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一是在模块教学的组织中教学目的、教学方法和教学效果要协调一致(一体化);二是推进理论教学实习化,实习教学课堂化,使模块教学中教学目的、教学内容、教学方式和教学组织一体化;三是制定检测系统,保证教学内容与模块教学体系的主导思想一体化;四是模块设计中要保持教学内容的连续性和系统性,要有利于教师在教学组织过程中通过与学生的相互作用实现知识的迁移。  相似文献   

加强和改进大学生思想政治理论课教学,要创新教育理念,提高大学生对思想政治理论课的重要性和必要性认识;要创新教学内容,增强思想政治理论课教学的针对性和实效性;要创新课堂教学模式,增强思想政治理论课教学的吸引力和感染力.结合思想政治理论课程的教学目标、教学内容、教学方法以及教学载体几个方面,论述了当前高校思想政治理论课程改革的有效途径.  相似文献   

黄一珊 《学理论》2014,(9):264-265,270
生活化教育,是教育改革新理论和思路,是提高思想政治理论课实效性的新路径。思想政治理论课教学要实现生活化教育需设计生活化教学目标,构架系统生活化教学内容、探索多元、开放、立体式的生活化评价体系。  相似文献   

专题武教学能否取得成功,专题的设计和内容组织是关键."概论"课专题教学内容设计必须从"概论"课的基本定位、教材实际、高职学生特点、高职"概论"课教学现状出发,遵循专题教学内容设计原则,才能实现高职"概论"课专题教学内容的科学设计.  相似文献   

教育目标指导和支配着整个教育过程,是一切教育活动的出发点和归宿。生成是教学目标的过程性特征,强调在动态生成的课堂情境中实现学生主体性、创造性等多方面发展,对教育者和学习者在教学中的主动性表现了应有的尊重。在探索生成性目标形成方式中,分析了教师的课程意识、目标设置、师生关系以及教学评价方式等影响生成性目标形成的因素,进而提出培养教师生成意识和能力、制定弹性教学目标、建构师生互动平台以及转变评价机制,从而有效地促进课堂教学生成性目标的形成。  相似文献   

韩宇 《学理论》2012,(10):224-225
大学生法律教育从法律常识教育提升为法律素质教育,使法律教育回归生活本身的迫切性凸显。法律教学内容与方法的生活化设计应以学习兴趣为基础,立足现实,合理设计教学重心。教学内容取材于现实生活,将有助于学生通过生活体验生成法律素养。  相似文献   

将人文主义思想与英语教学结合会产生很多意想不到的效果:对于学生而言,学生的自学能力和实践应用能力将会得到很大的提高;对于教师而言,教师的教学重心更多地移向学生的综合能力的养成,并且能够促使开设更多的和这种结合相关的课程。要将人文主义教育思想结合英语的教学,需要做好以下几点:教育理念的跟进;教学教材与教学内容的跟进;知识框架的跟进;教师要做好自身教学能力的更新。  相似文献   

梁维科 《学理论》2012,(28):215-216
师生冲突是教学场域中最主要的教学冲突类型。在高校《马克思主义原理概论》课教学当中,师生冲突主要表现为教师传统的授课方式与新媒体下学生对信息的接受方式不兼容;教师传播的教材内容与学生的兴趣点不一致;教师简单的课堂问答与激发学生的学习积极性存在差距;教学的整体性要求与教师自身的知识结构不统一。为了化解师生冲突,实现教学相长,教师应该加强自我学习和自我更新,从学生兴趣点出发把教学内容与社会热点结合起来;通过培训和自学来打破自身知识结构单一化和专业化的瓶颈;实现师生间的真正互动,把教师设计问题与学生讨论结合起来。  相似文献   

人生格局是一个人的内化修养,一旦自然生成将会受益终生。要重视高中思想政治教学在青年学生人生格局生成中的基础性作用,引导青年学生以人生大格局的坚定性支撑起人生理想的崇高性、人生信念的坚定性、人生奋斗的持续性、职业规划的长远性。为达到此目的,就要务求思想政治教学的实效,教学素材选择方面实现从试题化到生活化,教学理念方面实现从"单打独斗"到"协同作战",思想政治课教师成长方面做到终身学习。  相似文献   

