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We analyzed forensic autopsy findings of 66 consecutive patients with fatal closed head injury who survived up to 48 days after trauma to ascertain the causal factors and the time course of development of posttraumatic pituitary lesions. Pituitary lesions were identified in 27 patients. In patients with pituitary lesions, posterior lobe hemorrhage was observed in 21 patients, followed by anterior lobe hemorrhage in 10 patients and anterior lobe infarct in 7 patients. Comparisons between patients with and without pituitary lesions showed that falls and subdural hematoma were significantly frequent in patients with pituitary lesions. Immunohistochemistry of neurophysin showed increased immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of patients with pituitary lesions and brain edema, providing morphologic evidence of pituitary dysfunction. Hemorrhage in the anterior or posterior lobe was identifiable in patients with short survival periods, whereas infarct in the anterior lobe appeared in patients surviving at least 14 hours. These data further our understanding of the mechanisms of pituitary dysfunctions and help in the estimation of the survival period after head trauma.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to investigate the incidence of alcohol consumption in fatal traffic deaths in Shanghai, one of the largest cities in China. A study was conducted on 803 individuals killed in road accidents during the period 2009–2011, in terms of alcohol-positive rate, mean blood alcohol content (BAC), gender, age, vehicle type, pedestrian alcohol problem, single-vehicle vs multiple-vehicle crashes, and time of day. It was found that 28.9% of the drivers involved had a BAC  0.20 mg/mL (limit of civil offense) and 21.8% had a BAC  0.80 mg/mL (limit of criminal offense). The mean BAC of alcohol-positive drivers (with a BAC  0.20 mg/mL) was 1.51 mg/mL. The vast majority of the drivers involved were males. With regards to age, the largest group was of drivers aged between 40 and 49 years group in both alcohol-negative cases (26.8%) and alcohol-positive cases (26.2%). Motorcycles were most likely to be involved, representing 34.4% of alcohol-negative crashes and 51.6% of alcohol-positive crashes. Very high BACs were common among alcohol-positive pedestrians, yet all female pedestrians were alcohol-negative. Single-vehicle crashes were over-represented in alcohol-positive cases. Alcohol-negative crashes and alcohol-positive crashes most often happened during the time period of 17:00–18:59 and 19:00–20:59, respectively.  相似文献   

头部受力后导致脑肿胀并发TNH的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨头部受力后导致脑肿胀并发TNH的相互关系。方法采用福尔马林固定的91例大脑标本,根据脑的损伤特点分三组分别作冠、矢及水平状切面,肉眼观察。结果发现脑损伤致脑肿胀后产生的TNH有三种类型,即前位疝65例(71.4%),后位疝5例(5.5%),及单、双侧全疝21例(23.1%)。其中16例全疝仍见以前位疝最显著。结论头部受力后易在额颞部发生前位疝。TNH虽与受力部位、受力机制有一定关系,但仍与受力强度、伤后存活时间关系密切。  相似文献   

By far, most research on the behavior of socially anxious individuals has focused on the "flight" rather than the "fight" response described in the traditional conceptualization of anxiety. More recently, however, there has been some speculation and emerging evidence suggesting that social anxiety and aggression may be related. The present study examined social anxiety as a predictor of dating aggression within a late adolescent sample. Two forms of dating aggression were assessed: physical aggression, such as slapping, use of a weapon, or forced sexual activity, and psychological aggression, such as slamming doors, insulting, or refusing to talk to one's partner. One aspect of social anxiety, Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE), emerged as a significant predictor of male dating aggression, even after controlling for relationship quality. Notably, FNE was most predictive of increased aggression of both types when men also perceived their romantic relationship to be more antagonistic. Despite its demonstrated importance as a contextual variable, however, relationship quality did not mediate the association between FNE and psychological or physical aggression. Implications for prevailing conceptualizations of social anxiety and dating aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

Acute myoglobinuria as a fatal complication of heroin addiction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A fatal case of myoglobinuria complicating heroin addiction is described. Clinically the patient had no overt symptoms of rhabdomyolysis. Pathologists should be alerted to this rare complication in heroin addicts who die of no apparent cause. The antimyoglobin immunoperoxidase technique is useful in confirming the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 33-year old hobby pyrotechnician sustained a lethal craniofacial trauma secondary to a salute fireworks blast. He was examining a misfire of a self-constructed salute gun, when it detonated, causing an explosively rupture of his forehead, which led to his immediate death. An autopsy was performed to achieve knowledge of the injury and to be able to reconstruct the events that lead to it. The pressure effect of the explosion caused a shredded rupture of the forehead with a regional spread of brain tissue and small polygonal skull fragments up to 30m from the detonation site. Furthermore multiple cinderlike fragments of black powder were embedded in the skin of the face and the anterior aspect of the neck (s.c. blast tattoo). The complete destruction of the forehead in combination with the multiple blast tattooing suggested that the explosion detonated while he was leaning over the device.  相似文献   

This article represents the work of the National Association of Medical Examiners Ad Hoc Committee on shaken baby syndrome. Abusive head injuries include injuries caused by shaking as well as impact to the head, either by directly striking the head or by causing the head to strike another object or surface. Because of anatomic and developmental differences in the brain and skull of the young child, the mechanisms and types of injuries that affect the head differ from those that affect the older child or adult. The mechanism of injury produced by inflicted head injuries in these children is most often rotational movement of the brain within the cranial cavity. Rotational movement of the brain damages the nervous system by creating shearing forces, which cause diffuse axonal injury with disruption of axons and tearing of bridging veins, which causes subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages, and is very commonly associated with retinal schisis and hemorrhages. Recognition of this mechanism of injury may be helpful in severe acute rotational brain injuries because it facilitates understanding of such clinical features as the decrease in the level of consciousness and respiratory distress seen in these injured children. The pathologic findings of subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and retinal hemorrhages are offered as "markers" to assist in the recognition of the presence of shearing brain injury in young children.  相似文献   

