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从类型来说,中国陆地边境口岸类型多元;从分布来说,北少南多、东密西疏、两头多中间少;从基本建设来说,中国边境口岸基础建设设施需要改善或提升;从功能上来说,北守南通、北货南人、东通西控;从规划和运行来说,受周边国家利益、国家政策影响至深;从建设现状来说,多数陆地边境口岸的基本建设需要提升;从效果来说,绝大多数口岸对中国边疆发展的辐射力不够;从负面影响来说,沿边境口岸的跨国犯罪、分裂恐怖活动难以避免。根据以上特点,本文提出:树立口岸通达与管控相结合的管理理念,落实通达与管控双管齐下的管理措施;改善或提升陆地边境口岸的基础建设工作;逐渐改变口岸重经贸轻文化交流的现状;通过边境口岸加强中国与周边国家边境经贸互补性;因地制宜地在口岸过于稠密处减少口岸数量、在口岸稀少区域增设口岸数量;与毗邻国家在保持国家领土和主权的前提下建立友好关系,为边境口岸良性发展奠定外部基础;连接陆地边境口岸与航空、水运口岸,建设“一带一路”六大经济走廊。  相似文献   

FACED with the increasing threat from global warming,the importance of limiting the rise of the global temperatures within 1.5 degrees Celsius has become self-evident.To meet the Paris Agree-ment objective,by the end of this cen-tury,global carbon dioxide emissions are expected to fall to zero. As for China,in September 2020,President Xi Jinping announced the meaningful goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2060.This not only dem-onstrates China's determination to go green,but will also serve as a stimulus for Chinese companies to accelerate technological innovation and industrial upgrading towards a green and sustain-able economic development mode.  相似文献   

尤中 《思想战线》2006,32(3):19-22
历史上云南曾有过一条水陆交通线,即通往今天境外越南的红河航道。这条航道自先秦至元代一直存在并不断发展变化,史书对此有不少记载。红河航道的商业运输至唐朝时期(618~907年)繁荣发展到相当高度,可以由今越南河内北上,入今云南东南部、南部,转陆路交通路线,北上至今昆明,再转西折至今云南西部、西南部,入今缅甸境内,更北折西入今印度,形成了通往东南亚、南亚的国际水陆交通路线。同时又可自今昆明陆行北上,入今四川,更达中原。  相似文献   

李立振 《桂海论丛》2009,25(4):89-93
打造区域经济增长极,通过发挥其辐射作用和扩散效应,带动和拉动周边地区共同发展,这是区域经济发展的一条重要规律.打造区域经济增长极,铸造发展动力源,是推动港北科学发展的战略突破口.  相似文献   

It was a late proposal,a reversal of the set order of things,as it took place almost three months after the couple got married.It took place because the newlyweds would like to choose a perfect day for this event.  相似文献   

正The Qinling Mountains, ranging 1,600 km long from east to west and 300 km wide from north to south in central China, is also known as the natural boundary between the north and the south of China due to its unique climate and geographic location. The area is extremely rich in biodiversity. They are home to 3,800 species of plants and 530 species of animals, including famous ones such as the giant panda, snubnosed monkey, takin, crested ibis and black stork. In addition, it has abundant mineral resources, such as molybdenum, nickel, and limestone.  相似文献   

The concept of happiness differs from person to person and country to country. Beijing Review asked two people—Zhao Xingzhou,a doctor at a hospital in Baoding,north China’s Hebei Province,and Niu Fenglei,a white-collar worker at an IT corporation in Beijing—to share their ideas about happiness.  相似文献   

北朝文学中,四言韵文受儒学的影响而得到了很大的创作空间,遍及赋、颂、赞、碑、铭等文体.在北朝政局更迭频繁的特殊历史背景下,四言韵文也没有停滞不前.此时期,四言韵文的数量和质量均为可观,又为四言体在历史发展轨迹中留下了浓墨重彩的一笔.  相似文献   

李霞 《思想战线》2005,31(1):82-87
无论在传统的中国妇女研究还是在人类学汉人亲属制度研究中,大多预设了其研究对象的形象基调--妇女通常被定位为依附者的角色.其关注的重点是以文献、仪式所代表的制度,而不是实践中的人.以实践的民族志视野来考察,则所谓亲属制度是行动者在实践中构建出来并不断被实践所选择和重构的.华北一个村庄的妇女的亲属关系实践表明,妇女具有与男性不同的亲属观,她们通常是在制度框架内利用各种关系资源和策略积极地构建其亲属关系.  相似文献   

The world set a goal in the Paris Agreement: to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius of preindustrial levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has explained why this is a valid goal. If global warming were to go higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius, this would jeopardize life on the planet with a potential multi-meter sea-level rise, the collapse of critical ecosystems, and the release of methane from thawing permafrost, possibly triggering runaway warming. Yet the world's current trajectory implies a catastrophic 2.7-degree- Celsius increase in global temperature.  相似文献   