思想政治理论课实践教学模块化本质上是一种教学模式。所谓实践教学模块化是把思想政治理论课按照课程特点类型化、模块化,进一步根据各个课程的教材知识体系、理论侧重设计出若干不等的实践教学内容与形式的小模块,在教学实际中注重实践化、体现知识、理论的应用化。实践教学模块化设计要体现出校本实际,创造校本模式,表现出动静结合的运行管理特点。  相似文献   

Kliemt  Hartmut 《Public Choice》2012,150(3-4):439-467
I study a game where two agents bargain on an agreement to replace the status quo. For their agreement to come into effect, they need the approval of a third agent. The preferences of this third agent is private information, but there is communication among agents. I study this game in the context of international agreements to provide an explanation for involuntary ratification failures. I show that under certain assumptions, the informational deficiency is incurable due to incentives to misrepresent preferences, and that a parliament whose majority is more hawkish than their executive prefers the executive to be risk averse.  相似文献   

The Significance of The Administrative State   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To mark the 60th anniversary of the appearance of The Administrative State by reexamining the politics–administration debate is confining and ignores Waldo's grand enterprise to describe the unique context in which American public administration emerged and developed. Instead of bemoaning or strategizing the reconciliation of a supposed schism, modern scholars should appreciate what is, in fact, a natural and necessary tension.  相似文献   

纸币制度推动了人类社会商品经济飞速发展,但纸币制度存在严重缺陷,带来了多种形态的经济危机,纸币制度还不是人类终极的货币制度。 电子货币时代正在向我们走来。尽管今天的电子货币还只是作为纸币的代用物形式出现,就像历史上纸币一开始也曾以金属货币代用物形式出现一样,最终电子货币会  相似文献   

The crisis in Darfur (Sudan), which sparked in February 2003, only caught the United Nations’ attention in Spring 2004. Questions emerged as to whether the conflict between the rebels and the government was simply insurgency warfare or, in fact, concealed a genocide carried out by the Arab, Muslim-led government against the Animist and Christian-African population. The issue became so divisive that the Security Council requested the creation of an investigation team, the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, which amongst other tasks had to examine whether genocide had taken place. This article analyzes the facts as well as the legal reasoning that guided the International Commission of Inquiry in drawing the conclusion that a governmental policy to commit genocide had not been formed.  相似文献   

凡勃伦的《有闲阶级论》是现代消费社会学的开山之作,至今仍是这一领域最值得认真阅读的著作。本文试从三个方面讨论这本经典著作,其一,《有闲阶级论》并非如其表面那样容易阅读,及其理由何在?其二,《有闲阶级论》一书包含三个上下连贯的组成部分:凡勃伦的社会哲学和方法论(一般理论);关于有闲阶级的系统理论;对有闲阶级现象的系统观察;其三,从分析社会学的理论视角看《有闲阶级论》的理论得失。  相似文献   

管祥久  范国强 《学理论》2010,(12):111-112
白寿彝先生是我国当代著名的民族史史学家。在民族关系史研究中,白寿彝先生强调注重民族团结、民族协作、汉族的主体性等在民族关系发展中的地位与作用等,极大的促进了我国的民族关系史史学理论的进步与发展。  相似文献   

This essay reviews some of the recent criticisms of positivist science. It interprets this criticism, more generally, as directed towards the complexity of social science phenomena and the difficulty of dealing with complexity epistemologically and methodologically. Rather than ignoring complexity, changing the subject matter or explaining it away, we argue that complexity may be acknowledged and studied systematically withn the context of post-positivist approaches. The essay than proposes several strategies for conceptualizing and researching complexity (at a "meta-level" from substantive policy research) that are based in systems theory.  相似文献   

The Process of Government and The Governmental Process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review finds little utility in Bentley's famous The Process of Government . It is asserted that his book is cited as a primary source of interest group writing, but in fact, the review argues, that this prominence is given mainly by those who want to criticise the interest group orientation. Critics commonly misinterpret the group approach as meaning that policy is the outcome of an interest group struggle: such critics seem to find in Bentley that banal and easily discredited position. The review argues that in fact Bentley's stress on group conflict was anything but coincident with interest group conflict. The charge is unfair on Bentley as it grotesquely simplifies his position and is unfair on the general interest group approach because that perspective is not adequately summarised by a distortion of Bentley. In contrast Truman's The Governmental Process is commended as raising issues that are strikingly contemporary.  相似文献   

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