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李晨燕 《法制与社会》2013,(17):152-153
行政服务作为政府公共服务的重要有机组成部分,是建设服务型政府的关健。目前行政服务中主要强调合法性原则,合理性原则无论是在认识、操作还是适用范围上都存在不足。因此在合法原则的基础上,要以法律为基础,确认行政服务中合理性的必要性并严格把握合理性原则的适用标准进而加强合理性原则的适用,最终提升行政服务质量。  相似文献   

关于法律的存在性和合理性问题,至古以来在西方世界就是法律哲学讨论的话题。由于古希腊先哲们对这些问题不同的看法和辩护,使其逐步演化形成了自然法学和实证法学基本观念的对立。文章将从古希腊法律史出发,时自然法学和实证法学的起源思想展开梳理,从而作出最后的比较。  相似文献   

论行政合理性原则的适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴偕林 《法学》2004,(12):25-33
行政合理性原则不应只停留在行政法学理论上的研究 ,而需要对其适用问题加以关注以使其能够获得实践的活力 ,并在实践中得到检验与推动。对行政合理性原则的适用范围应当从多角度加以分析 ,我国《行政诉讼法》所确立的合法性审查原则并不排斥行政合理性原则在行政诉讼中的适度适用 ,并不构成法律和实践运作的冲突。借鉴国外司法审查经验 ,适应现代法治文明理念的提升要求 ,应当在我国确立行政合理性原则作为法律原则在行政法包括行政诉讼法渊源中的地位 ,以推动行政裁量及相关司法裁量不断走向合理 ,并能够不断丰富行政合理性原则内容本身。在适用性质上 ,行政合理性原则不仅是狭义上的对行政行为方式、手段、结果以及程序的裁量行为之控制规则 ,也是对行政法律适用之法律解释规则。  相似文献   

冯红 《法制与社会》2014,(1):214-215
一直以来,追求知识创新和自由竞争的教育理念都蕴涵在WTO法律体系中,并指导着世界法律教育的前进方向,同时也影响着中国的法学教育。中国在加入WTO以后,逐渐参与到经济全球化的潮流中去,在各方面都会面临挑战,特别是中国的法学教育,将面临新的任务和变革。本文通过介绍WTO法律体系中的教育理念以及我国法学院校的发展情况,在此基础上分析了中国加入WTO后对中国法学教育带来的影响,以此为根据对中国的法学教育提出合理性建议,促进中国法学高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

穆丽霞 《河北法学》2002,20(4):60-63
行政自由裁量权是行政权力中的重要组成部分 ,其存在有一定的理论基础、法律基础和社会基础 ;但它的合理存在并不表示这种权力能够被合理地运用 ;行政合理性控制则是对行政自由裁量权进行控制和驯服的最佳手段 ;行政合理性控制的核心内容是通过立法规范、司法审查、提高行政机关工作人员的职业素质来规范行政权的行使。  相似文献   

再论行政执法的合理性原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
再论行政执法的合理性原则傅国云一、合理性原则的内涵界定合理性原则是行政法基本原则在行政执法中的直接体现,对此我国行政法学界已形成共识。但对合理性原则的内涵表述却存在着明显的差异。主要有以下不同的界说:1.行政合理性原则是指行政主体(行政机关和法律、法...  相似文献   

关于行政法律观念的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于行政法律观念的研究贺善征一、行政法律观念是法学研究的对象通常认为,法学包括三个层次。第一层次是最广义的法律科学,只研究各种法律的共通原理,称为法学通论;对各种法律及其共通原理的概括讲授,形成法学概论课程。第二层次为法理学,包括法哲学和法律学以及比...  相似文献   

王元仁 《行政与法》2002,(11):23-25
WTO规则规范的是政府及政府行为,因此中国加入WTO后,必须对行政法制度作出改革。首先,必须按照WTO的“国民待遇原则”、“法律统一原则”、“透明度原则”、“行政公平原则”和“对行政行为监督审查原则”对行政法律制度作出相应的改革,以使政府行为与WTO接轨,同时政府要依法行使管辖权,才能保证行政法律制度改革的落实,对此,作者提出了自己的一些看法。  相似文献   