LION-shaped Yiyang City is to the south of Dongting Lake in north-central Hunan Province. The Zijiang River runs through the city from west to east, dividing it into two, and emptying into Dongting Lake. The Zishui Highway Bridge links the areas north and south of the river. In ancient times the Zijiang River was called Yishui. As at that time  相似文献   

今年是西藏民主改革50周年。50年在人类历史长河中不过是短暂一瞬,但在西藏这片古老而神奇的土地上却创造了旷世未有的人间奇迹。从肃穆的藏北高原到盎然的藏南谷地,从草原的牧民帐篷到热闹的拉萨街头,雪域高原焕发出勃勃生机,一个繁荣昌盛、充满活力的社会主义新西藏展现在世人面前。西藏50年的历史巨变,蕴含着党中央的深情关切。以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体,顺应西藏人民翻身解放的强烈愿望,带领西藏人民进行民主改革,实行民族区域自治,  相似文献   

W ITH a minimum altitude of more than 1,200 meters above sea level,the moun-tain range is higher in the north and low-er in the south,with some peaks reach-ing more than 2,000 meters above sea level.To the east of the mountain range is the North China Plain,while the Loess Plateau is in the west,thus creating a large dichotomy between the terrain on both sides.In the western region,the mountains are connected to high plateaus having a rather even topography,with gradual inclines and declines in the terrain,while the eastern region of the range is connected with the central plains,making the terrain quite uneven with many steep cliffs.These various geographical features add to the beauty of the Taihang Mountains scenery that can be described with words like magnificent,unique,dangerous,and serene.  相似文献   

Fly,Fly, Birdie     
The Shahe Reservoir in north Beijing is heaven for bird lovers.Each year, bird watching enthusiasts flock to the area to observe and record the lives of its avian inhabitants using binoculars and cameras equipped with telephoto lenses.  相似文献   

高校的女性学学科建设尚处于起步阶段,女子院校的女性学建设担负着重要的使命,在学科建制与学科内在规范的建立方面均有了一定的发展,学术合法化日益受到重视,从国家政策及教育机构的支持角度看,其社会合法化正逐步提高,系所、专业及学科的设立使得其行政合法化也有了实质的推进,但在政策投入力度、学理探讨、机制深化、学科课程设置以及跨校合作等方面亟待解决的问题还很多。  相似文献   

中法战争时期(1883-1885年),中法双方在台湾北部展开了激烈的争夺。淡水战役之后,法方发布封锁台湾海口的通告,开始了为期将近五个月的封锁作战行动。当时的清政府决策层明悉法方此举意在围困台湾抗法军民,阻止内地对台湾的增援。因此,清政府一方面通过积极组织大陆沿海各省渡台接济,另一方面在外交层面上展开一系列的动作,援引近代国际公法的相关规定揭露法方践踏国际法律的行为,以期得到其它西方列强的支持。清政府在“台湾封锁”问题上的外交努力,表明到了十九世纪末清政府开始意识到需要运用近代国际法来解决中外交涉事件,这是值得肯定的。  相似文献   

All-out efforts needed to shield minors from gaming disorder As a doctor in a psychiatric hospital in north Beijing,Liu Huaqing has witnessed how Internet addiction shatters the life of children and their families.One of his patients at the Beijing HuiLongGuan Hospital was a 12-year-old boy who had not been to school since November 2020.Instead,he stayed at home,glued to his smartphone for more than15 hours a day,playing games and watching short videos.He often went to bed at 3 or 4 a.m.and stopped following the most basic daily hygiene routine such as brushing his teeth or taking a shower.  相似文献   

泰山香社传统进香仪式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶涛 《思想战线》2006,32(2):79-90
香社是民众由于信仰志趣相同而自发结成的民间信仰组织。民众在泰山进香的仪式是一种有别于一般性朝山进香仪式的泰山类型,可分为集体进香仪式、个人祈愿仪式、日常祭拜仪式三类。从空间上来看,前往泰山进香的香客涉及华东、华北、东北等广阔的地域,有着不同区域文化背景的香客以各自熟悉的形式到同一个信仰空间(泰山)展演着自己的仪式。从时间上来看,泰山香社已有上千年的历史,其进香仪式形成了特有的一套规矩。对泰山香社仪式类型的民俗志描述,可以为仪式研究提供一种参照。  相似文献   

水资源紧缺已成为世人共同关注的全球性问题。近年来 ,我国北方农村实施集雨工程 ,收到了明显的效果。鉴此 ,本文主张将农村集雨成功的经验向乡镇、城区推广 ,城乡同步实施集雨工程 ,开发利用天然的水资源。这也是一条缓解我国乃至世界水资源紧缺的有效途径。这项工程费时短、耗资少、见效快。只要实施起来 ,就能使城乡水资源紧缺的问题得到缓解。  相似文献   

辛亥革命爆发后,江苏境内的江北地区提出独立分省要求,但最终失败.促使这一问题产生的原因主要为历史渊源、江南与江北间的隔膜、地方主义和辛亥革命带来的契机;导致其失败的因素则是南北之间的实力差距、袁世凯的统一政策、江北缺乏强有力绅权的支持以及分省要求缺乏政治上的合法性.  相似文献   

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