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Preparations of chronic subdural hematomas (CSH) obtained during surgery from 29 patients aged 19-50 years are studied. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin after van Gieson. Morphological criteria of CSH variants are defined, permitting forensic medical experts to make well-based conclusions on the nature (traumatic or not) of CSH (two types of capsules) and the time when it occurred.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of subdural hematomas is carried out: 493 in subjects dead from mechanical injuries (from files of forensic medical morgues in Tver', 1992-1994), and 37 cases with chronic subdural hematomas (from files of forensic medical morgues No. 2 and 6 in Moscow, 1995-1997). Age and sex of victims, time and circumstances of injuries, topographic and morphological features of subdural hemorrhages and their relation to concomitant injuries, and presence of ethyl alcohol in the organism are studied. The data on chronic subdural hematomas are presented. The authors emphasize the need in forensic medical studies of this condition.  相似文献   

The present morphometric investigation was carried out using dura matter preparations, capsules, and contents of 94 encapsulated subdural hematomas obtained from the corpses of subjects with a non-penetrating craniocerebral injury and the duration of the post-traumatic period ranging from 8 days to 2.5 years. The correlation analysis confirmed the necessity of differentiation between resorbed and unresorbed encapsulated subdural hematomas. The data obtained were used to construct 5 regression models for the estimation of the age of unresorbed encapsulated subdural hematomas and 1 regression model for the identification of the age of resorbed encapsulated subdural hematomas. The regression models included different combinations of three morphometric characteristics of the hematoma capsule as the independent variables, viz. maximum thickness, relative extent of hemosiderosis, and relative amount of macrophages in the cellular infiltrate. The amount of variability in the age of encapsulated subdural hematomas accounted for by the regression models is 62%. It is concluded that the results of the study can be used in the practical work of forensic medical experts.  相似文献   

We describe an infant with an acute subdural hematoma, a fatal head injury, and severe hemorrhagic retinopathy caused by a stairway fall. His cerebral and ocular findings are considered diagnostic of abusive head trauma by many authors. Our literature search of serious injuries or fatalities from stairway or low-height falls involving young children yielded 19 articles of primary data. These articles are discrepant, making the classification of a young child's death following a reported short fall problematic. This case report contradicts the prevalent belief of many physicians dealing with suspected child abuse that low-height falls by young children are without exception benign occurrences and cannot cause fatal intracranial injuries and severe retinal hemorrhages. The irreparable harm to a caregiver facing an erroneous allegation of child abuse requires physicians to thoroughly investigate and correctly classify pediatric accidental head injuries.  相似文献   

The photocolorimetric method was employed to measure hemoglobin levels in 46 traumatic subdural hematomas of different age. The data thus obtained were used to construct a logarithmic regression model for the determination of the age of subdural hematomas from the concentration of hemoglobin. The model allows to determine injury time points and intervals at any desired level of confidence probability. The fraction of dispersion of hematoma age values attributable to regression was estimated at 41% which accounts for 74.7% of the maximally possible magnitude. Results of the study can be used in practical work of a forensic-medical experts.  相似文献   

长期饮酒对急性中毒大鼠死后体液内MDMA再分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究长期饮酒对急性中毒大鼠体液中亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺(MDMA)死后再分布的影响。方法 SD雄性大鼠360只,随机均分为A、B、C、D 4组;A、B组以白酒,C、D组以双蒸水为饮用液体,4周后各组按150mg/kg MDMA剂量灌胃,处死后分置于25℃、4℃条件下;以VARIAN CP-3800气相色谱仪分别检测处死时血乙醇含量和0~10d内体液样品中MDMA浓度。结果 0~10d不同条件下,大鼠血液、玻璃体液及尿液中MDMA的PMR浓度变化趋势均为先升高、后降低;各时间点A、B组和C、D组大鼠各体液样本MDMA浓度较0h均有显著性差异(P<0.05),各时间点A与C组、B与D组之间体液样本MDMA浓度有显著性差异(P<0.05);A与B组、C与D组之间体液样本MDMA浓度有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论长期饮用乙醇会降低MDMA在体液样品中的再分布,其影响程度高低依次为血液、尿液及玻璃体液;低温也可减少体液中MDMA的再分布。  相似文献   

The post mortem redistribution of ten commonly prescribed antipsychotic drugs (APs) was investigated. Femoral blood was collected from 273 cases at admission to mortuary (AD) and at post-mortem (PM). The PM samples were collected at various times up to nine days after admission and the sample pairs analysed using LC-MS/MS. The drugs included in this study were 9OH-risperidone (paliperidone), amisulpride, chlorpromazine, clozapine, haloperidol, olanzapine, promethazine, quetiapine, risperidone, and zuclopenthixol. Haloperidol, quetiapine and risperidone showed minimal changes between AD and PM specimens, whereas the majority of drugs showed significant changes between the sample pairs collected at different time points post mortem (p<0.01) in addition to an average concentration change greater than the uncertainty of measurement of the applied method. Average increases in blood concentrations after admission to the mortuary ranged up to 112% (chlorpromazine and olanzapine) but also decreases up to -43% (9OH-risperidone) were seen. There were large standard deviations between sample pairs and substantial day-to-day unpredictable changes that highlight the difficulty in the interpretation of drug concentrations post-mortem. Based on the presented data, we recommend that specimens for toxicological analysis should to be taken as soon as possible after admission of a deceased person to the mortuary in order to minimise the effects of the PM interval on the drug concentration in blood.  相似文献   

A brief statistical analysis of the pelvic hematomas' evolution in traumas with various localizations is presented in the article. The current published data were made use of to describe the state-of-art for the time being. Finally, problems related with the forensic-medical aspects of the issue are defined, and methods to cope with them are appropriately suggested.  相似文献   