徐丹 《行政与法》2006,4(8):89-90
行政比例原则和行政合理性原则都是对行政自由裁量行为的控制,但二者仍有不同之处,比例原则包括三个子原则:适当性原则、必要性原则和狭义比例原则,其更具有操作性,比例原则引入我国,可应用于我国行政立法、行政执法和行政司法之中。  相似文献   

自动化行政促生法律代码化,并引发算法噬夺立法权现象。这表现为算法规则对法律规则的技术性修正、对实施性立法的替代、对上位立法的僭越以及对法律规则体系的整体性架空。算法对立法权的噬夺成就一项立法性算法权力。立法性算法权力的产生原因表明其具有技术层面的存在必要性,却并不必然具备法律面向的合理性。对立法性算法权力施加法律规制的必要性同时存在于技术层面和法律层面。在技术层面,这种必要性体现在立法性算法权力基于自身技术特性具有负外部性影响;在法律层面,这种必要性体现在立法性算法权力对依法行政原则、立法权分配格局产生根本动摇。对立法性算法权力进行法律规制,需要汲取当下算法规制的理论基础与制度实践,并结合立法性算法权力的自身特征,着眼于权力内容的实体限定与权力行使方式的程序限定。  相似文献   

The study of philosophical terms and doctrines in the Mahābhārata touches not only on important aspects of the contents, composition and the historical contexts of the epic, but also on the historiography of Indian philosophy. General ideas about the textual history of the epic and the distinction between “didactic” and “narrative” parts have influenced the study of epic philosophy no less than academic discussions about what is philosophy in India and how it developed. This results in different evaluations of the place of philosophical texts in the epic and their relationship to the history of Indian philosophy. While some scholars have suggested that there is a “philosophy of the epic” its composers wished to propagate, others have argued that “philosophy” is included in the epic either in a “proto” form or in a variety of doctrines (often presented is “mixed” or “unsystematic” ways) they deemed relevant. The article discusses these views and some of the heuristic assumptions on which they are based. It proposes to widen the scope of analysis by paying more attention to the interplay of narrative and didactic passages, the various ways in which philosophy is presented in the epic, and its connection to a larger spectrum of the reception of philosophy in textual genres and by audiences outside the expert circles of the philosophical schools.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court needs to clearly articulate the legal-political philosophy underlying its decisions so that consistency can be sought. Decisions involving life-and-death issued, such as capital punishment, should be based on sound, articulated philosophy rather than public opinion polls and the perceived mood of the public. Supreme Court justices, like everyone else, bring their own biases to their decisionmaking, but too often cases appear to be decided on “technical” due process issues rather than philosophic grounds. Of course, the “due process” interpretations used actually reflect inarticulated political philosophy.  相似文献   


According to Ward (2000), cognitive distortions emerge from “implicit theories” (ITs). Ward and Keenan (1999) established a typology of the ITs of child molesters in which they classified existing knowledge on their cognitive distortions into five categories: “entitlement”, “nature of harm”, “uncontrollability”, “child as sexual being” and “dangerous world”. The purpose of this research was to examine whether the cognitive distortions of child molesters are encapsulated fully by these five categories of ITs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 convicted francophone child molesters and their cognitive distortions were analysed. Results indicate that six ITs were present in this sample. “Entitlement”, “nature of harm” and “uncontrollability” were identical to those of Ward and Keenan. “Child as sexual being” and “dangerous world” were present, but varied from their original versions. A new IT emerged, which we called “child as partner”. We discuss these findings in comparison to their original versions.  相似文献   

陶侃 《金陵法律评论》2004,(3):58-62,134
蔡元培关于世界本原的思想,既传承了中国道家的"道器说"和宋明以后的"物心说",更糅合了德国古典哲学家康德的"二元世界说"和叔本华的"意志论",并在此基础上提出寻找世界统一本性的"通性"说."通性说"表达了蔡元培为达到理想的大同世界所作的哲学思考和心路历程,成为影响和决定其一生的思想基础.  相似文献   

