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Democracy is making brisk headway in Chinese government, first and most prominently in grassroots units. Changsha County in central Hunan Province has taken the first step towards building an open government. In Baimiao Township, Bazhong County, Sichuan Province, the public  相似文献   

发展党内基层民主的实践与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦英思 《桂海论丛》2009,25(1):29-32
党内民主是党的生命,党内基层民主是党内民主的基石.近年来,广西各级党组织以改革创新的精神,学习借鉴外地的先进经验,坚持从实际出发,解放思想,积极探索发展党内基层民主的新制度、新举措,取得了许多新进展和有益的启示.  相似文献   

Consultative democracy in urban and rural communities ensures the participation of ordinary people in democratic governance to guarantee their legitimate rights and interests.The rule of law aims to restrict power and safeguard social harmony,enabling people to live and work happily.The rule of law provides an institutional guarantee of consultative democracy.Village meetings,legal mediations and correctional supervision in the community for of enders exem-  相似文献   

北京市东城区作为首都功能核心区,早在2010年就作为全国及北京市社会管理创新综合试点区,此后通过推动建立各利益相关方相互合作的公众参与社区治理机制,启动社区社会组织孵化培育工程,有效整合了社区建设的多方力量,初步构建起"以街道工委为领导核心、街道办事处为责任主体、社区居委会为共治载体、社区各利益方为参与主体"的社区协商共治体系,目前已形成了具有东城特色的社区治理实践经验与发展模式。  相似文献   

党内基层民主建设是保持党的生命力和活力的源泉,在党内民主建设中处于基础性地位。现阶段,党内基层民主建设既取得了长足的发展,也面临着一些现实问题。新形势下,网络互动机制的建构是对传统党建方式的有力补充,是推进党内基层民主建设的有益探索。网络互动机制的建构是一个系统工程,应该从建立互动栏目、设计运行程序和提供运行动力三方面着手进行。  相似文献   

I am a judicial assistant at the Shuangqiao Tribunal affiliated to Chaoyang District Court in Beijing. After obtaining my MA from the China University of Political Science andLaw in 2008, I first worked at Jiuxianqiao Tribunal and transferred to my present position in July of 2011. At that time  相似文献   

Lugu Lake     
Our destination was Lugu Lakesupposedly home to the only matriarchal society left on Earth. This unique civilization is based around the banks and beaches of the lake, a spectacular alpine body of water which straddles the Sichuan and Yunnan border in southwest China. Sitting at an altitude of 2,685 meters, it is officially the highest lake in either province. We didn’t quite believe that a society like this could exist, and if it did, how it could function peacefully. We boarded the Lugu Lakebound bus to investigate. Though a handful of China’s 55 ethnic minority groups are represented here, including Yi and Pumi peoples-it is the Mosuo and the dominant role of their women in society that attract visitors. These people may number a mere 40,000 in total,  相似文献   

基层民主是当代中国最直接、最广泛的民主实践。在基层民主建设中,制度创设是前提,机制保障是根本,民众参与是动力。始终坚持党和政府的统一领导,以实现群众根本利益为指针,以促进社会和谐为基本目标,发挥群众首创精神,密切联系经济社会发展实际,逐步实现基层民主政治建设的制度化、规范化和程序化,走出一条中国特色社会主义基层民主的发展道路,是我国基层民主建设和发展的基本经验所在。  相似文献   

激活民主政治的主要路径在基层,自治组织和社会组织是激活基层民主的重要主体,是创新社会治理的重要途径。自治组织日益成为城市社区建设的重要力量,成为激发基层民主活力的重要来源,是社区公共事务自治性的重要体现。发挥社会组织参与社会治理的协同作用,能够促进社会组织积极参与公益事业、民生建设、社会治理、一体化发展等,充分激发社会组织的活力。  相似文献   

社区自主权是少数民族旅游发展中的一种特殊方法,在旅游利益、文化自觉、民族自觉方面具有重要意义,但存在在着“阴影”,因此必须加强社区营造,走向良性的社区主权的运作。  相似文献   

发展基层党内民主营造党内和谐局面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
营造党内和谐局面,必须以发展党内民主为基础。当前主要应从培育基层党内民主的推进动力入手,在发展基层党内民主的过程中营造健康、持久的党内和谐局面。  相似文献   