A pilot and his passenger were killed on impact with the ground when their light aircraft crashed. Both deaths were caused by extensive injuries involving severe craniocerebral, skeletal, soft tissue, and organ trauma. In both victims, the legs were shortened, with stripping of muscle and soft tissues from the shafts of the lower limb long bones. In addition, fragments of distal tibial shaft had been forced through the soles of the victims' shoes. This sign indicated a fall from height and showed that the direction of the decelerative forces had been along the axis of the legs and that the force of impact was severe enough to cause fracturing of the lower limb bones, with subsequent extrusion of bone fragments downwards through the shoes. When present, this observation represents another feature at autopsy that can add to the understanding of the circumstances of a fatal air crash and the position of the victims immediately prior to impact.  相似文献   

The 202 deaths connected with burns in 1976-1986 included 134 in which death occurred during the fire. In 49 cases the face was so badly charred that it was not possible to judge whether hemorrhage had occurred in the eyelids and/or conjuctivae. Such blood extravasation was seen in 14 of the remaining 85 cases, taking the form of petechiae in some cases and in others the form associated with more extensive extravasation, in some cases hemolytic. No other features known to cause such hemorrhages were present, so that they are attributed to the burning process itself. Signs of extensive pronounced burns were found in 13 of these cases, and it seemed that high-degree burns on the neck and trunk with less severe burns on the head were particularly likely to be associated with such hemorrhages. In most cases the flames had quickly come into direct contact with the body (clothing, bed or chair had caught fire), leading to rapid death, as documented by the fact that usually very little or no soot at all had been aspirated and by the low level of carbon monoxide intoxication (max. COHb 22%). One plausible explanation for the development of hemorrhage is the supposition first expressed over 20 years ago that when the circulation is maintained rapid burn-induced shrinkage of the skin of the neck has the effect of strangulating the victim; hemorrhage of eyelids and/or conjunctivae in such cases be could regarded as a vital reaction to the effect of fire. This is particularly significant, insofar as evidence of hemorrhage of this kind was found predominantly in bodies in which other vital signs indicative of the effects of burning were sparse and slight or even totally absent. In addition, specific examination of the laryngeal area revealed congestion-induced extravasation at various points, as well as petechial hemorrhage in the mucous membrane.  相似文献   

In the course of a scuffle, a youth of 18 years was struck a single blow across the chest with a golf club. He collapsed dead on the spot. At autopsy, a precisely located and highly distinctive patterned imprint abrasion of the precordial region was revealed providing an excellent match with the weapon. The heart showed multiple internal ruptures and there was a laceration of the lingula of the left lung. Injury to the chest wall was confined to the soft tissues, the rib cage and sternum being intact. We postulate a novel mechanism to explain the cardiac rupture.  相似文献   

A 32-year-old Caucasian male with a history of repeated self-injury drilled a hole in his skull using a power tool and subsequently introduced intracerebrally a binding wire from a sketch pad. An emergency craniotomy was performed around the site of cranial injury, and the foreign body was carefully extracted. The wire was located partially in the subdural space and partially in the right hemisphere of the brain. The patient made an excellent recovery and was referred to a psychiatrist for further treatment. This is a rare case of unusual and complex repetitive self-destructive behavior without apparent suicidal intent. The pertinent literature is reviewed and the surgical and psychiatric implications of such injuries are discussed.  相似文献   

Homicidality rates have been shown to be more prominent among persons diagnosed with mental disorders as compared to the general population. However, the role that anxiety plays in homicidal ideation and intent is poorly understood. This study investigated predictors of homicidal intent, thought, or plan in an adult population of psychiatric inpatients diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Results suggest that the factors most strongly associated with homicidality include male gender, substance abuse, mania, and current legal problems. Multiple regression analyses showed that only male gender predicted homicidality when other variables were taken into account.  相似文献   

The authors report on an initially unrecognized fatal accident caused by electric current at the place of work. The source of the current was a satellite dish which had been improperly connected to an old music box with subsequent connection to the household electrocution system (220 V, 50 Hz). Only when a second nearly fatal accident occurred, proper diagnosis and detection of the uncommon source of the electric current was made.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the role of empathy in predicting recidivism among young adult offenders. During their prison terms, 748 male offenders between the ages of 15 and 28 were administered the interpersonal reactivity index (IRI; Davis, 1980). Official criminal records were used to determine general as well as violent recidivism during the (on average) five years following release from prison. Cox regression models of reoffense rates were calculated using IRI scales as explanatory variables while controlling for age, socioeconomic status, duration of imprisonment, and intelligence. The global empathy score and the subscales of perspective taking and empathic fantasy, but neither empathic concern nor personal distress, contributed to the prediction of recidivism. Furthermore, empathy did not contribute significantly to the prediction of violent reoffending. However, comparing offenders whose index crimes were violent versus nonviolent, violent offenders scored lower on the IRI and recidivated more often with a violent offence than did nonviolent offenders.  相似文献   

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