朱学平 《现代法学》2005,27(2):22-28
早年黑格尔在图宾根时期提出的两个基本观念“理性和感性的统一”和“宗教和政治的统一”的驱动下,以及在基督教的影响下,逐步超出近代西方思想中法律和道德、国家和宗教的二元对立,重新厘定法律、道德和宗教之间的关系,开启了西方思想的一条新思路,并且基本奠定了后来黑格尔成熟时期法哲学的基础。  相似文献   

China's Internet companies and citizens are now world leaders in developing and using the Internet and related information technologies for financial transactions. Accordingly, it is important that China becomes a world leader in identifying challenges posed by Internet finance, and providing law and governance solutions to address these challenges. While the Internet and its associated technologies are now globally available, a core question is whether, and to what extent, regulatory challenges and opportunities are common across different jurisdictions, or whether they reflect local circumstances. In short, an interesting question is what can the world learn from China as it takes the lead in addressing Internet finance challenges, and what can China learn from the world as it seeks to do so?This article first identifies the landscape of China's burgeoning Internet finance market, including key technologies and services and government and nongovernment players. The article then turns to key regulatory challenges, with a focus on factors especially significant in China. The article then examines the “top down” “campaign style” approach to regulation, which is China government's initial response to emerging challenges. Following an analysis of the campaign, some suggestions are then made for future possible governance strategies. We explain how emerging “information” based and experiment-based approaches to governance are drawing on both global and Chinese experiences to harness the capabilities of the Internet and the collective energies of Internet finance enterprises and users to advance the regulation of the China Internet finance system in a way that is conducive to the public interest.  相似文献   

The victory of Donald Trump’s administration not only meant a change in domestic socioeconomic policy, but also in the sphere of U.S. foreign ties; it has had a strong influence on the development trend of the world economy and trade. Taking the path of protectionism and confrontation with key trade and economic partners in Latin America, Asia, and Europe, Washington has attempted to break the status quo and transform the existing character of the globalization process. The “Trump factor” has become a key element in the formation of a new global order.  相似文献   

Becoming a victim of structural unemployment means suffering an unjust fate. The present research examines the cognitive reactions subjects use to protect their belief in a just world and the related effects on their actual well-being within a sample of unemployed blue-collar workers in East Germany (all female). Results showed that the belief in a just world was positively correlated with attributing one’s unemployment to one’s own behavior and negatively with asking “why me?”, but uncorrelated with subjects’ readiness to change into another profession in order to get employed. Just world belief and depression were negatively related for those who either avoided the “why me?” question or who found an answer to it; but just world belief and depression was positively related for those women ruminating about an unanswered “why me?”. Results are consistent with the idea that the belief in a just world plays a significant role in the unemployed person’s coping process.  相似文献   

用诠释学的观点解读马克思的文本 ,是文本和解读者之间的“主体间性”的活动。马克思文本的“原意”是一个不可把握的概念 ,也许有但不可知。马克思主义哲学和马克思哲学在内容上有区分 ,但在意义上完全没有必要。“走进马克思”仅是对不看马克思文本而妄谈马克思的人的规劝。马克思主义哲学本身就是一种意识形态 ,用意识形态性来指责马克思主义哲学是对意识形态的偏见 ;但马克思主义哲学也确实在某种程度上被误解为政治理论 ,剥去马克思主义哲学的政治外衣是发展马克思主义哲学的必要。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which male offenders in professional‐status occupations prior to conviction construct and justify money‐related crime. We report a detailed analysis, based in grounded theory and critical social‐psychological discourse analysis, of a loosely‐structured group interview with four offenders. The men constructed justifications for their offenses in terms of “breadwinning” for their immediate family and economic responsibility toward their extended “family” of employees and creditors. They represented their post‐conviction decline in social status as being “dragged down” by envious “boys” in the state apparatus. They positioned themselves on moral high ground, despite having been inappropriately sent to the working class world of prison (“Dante's Inferno”). We contrast these accounts with those of less privileged male offenders.  相似文献   

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