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<正>Northeast Asia’s major stakeholders forge closer ties without a formal mechanism "Boasting the world’s second and third biggest economies,China and Japan,northeast Asia has been the most dynamic region in the world in recent decades," said Chae Wook,Director of the South Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,at the Seventh China Jilin-Northeast Asia Investment and Trade Expo held on September 6-11 in Changchun,capital of northeast China’s Jilin Province.  相似文献   

INCREASINGLY, Chinese athletes are making outstanding performances in international sports competitions, attracting much at- tention to China’s "nationwide sports training system." Media put much of China’s success at the Beijing Olympics down to this "nationwide sport system,"  相似文献   

The new Chinese leadership is fully aware of the importance of a stable and peaceful international environment for the country’s development.Last year was important to both China and the world at large.Overshadowed by a lingering globaeconomic slump,the chills of the European debt crisis were still broadly felt,putting a damper on growth in economies around the world.Despite  相似文献   

正SINGAPORE,China’s Hong Kong,China’s Taiwan and South Korea all achieved miraculous economic development as early as the 1970s.These so-called"Four Little Dragons"rapidly became high-income economies with signifi cantly improved living standards.Since the 1990s,however,Asian developing countries such as China have experienced faster,more conspicuous economic growth than any other region in the world.  相似文献   

THE medium-term target of creating a "moderately prosperous society,"as set out at the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th National Congress,is potentially a pivotal moment in China’s development.It is not only an economic goal,but also one that aims to build a sense of social cohesion and purpose-things the country has sometimes been found lacking in recent years.  相似文献   

<正>Islam’s presence in China still manifests itself today the Tongxin Great Mosque in Wuzhong—about two hours’drive south of yinchuan,the capital of northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region—is a pearl of wellpreserved Islamic culture in China.Built in the 14th century,the mosque is one of the oldest Muslim places of worship  相似文献   

7.8Percent Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that China’s GDP grew by 7.8 percent in 2012. Although the growth rate is lower than that of 2011, it is still the highest among leading world economies and China’s contribution to the world’s economic development is increasing. According to the latest forecast by the IMF, the global  相似文献   

正Discussions surrounding overcapacity at the justconcluded G20 Summit in Hangzhou, east China’s Zhejiang Province, indicate that the problem has caught the attention of the world’s leading economies.However, few concrete action plans to mitigate the  相似文献   

正Zhou Qiang, China’s chief justice, delivered a work report of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) at the second plenary meeting of the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 9,2018  相似文献   

正China’s Procurator-General Cao Jianming delivered a work report of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) at the second plenary meeting of the first session of the13th National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2018  相似文献   

No Place to Hide     
China’s hunt for former officials suspected of corruption who are living overseas has recently received a boost.At an APEC event in Beijing in early November,major AsiaPacific economies agreed to adopt the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption and to establish the APEC Network of AntiCorruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies.Coupled with China’s ongoing  相似文献   

Debt to GDP China’s macro leverage ratio,the proportion of debt to GDP,has risen at an average annual rate of 4.8 percentage points over the past five years,the Peoples Bank oF China said in an online statement on March 8.“Compared with other major economies,the rise in China has been controllable since the COVID-19 outbreak,and a relatively small increase in debt has supported the country’s rapid economic recovery,”the statement said.  相似文献   

On December 17,2010,the city assembly of Ishigaki,in Japan’s Okinawa Prefecture,designated January 14 as the "pioneering" day of the "Senkaku Islands," known as the Diaoyu Islands in China. China’s People’s Daily recently published an article condemning the announcement based on historical documents. Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

<正>Against the backdrop of shrinking outbound investments around the world,China’s outbound investments are increasing.China has now become the world’s third largest investor,after the United States and Japan.Chinese companies’investments can bring capital,jobs and market opportunities to destination countries—and more importantly,more vitality to local economies.According to the Pew Research Center’s report issued in July,an estimated 33,000 jobs in the United States are  相似文献   

<正>‘The lush field north of the Great Wall has become more and more beautiful,breeding some new hopes,"said Chinese President Xi Jinping during his inspection tour to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in July 2016.That year,a song named Let’s Go to Ningxia became widely known in China,whose lyrics and melody became the region’s calling card.  相似文献   


正Innovation-driven growth and structural reform are sure to take the spotlight during this year’s G20 Summit,as well as China’s backing for the world’s major economies to form a consensus and work together to pull the world economy back on track.Foreign Minister Wang Yi made these remarks at a press conference in Beijing on March8 in response to a question on how China will play a leading role while hosting the G20 Summit in Hangzhou on September 4-5.  相似文献   

In Top Gear     
While domestic carmakers are ceding ground to foreign companies, Great Wall Motors defies the norm When Wei Jianjun took charge of Great Wall Motors in 1990, the privately owned automaker, based in Baoding, north China’s Hebei Province, had been in the red for years. Wei  相似文献   

正People--to--people exchanges help to promote China--India relations As the two largest developing countries in the world,China and India share the common goals of boosting their economies and improving their people’s  相似文献   

AS a centerpiece of its recent 55th birthday cel-ebration, China Today launched the New Life Love and Compassion Journey in the Great Hall of the People on Beijing’s Tianan-men Square on September 21, 2007. Mr. Zhou Mingwei, executive vice president of China International Publishing Group, declared at the event: "China Today was  相似文献   

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