The successful Olympic torch relay to Mt. Qomolangma (known as Mt. Everest in English-speaking countries) show-cased the advanced technology being applied in the 2008 Beijing Games. The 19-member team reached the summit 8,844 meters above sea level, and successfully lit the torch on the world's highest peak. The key device involved in this feat was the small lighter used in the relay. In order to provide a flame at the top of Mt. Qomolangma, the lighter needed to function in wind speeds of up to 18 meters per second, and at a temperature of minus 26℃. In fact, the lighter can burn in a hurricane, at temperatures of minus 40℃, and at 0.3 of normal atmospheric pressure. The high-tech lighters and other devices used for the torch relay were developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation.  相似文献   

Grassroots Rival     
Bored with the official holiday gala, ordinary people make their own show to celebrate China's Spring Festival  相似文献   

<正>A new round of reform empowers community organizations For 51-year-old Chen,director of a resident committee in Beijing’s Shijingshan District,no household matter is trivial.She emphasizes that her job is to serve local residents and solve their problems.  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志最近提出学习民主、实践民主,这很有新意.学习民主既包括向自身学习,向传统学习,当然还包括借鉴"他山之石".运用民主的国情是不同的,我们要坚持中国的特色,但民主的运行机理是相通的,民主的操作规则是相通的.人民民主这条路非走不可了,早走比晚走主动.稳步推进党内民主,尊重党员的主体地位,先党内后党外,公推直选有助于增强党员行使民主权利的直观感,真正把普通党员的知情权、参与权、选择权、监督权落到实处.民主长期滞后会危及一个政权,危及一个政党的生命.科学研究的任务不是去预测民主哪一天能够彻底实现,而是研究民主在特定的历史条件下能够发展到什么程度,以什么形式体现出来,以便尽可能体现大多数人的利益和意志.  相似文献   

如何看待资本主义民主 ,如何看待社会主义民主与资本主义民主的关系 ,这是当代马克思主义者无法回避的重大问题 ;也是我们建设有中国特色的社会主义民主政治无法回避的重大问题 ,德拉·沃尔佩对此进行了理论上的深入探讨。传统马克思主义的研究强调了社会主义民主与资本主义民主的不同和对立 ,而德拉·沃尔佩则强调了二者间的肯定———否定的关系 ,强调了社会主义民主对资本主义民主的恢复和更新。他认为共产主义应该得到继承现代民主制的遗产的资格和权利 ,主张社会主义民主应当吸收资本主义民主中的合理成份 ,并论证了其必要性和重要性。德拉·沃尔佩将社会主义民主和资本主义民主的冲突 ,归结为民主和自由的冲突 ,并追溯到卢梭的民主精神和洛克、康德的自由主义精神的冲突 ;而他主张的社会主义民主是卢梭的民主精神和洛克、康德的自由精神的合题 ,要在更高的水平上实现民主和自由的真正统一。  相似文献   

Improved urban living conditions have prompted mass moves from dilapidated one-story dwellings in traditional courtyards to well-equipped apartments in multi-story tower blocks.
Neighborhood committees governing areas of pingfang, or one-story houses, formerly consisted of local inhabitants, often housewives or retirees. Their main task was managing the community according to government guidelines. This entailed distributing government subsidies to poverty-stricken inhabitants, and keeping track of the floating population. As the lack of privacy in traditional residential courtyards made family quarrels public matters, a main function of neighborhood committees was also that of medi- ating domestic disputes.  相似文献   

试论代议民主与网络民主   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王烨 《理论月刊》2006,(3):48-50
本文对网络民主与代议民主进行了比较,并得出结论:在网络的时代背景下,须将代议民主和网络民主结合起来,以网络民主为重要手段,借助网络数字平台来改善代议民主信息摄取的不及时和不完整;以代议民主来弥补网络民主决策的低效并解决其权威性问题。这样,网络民主与代议民主实现互补才能真正促进民主的发展。  相似文献   

西方协商民主理论与我国社会主义民主政治   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自上个世纪80年代以来,为了应对多元社会的挑战,西方学术界逐渐兴起了协商民主理论。国内一些学者将西方的协商民主引入中国,视之为中国民主政治的发展目标。本文认为,协商不但是我国民主政治的基本精神,而且已经在实践中成为一种重要的民主形式,同时我国的协商与西方所谓的协商民主存在本质上的区别。因此,发展社会主义民主政治、建设社会主义政治文明应该积极借鉴人类文明有益成果,但同时必须从国情出发,始终走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路。  相似文献   

正Chinese villagers learn from U.S.rules on deliberative decision making On May 2,a small meeting attended by seven people was held in Nantang Village in Fuyang City,east China's Anhui Province.They were discussing how to involve more senior villagers in the organic chicken-raising industry.The host of the meeting,Yang Yunbiao,is the head of the Nantang Xingnong Cooperative,an organization set up in 2007 to  相似文献   

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