Presents the results of spectrophotometric and histologic examinations of subdural bleedings, meninges and brain matter in the acute period of a lethal craniocerebral injury. Discusses the possible use of a complex of histologic and biochemical studies in determination of the period elapsed since the injury.  相似文献   

The post-mortem redistribution of a number of psychiatric drugs was investigated. A portion of liver, the gastric contents and blood collected from heart and femoral sites was obtained from 13 cases and analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Drugs detected included five selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; venlafaxine, a serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor; and risperidone, an atypical antipsychotic. Heart blood concentrations were significantly higher (3.4-fold on average) than those measured in femoral blood when results from all drugs were included together. The range for parent drug concentrations in these two blood specimens was 0.5-6.2. There was no significant correlation of the post-mortem interval, the liver concentration and content of drugs in the gastric contents to the heart:femoral blood concentration ratio. These data serve to demonstrate that variable increases in blood concentration occur post-mortem and limit the interpretative value of such toxicological data.  相似文献   

In this article, I try to do two things. First I analyse critically the suggestion that the principles of criminal culpability can be explained by reference to a single, all-encompassing concept, such as “defiance of the law”. I then go on to explain the foundations of criminal culpability by reference to three interlocking theories — the capacity theory, the character theory, and the agency theory. I conclude that even these three theories may not be sufficient to explain the complex structure of culpability, which is shaped as much by shared cultural understanding as by moral theory.  相似文献   

I consider the question of whether critical legal theory can amount to more than an obstructive exercise and point to an alternative approach to the problem of institutional justice. I am not trying to redeem critical legal theory neither do I attempt to exonerate it from the charge of obstruction or as Drucilla Cornell terms it, negative dialectics. However, I share to some lesser degree the concern that it ought to be possible to offer more than the exposure of camouflaged injustice. By camouflaged I mean that branch of jurisprudence, positivist in outlook and tonality that maintains and defends the violation of the other as an integral and necessary aspect of law and further argues that as such it is entirely ethical. I examine a number of different perspectives to this seemingly impossible challenge. Borrowing from and adapting their theses I then go on to suggest my own solution for applying alterity to juridical encounters with the Other.Dr. Amanda Loumansky is a Sessional Lecturer at the Faculty of Continuing Education, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK  相似文献   

对MDMA死后再分布及其发生机制进行的动物实验和案例研究的文献,阐述MDMA死后心血浓度升高、死后通过胃肠道和气管内MDMA的再分布、MDMA在死后代谢再分布中的作用,以及死后再分布的发生机制与死后血液流动、顺浓度梯度扩散、毒物的代谢等有关的问题。  相似文献   

Postmortem redistribution of morphine and its metabolites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The postmortem redistribution of morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide, morphine-6-glucuronide and total morphine was assessed in 40 heroin-related deaths. In blood taken from subclavian, heart, and femoral regions, concentrations of morphine and its metabolites were similar. While there was a trend for higher concentrations in heart blood, when compared with femoral or subclavian blood, this was not significant. There was also no significant difference in concentrations between admission and autopsy blood in which the postmortem interval was on average 59 h. From our observations, significant postmortem redistribution of morphine and its metabolites seems unlikely.  相似文献   

The extent of postmortem drug redistribution in a rat model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to investigate the postmortem redistribution of several drugs in a rat model and to examine if any of the pharmacological properties was related to the extent of this phenomenon. One of the following drugs: phenobarbital (phenobarbitone), acetaminophen (paracetamol), carbamazepine, codeine, verapamil, amphetamine, mianserin, trimeprazine (alimemazine) or chloroquine was administered together with nortriptyline orally to rats 90 min prior to sacrifice. Heart blood was sampled immediately before sacrifice and after 2 h postmortem, as it has previously been shown that this is sufficient time for postmortem concentration changes to occur in heart blood. Blood was also sampled from the clamped abdominal inferior vena cava (representing peripheral blood) and tissue samples were taken from lungs, myocardium, liver, kidney, thigh muscle, forebrain, and vitreous humor together with a specimen from the minced carcass. Drugs were analyzed by high performance liquid or gas chromatography. For phenobarbital, acetaminophen and carbamazepine the postmortem to antemortem blood drug concentration ratios were close to 1.0 and tissue concentrations were low. The postmortem to antemortem heart blood drug concentration ratio for chloroquine (6.9 +/- 1.5) was higher than for nortriptyline (3.5 +/- 0.3), and the remaining drugs (codeine, verapamil, amphetamine, mianserin, and trimeprazine) showed ratios of the same magnitude as nortriptyline. The postmortem to antemortem blood drug concentration ratios for both heart blood and blood from the vena cava and also the lung to antemortem blood drug concentration ratio were closely related to the apparent volume of distribution for the drugs studied (p < 0.001). Accordingly, an apparent volume of distribution of more than 3-4 L/kg is a good predictor that a drug is liable to undergo postmortem redistribution with significant increments in blood levels. The postmortem drug concentration in blood from vena cava was closely related to the antemortem blood level, confirming that among the postmortem samples, the peripheral blood sample was the most representative for the antemortem blood concentration.  相似文献   

Du QX  Yue W  Wang YY 《法医学杂志》2011,27(3):164-168
目的 探讨中介素(intermedin,IMD)对大鼠急性心肌缺血损伤的作用及机制,为研究心源性猝死机制提供思路.方法 72只健康雄性大鼠随机分为对照组、缺血组、IMD干预组.酶化学法检测心血中乳酸脱氢酶(1actate dehvdrogenase,LDH)、丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)、超氧化物歧...  相似文献   

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