence scholars that the code format is preferable. However, if a key objective of a national legal system is to encourage pretrial disposition of cases, the courts and legislatures should give serious thought to utilizing a catalogue format. That format is especially attractive in the doctrinal areas such as privilege in which evidentiary rules are intended to affect primary behavior outside the courtroom.  相似文献   

牙齿结构变化图像分析测量指标与个体年龄相关性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用图像分析法对牙齿结构变化指标与个体年龄相关性进行研究,所用牙齿标本均取自香港大学口腔生物中心牙库,共得到人体牙齿842颗,标本来源的个体年龄范围为13~84岁,采用Kontron电子计算机图像分析仪直接测量法进行各牙齿标本的外表和切片检查,检查所得数据均输入电子计算机数据库软件,并使用社会科学统计专用软件包(spss)进行相关性分析。结果表明,与个体年龄相关性较好的指标依次为TP2’,S2,T2’,EP,TCI等,如按牙齿类型分类,与个体年龄相关性较好的指标为:T2’,S2’,TCI等(切牙与尖牙类),CCP’,EP’,E’等(前磨牙类),TP2’,S2’,EPWNL’等(磨牙类)。  相似文献   

山东半岛地区大学生手长足长与身高关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对山东半岛地区1000名汉族大学生的手长、足长和身高进行活体测量。经统计学处理,求出由手长、足长与身高相互推算的回归方程式。相关系数为0.51~0.66,其中男性高于女性。由手长推算身高的回归方程式较由足长推算身高的回归方程式,有较高的相关系数和较低的标准估计误差。  相似文献   

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