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应德国社民党、西班牙工社党、比利时法语革新运动以及欧洲人民党邀请,中共中央对外联络部副部长张志军率中共友好代表团于2007年10月26日-11月10日访问了上述三国及欧洲议会,并顺访法国.  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断推进,近年来上海经济社会持续、稳定发展并取得了显著的成效.中国的发展、上海的进步普遍受到世界各方关注.2004年来上海访问的境外游客超过400万人次,来沪访问的各类团组逐年剧增,其中相当一部分属于外国政党及其他非政府组织代表团.  相似文献   

How do political parties react to foreign security threats? There has been very little attention paid in the literature generally to how parties react to international events, particularly how parties react to foreign policy threats. Using data from the Comparative Manifesto Project, we examine how political parties in countries in Europe have reacted to Russian actions in terms of their emphasis on security issues. Based upon our analysis of the manifestoes from 331 parties in 36 countries we find that, generally, interstate threats have no significant effect on the military position adopted by political parties, although these effects vary by party type and by the type of threat. Russian based threats appear to be associated with the Far Left becoming more dovish (which is consistent with what would be expected by the literature) and the Far Right becoming significantly less hawkish.  相似文献   

前不久,美国民主、共和两党分别在波士顿和纽约召开全国代表大会,分别正式提名克里、布什为党的总统候选人,并通过新党纲,从而为两党总统竞选正式拉开了序幕.从两党竞选纲领和两位总统候选人发表的言论可以清楚地看到两党今后的基本政策走向.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of inter-firm interaction and geographical proximity in the determination of productivity spillover effects from foreign to domestic firms. We developed an estimation approach using the Spatial Durbin model and applied this to a firm-level dataset from Vietnam from 2000–2005. We found that productivity spillovers diminished when the distance between foreign and domestic firms increases and that interactions among local firms amplify the spillovers. Within short distances, the presence of foreign firms creates positive backward, negative forward and horizontal spillovers. Based on the findings, several implications are extracted regarding promotion policy for foreign direct investment in developing countries.  相似文献   

Increasingly, European radical right parties have capitalized on citizen dissatisfaction with the European Union institutions. As a new EU member, to what extent have supporters of the radical right in Romania turned away from Europe? I evaluate this question by tracking the evolution of radical right parties in Romania. I find that supporters of the radical right in Romania are generally do not support or do not trust the EU. The Greater Romania Party is well-positioned to expand its electoral base in the foreseeable future if it can widen its appeal to those Romanians who are ambivalent to the EU.  相似文献   

随着国际金融危机在全球的不断蔓延,对中国实体经济的冲击也不断加深。山东省潍坊市很大一批企业,特别是出口企业都遇到了市场萎缩、利润降低、融资困难等方面的问题。为此,在深入学习实践科学发展观活动中,山东省潍坊市外侨办注重突出实践特色,把解决企业面临的实际问题作为提高活动成效的着力点,充分发挥部门优势,多措并举,  相似文献   

Relying on a new institutional economics analysis of transaction costs, the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness emphasizes donor harmonization as an intermediate objective for increasing the effectiveness of foreign assistance in bringing about development outcomes. Surveys on adherence to the Paris Declaration commitments so far suggest that foreign aid donors are lagging behind targets. This paper explores the political and bureaucratic obstacles faced by bilateral and multilateral aid organizations trying to harmonize aid at the country level. Looking at foreign support for the decentralization and local governance sector in Indonesia??where a ??bold experiment?? in harmonization failed to bring about improved donor coordination??I find evidence that the lack of harmonization can be linked to some of the characteristic pathologies of foreign aid: the dominance of the strategic interests of some donors and the structure of bureaucratic incentives within aid agencies. These traditional problems work through a pathway that is underexplored in the literature: by enabling a lack of coordination among agencies within the recipient government, donors create barriers to harmonization of their own programming. However, I conclude by noting that government coordination failure may not be as much of a problem as donors make it out to be. Decisions about governance and decentralization are necessarily contentious and political. In the case where donors succeed in bringing about government coordination in the interest of their own harmonization, they risk exercising harmful leverage that leads to premature resolution of domestic policy disputes, thereby undermining the Paris Declaration principle of country ownership.  相似文献   

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